Jewish Veterans Start Drive Against square. Extremists He said that he fled be- NY Schools Top Record NEW YORK — Jewish school enrollment in the greater New York area last year reached a total of 155,721, it was announced by J. Jacques Stone, newly elected president fo the Jewish Education _ Committee of New York. Included in that figure is the usual estimate of 10,000 children attending released-time classes or receiving private instruction. German Embassy by the Sov- cause he was convinced he would KIAMESHA LAKE, N.Y. (JTA) was sentenced in absentia to three West iet Government, accused Schuele The commander of the Jewish months in prison for distributing of murder and other crimes during not get a fair trial in Cologne. seditious anti-Semitic m at e r i a 1. War Veterans of the U.S.A. warned A second trial of Auschwitz death the Nazi occupation. that "right-wing extremists have While out on bail, von Tinnen dis- The Soviet charge was the sec- camp personnel accused of war appeared from the Netherlands, changed their tactics but not their ond of its kind made from Com- objectives, in a carefully planned and is now reported to be in Spain. munist sources against Dr. Schuele. crimes is due to open at the end There is no extradition treaty be- of November. In the first Ausch- attempt to seize power in this coun- tween Spain and The Netherlands. Last February, East German of- witz trial which ended last month, try." ficials charged him with having Jewish shops in Brussels were been a "loyal follower" of Hitler, 17 of the 21 accused were given In a speech before the 70th an- No man ever becinie very nual national convention of the found smeared with swastikas of having been a member of the prison sentences ranging from 31/2 JWV, National Commander Ralph Sept. 16 for the second time in a Nazi Party and as having been a years to life, three of the defen- wicked all at once.—Juvenair dants were acquitted and the trial Plofsky of White Plains, -N.Y., - said month. Police arrested a youth, judge in a Nazi court. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS that Americans should "triple their who confessed to having painted Dr. Schuele conceded he had of a fourth was postponed due to 6—Friday, September. 24, 1965 guard and stop looking at right- several swastikas in the first in- been a member of the Nazi Storm his illness. wing extremists as merely mis- cident, but said they had not .Troopers but said he had never guided crackpots motivated by a found any clues to the latest been a full member of the Nazi sme aring. milder strain of paranoia." — Party or ever served in the Nazi Commander Plofsky announced A representative of King Baud- judiciary. The West German gov- that the JWV will devote the buin, five Belgian ministers and ernment expressed full confidence Coming year "to mounting a mas- members of the diplomatic corps in him at the time. sive educational program to ex- . were among the participants in the Helmut Gramer, a former Nazi pose right-wing extremists in 21st national pilgrimage to the for- whatever guise they now as- tress of Breendock, one of the SS • officer and Bonn publisher, sume." More than 2,000 delegates worst concentration camps during has disclosed in Cairo that he from all parts of the United the Nazi occupation of Belgium, asked Egypt for political asylum. States attended the convention, which later was designated as a Cramer fled Germany in April to avoid standing trial last May which closed Sunday. national memorial. " T h e right-wing extremists," Catholic, Protestant and Jewish before a Cologne court on said Plofsky "are more powerful religious ceremonies were held in charges of endangering the Fed- eral Republic by spreading Nazi than ever, having learned a valu- connection with the pilgrimage. thinking and working for the re- * * * de- from the Goldwater lesson able habilitation of the Waffen SS. feat. They seek power first, to grab Cramer told the press in Cairo the political machinery, then' to that he had material incriminating marshal the attack. It is the iden- some 100 senior German judges of. tical approach of the Communists. Nazi crimes, and that he would All over the United States, they publish the material in about nine have collected enough . dry tinder ready • for the fires. • • BONN, (JTA) — The Soviet gov- months. He said he was seeking asylum "Organizations like - the John ernment has .aeCuSed Erwin Schu- Birch SocietY are waiting in . the ele, of being - a far criminal . him- in Egypt because his case arose wings to exploit any. setbacks. With self during the .German occupation from an incident in which an Is money. pouring in from ultracon‘ of Western Russia in World War II, raeli student tore down A. placard servative elements, the John Birch it was reported here from Moscow. advertising' books on one . of his Society is expanding its network. Charges, whiCh were handed to the mobile bookshops in a public They have even opened an office in the nation's capital. Organiza- tions like the John Birch Society are catch-ails for the malcontents, the white supremacists and other extremists, having inherited both their funds and their leadership from such groups as the America Firsters and the other right-wing movements of the thirties." EDW. C. LEVY SLAG CO. Wishes THE JEWISH COMMUNITY A HEALTHY AND HAPPY ROSH HASHANAH -YOM KIPPUR A YOMTOV WITH SHALOM Moscow Accuses German Prober of War Crilines * * * Rockwell Suggests Use of Rifles in Fight Against Minorities; Nazis Busy FREDERICKSBURG, Va., (JTA) —_ American Nazi Leader George Lincoln Rockwell, campaigning for election as governor of Virginia, held a rifle in the air on Sept. 16 and told an audience : "All of you ought to own one of these." He in- dicated that such weapons could be used against minority groups. Rockwell is running for governor under the banner of the so-called "White Conservative Party." He attacked Virginia's two most re- cent governors for "selling out" the state and defended the Ku Klux Klan. In Montreal, Adrien Arcand, leader of the fascist National Unity Party, issued a new book entitled "Down With Hate." The book purports to show that "the only real spreaders of hate are the Jews, because the movement you say one word against them, they brand you as anti-Semite." Speaking at a press conference, Arcand said that George Rockwell, fuehrer of the American Nazi Par- ty was "just an agent provocateur, a venal agitator who, to my own knowledge, has received money from the Jews to promote trouble and gain symphathy for their cause." Arcand was interned by the Canadian Government from 1940 to 1945 for his pro-fascist ag- itation. The threat of anti-Semitism is still a matter of concern also to the 450,000 Jews of Argentina, Dr. Leon Perez, vice president of the B A L A , representative organiza- tion of Argentine Jewry, said in a report to the American Section of the World Jewish Congress in New York. The DAIA is an affiliate of the World Jewish Congress. Dr. Perez warned that social and economic problems of Latin Amer' ica might lead to local explosive situations which, in turn, would have their effect on the respective Jewish communities. He said his organization was particularly con- cerned with the future of its youth. In Amsterdam Paul von Tinnen • We 'Wish the 8n tire Communit y Very Wappy new Hordes Agency, Inc. INSURANCE 17616 Wyoming 863-2900 Mrs. William Hordes, Mr. & Mrs. Earl 'Hordes, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wishnetsky and Associates • 711.1t -