-1111 111111111111111..111111111.1 . AMR Vatican Role Deplored by Protestant, Catholic Leaders (Continued from Page 1) the crime of deicide in the death Citing the vacillations which took place at the close of the Council's third session and the many hints between sessions that any hope for aggiornamento (updating) are fad- ing fast, the magazine declares: "Pope Paul has seriously weak- ened Vatican II as a council of true renewal and reform. But not all of the blame can be laid at his feet. Much of it falls on the conserva- tives, led by the Curia cardinals . . . It might not be inaccurate to place the heaviest responsibility \, the great majority of those /-\_,ihops who either lacked the cour- age of their convictions by failing to stand up to the Pope (as the Curialists did) or, like a large seg- ment of the American bishops, those who had no firm convictions in advance." The report of the deletion of the term "deicide" from the planned Vatican declaration already was made in a front page story in The Jewish News on Sept. 17. In the same issue, The Jewish News published a statement by Prof. Solomon Zeitlin of Dropsie , College severely criticizing Jewish /-- individuals and organizations who ran to the Vatican to plead for "ex- oneration" and "forgiveness." He declared: "It is not the Jews but the Christians who have to atone for the libelous accusations against the Jewish people." In his statement, Cardinal Hee- nan said he was even barred from saying whether he was satisfied with the present wording of the draft on Jews. The Cardinal added that he had assured Jewish friends in London several weeks ago that everything \, would be done to work out a docu- • ment satisfactory to them and that he could only repeat the same statement at the press conference. In the article in Harpers Cartus also asserted that the draft decla- ration on Jews had been "sub- jected to a severe revision" by June of this year. He did not de- tail the nature of the alleged re- • visions in the draft which is un- derstood, in the version now before the fourth C6uncil session, to de- nounce anti-Semitism and to re- pudiate the charge 'of deicide against Jews, past and present, in the crucifixion of Jesus. (On Wednesday it became ap- , parent that there will be no Jew- • ish official participation in the welcome to be extended to the Pope at the United Nations on Monday. 0 n 1 y organizations with consultative status at the UN will be represented at such sessions). Meanwhile, repeated assurance > of positive action on the proposed declaration came again, on Wednesday, in the following spe- cial cable via JTA from Rome to The Jewish News: The Vatican published Wednes- day the text of a statement by Au- L---- - 'tin Cardinal Bea, president of ' Secretariat for the Promotion of Christian Unity, dealing with the Catholic Church's attitude to- ward the Jews, as the Ecumenical Council neared consideration of the much debated draft declara- tion on that question. Cardinal Bea, whose secretariat drafted the original strong state- ment rejecting charges of Jewish responsibility whether past or pres- ent, for the crucifixion of Jesus, made his statement at a confer- ence given Tuesday to the Brazil- ian Episcopate which was also at- tended by many other bishops and councillary experts. The public and press were not represented at the conference. The Cardinal flatly rejected the position of conservatives among the 2,000 prelates attend. ing the fourth and final session of the council, holding that Christian doctrine held Jews re- sponsible. He presented an ex- haustive examination of texts from the New Testament and held that one could not speak of the guilt of the Jewish people of THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 1, 1965-3 ■ of Jesus and that it was wrong even to accuse the leaders of the Jewish people of that time of the crucifixion "because it can be doubted that they understood sufficiently the human divine na- ture of Jesus." The cardinal declared that when the New Testament speaks ex plicitly of the responsibility for th e crucifixion it refers to the San hedrin or "in a certain way" to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. But the cardinal stressed that such a reproach is never expressed against Jewish inhabitants of oth- er towns whether inside or outside of Palestine. He emphasized that the "punishments threatened or prophesied by Jesus do not signify that God rejected the Jewish peo- ple." The cardinal added that God sent his preachers first to the sons of Israel. Not even the great judgment on Jerusalem proves a collec- tive guilt of the Jewish people for the crucifixion, the less so can the people be considered "deicide or reprobate," Cardinal Bea told the conference. The cardinal began his state- ment with the proposal that the point of departure for understand- ing the Catholic Church's stand on the issue was already contained in the councilary constitution, he pointed out, it was solemnly con- firmed that the church had been conceived since the beginning of the world and prepared by the his- tory of the people of Israel and by the old covenant and realized by the new covenant in Christ. He conceded that many Christians did not take into sufficient considera- tion these "obviously special links" between Jews and Christians. He added that if "we look at history— without intending to accuse any- body—we find that so many times Christians were blinded to the point of pretending to be entitled —arbitrarily—to avenging Jesus by submitting members of that people to discriminations and per- secutions and by calling the Jew- ish people reprobate and cursed by God." for a lifetim e proud possession GEORGE OHRENSTEIN Certified Master Watchmaker and Jeweler 18963 Livernois Ave. UN 1 -8 1 84 OPEN THURS. TO 9 P.M. See our complete collection, $65 to ti 050 Want ads get quick results! 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