THE JEWISH NEWS A Name Indelible in Our History Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 48235 Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE RYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 24th day of Tammuz, 5725, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion: Mon. 25:10-30:1; prophetical portion: Jerem. 1:1-2:3. * The Jewish People have been bereaved of' a /alder al' lie stale, 8 Pilototibe more- /He/If end a Boyer RP 4 ' *e /Rea/1 U 01FICIA L ANNOUricEtlEtt) Licht benshen, Friday, July 23, 7:42 p.m. VOL. XLVII, No. 22 Page 4 July 23, 1965 Anti-Semitism Fostered by Arab Propaganda It didn't take long for Egypt's Dictator- President Nasser — soon after $37,000,000 worth of food was released to him on Presi- dent Johnson's order — again to renew his threats to Israel's existence. Contrary to American insistence that Israel's sovereignty must be assured, Nasser, in a taped television program, predicted a renewed war on Israel in five years and said that even if there was to be a 70-year waiting period, the Arabs would destroy Israel. These are repetitious boastings which might be ignored, except for the fact that American diplomats are misled by the Egyp- tian dictator and that, as Senator Thomas J. Dodd of Connecticut said on the floor of the Senate last week, "it was a tragic mistake to give this aid to Nasser without conditions of any kind." Senator Dodd based his remarks on facts showing that the Arabs are conducting anti- Jewish propaganda in this country. Drawing upon results of research conducted by the Anti-Defamation League, Senator Dodd de- clared that "after reading this study, I can only agree that it constitutes a record of the most malevolent international hate cam- paign against the Jews as Jews since the Hit- ler years." * * * Senator Dodd was supported in his con- demnation of the new anti-Semitic campaign in this country by Senators Ernest Gruening of Alaska, Jacob K. Javits of New York, Fred R. Harris of Oklahoma, Abraham A. Ribicoff of Connecticut, Frank J. Lausche of Ohio and Jack R. Miller of Iowa, all of whom con- demned the shocking spread of bigotry by Arabs in their propaganda campaign to villi- fy Jews, to mislead the public about Zionism, to advocate Israel's destruction. In an era that calls for amity, when there should be peace and accord among nations, it is appalling to read some of the stupidities which have been foisted upon those who may innocently be subjected to the type of bigotry that is being spread by the Arabs. In the course of his expose of the atrocious libels hurled at Jews, Senator Dodd said in his Sen- ate speech: "The berserk quality of this propagan- da is terribly reminiscent of Ter Stuer- mer' and Streicher and Goebbels. To ration- al men, its sheer insanity may appear to render it ineffective. But, as I learned in painful detail at the Nuremberg trials, such malicious nonsense can poison the minds of millions of people; and once they are thus poisoned, they become capable of unspeakable atrocities against the objects of their hatred. "This new Arab anti-Semitic propagan- da, like Nazi propaganda in its own day, is nothing less than an incitation to murder. And if, in the interest of avoiding offense to the Nasserite extremists, we close our eyes to the potential consequences, we re- duce ourselves to silent abettors of the crime of incitation to violence and even to murder." We had begun to believe that the sort of propaganda that emanated from Nazi Ger- many under the direction of Hitler, Goeb- bels, Streicher and their gang of murderers would not find sponsors anywhere, let alone in this country. Fortunately, the responsible Congressional leaders are seeing through the veils that are shielding the Arab hate-inciters so thinly, and as a result of the courageous stand taken by Senator Dodd and his associ- ates we may well hope to see the work of the bigotry-mongering elements relegated to the condemnation of all justice-loving people. Senator Dodd, in the course of his speech, pointed to an article from a Cairo newspaper included in the Arab propaganda sheets stat- ing that "what Hitler did to the Jews was simply revenge for what they did to Christ." He then referred to the following which the Arabs are spreading as a quotation from the April 1964 issue of Scribe, a Cairo periodical appearing in English, French, Italian, Ger- man and Spanish: At the risk of being accused of anti-Semitism (sic), we want, in the single pusuit of truth, to prove that President Kennedy, just like the two American Presidents assassinated before him, was the victim of a Zionist-armed band. It is no secret that John Wilkes Booth, murderer of President Abraham Lincoln, and Leon Czolgosz, who assas- sinated President McKinley, were both Jews in the service of the Zionist cause." The Connecticut Senator concedes that this country "must continue to offer Nasser the hand of friendship," but he insisted that "we must stop kowtowing to him, or muting our disapproval of his actions." He insisted that Nasser be informed where this country stands, "especially on the question of the vicious anti-Jewish agitation now being car- ried on by his propagandists," and he empha- sized that: "Because we refuse to offend him, we cannot officially oppose or expose his anti-Jewish propaganda. "Because we refuse to offend him, or to openly disapprove of his actions, we can- not clearly demarcate ourselves morally from the many acts of aggression Nasser has already perpetrated against his Arab neighbors, or from the major aggression he is plotting against Israel. "Nasser does not speak for the entire Arab world. He speaks for only an extre- mist segment of it. I think it would vastly improve our posture before the entire world, including the Arab world, if we made further American aid to Nasser con- tingent on his peaceful behavior." In their campaign against the Jews, in the factual quotations revealed by Senator Dodd, the Arabs revived charges that out- shame the vilest bigots of the Middle Ages. There is, for example, this quotation from the Cairo newspaper Akhbar el-Yom: "Christianity holds fast to its belief that Jews killed Christ—because they admitted their guilt and boasted of it, and because the way they treat Christians and everybody else is like that of bloodthirsty murderers." Is it any wonder that there were snags at the Vatican during the Ecumenical Council sessions when Arab spokesmen appeared with threats against the adoption of the pro- posals to erase the deicide charge? That is why Senator Gruening, during the Senatorial discussions that followed the expose by Senator Dodd, asserted that, in reference to decisions to prevent Nasser ag- gressions, "we should be somewhat critical also of some of our own colleagues who take the actions of the Senate to conference, after an overwhelming vote that aid to Nasser should cease, and, almost invariably, and without exception the actions of the Senate are deleted in conference. I believe that it is about time that we had an extended de- bate on how long we shall subsidize such characters when their every act is a viola- tion of every principle that the United States espouses." The Senate has spoken with firmness. It is to be hoped that the forthcoming actions against the spread of bigotry will be equally firm. It is to be hoped also that the Christian community, and Moslems as well, will speak out against the venom which is being circu- lated in hate against not Israel alone but against world Jewry, against the Zionist idea which is the basis of the libertarian hopes to end the homelessness of oppressed Jews — many of them now residing in Moslem countries — and especially against the Jews of the United States. 'The Signal Fires of Lachish' Glorifies Israel's New Values So deeply moving is the collection of essays by Rivka Guber about Israeli pioneers, settlers in far-flung areas of Israel and defenders of the land as well as its cultivators, that her book, "The Signal Fires of Lachish" (published by Herzl Press) has won the admiration and commendations of noted Israeli leaders, including former Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, Rahel Shazar, the wife of Israel's president, and others. It is a splendid translation from the Hebrew by Margalit Benaya, containing a large number of impressive line drawings by Abba Feniel. The title of the book also is the title of the series of illuminating articles in the second part of the volume. The first portion, which contains evaluative material on Israeli settlers and the children of Israel, is entitled "And Thy Children Shall Return." The author's deep-felt sentiments about Israel's rebirth are expressed in a preface in which she defines "homeland, native land,"—describing the new statehood as it emerged from the war pangs and a people's sufferings. Many interesting characters are described in the first portion of the book. Esther of Bombay mirrors the migratory trends, the arrivals "on the wings of eagles." The emergence of villages is depicted in "Two Villages That Succeeded." Perhaps the most moving story in that section of this fine volume is the article "Rebellious Children." Indeed, Israel's youth are portrayed in the precociousness and mischief. But they have their courage, and the description of events at Kfar Warburg in Rivka Guber's book shows how they come forth with understanding and bravery in time of need. And so the author concludes with a quotation from Schofman, one of the first modern Hebrew writers: "Beware of judging these unruly children, for they may well pull far more than one wagon of ours out of the mud!" Many are the tales of heroism incorporated in "The Signal Fires of Lachish" portion of the book. The entire history of our people, the past linked with the present, is related in the experiences of the settlers, those of the mountain areas and the newcomers. The author's recollections, of the war and the reconstruction, tales about the men and women who are building the new Zion, make these tales replete with power. As Mrs. Shazar stated about the author and her works: "From time to time a rare book appears which captivates its readers by its extraordinary humanity and vitality, and is to be judged on these qualities rather than by formal literary standards. Both of Rivka Guber's books come into this category. Where her first book told her own courageous story of a mother in Israel whose two sons fell in the War of Independence, this second book relates with truthfulness and compassion the nation's struggles immediately after the war—its attempt to absorb and integrate the thousands of new immigrants drawn from many diverse cultures and backgrounds) ---N, The final story has the title of the book and its second section It is the story of the Palmach heroes who dared and won, who risked in order that the state should be secure. And the descrip. tive portion of the story where "the young men and women took their seats in the pickup truck with their rifles, as though they were back in the days of the Palmach, and went forth to the `operation' of going to a movie," is simply enchanting. The spiritual crises, the military challenges, the welfare needs— many factors enter into the story which makes "The Signal Fires of Lachish" an outstanding work about a great historic event — the making and populating of Israel with men from all parts of the globe who merge into a great nation. New Novel—Jewish Sleuth Story A new breed has been emerging lately in American novels of suspense — the Jewish sleuth. In "The Winds of April," a novel by I. D. Baharav, the hero is a working member of the New York police force, Detective Len Lander. A chance encounter in the Fifth Avenue Library traps out-of-towner Nell Abarbanell in .a maze of purloined documents, arson, unnatural death and wide-ranging conspiracy. Detective Lander stalks a beatnik coffeehouse, a Russian cultural mission and a Jewish wedding, among hazards, before closing the case. The novel was published by Pilinary Souree's, NeW York. c. ) I, c-7 )