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August 20, 1965 - Image 24

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1965-08-20

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Southfield Boy Captures Advanced Degree Sought
by 70% of Brandeis Class

Goldie and Morris Adler Describe Israel's U.S. Chess Tournament
Unusual Attainments ; Extol U.S. Friendship

Rabbi and Mrs. Morris Adler returned last week from a seven-month stay in Israel. In a joint
statement made at the request of The Jewish News, Rabbi and Mrs. Adler described their im-
pressions as follows:

We shall be lastingly grateful for the oppor-
tunity of living in Israel for a period of seven
months. We felt ourselves part of the life about us,
as tourists during their briefer and more hurried
visit cannot. We acquired an apartment in Jerusa-
lem and emulated in our daily and customary
routine the life of an Israeli family. Thus we were
able to experience and observe aspects of the
customary and normal as against the dramatic and
spectacular which are usually shown to the visitor.
Yet in summing up our impressions, we find
that they transcend the daily and habitual. All
through our stay we could not free ourselves from
the sense that we were witnesses to a miracle.
Shopping in the grocery store, supermarket or
butcher-shop, prosaic pursuits though they were,
they could not obscure the recognition that the
frame in which these humdrum activities were
set was nonetheless unusual and unique. There
is a larger-than-life quality about Israel, with which
everything in it and of it is touched. One is
realistic enough to know that Israelis, like all other
people, are human and imperfect; that their coun-
try has immediate and long-range problems in the
areas of its economy, security, education and re-
ligion; that crime and delinquency occur here and
that in few countries do people drive their auto-
mobiles as poorly as they do here. Yet when all
this is said, the feeling continues to persist that
present in Israeli life are dimensions not found in
many other places.
For one thing here is a land that was not colon-
ized by a mother-country. Those who came here,
who built the land, cleared its wastes and fought
for it, had no government behind them, no source
of support and protection given them by the land
from which they came. World-forces and circum-
stances, to be sure, helped shape its destiny.
Jewries of other countries contributed material
aid most generously. Yet politics and money of them-
selves could not build a state. Needed were people;
needed was a compelling and overwhelming ideal;
needed was a deep faith. That these conditions
were met and these these elements were present
is no minor miracle.
For another, a people unskilled and untrained in
government built a stable, free state. One does not
have to elaborate the democratic structure of the
State of Israel with its elected officials freely
chosen by a completely enfranchised citizenry. This
is well known. However, two circumstances vividly
point up the inner discipline which underlies
freedom here and without which democracy can
break down -into anarchy or erupt into totalitar-
First is the complete and thorough-going cessa-
tion of terrorism as soon as the State was pro-

claimed. In other lands where an underground
movement had formed to liberate the country, ter-
rorism persisted and was not easily put down. In
Israel despite the fact that the Resistance Move-
ment was highly organized and widespread and
despite the ferocity and desperation which fired it,
and despite a membership that had been trained
in violence — the acceptance of the rule of the new
state was universal. The formerly desperate young
men entered the army, took jobs, raised families
and became exemplary law-abiding citizens.
The second manifestation of unusual restraint is
in the civilian nature of the political structure of
Israel. The Army is undoubtedly the country's most
powerful single institution, claiming the largest
part of the national buget. Every Israeli under 40
is a trained soldier and older men are in the reserve
and subject to call. The army is not only the mil-
itary arm of the government, it also embraces its
largest education system. Yet not even the most
extreme opposition can charge that the government
is under the thumb of the army. There is not the
slightest symptom of military rule in the conduct
of the political life of the State.
Since this statement is to be brief, we limit
ourselves to one additional extraordinary facet. The
nearest and most profitable markets of the Middle
East are closed to Israel. The flow of immigration
has often assumed tidal proportions and many of
the newcomers could not be expected to be pro-
ducers. Despite these monumental economic handi-
caps, Israel's economy is stable and the land shows
many signs of prosperity.
We cite the above unusual accomplishments
not to glorify Israel but to caution the visitor and
observer to adjust themselves in judging the country
to the heroic dimensions and large perspectives
which are demanded. One should see the very
difficult challenges which still face the state and
the vast scope of unfinished business before it,
realistically and frankly. But one should never
forget that one is dealing with a people accustomed
to defy unfavorable circumstances, to assume stag-
gering responsibilities and to live unafraid in the
midst of crisis.
We return the better acquainted with the in-
numberable difficulties which lie in the path of the
State of Israel, yet deepened in our conviction that
it possesses the intelligence, the spirit and the skill
to overcome them. Above all we return with the
intensified pride in our membership in an old
people which has not lost its youth. We rejoice in
the partnership that exists between Israel and the
American Jewish community — a partnership which
should be extended and deepened to the mutual
enrichment of both great Jewish centers.

In competition with over 200
top chess players from all over
the world, Ben Crane, 18, son of
Mr. and Mrs.
Murry Koblin of
Birch Ridge Dr.,
Southfield, tied
fOr first place in
Class A at the
recent U.S. Chess
Open at San
Juan, P.R.
Other local
youths who par
ticipated in the
meet were
Crane Charles Bassin,
16, son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Bassin of Kentucky Ave., and Al-
lan Kaufman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Kaufman of Glenmora
Ave., Southfield.


Nearly 70 per cent of Brandeis
University's 1965 graduates are con-
tinning their studies at graduate
and professional schools throughout
the world, according to a recent
survey by Brandeis' office of car-
eer planning.
Of the 279 June graduates who
responded to the survey (307 re-
ceived degrees) 87 per cent of the
men and 53 per cent of the women
indicated immediate plans to pur-
sue advanced degree programs.



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Goldie and Morris Adler

Dinner Sept. 15 to Honor Max Ostrow Escorts Fashions,

Max Ostrow, chairman of the
Bnai David Chevra Kadisha for 10
years and member of the synago-
gue's borad of trustees for 30 years,
will be honored
as Bnai David
Man of the Year
at the congrega-
tion's "Salute to
Israel" d i n ner,
Sept. 15, in the
Julius Rotenberg
Hall. The affair
is on behalf of
Israel Bonds.
Guest star at
this affair, which
has become an annual event at
Bnai David, will be Henny Young-
man, favorite TV and night club
For tickets, call the Bond office,
DI 1-5707.
Ostrow, who has been a member
of Bnai David for 43 years, has
lived in Detroit since 1913, coming
from Russia. He served in the First
World War, first in France and
then with the Poplar Bear Divi-
sion in Archangelsk, Russia. He was
wounded in the battle against the
Bolsheviks. While in Walter Reed
Hospital he was visited by Presi-
dent Woodrow Wilson.
After his discharge in 1921, he
brought over to this country his

24—Friday, August 20, 1965

parents, four sisters and a brother,
but his father died in Ellis Island.
Ostrow has been in the hard-
ware and crockery business for 40
years. He has devoted his life to
communal causes, has been active
in veterans' circles, in Mizrachi,
Yeshiva University. and Bar-Ilan
but his main interest has been with
Cong. Bnai David. Last spring a
monument to the six million vic-
tims of the Nazi holocaust was
erected at the Bnai David ceme-
tery, to honor him on his 70th
A leadership reception in ad-
vance of the Bnai David pre-High
Holy Day appeal dinner will be
hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lieb-
erman. 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, in their
home, 5234 W. Outer Drive. Guest
speaker will be Robert Lurie.
Ostrow will be the guest of honor.

2nd Annual Family Picnic
Sponsored by Akiva PTA

The PTA of Akiva Hebrew Day
School will sponsor its 2nd annual
family picnic 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Sun-
day at the Totem Pole Day Camp,
12 Mile Rd. and Beck Rd. Refresh-
ments will be served.
Guests are invited at a nominal
admission charge.
For further information, please
call Marshall Goldman, DI 1-9909,
or Marvin Engel, LI 6-2425.


Models on El Al


.. i. ....



Flying officers aren't supposed
to get lightheaded as they maneu-
ver runways. But El Al Israel Air-
lines' Gershon Stschik has good
reason for giddiness — this par-
ticular runway is built for fashions,
not for jets. Stschik is only part of
the special treatment El Al de-
vised for a special collection of
Israeli haute couture fashions. Not
only did Officer Stschik safely
escort the designs from Israel, he
also escorts them and their lovely
models across America's fashion



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