KKK Exposed by Randel and Chalmers as a Repeating Menace, Use Anti-Semitism as Major Appeal to Hate • Congressional action leading to an investigation of the Ku Klux Klan places the limelight on the hooded elements in the South. Pressures from KKK ranks have caused concern in many ranks. In Bogalusa, La., threats from KKK caused Ralph Blumberg of Station WBOX Ai\I-FM to lose all but four of a list of 74 station advertisers. Blumberg states that his moder- ate views on race issues caused the boycott by the KKK. The pressures exerted upon him and his station brought counter-action and a group of New Yorkers have come to his aid by purchasing 100 commercial message periods with copy consisting of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. KKK's renewed threats to American liberties are in evidence and the Southern race hate move- ment's status emerges in all its im- plications in two new volumes, "Hooded Americanism: The First Century of the Ku Klux Klan: 1865 to the Present," by David M. Chalmers, published by Doubleday, and "The Ku Klux Klan—A Century of Infamy," by William Pierce Randel, published by Chilton Books. They are timely and emi- nently valuable works and the facts they reveal contain warn- ings of possible repetition of KKK acts of pressure accom- panied by t h r e a t s from the hooded elements. Both works are illustrated to indicate the actions of the KKK and to em- phasize the menacing elements of the movement. Randel does not view the KKK as un-American. He sees its spirit as being "a constant in our na- tional behavior . . . at times qui- escent but not dead, only smoul- dering between eruptions." He shows that KKK activities at times were directed against different groups, "during Recon- struction . .. against freedom and Republicans" and in the 1920's it opposed Catholics, Jews, Mormons and aliens as well as Negroes. But he also idicates that "the original Klan evolved almost at once from a purely social club into an active terrotistic group . . . motivated by a conviction that federal efforts to give freedmen the rights of American citizenship were in vio- lation of the Constitution and of divine plan." Randel also contends that "in the early years of the modern Klan, Catholics, Jews and aliens were higher than Negroes on the list of hated minorities. But with the resumption of federal action to extend civil rights, Negroes have regained their usual pri- ority at the head of the list. The Klan had its strength. In • 1871 it impeached a governor — William Woods Holden of North Carolina. It caused frictions, was responsible for lynchings, at one point boiled a Negro's flesh and hanged his skeleton, and at one time, in a three-year-period, KKK Frisco Jewish Group Calls for School Integration SAN FRANCISCO (JTA) — The San Francisco Jewish Community Relations Council called on the city board of education to act on the problem of racial imbalance in the city's public school system "be- fore the opening" of the school year this month. The Council made the appeal in a statement issued after "a thor- ough study of the public schools integration problem." It sent the statement to "all interested parties, including civil rights groups, which had called on the JCRC to join them in their differing procedural programs." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 40 — Friday, September 3, 1965 ;;. vigilantes murdered 153 people in a single county. There were Southern press re- actions against the Klan, and an editorial in 1924 in the Oklahoma Leader is quoted by Randel as having asserted that the Klan is "a fraternal order for the promo- tion of strife; an empire for the promotion of democracy, a crimi- nal conspiracy for upholding the law; a peace crusade by violence, and a new sort of Christianity that would flog Christ for being a Jew and a foreigner." The KKK, Randel believes, "has enough appeal to idealistic 'real' Americans to warrant the predic- tion that it will be with us for a long time to come," in spite of its current "disreputable image." He states: "Special privilege is so at- tractive that all too many people, once they have gained it, find a particular enjoyment in flaunting it, and looking down on others who have yet to achieve it. The Klan capitalizes on this tendency." Randel enters into an inter- esting discussion of the matter of "passing," related to Negroes who have won the struggle on an individual basis and do not wish to pursue the flight, and he even makes the point that "in roughly the same way, grand- children of Jewish immigrants who changed their names by legal action and joined Pro- testant churches can be forgiven for a disinclination to stir up dying embers." And he suggests that Negroes who have "passed" may have become Klansmen, adding: "T hough this seems highly improbable, what present K l a n s m a n, especially in the South with its antebellum con, cubinage system, can be abso- lutely sure that he has no Negro blood?" Randel insists that the myth of race purity has been demolished, that while die-hard Klansmen will not be convinced, "prejudice burns hot and long, but it does burn out." Yet, he concludes: "Conflict, it has seriously been suggested, is the best climate for productive change. The challenge posed by the Klan to other groups making up the population should, sooner or later, produce a valuable examination of what the majority of us think Americanism really is, and what it should be. Weather without turbulence, by this reason- ing, is dangerous as an invitation to apathy. But there is slight pos- sibility of unbroken calm. The Klan can be counted on to provide the right sort of weather: con- tinued turbulence." - * * * Just as Randel believes that the KKK spirit is a constantly re- peating e 1 e In e n t in furthering racism, Chalmers, in "Hooded Americanism," believes that "the Klan persists because the stuff of which Klansmen are made is a part of American society." There- fore he quotes the Klan's boast that it will continue to live "as long as the WHITE MAN liveth." Chalmers points to Southerners who opposed the Klan. He refers to one case, Andrew Erwin, a for- mer mayor of Athens, Ga., who appealed "in the name of the Con- federacy's Father Ryan and Judah P. Benjamin, and of the Americans who died in France .. . to erase the stigma of the Klan." And Chalmers also states that "Mc- Adoo, representing both the lib- eralism and the Klan forces of the South and West, was no bigot," and "his chief strategist, Bernard Baruch, was a Jew . . ." The anti-Semitism of the Klan is reviewed by Chalmers who -re- fers_ to one KKK woman leader who said the Jews were upset be- cause they knew the Klan "teaches the wisdom of spending American money with American men." During Ma Ferguson's campaign for the Senate in 1924, Chalmers writes that "in desperation the Klan appealed for Jewish - votes and modified its opposition to Catholicism, dropping all but the `jug' from its former 'Jew, jug and Jesuit' cry." In 1923 the Klan made a Con- gressional roundup to show that Jewish members of Congress in- cluded two Republicans and five Democrats. Charges were made that Jews dominated 85 per cent of vice in the nation and were out to dominate in law and fi- nance, and the KKK conducted campaigns against Jews in New Jersey summer resorts. Jews left Long Beach "in large numbers" and "in the Asbury Park area, the Klan attempted to discourage Jewish and Roman Catholic visi- tors and to stem the influx of New York vacationers." Chalmers reports that in 1934 "a Westchester rally in a wooded glen, near the Hudson River, praised Hitler and was critical of the New Deal and the `communism of F.D.R. and the Jews.' " Describing the KKK policies, in the early 1920's, Chalmers writes: "Although the Klan revival slight- ly preceded the rising vogue of anti-Semitism, there was always enough around to get involved with things. The Klan was a move- ment designed for native-born, white Protestants of northern European descent. This left the Jew out, and if he was on the out- side, then he constituted a prob- lem and probably ought to be treated as an enemy. If the citizen was hit by hard times, the manipu- lations of the Jewish bankers in the Eastern cities were at fault. If the citien's business was not doing well, then it was because of the competition from his Jewish com- petitor who was being aided by his clannish New York bankers. If he were alarmed over the cost of the war or the absence of peace, then it was either the fault of the international branch of the Jewish monetary conspiracy or the push- Mg, quarreling, Jewish immi- grants who brought with them their communistic conspiracies from eastern Europe." The involvements of Henry Ford and Charles Bowles in De- troit is alluded to, and Chalmers recalls the claim that was ad- vanced that because Ford was for John Smith for - mayor, Bowles surely was the friend of the Jews. Chalmers states that "the success of anti-Semitism stemmed from the patness of the explanation it offered for the Klansman's anxieties: his Hebrew Corner Israel Museum Several months ago the Israel Museum was opened at a festive ceremony. 1,600 important guests from Israel and abroad came to the festive opening. The building of the new museum which is regarded as one of the most beautiful in the world cost over 15,000,- 000 pounds. Its art treasures are worth 150,000,000 pounds. But their artistic value cannot be valued in money at all. - The Israel Museum campus is situated on an area of 84 dunams and is built in the form of a series of small build- ings. In the area of the city stands out the Shrine of the Book in which are exhibited the (hidden) Scrolls which were discovered about 20 years ago in the Qumran cave. In Bible and Antiquities museums are exhibited objects discovered in the many archaeological excavations con- ducted in Israel. In the Bezalel wing there will be held exhibitions of the arts of Jewish painting and sculpture from Israel and abroad. In the Kennedy building an exhibi- tion of the Bible in Art is being held. Important museums in the world lent the most valuable pictures for this exhibition. Among the paintings is Rem- brandt's Moses. Near the buildings is the Billy Rose garden of art containing dozens (literally "tens") of sculptures, the most famous sculptures in world civilization. When they told Billy Rose that Israel is in a dangerous area he answered: "If there are 2,000,000 Je.vs who are not afraid to live there then I should not be afraid on account of the sculptures." When they asked him what should be done with the sculptures should a war break out, he said: "Take the metal statues and make bullets of them." Translation of Hebrew column, Pub- lished by Brit Ivrit Olamit, Jerusalem. fears of racial mixing, his fi- nancial and social insecurity, and his xenophobia . • The ex- planation of a Jewish conspir- acy proved most illuminating, and Klan speakers found that it often took such a note to warm up their audiences." Chalmers states "one of the pronounced aspects of the present Klan has been its violent anti- Semitism. While this has long been a Klan theme, it has become increasingly strong. Without the resources to turn out their own propaganda, the Klaus found a ready, inexpensive supply of lit- erature available from profession- al anti-Semites such as Conde McGinley and Gerald L. K. Smith, and other propagandists on the Citizens Council lists . . . As the Klan turned more and more to anti-Semitic arguments and in- spiration, the leadership of the two movements became more and more intertwined. Integration was denounced as a "Communist-Jew- ish conspiracy plotting to over- throw white-Christian mankind." Temple and synagogue bombings were described as attempts on the part of the Jews to gain sympathy; Eichmann didn't really do it—and good for him if he did. Hitler had the right-idea. Arrested Klansmen were victims of Jewish persecu- tion, and the `Jew-N' was to blame for the troubled state of the world." Chalmers reproduces the in- signia borrowed from the Third Reich by way of the Columbians now used by the anti-Semitic Na- tional States Rights party. Thus we have an expose of the KKK's bigotries, its anti-Semi- tism, its menacing existence as a threat to our democratic way of life. Randel's and Chalmers' vol- umes complement each other and together serve as warnings against the continued threats from the Southern extreme rightists. Weekly Quiz BY RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, 1965, JTA, Inc.) Why is it customary to recite the Songs of Songs on Friday afternoon before the Sabbath? A number of reasons are offer- ed for this practice. Some explain it by saying that the Sabbath is welcomed as a Queen (according to the Kabbalists), and the Song of Songs is a love song sung to a bride (in a higher spiritual sense). It is also claimed that a Jew is supposed to show his love for the Sabbath and to the Almighty, Who gave it to him with love. He thus chants this song as the Sabbath approaches him, just as a lover would welcome his lover. The Zo- har explains it by saying that the 117 verses of the Songs of Songs correspond to the 117 hours of the week during which period he wicked are judged in hell. Chant- ing the Songs of Songs is thus a means of endearing one's self to the Almighty and escaping the pun- ishment of Gehenna. Another kab- balistic source draws an inference from the experience of the Great Tanna who became sick on Friday afternoon and delved into the mysteries of kabbala where he learned the 216 notes of the Song of Songs. Thus, it is claimed that the heavens of mysticism are open on the eve of the Sabbath, and one can experience them through reciting the Song of Songs. Why does Jewish tradition urge one to pray in the syna- gogue especially on Friday eve- ning? Two reasons are advanced. One is because the Friday evening serv- ice contains testimony to the fact of creation, and this testimony is to be given in public (a quorum of 10 adult male Jews is the require- ment for any public service in Jewish tradition). Others claim that because the Sabbath is wel- comed as a bride and its coming symbolizes the union of the Al- mighty with its people, a quorum of 10 adult Jewish males is re- quired as it is for a wedding cere- mony. • • T I TB '? .1411 ‘PrIt,), •Tri 0 I714 "‘MIltr nryinelo tig; riPP4n't07 nil* 160o •nTMZI, rir, L?V n'P:1 IrTgz? Tv4; 150 tr Iry imcg rnsw,j nin4ix ,nine 15 - 7. ; riL?1.7nz? itr,p5- 15 n7 ip r),r•nlytirj rozNirp r ); Lux ,nineTibtp •'1;?; Wr11 ,r3pi 84 5tp nut?? 517 rmtp4 "'nnt.), 7itrrin" rrlp 5Z*1" t,'21z rinpn rivv4 ,ty4r,) ,4 n,4r,),4 5tg 'AO tix474# nirq77 nik p . ppri tra, n "ippl r1"W?; IL7nD4tg rz,-7;9 tya4rz niirriv 1?) 7p5 7it•tlin4 rlaiz •nt$;. ni,li5iz.ritir,7 nun .e7i1741 nt;z 5lopro niv?ts nine - ism n,4! .-r1vAi4 I13.1;1- 5v r4i 517 ninnr.) eriv; tr4ix, ri?1 trpTori .074-147n. rq37.; :ninnr);" 7,4 - 7pn 7n .no:pap ninirn.7 or; nip 517 PIlytirTi p. 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