Committee Reports Neo-Nazis' Membership Losses But 'Currency and Prestige' Gains The American Jewish Commit- tee, in a report on neo-Nazi activi- ties in Europe coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the end of Hit- lerism, concludes that the hun- dreds of neo-Nazi parties and splin- ter groups organized throughout Europe in the late 1940s and early 1950s have lost members and strength during the past decade, but their racist ideas and political themes recently have been gaining "currency and prestige." The extremist groups that re- main have been carrying on two major anti-Semitic campaigns, one covert, the other open, adds the report prepared by the commit- tee's foreign affairs department. The undercover campaign, often in alliance with Arab groups, seeks to prevent adoption by the Ecu- menical Council of any declara- tion that makes clear Roman Cath- olic Church opposition to anti- Semitism, repudiating the charges of Jewish responsibility for the death of Jesus. The public cam- paign consists of the constant drive to establish that the Nazi murder of 6,000.000 Jews is nothing but "a fable." In its survey of neo-Nazi ac- tivities, the American Jewish Committee reports that in West Germany, at the end of 1964, Israel Pine Grove Dedicated to Priest A grove of pine trees sponsored by the American Jewish Com- mittee's Institute of Human Relations is dedicated to the late Rev. John LaFarge, S.J., leader in race and interreligious relations who received the AJC's American Liberties Medallion in 1959 for "exceptional advancement of the principles of liberty and equality." Participating in ceremonies near Jerusalem are Rev. C. J. McNaspy, S.J., associate editor of American magazine and colleague of Father LaFarge, who edited the publication before his death in 1963; and Rabbi Roses C. Weiler, adviser to the chairman of the Jewish National Fund in Israel. Looking on are Rev. Walter Kern of Buf- falo, N.Y., and Rev. Francis Reilly of Totowa, N.J. Father McNaspy is shown wearing the ceremonial yarmulke that belonged to Father LaFarge. `Concise English Dictionary' Erases Terms, Synonyms Offensive to Jews LONDON (JTA)—Odhams Press Ltd., one of the largest publishing firms in Britain, acted swiftly to carry out a pledge to remove from its "Concise English Dictionary" slurring definitions of Jews. The Glasgow Jewish Times had sent a protest earlier this month to Odhams director C. K. Jones, noting that the dictionary defini- tion of Jews include the synonyms of "extortionist, bargainer, money- lender" and used the word as a verb, meaning "to cheat, outwit." Jones promised immediate action. Tuesday the firm notified the Jewish newspaper that several thousand copies of the dictionary, scheduled for delivery this month, were being amended, as were all unbound copies in stock in the publishing plant. The amended definition for Jew reads: "A member of the Hebrew branch of the Semitic race; Isra- elite; believer in the Hebrew re- ligion." Jones said that the change "will involve us in considerable expense" and added: "It is some- thing we willingly undertake. In our lifetime, anti-Semitism has brought death to millions and un- told misery to hosts who survived. We will not wittingly lend our sup- port to racial or religious discrim- ination." Jewish circles here expressed satisfaction with • the publisher's decision to amend a wrong. Morris Linden, editor of the Glasgow Jew- ish newspaper, was lauded for hav- ing initiated the protest to Odhams Press. U.S. Grants $120,000 to National Jewish Hospital DENVER (JTA)—The United States public Health Service has awarded $120,000 to the National Jewish Hospital here for investi- gation of new drugs for treatment of isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis. The project director for the study, which will take five years, is Dr. T. William Lester, chief of chest medicine at the hospital. The assistant director is Dr. William E. Dye, chief of clinical microbiology. The study will seek to determine the effectiveness of new drugs not I only to attack tuberculosis organ- isms which have become immune, but other drugs as well. Pittsburgh Y Expanded there were 119 extremist organ- izations while more than 40 such groups had been formed in Aus- tria during the past ten years. Though neo-Nazi groups seem to be shrinking in strength as the older generation dies off and under the impact of European prosper- ity and the establishment of work- ing democratic regimes in Ger- many and Italy, several danger- ous factors are noted: COMMODOR WHITEREAD Want ads get quick results! WILL BE AT BR 2-2400 High Holiday Prayer Book By Dr. Philip Birnbaum 1. Support for anti-Semitic and right- radical groups in Europe and South America by the Nasser • Government and the Arab League, as evidenced by the recent exposure of a neo-Nazi underground in Sweden. 2. The attraction to right-wing ideo- logies of large numbers of university students. 3. The increased currency and pres- tige of certain racist and political themes that were advanced almost solely by neo-Nazis in the early post- war period. Apart from survival, these ex- tremist groups have shown skill in various forms of cooperation, the committee's report adds, giv- ing as examples: the creation of escape routes for war criminals, the continual shipment of extrem- ist literature across frontiers, and the ability to exploit trouble and tension, as with French difficulties in Algeria, social strife in Bel- gium, and Austrian-Italian conflict over the Alto Adige region. The committee points to the growth of the right-wing press and publications both in France and Germany as "the right extremists' most notable achievement of late." In addition to former Nazis, ex- generals, and right radicals, one writer often quoted by the right propagandists is the American his- torian, Dr. David Hoggan, whose 898-page book, "The Enforced War," casts the British as the vil- lains who caused World War II and Hitler as their victim. "Right-wing heroes are getting a greater play than at any time during the past two decades," the report states, and adds: "re- newed interest in World Wars I and II is warmly welcomed by all the right-radical groups for it offers them another opportu- nity to impress the youth and to urge for a 'rewriting of his- tory.' " With Jews rarely an open target today, extremist groups in Europe seem to be concentrating their at- tention on the racial and ethnic minorities who are migrating across national boundaries as part of the widespread movement to meet Europe's labor shortages. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PITTSBURGH (JTA)—The YM- 8—Friday, August 20, 1965 YWHA-Irene Kaufmann Center of Pittsburgh announces plans to STARTING NEXT WEEK build a Jewish Center building to serve Jewish families in the city's East End. The capital expansion goal will be close to $3,000,000. In Two Volumes This two volume set of the Mahzor Ha-Shalem is concise and accurate. The Hebrew prayers and plyutim are superbly trans- lated and annotated. Like the two-volume Sephardic edition of Mahzor Ha-Shalem, our Ashkenazic edition, now made available in two volumes, contains a wide variety of responsive readings in English. The Mahzor was in need of interpretation, expert translation and dignified presentation. The need has now been filled. Even a cursory examination will reveal that the task has been brought to a successful fruition. Mahzor Ha-Shalem--2 Vol. $5.00 Mahzor Ha-Shale-m-1 Vol. $2.75 Mahzor Ha-Shalem Sephard-2 Vol. only $5.00 AT ALL BOOK STORES Hebrew Publishing Co. 79 Delancey St., New York, N.Y. OAK PARK'S FINEST NURSERY Registration Now Open gsrad Center Y oung of Gah- Woods 24061 Coolidge Hwy. We are happy to announce that our new nursery facilities will be completed by the fall semester. Call Synagogue Office, 546-6662 Mon.-Thurs. 12-4 P.M. • United Hebrew Schools Southfield Branch in cooperation with the ADDS SHALOM SYNAGOGUE will meet at Birney Public School 11 Mile Rd. & Evergreen Starting September 13, 1965 Kindergarten through 2nd grade (5-8 yrs.) Under the auspices of the Adas Shalom Synagogue. Children aged 8 should start Hebrew School Now ! Full program through graduation & Bar Mitzvah Professionally trained Hebrew Teachers! Testing Program ! City-Wide Curriculum ! Centrally Supervised School System! Transportation provided by UHS buses from all parts of Southfield and Suburbs For Information & Enrollment - Call DI 1-3407