Israel Applauds Frankl's Theory Stresses Heeding the Meaning of Life Review of "The Doctor and ' welcome and n e e d e d. He has can be summoned to his rescue Award to Truman the A Soul," in this procedure. Logotherapy is by Viktor E. Frank!. NEW. YORK — The selection of President Harry S. Truman as recipient of the 1965 Theodor Herzl Gold NI e d a Ili o n of the Zionist Organization of Amer- ica was acclaim- ed by the govern- ment and people of Israel through President Zalman Shazar, in a spec- ial message ad- dressed to Jac- q u e s Torczyner, president of the ZOA. President Sha- zarexpressed "pleasure that you in the ZOA have made so particularly ap- propriate a choice". Truman The presenta- tion ceremony of the award to President Truman will take place at the annual ZOA dinner at the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, Nov. 28, in commemoration of the 18th (Chai) anniversary of the pass- age of the UN resolution for the establishment of a Jewish state. High-ranking statesmen and leaders in all walks of life in the United States, Israel and the inter- national scene will join in the tribute to the former president in recognition of his role as a leader of the free world and his con- tributions to the establishment of the State of Israel. By DR. JOHN M. DORSEY WSU University Professor In "The Doctor and the Soul" (Knopf), Dr. Viktor E. Frank! de- fines his therapeutic, logotherapy, as treatment of the spiritual and, beyond that, the meaning of the individual. He explains that this spiritual "does not have a reli- gious connotation but refers to the specifically human dimension." Further, he points out that it is "not the aim of logotherapy to take the place of existing psychotherapy, but only to complement it." This logotherapy "will be indicated in cases where a patient turns to a doctor for help in his spiritual dis- tress, not because of actual dis- ease." He adds, "as sexual frustra- tion may—at least according to psychoanalysis—lead to neuroses, it is conceivable that frustration of the will-to-meaning may also lead to neurosis,"—to existential neu- rosis. Further, "there are cases in which ordinary psychotherapy must be applied and yet a complete cure can be e f f e c t e d only by logo- therapy." Based upon his personal exper- ience, Dr. Frankl offers certain insightful viewpoints, such as, "In attempting to answer the question of the meaning of life—that most human of all questions—man is thrown back upon himself, must realize that he is questioned by life and has to answer and be answer- able with his life"; and, "I am absolutely convinced that the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka and Maidanek were ultimately pre- "Obscurity and a competence pared not in some ministry or other — that is the life that is best in Berlin, but rather at the desks and in the lecture halls of nihilis- worth living." — Mark Twain. tic scientists and philosophers." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS His observations on heeding the meaning of life are particularly 8—Friday, November 19, 1965 worked up key terms for describ- ing his approach to psychotherapy, calling his special treatment tech- nique "paradoxical intention." The "paradox" lies in the curative ef- fect deriving from the patient's "intentionally" bringing on himself the precise symptom, or symptoms, which he has been in the habit of fearing as his ordeal or sick- ness. The patient's sense of humor, as well as other integrating forces, AJCongress Hits Realtors for Stand Against Fair- Housing Legislation NEW YORK — The American Jewish Congress Monday sharply criticized a statement by the head of the National Association of Real Estate Boards opposing any change in the association's traditional op- p o s it i o n to anti-discrimination housing laws. Commenting on a statement is- sued Sunday by NAREB president Maurice G. Read at the opening of the realtors' association conven- tion in Chicago, Howard M. Squad- ron, chairman of the commission on law and social action of the AJ Congress, declared: " T h e National Association of Real Estate Boards has revealed a startling ignorance of the nature of equality . . . Mr. Read's comment that he did not think 'the time is ripe' for the National Association of Real Estate Boards to propose legislative programs to its local boards is, to put it mildly, quaint." then appreciated especially for what suffering it can alleviate. A goodly number of case reports illustrate the efficacy of the pa- tient's efforts at self-management in accordance with his learning through experiences to tolerate his fear of his symptomatic attacks. Dr. Frankl progresses from logo- therapy through existential analysis to medical ministry, the border- land of medicine, philosophy and religion, with its problems and dangers of overstepping the boun- daries: "Medical ministry helps the patient to shape his suffering into inner achievement and so to realize attitudinal values." This work, the second expanded edition, invites interest on several scores. Written by an internation- ally noted Viennese professor of psychiatry and neurology, a sur- vivor of the horrors of two con- centration camps, and a represen- tative of the development of pres- ent European psychiatric trends toward existentialism, it well de- serves the attention of American mental health workers as well as health servers in general. Israel Renews Picking of Olives by Jordanians in Troubled Sector (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) o JERUSALEM—Jordanian villag- ers have again been permitted to pick olives in the Israeli-held sec- tor of the Mount Scopus enclave where three Israeli policemen were wounded last December by Jordan- ian soldiers when similar Israeli permission was granted, Israeli sources said Wednesday. The enclave is demilitarized, and access to it is via Jordanian-held old Jerusalem under UN super vision. The olive groves in the enclave have been periodically worked by Arab villagers follow- ing requests for Israel's consent by UN truce supervisors. . When the three Israeli police- men were wounded, the UN truce organization took the blame for transmitting locations incorrectly. However, Israel considered this act a breach of faith and withdrew its consent to the olive picking. Pick- ing has been going on for the past 10 days. "Are the men of the hour ever the men of the eternities?" — John Burroughs. Made it to the Top? Great! Lend us your talent! Join a group of successful businessmen and gain noteworthy inspiration by helping to combat cancer, leukemia and heart disease. Liquor law violators defraud the government out of millions of tax dollars each year. Aside from the liquor tax lost, many of the viola- tors do not pay income tax on their ill-gotten gains. Ronald Sloan WRITE ME AT .. . Detroit Businessmen's Group City of Hope 5337 Vermont, Detroit, Michigan 9' Bar-Ilan University of Israel 10th Anniversary Banquet Tuesday, November 30, 6 p.m., at Cobo Hall Will acknowledge the State of Israel's acclaim of Detroit's pioneering role in the establishment of the great university in Ramat Gan, Israel 4( 9' 4( 9( 9' 4( 9( All Detroiters are invited to join in the Detroit celebration and to participate in honoring GOVERNOR GEORGE ROMNEY OF MICHIGAN who will be presented with an honorary Bar-Ilan Fellowship at the dinner by Dr. Joseph H. Lookstein, President of Bar-Ilan Guest Speaker will be Rabbi Morris Adler Make your reservations at once, to assure your participation in this historic event. For information and reservations call Dl 1-0708 9' 9( 9( 4( 9( 9' 9( 9( 9( 9( 9( 9' 9( 1( 9( r9( 9( 9( 9( 9( ************************************************************* 4c