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September 03, 1965 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1965-09-03

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Syria-Jordan Rift and Israel's Role in UN Assignment


(JTA Correspondent at the
United Nations)
(Copyright, 1965, JTA, Inc.)

Everybody knows that Syria and
Jordan are the closest pals. They
share Nasser's hatred for Israel.
Both are making all kinds of wild
threats about diverting the head-
waters of the Jordan River, so as
to rob Israel of those waters which
Premier Eshkol has called "Israel's
life-line," and which he has
pledged to defend even with arms.
Both Syria and Jordan back El
Fatah, the Arab terrorist gangs
that have been carrying on sabo-
tage inside Israel. El Fatah has its
headquarters in• Syria, but most of
the recent anti-Israeli depredations
have been carried out recently by
members of the gang based in
Here, however, the friendship
ends. Right now, Syria and Jordan
are engaged in a stiff hassle. The
issue: both want to be on the next
Security Council; each insists that,
if only one of them can be chosen,
its state comes first.
Enlargement of the Security
Council, from its present 11 mem-
bers to 15, is in the cards. The
General Asembly adopted amend-
ments to the United Nations Char-
ter in 1963, calling for an increase
in Security Council membership by
four, and also for enlarging the
Economic and Social Council from
the present 18 members to 27. As
of this writing, only the formal
ratification of the United States
is needed for final passage of those
amendments. More than enough
other votes in favor are already
in (Israel voted for the amend-
menth some months ago).
The U.S.A. is the only perma-
nent member of the Security
Council that has not, as yet, filed
its ratification, although the full
Senate voted in favor of ratifica-
tion as long ago as June 3. The
U.S.A. is holding back on a tech-
nicality—but there is little doubt
that Washington's vote of "yes"
will come forth formally by the
deadline for this procedure.

fight. Jordan was elected last
year to a one-year term on the
Security Council. Ordinarily,
such a term runs for two years.
But Mali had opposed Jordan's
candidacy and there was a dead-
lock. To break the impasse, an
agreement was made that Jor-
dan would sit on the Council un-
til December 31, 1965, would re-
sign, and Mali would take over
the vacancy for the second year.
What will happen if the amend-
ments are put into effect and
the Council is enlarged?
Syria's permanent representa-

tive, Rafik Asha, sent a letter to
all members of the United Nations
announcing its candidacy for a
seat on the Security Council. He
did not say whether he wants a
seat in addition to one for Jor-
dan, or whether he wants Syria
to be on the body instead of
Jordan. Jordan's Abdul Monem
Rifai sent out his own letter. He
claimed that the agreement re-
garding Mali was phrased in such
a way as to let Jordan stay on —
if the enlargement amendment is
put into effect.
While the rivalry between two of
the anti-Israeli members has thus
been re-emphasized here, the
Arab bloc evidently feels it has
nothing to lose by the Damascus-
Ammna maneuver. The Arabs
want to make sure that at least

one Arab remains on the Council
and feel that, if two get elected,
so much the better.
Overlooked entirely is one im-
portant fact: That the Arab states
are not the entire Middle East,
and that Israel is also a sovereign
state in that region. There has al-
ways been an Arab representa-
tive on the Security Council since
the first Council in 1946. Israel
has never been on this principal
organ of the United Nations. (Nor
for that matter, as noted here re-
cently in connection with the cur-
rent vacancy on the International
Court of Justice, has Israel ever
been a member of, let alone head
of, any of the other principal or-
gans of the United Nations.)
While Syria and Jordan are
jockeying for position, the thought
of putting up Israel as a candidate
for Security Council membership
may well be entertained by some
delegations. Certainly, the Arabs
would kick and howl. But when
don't they, concerning Israel?
Maybe the Jordanian-Syrian rival-
ry, pointing up the Arabs' frequent
proof of their intramural rivalries,
may kick up a move in Israel's di-
rection. Maybe.

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than other methods now in use

abroad. Chicken-feed producers
in Europe and the U.S. have dis-
played a keen interest in the in-
vention. The color of the yolk has
no influence whatsoever on the
nutritive value of the egg.

Friday, September 3, 1965-15

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How to Be a Jew

For Tremendous
Savings During Our
Red, While and Blue


HAIFA — A new additiive to
chicken feed invented at the Tech-
nion, Israel Institute of Technol-
ogy, will enable farmers in Israel
and abroad to make their hens lay
eggs with deeper-colored egg yolks.
The Technion invention is be-
lieved to be considerably cheaper

From "Israel" by Ludwig Lewisohn

It is not easy to be a Jew. It will
be easier when the Jew is content
to be himself. He must listen to
his own soul. It is futile for him
to try to cultivate the chivalric vir-
tues—love of combat, uncritical ac-
ceptance of standardized objects of
loyalty, an artificial sense of honor,
an acceptance of life as a game to
be played according to rules. The
Aryan gentleman asks concerning
an action: Is it honorable accord-
ing to a code? Is it correct? Is it
gentlemanly? Is it "quite cricket"?
The Jewish gentleman asks: Is it
righteous? What is its relation
to an eternal justice, to an eternal
Now comes the Jordan-Syrian
mercy? It is perfectly true that,
according to the standards of
chivalric Europe and the analogous
tradition in America, the Jew is
no gentleman. How could he be?
Why should he strive to be? He
cannot say, for instance, "my coun-
try, right or wrong." His historic
experiences are not rooted in the
Germanic institutions of nobles
and retainers, of fealty as an ab-
stract virtue. He missed not only
by actual exclusion but as a matter
of character and instinct the whole
experience of the feudal world. As
a romantic curiosity he can appre-
ciate the devotion of Aryan gentle-
men to a royal nonentity, to the
"People come a
mediocre occupant of an exalted
long way to deal
office. Personally he can never
share these emotions. His democ-
with Stark Hickey Ford"
racy, his passion for reasoned jus-
tice, are bone-deep and thousands
of years old. In the moral world
he does not understand compro-
mise. When the great oppressed
the humble the prophets of Israel
sought to destroy the state even
into obliteration, even unto. for-
eign captivity. The Jew has not
changed. It was inevitable that
modern socialism should be large-
ly the creation of Jews. It does
not matter whether the precise
doctrines of any group of them are
likely to prevail. They acted out of
an immemorial and unchangeable
Jewish instinct. "He judged the
cause of the poor and needy; then
it was well. Was not this to know
me? said Jehovah."


Technion Study Hatches Brighter-Hued Egg Yolks

Noted Neuropathologist
Albert Adamkiewicz, a 19th Cen-

Pat ReynOlds admits she was wrong!

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of operation alone. Of course, if your dryer is electric, Edison
comes out, repairs electric operating parts, and leaves with-
out leaving you a bill! (It's the only no-charge dryer repair
service offered by a utility company in this area.)
Add up ALL the costs and you'll see what Pat Reynolds saw
—electric dryers actually cost less to own.



tury Austrian-Jewish physician,
was a leading pioneer in the field
of neuropathology. His researches
included an early study of cancer.



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