■-■ 41,111111101111.11111MXIXIMINwiwommsmilovoxi.,- Volunteer Drivers Sought for Cancer Patients All qualified drivers willing to contribute one day or more a week to help transport cancer patients to and from medical treatment centers in Detroit are being asked to contact the Michigan Cancer Foundation, TE 3-0710, immedi- ately. Regular drivers away on sum- mer vacations have left an unmet need among persons w h o must undergo regular X-ray treatments in local hospitals, according to Mrs. Marvin Dornbrock, volunteer transportation chairman for met- tropolitan Detroit. No physical strength is needed. Berdichev-Keshenev Will Honor Mersky Ellen Klegon Engaged to Leon Paul Meyers aSke,t& FOR EVERY OCCASION MISS ELLEN KLEGON Fruit* Food *Wine Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Klegon of Norhtlawn Ave. announce the en- gagement of their daughter Ellen Ruth to Leon Paul Meyers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meyers of Tavistock Trail, Southfield. The bride-elect is a senior at Michigan State University, of which her fiance is a graduate. Mr. Meyers, who was affiliated with Phi Sigma Delta Fraternity, is now doing graduate work at Wayne State University. A June 26 wedding is planned. Anniversaries Hospital • New Babies Boo Voyage • Birthdays • Sympathy It's easy to be thoughtful ... call us ... we'll sign your card and deliver a gift basket for you. JUST- CALL DI 1-8840 HORN OF PLENTY The Berdichev - Keshenev Aid Society will honor its president, Frank Mersky, at a celebration marking Israel's 17th year of statehood. 8:30 p.m., Aug. 16, at Cong. Beth Yehudah. Louis Bassin, vice president, will be chairman. Guest speaker at the affair, on behalf of Israel Bonds, will be Probate Court .Judge Ira G. Kaufman, immed- iate past presi- dent of the Zion- ist Organization of Detroit, honor- ary president of Adas Shalom Synagogue. Mersky Mersky is a longtime member of the society and has held many offices. He is active in various communal causes. Mr. and Mrs. Mersky are leav- ing on a trip to Israel early in September, and the affair will be a "Bon Voyage" party. A musical program will be provided, and re- freshments and Israeli wine will be served. The Berdichev - Keshenev So- ciety's Israel Bond affair last year resulted in Israel Bond subscrip- tions totaling $20,000. Perlman Mellen Troth Is Announced Here - T H Grant INCORPORATED ares +/- 4"li"" MISS BARBARA PERLMAN A June wedding is planned by Barbara Perlman and John David Mellen, children of Mr. Jack Perl- man of Adrian Ave. and the late Mrs. Perlman, and Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Mellen of Stratford Rd. Miss Perlman attends the Uni- versity of Michigan, and her fiance attends Wayne State University's school of medicine, where he is affiliated with Phi Delta Epsilon Fraternity. rtistryu i T in 1 infe J eweis =AIN ae117`.4. 20010 James CouzensDrive Detroit 35, Michigan aiorpate octf.itzte4S).„ 12 PhOn e: 342-5666 "FOR INCOMPARABLE DISTINCTION" IN INVITATIONS AND ACCESSORIES Call THE INVITATION HOUSE THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Learning without thought is la- Friday, July 30, 1965-15 bor lost. Confucius. 8922 W. 7 MILE RD., at Wyoming MRS. HENRY ITTLESON Sr., New York social-work leader, will be honored on her 90th birthday at a dinner Sept. 23 in the Grand Ballroom of the Plaza Hotel. The event is being sponsored by the Social Work Recruiting Center of Greater New York, Inc. Mrs. Leo- nard H. Bernheim, Mrs. Godfrey S. Rockefeller and Samuel D. Leis- desdorf are cochairmen. Leonard Bernstein is one of the vice chair- men, along with the David Sar- noffs. 533-2857 or 533-2515 MAX HOROWITZ — WE SELL NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRODUCTS YOU KNOW YOU CAN TRUST! EXTRA SUPER SPECIAL! CHICAGO BRAND STRICTLY EXTRA SPECIAL MA-COHEN'S NOVA LOX v HOT DOGS or KNOCKS in Oil 69 c full lb, cello pkg. 89c 7-oz. jar Roland Imported DISCOUNT DRUGS Super Special! Oak Park Store Only BONITA FILLETS KINGSFORD CHARCOAL BRIQUETS FRESH White Fish 3 43/4ans 85c 10 lb s. OR Trout New Pack We Reserve Right to Limit Quantity. NNW Chase & Sanborn COFFEE REG. OR DRIP GRIND 6 69c lb. can CHINOOK RED SALMON reg. 99c 69C 71/2-oz. can No Coupon Needed N ew Ice from Borden's Delicious Creamy Thick MILK SHAKES IN A CAN 101/4-oz. 19 C can Chocolate • Vanilla Strawberry • Coffee DAIRY SPECIALS DORMAN'S BIG EYE NATURAL SLICED SWISS CHEESE 29( 6-oz. bag What A Good Buy! WISHBONE CRISCO ITALIAN DRESSING Pure Vegetable SHORTENING 3 lc Reg. 39c 3 79` lb. can 8-oz. bottle SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE cup 29c draine d weight cans 41/2-oz. EVERYBODY ALUMINUM LIKES . . • FOIL WRAP POTATO CHIPS g 25$100 ft rolls Large 14-oz. bag Beet or Schav Borscht Reg. $1.69 I :,00 (NM SUCARYL LIQUID, 20-0z. Reg. $1 63 $2.98 ■ GELATIN DESSERTS I 3-oz. boxes Ore-Ida c ONION RINGS 1-1b. Box 65 Frosty Acres Young Tender GREEN PEAS 1-113. 8-oz. Bag 29c HART BRAND CHOPPED ONONS 12-oz. 1 5c Bag Gourmets Attention! Gorton's FISH STICKS (In Pizza Sauce and Cheese) 1 0-oz, 29c Pkg. 60 RECHELIEU FINEST BARTLETT PEARS TOMATO JUICE GREEN GIANT LARGE TENDER 3 a. 95` 3 89` 5 1-qt. 14-oz. cans SWEET PEAS 1-lb. 9 1-oz, cans 5c CROWN KOSHER STYLE DILL PICKLES V2-gal. I. .9" Size Pkg. of 100 WHITE PAPER PLATES 59c Finest in the Land! slo Burning— $3.88 aI aft Even Heat CHARCOAL BRIQUETTES 10-lb, 59 Bag c 100 Cold Drink Quality CHARCOAL PAPER CUPS LIGHTER FLUID 79c Qt. 2 9 c Can ul Fisher's Red Ripe TOMATOES 29` lb. Sweet as Honey Extra Fancy HOME GROWN California PLUMS BLUE- BERRIES 25c lb. 3 boxes Sr CUKES Nubiana • Wicksom Lorado Extra Large Sie 3 forl9c *Produce Specials Good Friday, Saturday and Sunday Large Size II Reg. $1.49 ■ N SUDDEN BEAUTY DEODORANT I I - 11 Limit 2 Expires Aug. 5 11M In _l MN 11 XII MI CO !PO MN I- n 88c Limit 2 Expires Aug. 5 NM MX MN MI NI IN MI NM INN INN MN o co tPO N I ) HIDDEN MAGIC HAIR SPRAY, 15-oz. Reg. $1154 $2.35 II — Extra Fancy I SUCARYL SODIUM TABS, 1000's Reg. Sig 99 49 C '•""' PRODUCE SPECIALS* WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF PICNIC NEEDS! • MI MR POIUMON,! FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS Mrs. Paul's Golden Fried II I Limit 2 Expires Aug. 5 NM =I AIN IN MN MI EN JELL-O All Flavors 88c Limit 2 Expires Aug. 5 IN NM =I III 1M — MI ONE UM 49c 75c 4 99` 3 2 5C quart bottles PLAYTEX BATHING CAPS I ■ GOLD'S SUPER COLOSSAL RIPE OLIVES REYNOLD'S 4 re MT. WHITNEY Purity Brand New Whirl Whipped 39` COU IFL ON - .' 49 ` lb. c ROLAND BRAND Imported Finest D ARING I a — ■ I I a Limit 2 Expires Aug. 5 MIN MI MI Ell MI MN IN 1.1 ■ D ARING DISCOUNT DRUGS Next Door to DEXTER DAVISON MARKET Coolidge of 10 Mile Lower Than Discount on Prescriptions! -