Purely Commentary It is true that one does not speak ill of the dead. But when the deceased has left a legacy that is copied only too readily by others who encourage inhumanity of man to man, the record should be factual and the unjust lessons should not be forgotten. This is the case of Dr. Virginia C. Gildersleeve, dean emeritus of Barnard College, Columbia University's women's branch, who died July 8 at the age of 87, in a nursing home in Centerville, Mass. Because sentiments like hers still are beard from time to time — note as an example the vicious Life Magazine article of two weeks ago in which all of the vile Arab propaganda misrepresentations are incorporated — it is important that Miss Gildersleeve's activities should be known, in order that the untruths that were cir- culated by a group with which she was associated and the blunders into which she was led should be known and should again stand refuted. What a pity and a heartache that Miss Gildersleeve's campaign against Zionism should have been inspired by Jews! But that is how it has worked throughout our history that some of our worst enemies were Jews. In Miss Gildersleeve's instance it was the Council for Judaism whose spokesman she was for a number of years and whose platform she graced in her vile attacks on Zionism. Israel was already a reality when Miss Gildersleeve, speaking at a Council for Judaism function in Baltimore, June 8, 1950, spoke of Zionists as driving a wedge between Jews and other Americans and thereby becoming a "d anger to our eountry created by this self-segregation." It was an amazing statement then, and it -causes ane to sit up • in utter puzzlement that an educator with a high reputation for good judgment should have spoken so irrationally! It was no wander that Dr. Israel M. Goldman, then president of the Baltimore Zionist. District, found it necessary to con- demn the views of both the Judaism Council and Dr. Gildersleeve as "fanatical and reckless.' Jews were not alone in their condem- nation of Miss Gildersleeve's inhuman approach to the libertarian and messianic Zionist idea. In her biased role as an anti- Zionist, Miss Gildersleeve had joined with Kermit Roosevelt and other Christians in forming a "Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land," aimed at under- mining Jewish hopes for the creation of a sovereign Jewish State in Palestine, thereby assisting in the only passible means of rescuing the millions of Jews who were suffering under the heels of Nazism. Dr. James G. McDonald, who was one of the American members of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine, whose findings led to the United Nations decision in support of a Jewish State, was among those who disputed a report that was issued by Miss Gildersleeve as chairman of the anti-Zionist "Committee for Justice." In a letter to the New York Herald Tribune, March 3, 1948, Dr. McDonald wrote: My reading in the New York Herald Tribune today of the statement of the Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land and the explanation of the Chairman, Miss Virginia C. Gildersleeve, has left me with a feeling of amazement and consternation: amazement that the group of American educators and reli- gious leaders who have endorsed the new Committee should ignore the realities of the Palestine problem and basic Christian interests in the Middle East; and conster- nation that these leaders should in the name of "peace and justice" invite the United Nations to commit suicide by yield- ing to Arab aggression and to Arab threats of war. The sponsors of the Committee are quoted as contending that "the Palestine problem must be solved through concilia- tion or some sort of compromise agree- able to both the Arabs and the Jews." This is tantamount to asking the Jews to sur- render their hopes and their rights in Palestine. The Arab leaders when they appeared to give testimony before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry (of which I was one of the American mem- bers) were unanimous and unyielding in their demand that - the Jews should re- linquish all special rights in Palestine. Unashamedly, these Arab leaders de- manded the scrapping of the Balfour Declaration with its clear and solemn pledge to facilitate the establishment of the Jewish Homeland in Palestine. They THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 2—Friday, July 23, 1965 demanded, too, the scrapping of the League of Nations Mandate which in- corporated the Balfour pledge and which had made that pledge the international law of the civilized world for three decades. In short, the Arab spokesmen would agree to nothing less than that the Jews become a helpless and defenseless minority in their historic, their promised homeland. In the two years since the Anglo-American Committee concluded its hearings, Arab intransigence has not diminished. Instead, if that were possible, it has increased. . In view of this-Arab. defiance, the call of the Committee for "compromise agree- able to both the Arabs and the Jews" must have the effect of bringing pressure to bear upon the Jews to yield to Arab intransigence. How such pressure can con- tribute towards "peace and justice in the Holy Land" is a mystery which neither the Committee's statement nor the explana- tion of its Chairman does anything to clear up. The amazing fact is that the Committee and its sponsors could have so completely disregarded 'the obvious pro- Arab effect of their call for "compromise." Similarly, the Committee ignores the miracle of recreation which the Jews have worked in Palestine under the Mandate and the beneficent effect of that recrea- tion upon the welfare and the feelings of the masses of the Arabs in the country. That the Arab worker and peasant are not unaware of the benefits of Jewish enter- prise, modern techniques and devotion to the land is evidenced by the fact that in the recent outbreaks of violence the masses of the Palestinian Arabs have had little or no part. On the contrary, the Arab at- tacks have been spearheaded by guerrilas or members "on leave" of the armed forces from across the frontiers. Surely if the rank and file of Palestine Arabs were as violently - anti-Jewish as their self-appoint- ed leader, there would be no need—since the Arabs outnumber the Jews two to one —for assistance from Syria, Iraq and other neighboring Arab states. Among the sponsors of the new Com- mittee is such a large proportion, if not a majority, of. Protestant religious leaders that the reader naturally concludes that Christian interests in Palestine and the Middle East would be advanced by the pronosed surrender to the Arabs. Pre- cisely the opposite would be the more likely result of such un-Christian sacrifice of the Jews to Arab fanatical nationalism. During the investigation of the Anglo- American Committee of Inquiry in Pales- tine and the neighboring Arab states, we were given many opportunities to hear either in open session or private inter- views, the opinions of Christian leaders. Of all these leaders none impressed me as deeply as did the Patriarch of the Maron- ites. This venerable head of one of the most important Christian sects in the Middle East was unqualified in his sup- port of the Zionist aspirations in Palestine and in his denunciation of Moslem leaders whom he charged were, in the name of Arab nationalism, preparing for a frontal attack upon Christianity in that area. The Patriarch's statement made to me in the presence of his advisers was in sub- stance as follows: "In Palestine the Zion- ists are synonymous with rebirth and fer- tility; the Arabs have been synonymous with aridity and decay. The only menace to Christianity in this part of the world is from the success of inflamed Moslem na- tionalists. Tell your American Christian friends this truth about -the danger which threatens Christianity here." Very respect- fully I suggest to the Christian leaders sponsoring the new Committee that they take account of the Patriarch's warning. Recently one of the official organs of the Church of England, "The Record," put the case incontrovertibly: "There can be no impartiality between right and wrong, between justice and injustice. . . The only consistent course would be for the U. N. to declare the Jews as allies and defenders of the world conscience. The Haganah might logically be appointed as the international force in Palestine." In all fairness is not this approach at once more realistic and Christian than that of the new Committee, which by urg- ing appeasement of Arab aggression, in- vites the UN to commit suicide? There is special historical merit to an- other reply to the' Gildersleeve committee that was written to the New York Herald Tribune. on March 10, 1948, by the late Elisha M. Friedman, who was one of Ameri- can Jewry's most distinguished scholars. Mr. Friedman wrote: Miss Virginia Gildersleeve announced the organization of a Committee for Jus- A Noted Educator's Unashamed, In- human Anti-Israel Record . . . Miss Gildersleeve's Shocking Blunders . . tice and Peace in the Holy Land. It con- tains the names of a distinguished list of Protestant clergymen and representatives of Foreign Missions, as well as one rabbi, Morris Lazaron of Baltimore. One aim of the organization is "to bring peace with justice to the Holy Land." However, this can be accomplished by carrying out the UN decision on parti- tion, the result of a careful study by a neutral commission. This will also help to realize the Committee's aim "to streng- then the United Nations." Another aim is "to further the best interests of Jews, Christians and Moslems in the Near and Middle East." This can be realized by hav- ing the Arabs stop looting and maiming defenseless Jews. outside of Palestine, as they have been doing for centuries. A third aim is to foster friendly relations among the peoples of the three faiths throughout the world. This can be achiev- ed by ending discriminations against the Jewish minority. This is within the power of Christians. Jews are merely victims. The Committee suggests that "the Palestine question should be removed as an issue in American politics by adoption of a bi-partisan policy." But the American policy on Palestine was originated by the Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, who strongly supported the Balfour Declaration and was endorsed by the Republican, Calvin Cool- idge, in whose administration the United States joined fifty-one other nations in a treaty embodying the Balfour Declaration. Senators on both sides, from Brewster to White, and from Barkley to Wagner, have long favored a Jewish National Homeland in Palestine. The Committee further suggests that the UN should act rapidly to find homes for the displaced persons. This is a coun- sel of perfection. When the UN decision on Palestine is voided, how strong is the UN and how rapidly can it act? Besides, such policy could supplement, not substi- tute the immigration of DPs to Palestine. The distinguished clergymen on Miss Gildersleeve's Committee do not repre- sent the historic position of the U. S. In 1891, five years before Zionism was launched, Reverend William E. Blackstone presented _a memorial to President Harri- son pleading for the return of Palestine to the Jews: "We believe this is an ap- propriate time for the Christian nations to show kindness to Israel. A million exiles, by their terrible sufferings, are piteously appealing to our sympathy, jus- tice, and humanity." His 'committee in- cluded the outstanding clergymen -of the country like Cardinal Gibbons and Rev. Lyman Abbott. - • - - • - The late A. A. Berle Sr., noted Con- gregationalist minister, in his book "The World Significance of a Jewish State" (1918) wrote: "The stupidity which rever- ences the heroes of the Hebrew Scrip- tures and then visits contumely, ostra- cism, and other cruelties upon their kins- men, will be manifest to the whole world, and will disappear- because the sons of Israel have found a locus standi in the world (Palestine), wherein without let or hindrance they are able to display those national traditions which' have made the politics of the Hebrew prophets an integ- ral part of the Christian religion. . - It is a hope and a vision, to stir the dullest blood in Christendom!" David Lloyd George paid his compliments to the anti- Zionists of his day: "If the Jew lives in a strange land, he must be persecuted and pogrommed out of it. If he wants to go back to his own, he must be prevented. Through the centuries, in every land, whatever he does or intends or fails to do, he has been pursued by the echo of the brutal cry of the rabble of Jerusalem— `Crucify Him!' " Should there not be one country in the world where the Jews are not in the minority, where there are no quotas on admission to schools and no discrimination in vocations? Miss Gildersleeve's Commit- tee, if successful, would succeed in per- petuating these evils, but a civilized soc- iety ought to seek a basic remedy. That is what a Jewish, National Homeland, even under partition, might help to achieve. The Gildersleeve attacks on Zionism and its program began some years before the matter of Jewish Statehood had become a subject for consideration by the United Nations. She was an official United States delegate to the conference in San Francisco where the foundation was laid for the United Nations Organization, and she spoke out against Jewish hopes. That inspired a reply from one of America's most distin- g,uished Christian scholars, DT. Carl J. Friedrich of Harvard Unievrsity. In a let- ter replying to Miss Gildersleeve, written By Philip Slomovitz Oct. 16, 1945, Dr.'Friedrich stated: Dean Gildersleeve is held in high es- teem by many of us as a broadminded in- ternationalist and recent official delegate of the United States at San Francisco. I was the more surprised to read her highly unrealistic, not to say utopian, appeal con- cerning America's policy toward Palestine in your paper Oct. 9. Dean Gildersleeve wants Congress to admit 200.000 Jewish refugees from Eur- ope to the United States, instead of open- ing the doors of Palestine. We must all applaud the generosity of her impulse, and as a supplementary action this has been urged by the Christian Palestine Committee headed by Dr. Niebuhr for a long time. But how immediate is the pros- pect? There are 950 refugees in the Os- wego shelter who, after 18 months, are in virtual detention without assurance they will eventually be allowed to remain here. In other words, Dean Gildersleeve'. suggestion brings the tragic survivors 0 Europe's Jews no nearer to a solution of their problem. She does not seem the least bit con- cerned with where these Jewish survivors of the blessings of our Gentile civilization want to go. Maybe they have heard of anti-Semitic violence in our own cities. Maybe their suffering has driven them back to the deeper layers of their religious heritage and thus impels them to want to return home. Are they not entitled to every last ounce of support and assistance we can give them, we who appeased Nazi beasts when Jews were being attacked, the first victims of Nazi aggression? We are dealing with a condition, not a theory. The only hope of these desperate and betrayed human beings is, as Earl Harrison indicated in his report to the President, emigration to Palestine, there to begin life anew among their own people in their own land. Dean Gildersleeve expresses anxiety about the fate of the Jews in Palestine surrounded by a hostile Arab world. The answer can hardly be, however, to leave them a minority in an Arab country. The recollection of the massacre of the As- syrians by the Arabs of Iraq, as well as the pogrom of a few years ago in Baghdad, should be a sufficient warning in this re- gard. On the contrary, what is called for is an unequivocal international guarantee of the neutrality of Palestine as the home- land of the Jewish people to which they can go, to speak with Churchill, "as of right and not on sufferance." The Jews know the difficulties that confront them in Palestine. They lived and dealt with the Arabs, fellow-Semites, for hundreds of years. Is it for us to patronize them by telling them: "Dear children, it is too dan- gerous a place for you to go to?" Let us not yield to threats of violence and aggression such as have recently is- sued from the Arabs' feudal lords. It is our understanding that the United Nations Organization was fashioned to deal with just such lawbreakers. As to the reality behind those threats, one has to smile. Is it really conceivable that these Arab coun- tries which did not rise to their own de- fense during the war, who today are dependent for their very existence on the Western powers would declare war against them? One thing seems clear. The aggressive expansionism of countries, such as Egypt, which only recently, in addition to seek- ing the transfer of the mandate over Palestine, has also made demands for Eritrea, Sudan and Cyrenaica, will not bring peace to the Near East. Whereas a clear-cut international guarantee of Pales- tine as a haven to which those Jews wh wish may repair along with Arabs or an others who desire to go, a truly interna- tional testing ground of the universal ideals of the United Nations, deserves the unqualified support of the United States as a member of the United Nations. For it will lead to a gradual easing of tensions and the eventual establishment of peace in that troubled part of the world. It is time for the United States to act, and to act decisively. The mandate is at an end; and a new set-up is called for. In concert with the other United Nations,. more especially Britain whose party in power is as unequivocally committed to the Jewish homeland as is ours, we can settle the issue and establish peace. These declarations remain valuable documents refuting the prejudices that are expressed against Zionism and Israel even now when Israel is a recognized sovereign state. That is why they must again be made part of the public record in support of the right of Jews to live a free life in their historic land.