Purely Commentary Where Leadership Was Lacking: An Ignored 1923 Warning That Might Have Solved Current Neighborhood Changing Problems Dynamite-laden as the race issue isc its implications must not be ignored. We would be blind to reality and we would be unfair to posterity if we failed to take into account many of the issues that emerge from the problems which have resulted in riots, which have cost many lives, which continue to create divisive conditions in this country. One of the major and most disturbing aspects of the issue is the developing condition of changes effected in neighborhoods. Instead of encouraging integration, the merging of populations on a rational basis, ghettoes have been perpetuated and created and we have experi- enced flight from some areas of such a devastating nature that we are now again experiencing panic. It is an uncalled-for panic that could have been averted. It is not only the law of the land that makes it possible for Negroes to live among whites: it is primarily the law of justice and of fair play among all elements in our population. But instead of creating an admixture that would assure the acquisition of homes by all who seek improve- ment, on an equitable basis, we have had the panicky fleeing from areas where Negroes have settled. The result has been a constant re-creation of ghettoes. Ghettoes in themselves are not so tragic. It is the manner in which ghettoes are created that should cause concern. Jews have lived in ghettoes that were hemmed in, that were isolated from other communi- ties and were walled in. They were the prison-type ghettoes in Euro- pean countries. Then, when the ghetto walls were shattered by libera- tion that was in the main self-liberation, Jews created their own types of ghettoes wherever they went—because they wanted to be near their synagogues and would not travel on a Sabbath or festival day; there- fore they had to live within walking distance of the synagogue and they thus perpetuated ghettoes that were really free areas of settlement. But when Jews became affluent and moved into larger homes, either in suburban sections or in exclusive residential territories, they were usually in a group, mainly among Jewish neighbors. Has this, too, been a type of ghetto? These were the rich ghettoes, but they were ghettoes nevertheless. But the Negro ghettoes have become objectionable because they turned into Harlem- and Watts-type slums. That was where we sinned: not to have provided proper, human housing for them. The changing neighborhood problem is different. This is where the unfortunate flight began. It could have been averted, and we have proof of it in the form of a valuable 42-year-old document. Walter Klein, the executive director of the Jewish Community Council, calls our attention to the study that was made in Detroit in 1923 by Harry Lurie. It was during the early stages of changes that were effected in the Hastings Street area. Negroes lived in the proximity of Jewish neighborhoods in the Hastings district, and there was amity among them. But the problem really began at that time, as was indicated in the study of the Detroit Jewish community and "the shifting of Jewish districts" by Harry Lurie, who then wrote: "Various influences have been at work in the development and extension of those sections of the city in which Jews have congre- gated. It is more or less inevitable that the growth of Detroit would make necessary the exodus of the Jews living in close proximity to the retail business, financial and warehouse districts, as these nat- urally expanded in size. Those of longer residence in Detroit were able to make the transition from the downtown section North to Brush Street and from there to North Woodward as their former homes became available for business, rooming house and apartment property. But from the beginning of the growth and extension of the Hastings Street district, other influences and problems arose. Al- though the lower Hastings Street district expanded in size, and there was a constant change of inhabitants as individuals becoming adjust- ed in Detroit and improving their economic status moved to the new- er Jewish sections of the city, the district as a whole remained, through fresh accretions of population. Although from a housing point of view this meant the maintenance as a residential district of a rather undesirable section of the city; from the point of view of community organizations and centers, such as synagogues, schools, and recreational centers, it meant that these were located geogra- phically to meet the needs of large portions of the Jewish population. "But with the steady increase of the Negro population and their pressure upon the Jewish districts for housing facilities, there began about 1917 the gradual shifting of the Jewish population and the gradual abandonment of the lower Hastings Street district. This has created a serious problem for the Jewish community. Synagogues of relatively recent construction, find that their membership has moved away to remote parts of the city, and there are no Jews to take the places left vacant by them. They are confronted with the problem of following their members, the financial problem of a new building and the diffcultiy of disposing of their present investment. The Jew- ish Institute finds itself nearly isolated in the district predominantly Negro. The United Jewish Charities report that they have twice as many relief cases in the Oakland district, three miles distant, as in the old Hastings Street district. The Labor Lyceum, to mention only one other instance, planning ten years ago a center on Livingstone Street, in hopes that in time the gradual drift of Jewish population Northward would place it in the geographic center, finds itself in- stead in the extreme Southern edge of the Jewish population. There is hardly one of the Jewish organizations that does not face a like condition. "This situation creates considerable uncertainty for organized Jewish activities. The recent expansion of the Joy Farm District in the Northwest section of Detroit and its amazing growth within the last year and a half, suggests that the shifting of Jewish population has by no means reached a quiescent stage. Aside from the districts in the Northwestern part of Detroit, which seem destined to increase in population, most of the other centers of Jewish population are facing an uncertain future. The lower end of Hastings, South of For- est, is almost certain to be abandoned in the near future except by families engaged in the retail business in that section and some others who on account of lack of means, inertia, lack of ambition or other reasons, will continue to dwell in a district growing steadily more undesirable. The section North of Hastings, while facing a greater degree of stability, is yet uncertain but that the pressure of Negro population may ultimately make even larger inroads upon it, than it has already done. There is no real security in the belief that By Philip Slomovitz the higher price of dwellings in that section will act as a deterrent to a change in population. It should be remembered that certain por- tions of the Negro population are also improving their economic status and with settlement already begun upon the streets running North and South, the possibility of further settlement upon the cross streets is not unlikely, if not for the present, then at some future time. Even the Oakland section is not altogether immune from simi- lar changes in the character of its population. "The Jewish community, therefore, faces uncertain and imme- diate problems. Perhaps the most important, from the social point of view, is the remaining population left stranded and isolated in districts becoming steadily more undesirable from a housing, hygienic and moral point of view. There is small need to dilate upon the dan- ger of juvenile delinquency, of family demoralization and of health, not- to speak of more serious problems which such a situation will inevitably entail. Secondly, there is the problem of centering new institutions which the increased Jewish population of Detroit makes necessary. Thirdly, there is the problem of moving established insti- tutions to meet the needs of a shifting population. "Will this unsettling and shifting of the Jewish population of Detroit result in the creation of new neighborhoods or in a further diffusion of population? Influences towards gregariousness will more or less offset centrifugal forces tending to scatter the population and prevent complete diffusion throughout the entire city. So also will the existence of compact colonies of other racial groups. The newer sec- tions of Jewish residence, however, will tend to be more diffused, covering a wider territory with lesser density of Jewish population. For example, residences of Jews - in the Northeast section of the city will tend towards greater distribution than has been the rule in previous districts. This indicates also a better degree of relation- ship so far as neighborhood is 'concerned, between Jews of longer period of residence in Detroit and non-Jews." This augury of the future, had it been studied and properly evalu- ated, might have solved the problems that resulted in the years that followed—first in the Hastings Street district, then around Oakland Avenue, followed by Twelfth Street, then in the Dexter section and now in the northwest. With wise planning in the early years, we might have had proper and realistic integration. Now we have no integration and shabby planning. It has been said—and in a sense realistically—that there are no integrated areas, that there are ghettoes, either black or white. The earliest Hastings Street experiences refuted this view. But sub- sequent developments actually led to a negation of integration, in spite of all the proper and strong legislation. The flight to the suburbs proves it. But vision towards the future in 1923 might have assured continuation of the best relationships as they existed in the East Side sections at that time. We were warned in our Scriptures: "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 28:18). There was a lack of vision in judging the Lurie warning. It does not speak well for our leadership. It is not to be implied that we are about to perish for lack of vision. Perish the thought. But we must take into account the warnings of the past: else we won't be able to benefit from life's experiences. Perhaps it is not too late for us to learn that we do not fly from reality, that we strive to improve and to perfect our neighborhoods as long as they are livable, and that we make them livable for all Americans. And in the process we must prevent the emergence of the type of ghetto that inspires hate and destruction, looting and lawlessness. Inhuman Acts Will Not Be Tolerated in Jewish Ranks An intolerable occurrence in Ramla, Israel, brought the condemna- tion of responsible Jewish officials, and Prime Minister Levi Eshkol promptly condemned the attacks by young Jews on Arabs as "disgrace- ful." "Yet," the revealing account, "Rumble in Ramla," in Newsweek magazine, states, "in many ways it was surprising that 17 years of Israeli-Arab warring had not produced more such savage clashes. For although Israel's 250,000 Arabs (10 per cent of the population) are accorded equal rights with the nation's Jews, little effort has been made to incorporate them into the mainstream of Israeli life—mainly because, as one Jew put it: 'We don't really expect an Arab to be loyal to us.' " While there is a semblance of truth to this statement, the fact is that schools and better housing are provided for Arabs in Israel, that there is no unemployment among them, that they are the most affluent among all Arab peoples anywhere on earth. But the suspicion of a fifth column threat remains to torture all Israelis, and the Newsweek article continues to state vis-a-vis such fears of Arab threats: "That feeling is most often found among Israel's young Oriental Jews. The morning after the Ramla riots, one of the town's teen-agers proudly told Newsweek's Richard Z. Chesnoff, 'You have to put them in their places.' Another sneered: 'Maybe now they will keep their hands off our girls.' But an old man, an Egyptian Jew, bared his grief: `That Jews should do a thing like that! Haven't we learned anything from 2,000 years of suffering?' " Indeed, we have learned from historic experience, and only the few "toughs," as the guilty youths of Ramla were described by Newsweek, could possibly tolerate anything akin to what had occurred two weeks ago. Jews as a people, and we are certain that nearly all Israelis share this viewpoint with us, reject demonstrations like the one at Ramla during which there was shouting of "Let's go Los Angeles." Just as we abhor the latter, so, also, are we horrified by the Ramla happenings. We have confidence that Israel's law-enforcing instruments will be utilized to prevent a recurrence of the Ramla incident. And we are in favor of letting it be known that Diaspora Jewry joins with responsible Israelis. in branding the toughs' actions as inhuman and as un-Jewish. * * * Propaganda Disseminators at State Fair Last week, the Allegheny County, Pa., Fair banned the distribu- tion of Birch Society literature. A so-called American Public Opinion Library had obtained space "under false pretenses," it was charged, and the Fair Commission Chairman William McClelland ruled: 'Dis- seminating propaganda is not the purpose of the county fair." But at the Michigan State Fair here Birch Society propaganda was distributed freely. While we have no way of knowing whether the local propaganda dissemination was protested, we hope that the Michigan State Fair Commission will be on guard against a repetition THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS of the practice next year. , 2—Friday, September 10, 1965 The Hastings Street 1923 . Incident in Experience . Ramla Viciously Un-Jewish Weekly Quiz By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, 1965, JTA, Inc.) is it true that Jewish tradi- tion discourages the teaching of Torah to girls? The Talmud (Kiddushin 29 B.) in commenting on the passage "And teach them to your children ..." (Deuteronomy 11:19) says "to your sons and not to your daugh- ters." This has been interpreted by some to indicate that Jewish tradi- tion frowns on teaching daughters Torah. This is, however, not q the case. Another place in - Talmud (Hagiga 3 A ) commentin on the ancient custom, whereby the King assembled the populace to hear the Torah (Deuteronomy 21:12) points out that not only men but women came as well to learn. The Mishnah (N edarim 35:B) speaks of teaching the girls Bible. Furthermore, a whole liter- ature was developed in Yiddish, especially for women in order to give them a knowledge of the Bibli- cal, Midrashic and liturgical writ- ing. What actually may be the case is that deep, concentrated, tech- nical development of legalistic subjects was left to the male popu- lation while the girls and women, who, although advised and re- quired to study Jewish subjects, were nevertheless excused from the more detailed analysis. Cur- rently it has been the opinion of most educators that Torah educa- tion for girls is for extreme im- portance to the survival of Juda- ism. While originally girls would get this education from their mothers, current conditions re- quire formal education, especially because of the widening breach of communication between the gener- ations. Why is the letter "Shin" placed on the Tefillin (philac- tery) of the head? Most of the requirements re- garding Tefillin are considered to be a basic tradition handed down through Moses at Sinai. Some com- ment that the "Shin" stands for the name of God (Shaddai). This particular name of God is the one that is used on the Mezuzah which is affixed to the doorpost of a house. This particular name im- plies that God is characterized by "unlimited completeness"—the God of nature—the real active partici- pant in human life. He is thus not to be regarded as a vague inactive speculative concept, but as one who directly relates himself to our lives. Putting the "Shin" on the head Telfillin thus reminds us that God is with us and part of us, as we are part of Him. Orthodox Group Rejects NCRAC Education Stand NEW YORK (JTA)—The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America reaffirmed its supp of the Federal Aid to Educat Act, which benefits Hebrew school pupils, and announced that it had "dissociated itself from the position recently taken by the Na- tional Community Relations Advis- ory Council in opposition to many aspects of the Act." In a statement issued by Moses I. Feuerstein, national president of the organization, the UOJCA said that the NCRAC position on the Act was a "hypersensitive" one in which any possible benefits for students of "non-public schools" were considered to be an "intru- sion into the sphere of religion," In a letter circulated by the UOJCA to other affiliated and constituent agencies of the NCRAC, Feuerstein called upon these bodies to "adopt a positive attitude" to- ward the Federal Education Act in spite of the position of the par- ent body. He urged the NCRAC affiliates to "act within the limitations emerg- ing from the position of the Or- thodox Jewish community" which generally supports the Act. The Orthodox Union is an affiliate of the National Community Relations Advisory Council.