Israel Friedlaender—A Tribut Happy New Year Bill's Barber Shop Wishes You a Joyous Holiday 18276 Wyoming UN 4-9661 Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday GEO. F. BLOCH CO., INC. Welding - Blacksmithing Special Bolts 6415 W. VERNOR VI 1-5154 NEW YEAR GREETINGS BLUESTEIN BROS. Dealers in Scrap Materials 3195 BELLEVUE WA 2-2720 A man of learning, and a man of action, Israel Friedlaender was one of those multi-gifted men of genius at the turn of the American century who, through their scholar- ship and inspired leadership, did so much to form the character of the fledgling Jewish community. An intellectual titan who was one of the foremost Hebraic and Ara- bic scholars of his age, his dedica- tion to his people drove him be- yond the cloistered academic life into the wider arena of com- munity leadership. All problems that involved the well-being of his people engaged his passionate in- terest. The education of Jewish youth, the promulgation of the Zionist ideal, the unity of Israel, the rescue of persecuted Jewry— these are all areas to which Fried- laender contributed so much in active participation. And beyond these activities he produced within a brief and brilliant lifetime many significant works of scholarship. a St JULSULSII.M.9.S.9 QS..Q.S.SSSUL32212.5/.9.1krn.9..R.Q.J.JULSLCULQ.JULQ. HAMILTON FISH CO. HARTOM POWER TOOL SALES HOA KOW INN HIGHLAND BOLT & NUT CO. INTERNATIONAL METAL PRODUCTS CORP.. PAUL INMAN ASSOCIATES 1 1 ti 1 Happy New Year To Our (A Seven Arts Feature) Friends and Relatives Dr. Israel Friedlaender, acad e- continuity of that tradition on mician and activist, met a martyr 's these shores. He was not unaware MORRIS FRIEDMAN death in the Ukraine in 192 1. of the influences that were corrup- o & SONS Whilst on a rescue mission for b e. ting many areas of American Jew- Plumbing — Heating Contractors leaguer Russian Jewry he w as ish organized life, of the pressures 24605 John R, Hazel Pork struck down by a brigand's han j. to which a minority society is sub- LI 4-2454 — LI 4-7732 He was 45 years of age. ject, the increasingly materialistic Reading Friedlaender's writin ,s emphasis in society at large from one is struck by the frequency wit h which Jews could not remain im- which the terms unity, reconcili 1- mune. Yet he was passionately HOLIDAY GREETINGS tion and integration occur. T he convinced that here in America Jews could fashion a future that unity of Israel was the quest o FRIENDSHIP which Israel Friedlaender devote d would be worthy of their past. He his life. Yet the reconciliation h e believed this because he believed MATERIALS, INC. sought was not motivated simpl Y a phophetic spark persists in the ,_ people from whom the prophets by a desire for an easy peace b 14395 Schaefer VE 8-6000 tween divergences: he perceive d had issued. In face of the ignor- in the fragmentization of moder e ance and vulgarization he saw life a danger to the fundament Li around him, he maintained that - — .... — --- — — . — — what was needed was education. unity and integrity of the traditia I Israel Friedlaender was truly During the latter part of the brie f I Holiday Good Cheer career that Israel Friedlaende r one of the master-builders of Con- 1 spent on those shores he labore j servative Judaism, for he achieved GENERAL mightily to fulfill his ideal—th e in his life and in his thought the STORES CO. i fusion of the diverse elements o f creative syntheses that uniquely r American Jewry into a unifie 1 nourished the movement with 5831 West Vernor VI 2-8902 I communal force, furthering th a which he identified himself. full development of Jewish potent — — i alities in our free society. From Warsaw, in the country o f Happy New Year Greetings to All his birth, he derived an intensit ,7 and enthusiasm which subsequen t Western discipline could no JON'S TYPESETTING SERVICE quench. Born in 1876, into a wel Linotype Composition Rule Form to-do industrial family, Friedlae 1334 E. Vernor WO 3-7855 der's early years were steeped i 1 8036 Michigan TI 6-4713 the atmosphere of this arden , barlfirrYTT OTh-linfiiMM-01=r1r611251frrtilrrerirrirolrrtrirr o-, spiritually-rich community. Her was kindled the "Hislavoth," th ?. spiritual flame that irradiated th New Year Greetings to Our Friends and Patrons whole of his life. He proceeded, a t Holiday Greetings the age of twenty, to Germany, t , Jordan Pest Control Company the Rabbiner-seminar and the Uni - CONTROL OF ALL HOUSEHOLD PESTS versity of Berlin where he becam Roaches . . . Mice . . . Rats . . . Bedbugs immersed in Western scholarship . Jacobsen Lawn Mowers - John Deere Lawn and Garden Tractors Member—National Pest Control Association His writings during this perio 1 evidence the rapidity and eas e 26221 Grand River 8219 Normile, Detroit Phone 532-3265 931-2222 with which this young Polish has sid was able to master moder t learning and to employ the disci Sincerest New Year's Greetings plines and methodology of th Happy New Year German traditions. Israel Friedlaender was only 2 , years old when he came to thi ; SAUL KATZ CONSTRUCTION CO. Chinese and American Restaurant country at the invitation of Sol . Specializing in Cantonese Foods mon Schechter. Schecter, who ha d I 625 Lafayette MIdg. 13715 West 9 Mile, West of Coolidge, Oak Park recently been appointed presiders ; LI 7-4663 of the Jewish Theological Semi nary of America, took as the firs , Happy Holiday Greetings step towards a radical reorganize Lion of the Seminary, the selection of a faculty of scholars of interne KLIP & KURL BEAUTY SALON Happy New Year tional rank. Friedlaender he ap- Reba Paske, Prop. pointed as his professor of Biblical Hair Cutting—Permanent Waving—Tinting literature and exegesis. Hours: Tues. & Sat., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Wed.-Fri., 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. In America, Friedlaender's hori 8440 W. 9 Mile Rd., Oak Pork LI 8-1155 64 Victor Ave., Highlaand Park TO 9-5588 29111 Greenfield, Southfield zons broadened yet further as he 353-2173 grasped the opportunities which the youth, the power and the free- dom of the New World opened for Happy New Year To All Our Friends and Patrons 9-212..SUULAJULJULLUZSUL9ASUZAJUSUL9WSLILAS1L_SUL9_ 9- the Jew. Whilst conscious of its New Year's Greeting materialism, its brashness, he was KOW KOW INN moved by a deep faith in this Specializing in American Food country. He believed that America, Famous for All Chinese Native Food Real Cantonese Family Dinners unscarred by the bitter memories, CARRY-OUT. SERVICE struggles and hatreds of Europe, Coils, Strips, Sheets — Galvanized, Electrolytic 322 W. McNichols opened vistas of fulfillment not to TO 8-7550 10621 Capital Oak Park 48237 LI 8-8111 be found in the Old World. Only in Spain of the Golden Age, he said, ,Q._sts...clasuiszakst.9.2.9. Q..9_9_32_CLCULSLWASAJL9JUSJULLW_SULSISISUL9.1, P 5/5-6151MMnnftrrni inrIMMSM-67) did there exist comparable condi- tions, as hospitable to the flower- ing of culture. LAFAYETTE STEEL CORPORATION Best Wishes for a Joyous Holiday Season Wholeness was the central quest Extends Its Heartfelt Best Wishes of his life. Note the titles of his - essays: "A Plea for Reconcili- - - for a Happy New Year ation," "The Americanization of - 13501 Sanders VI 2-411:j the Jewish Immigrant." This vol- .. ume of essays, characteristically Zinitrinimurrtsimmnrum-615-6-6-nnanns-n 6 , entitled "Past and Present" also contains Friedlaender's thoughts ■ 114■001111 . 1 ■11,0111■0■0■ ■0■ ■ ■ ■ on "Zionism and Religious Ju- Best Wishes For A Happy New Year daism" and "Palestine and the New Year Best Wishes Diaspora." For he was a profound LARCO'S INN and fervent Zionist. The revival of the Zionist state was linked in his Best in American and Italian Foods mind with the unity of his people. WAREHOUSE 7525 W. McNichols Dr. Friedlaender in his own life UN 2-6455 suggests another synthesis, which 1256 Meldrum LO 7-1600 is equally relevant in our day. In the American Jewish community a I chasm has grown up between the I Jewish leader and the Jewish stu- 1 Seasons reetings Greetings •6 dent, the man of affairs and the , . on the New Year man of learning. The one is too I P • activistic and pragmatic; the other I Thomas Goodfellow, Inc. too disdainful of the practical and Machinery Movers, Riggers, Erectors the commonplace. Friedlaender, Heavy Specialized Carriers the organizer of Young Israel, the I Food Waste Disposer Zionist leader, that platform I "Over 50 Years On The Move" . Manufacturing Co. speaker was also the Arabist, the academician, the theologian, the 5201 Twelfth Street TY 4-0661 20013 James Couzens pedagogue. • I 342-3252 ----- Friedlaender's message to us to- day is a message of faith in the 64—Friday, September 24, 1965 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 1 , By RABBI MORRIS ADLER =1. 11111•IHNINIIM.i. ..1.1 00•11.) 1111.0••=4.••• 0.11111•0 01=0.0.11111!IP rtl.M., JEFFERSON STEEL CO. ■ 011=11.0 ■ =411111 ■ 04=1•414111111.1.11111.41111 ■0■ 1111.4111111 ■ 11.111.041111.14 ■01•■■14■0■ ■4■0■ Momemong.. .......... IN-SINK-ERATOR