Final Judgment on Vatican Schema Pinned on Action sciousness of the common heritage — was made by America, Jesuit pudiation of the "invidious" charge that the declaration "had been (Continued From Page 1) weekly, in an editorial discussing of the collective guilt of the Jews watered down" and that the con- that he was pr aying for non- of the Church and the Jews." troversy over the test of the state- Christians, "especially for Jews He was asked which aspect of the revisions of the Ecumenical for the death of Jesus, and its ment in the Ecumenical Council and Moslems." Referring to the the declaration — that regarding Council's proposed declaration on rejection of anti-Semitism — would "has already blunted its intended afford "new opportunities for im- relations with the Jewish people. declaration which includes rela- the desirability of a continuing Stating that the text of the ported interreligious understand- effect. It was meant to be a word tions with the Jewish people, he Christian-Jewish "dialogue," or said "loving charity is widening that stating the Church's opposi- declaration, as amended, would be ing and cooperation throughout of love and friendship. It has al- ready been the source of bitter- and opening up to all." tion to anti-Semitism — seemed "an adequate rebuke to anti- the world." ness and disappointment — a rea- Dr. Joachim Prinz, president of Semitism," the editorial added: Prof. Elio Toaff of Italy said he more important. son for shame and anguish on the is unable to give an opinion re- The full text of the declaration "But, since amendments are still the American Jewish Congress, part of many Catholics and of greeted the Council's action on the possible, we may hope that the garding the document approved by relating to Jews reads as follows: suspicion and rancor on the part Council searches into the mystery final form of the text will reflect Jews as a manifestation of "good the Ecumenical Council last week, of "The the Church and remembers the bond the Council's further deliberation will" whose ultimate importance of many Jews." spelling out the relations between that spiritually ties the people of the will be tested in the way Catholic Catholic University Denies on certain delicate points." Testament to Abraham's stock. the Catholic Church and the Jew- New "The Church acknowledges that ac- Jewish leaders all over the parishes carry it out in day-to- Opposing Vatican Declaration ish religion. cording to God's saving design, the be- ginnings of her faith and her election world hailed the declaration day practice. SANTIAGO, Chile (JTA) — He s t at e d he was doubtful are already found among the Patriarchs, Dr. William Wexler, president of Jorge Molina, vice-rector of the whether it was the task of Moses and the - Prophets. She professes adopted by the Ecumenical Coun- that all who believe in Christ—Abra- cil last Friday exonerating the Bnai Brith, speaking as co-chair- Catholic University in Valparaiso, the Jews to judge such a ham's sons, according to the faith—are Jewish people from the Crucifix- man of the World Conference of announced that he is instituting document. Secondly, he declared, included in Abraham's call. The Church forget that she received the ion charge and deploring anti- Jewish Organizations, expressed an investigation to discover the if the Catholic Church has cannot Revelation of the Old Testament through Semitism. However, certain "appreciation of the evident good identity of the person or group the people with whom God in His changed its attitude toward ineffable mercy concluded the ancient reservations were noted in the will and sincere feeling for human that falsified the institution's stand Jews — "and this is acknow- Covenant. Jewish statements. Their general freedom" which impelled so many on the question of anti-Semitism. "Indeed, the Church believes that by ledged with sincere satisfaction" His Cross, Christ reconciled Jews and attitude was the Jewish people leaders of the Catholic Church "to A leaflet claiming that the uni- — Jews will be able to give final Gentiles making both one in Himself. will judge the importance of the strive for a public repudiation by versity was opposed to the adoption "The Church recalls that Christ, the judgment only by the facts that Virgin Mary, the Apostles, as well as declaration primarily by the their Church of the movements of the Catholic Church declaration will follow. "It is my sincerest most of the early Disciples, sprang from seriousness with which it will be which seek to distort Catholic deploring anti-Semitism had been Jewish people. wish," he added, "that our opinion the "Jerusalem did not recognize the time teachings and to exploit these distributed widely inside the implemented. be unconditionally favorable." of her visitation, nor did the Jews, for distortions in the service of anti- Vatican last week, just as the issue the most part, accept the Gospel; in- Dr. Nahum Goldmann, president The Jewish people, the Chief deed, many opposed its spreading. Semitism." was being voted upon by the "Nevertheless God holds the'Jews most of the World Jewish Congress, Rabbi noted, not only "deplore" dear for the sake of the Fathers, His said the Ecumenical Council's However, he said, "the true Ecumenical Council. any persecutions, but "condemn" gift and call are irrevocable. In com- declaration "does away with the significance of the Ecumenical On the contrary, Molina said, with the Prophets and Paul the them in strongest terms "whether pany Apostle, the Church awaits that day, centuries-old accusation which was Council's statement will be deter- the faculty and the students of the they are carried out against our known to God alone, on which all peoples the basis of mapy persecutions and mined by the practical effects it university favored that declara- address the Lord in a single voice friends or enemies." In this way, will and 'serve Him shoulder to. shoulder.' cruel injustices committed by the has on those to whom it is ad- tion, when it was pending in the Since the spiritual patrimony common he pointed out, the Jewish people to Christians Ecumenical Council, and now wel- and Jews is so great, the Catholic Church against the Jew- dressed." prove their love toward their council wants to foster and recommend ish people." However, he added The New York Times, analyzing comes heartily the fact that the knowledge and respect which neighbors and also their faithful- a is mutual the fruit, above all, of Biblical and that "at the same time it is to be the Vatican declaration, said that Council had taken a firm stand ness to the Law of the Lord "Who theological studies as well as of fraternal regretted that the original draft there was a widespread feeling against anti-Semitism. dialogues. has elected us." "Although the Jewish authorities and approved by an overwhelming Prof. Toaff said also that "a those who followed their lead pressed majority of the Council last year for the death of Christ, nevertheless word of gratitude should be ad- what happened to Christ in His Passion was seriously weakened, especial- dressed to Cardinal Bea and to cannot be attributed to all Jews without ly in the passage concerning anti- distinction, then alive, not to the Jews all who, with open friendly spirit, , of today. Semitism." He said that to "de- Join a group of successful businessmen and "Although the Church is the new plore" anti-Semitism after the Nazi inside the Council and outside the people gain noteworthy inspiration by helping to of God, the Jews should not be Council, fought for the triumph presented as rejected by God or ac- period was certainly inadequate. combat cancer, leukemia and heart disease. as if this follows from Holy of truth and justice, following the cursed, Morris B. Abram, president of noble line opened by the late Scriptures. "May all see to it, then. that in the American Jewish Committee, catechetical work or in preaching the Pope John XXIII." He was refer- Word of God, they do not teach any- said that adoption by the Vatican ring to Augustin Cardinal Bea, thing that is inconsistent with the truth Council of the declaration on the of the president of the Council for the Christ. Gospel and with the spirit of Jews was "an act of justice long Promotion of Christian Unity, "Moreover the Church, which rejects overdue, but he expressed keen every persecution against any man, WRITE ME AT . whom the late Pope John had mindful Saul Katz of the common patrimony with regret over some of its assertions charged with the task of putting the Jews and moved not by political on the ground that they might Detroit Businessmen's Group reasons but by the Gospel's spiritual through the Ecumenical Council love, deplores hatred, persecutions, dis- "give rise to misunderstandings." City of Hope a schema relating to Jews like the plays of anti-Semitism directed against Abram stated the hope that the 5337 Vermont, Detroit, Michigan Jews at any time and by anyone. one just adopted. As the Church has always held and declaration — especially its re- Reaction to the declaration holds now, Christ underwent His Passion and death freely, because of the sins ranged from enthusiastic praise of men and out of infinite love, in order may reach salvation. It is, there- to disappointment over the fact that all the burden of the Church's preach- that the word "deicide" was fore, ing to proclaim the Cross of Christ as the sign of God's all-embracing love and deleted from the text and the as the fountain from which every grace word "condemns" was replaced flows. "We call on God, the Father by "deplores" with regard to of all, cannot if we refuse to treat in a anti-Semitism. The vote to leave brotherly way any man, created as he is the image of God. Man's relation to out the word "deicide" in ab- in God the Father and his relation to men solving the Jewish people from his brother are so linked together that says: 'He who does not love the blame for the Crucifixion Scripture does not know God.' was 1,821 to 245. The vote "de- "The foundation is therefore removed any theory or practice that leads ploring" anti-Semitism was 1,905 from The Detroit Chapter to discrimination between man and man to 199. or people and people, insofar as their human dignity and the rights flowing of the American Society for Bishop Francis P. Leipzig, chair- from it are concerned. Church thus reproves, as foreign man of the American Bishops Com- to "The the mind of Christ, any discrimina- mission for Catholic-Jewish Affairs, tion against men or harassment of them of their race, color, condition in declared that work will be started because life or religion. On the contrary, the in the United States within three council ardently implores the Christian to 'maintain good fellowship months to carry out the program faithful among the nations' and, if possible, to of fostering better relations be- live for their part in peace with all Israel Institute of Technology so that they may truly be sons tween American Catholics and men, of the Father who is in heaven." Jews, as set forth in the declara- cordially invites you to attend It was indicated also that there tion approved at the Ecumenical was much _wider understanding in Council. its Councilary circles for the justified The American bishops, he said, concern among Jews over the are determined that "all manifesta- decision to drop the word "deicide" tions of anti-Semitism — like all and the use of "deplores" as ex- hatred, all persecutions, all dis- pressing the Catholic Church at- criminations of whatever kind — titude toward anti-Semitism. Apart must disappear from the face of from the differences in strength Sunday, October 31, 1965 the earth." He emphasized that of the two words, it was pointed both Catholics and Jews should out that "condemns" refers clear- equally "engage themselves" to ly also to the future, whereas "de- Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel carry out an approach to collabora- plores" is normally applied to past tion between the two faiths. events. The American prelate met The Rev. George Tavard, of Pitts- Guest Speakers: criticisms of the final draft by burgh, expert consultant on inter- stating • that he expected the faith problems at the EcuMenical declaration to "usher in a new Council, said in Rome. "Some era of friendship and coopera- bishops have expressed concern tion with our Jewish brethren over changes in the text, but I for the benefit of all men," de- do not know what they can do. My spite "a few minor imperfec- guess is that it is too late to take tions." action. The text is not as advanced "The amendments carry less as it was, but strong efforts have Cocktails 6:30 p.m. weight than the entire document," been made to make it satisfactory." Dinner 7:30 p.m. he declared. "What counts is the overall text and spirit, and this Jesuit Organ Pleaded $10.00 per person R.S.V.P. LI 6-7234 expresses kinship, reverence and Dropped Words Be Restored determination, as well as a con- NEW YORK (JTA) — A plea No solicitation of funds for restoration of t h e words "deicide" and "condemns" — the THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS latter referring to anti-Semitism 8—Friday, October 22, 1965 We Need Your Business Leadership TECHNION TWENTIETH ANNUAL DINNER DR. WALTER LOWDERMILK MAURICE M. ROSEN