THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 48235 Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE RYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the sixth day of Tishri, 5726, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion: Deut. 31:1-30; Prophetical portion: Hosea. 14:2-10, Micah 7:18-20, Joel 2:15-27. Licht benshen, Friday, October 1, 5:56 p.m. Yom Kippur Scriptural Selections Pentateuchal portion: Deut. 31:1-30; Prophetical portion: Hosea 14:2-10, Micah noon, Levit. 18:1-30. Prophetical portions: Wednesday morning, Isaiah 57:14-58:14; afternoon, Jonah 1:1-4:11, Micah 7:18-20. October 1, 1965 Page 4 VOL. XLVIII, No. 6 Yom Kippur AM NM the Holy Convocation ought to eat and drink as much as they Yom Kippur's significance as a holy con- needed." vocation is among the most sacred obligations * * * upon the People Israel. It dates back to There are many aspects to the universality most ancient times, and in the 23rd chapter of Leviticus the rules for the observance of of Yom Kippur that merit consideration. For instance, the reading of the Book of the Day of Atonement are set down for us: Jonah on Yom Kippur is explained as fol- "Ye shall do no manner of work; it is a lows: It is to teach us that no one can fly statute for ever throughout your genera- away from God; it admonishes us that God tions in all your dwellings. It shall be unto forgives those who turn to Teshuvah — re- you a sabbath of solemn rest, and ye shall pentance — as he did in Nineveh's case; it afflict your souls; in the ninth day of the teaches that God's compassions are for all, Some of the narratives in "Modem Jewish Stories," edited by Gerda month at even, from even. unto even, shall even for idolaters. Charles, published by Prentice-Hall, are certain to be included among ye keep your sabbath." * * * the classics in short story writing. There are others in this volume It is as a Sabbath of Sabbaths that Yom There is also the matter of treating cus- that have been criticized and rejected as samples of acceptable Jewish Kippur is ascribed as an everlasting statute, toms logically and permitting changes where narrations. But in the main this collection of fiction is a most impres- and the eternity of the day is thus asserted necessary or tolerating them when practic- oive one and speaks highly in commendation of the editor. in Midrash Mishle IX: "Yom Kippur will able. Because she was induced by the publishers to include one of her never be done away with, as it is said (Lev. own stories in her collection, Miss Charles' "The CzechoSlovakian Chan- In his "Days of Awe," Agnon refers to an 16:34): 'And this shall be an everlasting sta- interesting local tradition under the title "A delier," a tale about Jews and literature, appears. One of the characters tute unto you, to make atonement for the Puzzling Custom," quoting the following from speaks about traditional origins, with a phobia that all stems from Bible and Talmud in Shaw, Shakespeare, etc. It is a well-written story children of Israel, because of all their sins, Likkutim Shonim mi-Sefer debe Eliahu: and Miss Charles' choice of a sample of her own works speaks well once in the year." "It is an ancient custom in the city of for her judgement. * * Candia when the portion from the Book of Most important, however, is her introductory essay in which she While affirming the everlasting nature of Jonah is being read on Yom Kippur to read evaluates the Jewish short story and the authors of such narratives. the Great Fast Day for Israel, Yom Kippur By including Isaac Bashevis Singer's "Gimpel the Fool," Leo only the first three verses in the holy has its vast humane significance, because the Rosten's "Mr. Kaplan and the Magi," Isaac Babel's "First Love," tongue, and to translate the rest of the atonement is not for Jews alone but for all Dan Jacobson's "The Zulu and the Zeide," and other noteworthy book from the beginning to end into the mankind. And there is a humane interpreta- examples of fiction by 20 authors, Miss Charles has pooled into secular Greek; afterward they skip to the a single volume authors and stories of great merit. tion which absolves men from fasting and Book of Micah, where they read three ver- Rosten's a sample of his H-Y-M-A-N K-A-P-L-A-N skill. Jacobson's from "afflicting their souls" when the need ses, and translate in the same way. Rabbi is one of the narratives that have drawn such wide attention that his requires it, when there arises the necessity Elijah Capsali (16th Cent.) thought to abro- "Zulu and the Zeide" is being dramatized for a production to be to protect life. gate this custom, because it is not according directed by Bore Schary, with Menasha Skulnik in the chief role as In his scholarly work "Days of Awe," to the law. But Rabbi Meir (ben isaac Kat; the Zeide. which is a veritable treasure as a collection zenellenbogen, 15-16th Cent.) the head of Babel's tale is a sample of the noted Russian-Jewish writer's works of legends about the Holy days, S. Y. Agnon the academy at Padua, heard about it,.and that stand out in fiction. It is the story of a 10-year-old boy's first relates the followina historical incident which wrote to Rabbi Elijah, to turn him from his love—for an older and a married woman—and the illness that fol- points to the compulsion to refrain from fast- b purpose. In truth this is a puzzling custom, lowed; and incidentally there is drawn into the story the history of ing when the need requires it, as quoted from but it is not right to rest entirely upon our the pogroms of 1905. The controversial Philip Roth tale "The Conversion of the Jews" Ir Vilna and the Orhot Hayyim of the Ray intelligence, and abrogate an ancient cus- is part of the collection and there are stories by Yehuda Yaari, "The of Spinka: tom. It is necessary to find an explanation Judgment of Solomon," a deeply moving tale about a boy who was for it. That is what all our early sages did, rescued from Nazi horrors, the woman who cared for him and the "When there was a cholera epidemic in whenever they came across a puzzling mother siibo wanted to take him back but was faced by the child's 1848, Rabbi Israel Salanter posted an- nouncements in all the Houses of Prayer of custom. preference for the good foster mother; by Nadine Gordimer, Irwin Here we have a perfect example of logical Shaw, Isaae Rosenfeld, Arnold Wesker, Brian Glanville, S. Yizhar, Vilna on the eve of Yom Kippur, urging the toleration of a custom, even when it is strange Alexander Baron and Bernard Malamud. people not to fast on that holy and awesome Gerda Charles goes back, in her introduction, to "The Book to the rest of Jewry. day, and to cut short the recitation of the * * * of Ruth" and to "Esther" to prove that "the first short stories liturgical poems of the day, and to go walk- ever written were of course Jewish short stories." She turned to Thus, while prescribed rules sound harsh, ing in the fresh air. After the Morning the "baba buch" and the "maase buch" to describe the emergence there is humanity in the interpretations of Prayer on Yom Kippur he took a roll in his in the 16th century of the prevalence of short stories that were the admonitions. And their application is an hand and stood on the pulpit and after mak- written in Yiddish. indication of the humanitarian role of a ing the blessing ending 'who creates various The sentiments that motivated the writings of Sholem Aleichem sacred day on which all men confess their and Israel Zang-will are reviewed—both as the realists, the latter---- kinds of foods,' ate the roll before the eyes sins and commence a new life without harm "compassionate but clear-eyed." of the entire congregation, that the people Yet she shows that while there were many creative Jewish wriL,i -s -, to fellow-men. This is, indeed, the basis for might see him and follow his example; for the Great White Fast we are soon to observe. in the latter years of the 19th and the first part of this century, "their much is permitted when there is mortal dan- It will be a day of fasting, but the fasting connection with Jewish life was on the whole minimal. The raw, ger, and the life of a single person was becomes easier when there is the knowledge blatant life of the immigrant masses was so horrifying—and worse, dearer in his eyes than all the wealth of the lifting that the compulsion is not the cruel and un- constricting—to live that the Jewish artist's first thought on world. his head was to escape from it." intelligible rule of abnegation and self-denial "During the epidemic, God preserve us, Then came the breakthrough—the impact of the Nazi horror, but the basis for a higher spirt inspired by "the prideful creation of the State of Israel and a strengthening the pious Rabbi Shalom of Belz (19th Cen- the most sacred day on the Jewish calendar. patriotism .. . the fact that Western civilization has now become so tury) announced that all who felt faint 20 Noted Modern Jewish Stories ,Th in Collection by Gerda Charles A Deserved Honor and a Boon to Israel Bonds For several years, under the leadership of Tom Borman, the Israel, Bond Organiza- tion has made great progress here in secur- ing support for investments in Israel. It was thanks in large measure to the efforts of Mr. Borman that new records were set in Israel Bond sales. His devotion to duty as the chairman of the Detroit Israel Bond. Committee, his constant efforts here as well as during sales efforts in Florida among va- cationing Detroiters, have brought unusual results. Now, on the eve of his retirement as chairman, the local Israel Bond organization is honoring Mr. Borman with a testimonial dinner. He has well earned that honor. In the process, many Israel Bond pur- chases are expected to be made in Mr. Bor- man's honor. Thus, even in his retirement, the honor accorded him will be a boon to the Israel investment effort. Which again speaks highly in tribute to the Israel Bond leader. The community-wide response to the Bor- man testimonial dinner is part of a pattern. During the 14 years since the inauguration of the Israel Bond campaigns there has been in evidence a growing enthusiasm for efforts to assist Israel by means of investments. To uphold the hands of the Israelis in their struggle foi4 survival, the major debt can be repaid by their kinsmen elsewhere by assisting them economically, and this is best done by means of private investments. Israel Bonds continue to lead in such endeavors. urban and industrialized that it suits and feeds the natural Jewish bent to the fact that most of our younger writers are now two or three generations removed from the old, forcibly transplanted stock and so feel rooted enough to flower. But whatever the ultimate cause, stories by Jewish writers with Jewish content have at least leaped the barriers which for so long separated them both from the non-Jewish reading world and from 'literature.' " "In general," Miss Charles indicated, "outside Israel (where some very remarkable short stories are being written) the great splendid achievement is with the English-speaking countries: England, the Com- monwealth and, above all, America." She points to the writers who have excelled in writing "the humor- ous story" and: "Perhaps the most important of all the qualities to be found in our best contemporary writers is one which I might define as a kind of tender sophistication. It is an emphasis on feeling . . but it is at the same time complex and subtle, radiant with imaginative sympathy •nd—above all—forgiving. There is, in the greateSt Jewish short stories, a kind of wise, patient, accepting forgiveness for all our faults. And with it goes equally an unashamed emphasis on the necessity of goodness." This sounds like a confessional by the author of one of the stories in the editor's collection. Her analysis of the short story as written by Jews is as commendable as her choice of s.tori._