Golda Meir Meets Rusk; Fetes Aides (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) • • • i activ ities n Society • Suspect Held for Attack; BERLIN (JTA) — West Berlin police Tuesday arrested a man suspected along with two other men of attacking and beating up a Jewish woman in broad daylight on a Berlin street and calling her a "dirty Jewess." The victim, B. Shapiro-Moser, a former inmate of a concentration camp, was able to give police a description of her attackers. The police are searching for the other two men. Meanwhile, it was reported here that the Bavarian police, responding to a wave of swas- tika smearing incidents in Ba- varia, announced appointment of a special commission to deal with all recent incidents of anti- Semitism in the southern Ger- man province. Bavaria Acts on Incidents sonal bodyguards of East German Communist leader Walter Ui- bricht, was 'a former member of the Nazi Party. Twelve designs created by the world famous Hubert de Givenchy UNITED NATIONS--Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Minister, foremost Parisian couturier, and more than 30 models fashioned by Brazil Chief Greets Jews held Wednesday her first confer- Israel's greatest designers and manufacturers will be featured in the ° RIO DE JANEIRO (JTA)—Rosh ence during the current United Na- Givenchy-Israel Fashion Show and luncheon on Oct. 14 in the Latin Hashanah greetings were sent to tions General Assembly with U.S. Quarter. This event is the highlight of the women's activities and is the Confederation of Jewish Com- sponsored by the Detroit Israel Bond Women's Division, under the Secretary of State Dean Ruck. munities of Brazil by Brazilian chairmanship of Mrs. Morris L. Schaver. Mrs. Milton Weiss is chairman They met in Rusk's office at President Humberto Castelo Bran- headquarters of the U.S. mission, of the affair. Sam Cardinal will coordinate the collection of 47 models. co and Carlos Lacerda, governor across the street from the United Cindy Adams will be the guest commentator. Col. Dina Werth, former of the state of Guanabara, of which commander of the Israel's Woman's Army of CHEN, will be a special Nations. Rio de Janeiro is the capital city. There was no immediate word guest. Among the Israel designers represented in this fabulous collection are the renowned Lola Beer and Finy Leitersdorf, the gifted young about the content of their talk. Mrs. Meir was accompanied to the Gideon Oberson, Maskit, Israel's celebrated village crafts industries, SAM ROSENBLAT Rusk conference by Avraham Har- furriers Stefan Braun and Eliahu Neulander; Gottex swimwear, Phina Master of Ceremonies Shallon and Marta Vida, Rikki Ben-Ari, Rivka Shafir and Talma Talmor; man, Israel's ambassador to Wash- And His the knitwear houses of Aled, Dorina, Dukert, Galia and Zamri. A feature ington, and Ambassador Michael Dance and Entertainment S. Comay, Israel's permanent rep- of the Fashion Festival, will be the presentation of the fourth annual Band "Star of Israel" original diamond creation designed and presented by resentative here. Party Arrangement Specialist Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allan. Mrs. Joseph Katchke was the fashion Earlier, Mrs. Meir met with the Swastikas were found extensive. KE 8-1291 UN 4-0237 foreign minister of the Nether- festival press preview chairman on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. David Pollack ly in Kaufbeuren, Chwabmuechen, were press preview hosts. lands. Mrs. Isadore Winkelman and Arnold Faudman are newly elected Augsburg, Mindelheim and Schon- Later Mrs. Meir was hostess at a BALLROOM luncheon for 50 foreign ministers trustees of Bellefaire—Cleveland's internationally known residential gau. Police said that the daubers had used special implements to and permanent delegation chair- treatment and child care center. Re-elected at the 97th annual meeting make impressions on the paint. _ BY men. Among those attending were held Sept. 19 was Mrs. Samuel S. Aaron. The Investigating Committee of Andrei A. Gromyko, foreign min- Miss Arlene Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis of ister of the Soviet Union, and Dr. Lauder Ave., is attending Swarthmore College, near Philadelphia. She Free Jurists in West Berlin COOLIDGE AT 9 MILE charged Tuesday that Major Gen- Nikolai T. Federenko, permanent is a graduate of Mumford High School. LI 7-4470 eral Franz Gold, chief of the per- chairman of the Soviet delegation Miss Mary Turteltaub, daughter of Mrs. Miriam Lewin of Whitmore here. Others attending the event Ave., Oak Park, is back from a year's workshop-tour of Israel sponsored were Amintore Fanfani, Italy's by Habonim, Labor Zionist Youth. She worked at the cooperative Have Your Family Portrait • Wedding foreign minister, who is president agricultural settlement of Kibbutz Gesher Haziv and attended classes Tastefully Photographed by Our Professional Staff of this year's General Assembly; there. At a seminar in Tel Aviv, her group met leading Israelis such Alex Quaison Sackey, president of as President Zalman Shazar and Prime Minister Levi Eshkol. last year's Assembly; Lord Cara- don of Britain; Frank Aiken, dep- uty prime minister and minister Martin Named Chief 21 Hebrew Day Schools for foreign affairs of Ireland; Luns .5:tkicijtt.) pbot 9 9r.tppthi_3 Per Haekerup, foreign minister of Inhalation Therapist Established This Year Twenty-one Hebrew Day Schools, Denmark; and many delegation A past president of the Michi- 19492 LIVERNOIS UN 2-0660 and government leaders from gan Society of Inhalation Therapy, including seven at the high school level, have been established with African and Asian nations. Wayne H. Martin, is the new chief Thursday, Mrs. Meir held her inhalation therapist at Sinai Hos- the opening of the 1965-66 school year in various parts of the United first conference of this assembly pital. States and Canada, Samuel C. with Secretary General U Thant Martin, 28, was Feuerstein, president of Torah and met separately with Fan- graduated from Umesorah, the national Society for • fani. WHILE PAMPERING YOUR FURNITURE Hebrew Day Schools, announced. As of now, Mrs. Meir is schedul- Ann Arbor High The 21 new schools bring the • ed to deliver her annual major School, attended number of Hebrew Day Schools • foreign policy address at a plen- Michigan State • in the United States to a total of • ary session of the Assembly next and received his • 323, with another 36 schools func- training in in- Thursday. She may return for a tioning in Canada. Preliminary fig- • • 8 GAUGE brief visit to Israel shortly after halation therapy ures indicate an enrollment of • that date, but it is possible that at University • GLASS-CLEAR close to 63,500 pupils with roughly she may have to return here before Hospital, Ann 44,000 pupils attending schools in • the end of October to participate Arbor, in 1959. • Lowest Prices Martin • • in the annual debate of the Arab He remained at University Hos- the Metropolitan New York area • • Custom-Fit refugee problem. Originally, the pital until 1961 serving as assistant proper. • • refugee debate was to have taken chief of inhalation therapy before • • Zippers place some time in November. his most recent post as Chief In- Billboard Firm Scraps • • Separate Cushion Covers • However, a number of states, halation Therapist at Providence • • Guaranteed Workmanship PHONE NOW Goodwill Gesture most of them Africans, would like Hospital. •• • Free Estimate to move the Arab refugee debate KANSAS CITY, Mo. (JTA) — A native of Charlevoix, Martin to an earlier date and postpone to became a registered inhalation Complaints from Jewish commun- HOUSE OF EDWARDS Nov. 5 an item listed above the therapist in 1962, and serves on ity spokesmen led to removal of • 7650 RUSSELL refugee issue regarding South national committees for both the 10 large billboards at key Kansas pe•••e•se•o•e•eoimesoomeeee••e•eei• African apartheid. American Registry of Inhalation City intersections, bearing the Therapists and the American As- Hebrew words "L'Shonah Tovah sociation of Inhalation Therapy. Tikosevu." Party Members Rebel The signs had been erected by Against Candidate an outdoor advertising company as a goodwill gesture to the Jew- for Jerusalem Mayor ish community. Officials said that JERUSALEM (JTA) — Members most of the comments they received of the National Religious Party were favorable. and that no formal threatened to seek to run a complaint was lodged by any Jew- separate list in the Jerusalem ish organization. Nadine Gordimer, the accom- municipal elections to protest the However, a number of Jews ex- party's decision to run former plished South African short story pressed the view that the signs writer, adds glory to an already Deputy Health Minister Yitzhak might be "misleading" or "offen- Rafael as the NRP candidate for widely acclaimed talent with her sive" or potential targets for new volume of narratives, "Not desecration. Local officials of the Mayor. \ to help celebrate their 50th ANNIVERSARY! Rafael was indited on charges For Publication," published by company conferred with national st) of bribery, allegedly committed Viking Press. officers and decided to remove the For 50 years, the Leader family has served Detroit The 16 tales in this volume are signs. while he was deputy health min- and Suburban areas with quality work and has ister. He was acquitted of the evidence of great skill, of master- satisfied over one million customers. charges on Sept. le, when Yehuda ful writing, of deep understand- Smear N. J. Synagogue Spiegel, former director-general ing of human values. Whether she writes about a cler- With Swastika, 'SS' of the ministry, refused to testify against him. Spiegel is serving a ic, or about the Jew who had once NEWARK (JTA) — Polile are two-year prison term for accepting been a German; about whites or investigating the desecration by bribes from contractors seeking blacks, about the South Africans anti-Semitic vandals of a newly- and the era in which they now bids for a new hospital. opened synagogue in Hillside town- live under tensions—Miss Gordi- Rafael was placed among the ship near here, a week after its top six names on the National mer produces narrations that formal dedication. Religious Party's list for the leave their mark, that will be long A two-foot high swastika and parliamentary election, and the remembered by the readers of the letters SS were found daubed CLEANED WITH PROFESSIONAL EQUIPMENT BY party organized a celebration this wonderful book of short in red paint on the door on the EXPERTS WHO KNOW CARPETS. DON'T TAKE for his acquittal. However, a stories. Hillside Jewish Center. Also plast- number of party members ex- CHANCES WITH DO-IT-YOURSELF METHODS. ered on the premises was a pic- Noted Mathematician pressed agreement with the ture of Adolf Hitler clipped from Mano Beke, a leading Jewish secular press, which had con- mathematician in Hungary at the a magazine. tended that Rafael's acquittal on turn of the century, was one of ■ \\,, for information call: In recent weeks, a number of a legal technicality did not con- the pioneers in the field of ana- township commissioners, as well as stitute a moral acquittal. lytical mathematics. Mayor Robert Diamond, who is a They refused the invitations to Jew, have received telephone calls the celebration, and began to dis- Egg consumption by Americans in which anti-Semitic language cuss putting up a separate can- has declined in a decade from a was used. Police have not yet made didate against Rafael in the mayor- per capita average of 376 to 316. any arrests. Mayor Diamond said 8700 Linwood, Detroit. alty race. Both the municipal and REG. $10.80 that he hoped the swastika incident parliamentary balloting will take THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS was "the work of a young prank- place Nov. 2. Friday, October 1, 1965-27 ster and nothing more." DANCING JACK BARNES • • I • PLASTIC COVERS! Beautify • EDWARD'S • 873-3545 1 Leader Carpet Cleaning Co.!' \ invites you... Nadine Gordimer Writes 16 Fine Short Narratives Anniversary Savings on e• WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS , 1 SAVE ON... 9' x 12' RUGS! *8" TY 5-8400 • t Leader