(WHEN WE STOP FOR LUNCH WE'LL TAKE THE EXCURSION BOAT THROUGH THE LOCKS WHEN WE GET TO THE SOO. I'LL HAVE THE CAR CHECKED. IT'S A GOOD IDEA, JANIE, WHEN YOU'QE CN A TRIP OF THIS LENGTH. ` WHEN yo CHECK MY OIL, WOULD YOU TAKE A LOOK AT THE FAN BELT AND WATER, PLEASE, ? (GEE, DAD, Tit BET THESE. ARE -THEN' BIGGEST LOCKS IN THE WORLD / - _I WELL,THEY ARE NE LONGEST AND BUSIEST INTHE. WORLD. MORE TONNAGE PASSES THROUGH HE-RE INTHEAUERAGE- EIGHT MONTHS SEASON THAN THE PANAMA AND SUEZ CANALS COMBINED INAYEAR Eighteen Camping Sites Being Installed in Forests TEL AVIV—Over 180,000 visitors are expected annually in the 18 camping and recreation sites which are being installed now, with an investment of 250,000 Israeli pounds, in Israeli Jewish National Fund forests. Special emphasis will be laid on sites in the south with the aim to spread tourist visits all over the country. Want ads get quick results! Bring 'em back ALIVE! DRAWN FOR tk+4 Does An Israeli Have a Chance to Win International Judgeship at EIV BY SAUL CARSON (Copyright, 1965, JTA, Inc.) UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. — There is a top United Nations posi- tion open right now. The Security Council and the General Assembly must elect somebody to fill a va- Caney on the 15-member Interna- tional Court of Justice. One of the court's members, Judge Abdel Hamid Badawi of Egypt • died Aug. 4. Someone must be picked to fill his post until his last term would have expired, Feb. 5, 1967. Is it possible that an Israeli might be put into that position? Israel has never had a member oD the International Court. The Arabs have always had one mem- ber on the world court. Is there such a thing as an "Arab seat" on the court? Members of the court are, of- ficially, selected without regard to nationality. That, of course, is pure fiction. All five perma- nent members of the Security Council must be represented, so there is always someone from the United States, Britain, France, the Soviet Union and China (Nationalist, of course). But there are 10 other seats. The only persons eligible for election are those nominated by national groups appointed by gov- ernments which are parties to the Court's statutes — meaning such states that have put themselves on record as accepting the rulings of the Court. Israel is such a state. If, let us say, the Israel Bar As- Sedation—or some other group appointed for that task by the Is- rael Government—were to nomi- nate someone to membership on the Court, that person would be eligible. In accordance with the Charter, the Court is one of the six organs major bodies of the United Na- tions; the others are the General - — Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, and the Secretariat, personified by the Sec- retary-General. Except for the As- sembly, there is not a single Israeli on any of the Councils, there is nr, Israeli on the Court, and, of course, no Israeli has ever held the post of Secretary-General. Along with all other member states, Is- rael is represented in the Assem- bly. But Israel has never even been nominated for the presidency of the Assembly. Arabs have headed the Assembly, have headed the Secur- ity Council, have headed every one of the other Councils. MICHIGAN MIT, MR AUG. 27-SEPT. 6 One is only asking questions at this point. Why have Arabs been elected and never an Is- raeli? Some diplomats might re- sort to another fiction, that of "geographic r e p r esentation." They might say that Arabs are chosen because they are repre- sentatives of the Middle East. So, indeed, they are. But does the Middle East include also Israel? It doesn't, as far as most of the Arab states are concerned —since, to them, Israel does not exist at all. But must Arab in- terpretation of history and of geography be accepted by the United Nations? In most re- spects, the UN does reject the Arab thesis regarding the non- existence of Israel. Why not, then, in regard to membership on, and/or presidency of, the major organs? There is ample time for filling that void as far as the Court is concerned. Judge Badawi died Ohio to Finance Buses for Religious Schools CINCINNATI (JTA) — The Ohio State Legislature has passed a so-called "Fair Bus" bill which provides for state financing of bus transportation for pupils at pri- vate and parochial schools, which has been opposed by many Jewish and Protestant groups on the grounds that it violates the princi- ple of church-state separation. A statewide Committee of Ohio- ans Against the Bus Bill includes among its members Rabbi Mur- ray Blackman, of the Jewish Com- munity Relations Council of this city; and Harold Goldstein of the Ohio Conference of Jewish Com- munity Relations Committees. The Ohio branch of the American Civil Liberties Union announced this weekend it will challenge the new measure in the courts, not merely as a "friend of the court" but as direct plaintiff. dae Aug. 4. On Aug. 10, the Security The issue has been posed. One Council decided that an election to must wait until November for the Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. fill that vacancy will be held some answers. time during the next session of the General Assembly. That election cannot take place before Novem- ber. Under the rules, the Sec'- e- tary-General must send letters to all governments who adhere to the Court's rulings, at least three months before an election, "invit- ing" them to submit nominations. He will send that letter this month. There is no doubt that Israel Who has placed second nationally among all agents in the has as many jurists of distinction premium volume of life insurance protection written dur- as any Arab state may have had ing their first year with the company. in the past or has now. Judge Badawi was, apparently, quite notable in his profession. That fact became apparent when every member of the Security Council made it his business to eulogize the deceased. There is little doubt that, if an Israeli were to be nominated, he could be elected—if both the United States and the Soviet Union would back him. One would take it for granted that the Arabs would vote against an Israeli, but they have only one vote in the Security Coun- cil (Jordan) and could not possi- bly swing the Assembly if both of 900 GUARDIAN BUILDING the East-West powers were behind DETROIT, MICHIGAN-48226 the nominee. Does the East-West WOodward 5 - 5400 detente go far enough to make possible an agreement on a sim- Life - Group - Accident and Health Insurance ple issue of justice to a member state like the one involved here? GLENN B. MOORE AGENCY a new concept in Shopping Centers Insult to Arthur Goldberg LISBON (JTA) — Diario Dema- nho, the party newspaper of Portu- guese Premier Salazar, published an apology for an editorial describ- ing Arthur J. Goldberg as "a re- pented Marxist Jew who today just confesses Socialist sympathies." The denunciation of the new chief United States delegate to the United Nations evoked resentment in United States Embassy circles in Lisbon. (President Johnson's press sec- retary, Bill D. Moyers, on Tuesday denied reports that the President had urged Arthur Goldberg to leave the high court for his UN post by promising him the nomina- tion for Vice President in 1968. Moyers said the President "offer- ed Goldberg nothing except a chance to serve his country in an almost impossible job. No politics was discussed. This is a categorical denial.") ewish N w fn UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T FIND A FINER WINE THAN Portuguese Paper Retracts THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 20, 1965-9 DETROIT IF YOU TURN THE BY S. c = c BOWERS . • • ELEVEN MILE ROAD AND LAHSER IN SOUTHFIELD Offers the enterprising merchant entre to metropolitan Detroit's most attractive market of young- successfuls. Direct your inquiries for Leasing Information to the Developer 13809 Puritan Avenue * Detroit 48227 * 272-2600 FOR ALL OCCASIONS