Immigrant's Son Gives $1.5 Million to NYU's School of Dentistry Resistance Leader Will Attend Truman Event NEW YORK — Frode Jakobsen, acting chairman of the Danish delegation to the United Nations, will be among the many members of the foreign diplomatic corps and ambassadors to the United Nations who will attend the pre- sentation ceremony of the Theodor Herzl Award — Gold Medallion to former President Harry S. Truman at the annual ZOA dinner Sunday evening at the Hotel Waldorf- Astoria. Jakobsen played a leading role in the Danish resistance movement during World War II and served as minister for special affairs re- lated to the occupation of Denmark in the first Danish cabinet after the war. He is now a member of Parliament (Social-Democrat) and general commissioner for the Dan- ish Home Guard. The dinner, which will high- light the presentation of the award to former President Truman, will commemorate the 18th anniversary of the adoption of the United Na- tions resolution for the establish- ment of the state of Israel. Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark, who served as attorney- general in the cabinet of President Truman, and James Roosevelt, ambassador to the United Nations, will head a distinguished group of representatives from the U.S. gov- ernment and Congress. Michael Comay, ambassador to the United Nations, will pay tribute in behalf of the government and people of Israel. Dr. Emanuel Neu- mann, honorary president of the ZOA, will be toastmaster. Hias Foresees Mounting Work While Migration Grows, Much From Cuba NEW YORK (JTA) — Jewish migration in many parts of the world is increasing with Jewish men, women and children "flock- ing" to the offices of the United Hias Service seeking help that they hope will come in time, Murray I. Gurfein, United Hias president, said Sunday. Addressing t h e 36th annual meeting of the United Hias Council of Organizations, Gurfein noted that, in addition to the increase in Jewish migration expected into this country as a result of the new United States immigration law, the reopening of the doors of Cuba will add to the responsibility of United Hias. "Most of the 2,500 Jews still in Cuba," he said, want to come to the United States. United Hias has already received in- quiries from relatives here con- cerning more than 1,200 of these people." James P. Rice, executive direc- tor of the migration agency, re- ported that United Hias "will pro- vide migration and related serv- ices to some 64,000 people this year including 12,050 from Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and Cuba, who will be assisted to re- settle in free Western countries." Awards were presented at the meeting to Congressman Emanuel Celler, New York Democrat, for his role as a "champion of lib- eralized immigration legislation," and to the Workmen's Circle, a Jewish fraternal order, on the oc- casion of its 65th anniversary. I N ow 2.:Euisz NEW YORK (JTA)—K. Bernard shop and, later, by teaching piano. ing agriculture in various foreign Weissman, a Jewish financier He amassed his fortune by financ- countries. whose immigrant father ran a small candy store on New York's Lower East Side, donated $1,500,- 000 to New York University for the construction of a new building for the institution's school of den- tistry. The building, to be erected not far from Weissman's birth place on Forsyth Street, will bear the name of the donor. Weissman helped support his family when he was 10 years old A Phone Call Will SAVE You Money! by teaching English to East Side immigrants, by working in a tailor No one undersells HARRY ABRAM SHORE CHEVROLET CO. Res. LI 8-4119 12240 Jos. Campau TW 1-0600 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6—Friday, November 26, 1965 How can you be sure you'll have enough money for Christmas shopping next year? force yourself MANUFACTURERS BANK CHRISTMAS CLUB NEXT' CHRISTMAS DEPOSIT EVERY OTHER WEEK $ 25 50 100 2 500 $ 1.00 IF YOU WANT OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOO OOO 41111•001100$ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO 50...... OOOOOOOOOO 00,00.0 OOOOOOOOOOOOO 1100800 so 00$000000 OOOOO OOOOO *SOO 2.00 4.00 10.00 20.00 . If you have to force yourself a little to start saving for next year's Christmas shopping, think how it will take the pressure off when you're finished. k /1 \ PAUL NEWMAN WE'RE THE DODGE BOYS THAT SAVE YOU CASH! Decide now how much money you'll need for 1966 holiday expenses, and begin putting that amount aside in a Manufacturers Bank *Christmas Club Account. Then, when Christmas, 1966 rolls around you'll have receipts instead of bills. An ounce of force every other week, can take off pounds of pressure next year. MANUFACTURERS 855 Oakland, Pontiac — LI 9-6161 HATIICHAL DAM Detroit, Michigan "JNF offers The Unbreak- able Link with The Land Of Our Ancestors". Say it with TREES For All Occasions. UN 4-2767 OFFICE HOURS: MON. THRU THURS., 9 to 5; FRIDAY, 9 - 4; SUNDAYS 10 A.M. to 1 P.M.