League Recruited for Torch Drive ORT Women Plan Evening at othe Theater The July 25 performance at the men Mrs. Darwin Canvasser, 26515 Fisher Theater featuring stars Dundee, Huntington Woods, or Sophie Tucker, Ted Lewis and Mrs. Louis Gottlieb, 18400 Rose- George Jessel, will be sponsored by lawn. the Balmoral, Park-wood and Hamp One enemy is one too many, a ton Chapters of Women's Ameri- thousand friends are none too can ORT. DETROIT LLNK, Order of the Tickets at box office prices may many. —the Talmud Golden Chain, plans an excursion be obtained from committee chair- to Bob-Lo 11 a.m. July 18. Guests FOR EXCEPTIONAL VALUES and children invited. For tickets, call Abe Waronoff, 861-5991. * * * S H 0 L E M ALEICHEM INSTI- TUTE WO N'S DIVISION will hold a membership dessert lunch- eon noon Saturday. Guest speaker Adele Mondry will review "The Mrs. Joseph A. Vance Jr. (right), United Foundation recruit- Charm Link," by David Miller. ment corps chairman, holds a recruitment poster used at a recent Guests are invited, according to meeting for the League of Jewish Women. Looking on over coffee Mrs. Bessie Litvak, chairman. cups are (from left) Mesdames Marvin B. Levy, League president; * * * Norma Silver, administrative assistant, Sinai Hospital; and Julien FANNIE GLUCK CHAPTER, Priver, central Wayne community campaign chairman for the 1965 Mizrachi, will hold a board meet- Torch Drive. ing 12:30 p.m., Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Max Klyman, 19953 Prest. Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. will be the time for a splash party luncheon at the pool of Mrs. Leon 8n ga gements Miller, 18611 Birwood. In case of Mr. and Mrs. Max Temchin, rain, the party will be held the 4850 Biltmore, Coral Gables, Fla., next day. Guests invited. Nominal former Detr oit er s, announce donation. * * * A report on Bar-Ilan Univers- the engagement of their daughter JEWISH WOMEN'S EURO- ity's most recent accomplishments Joan Rebecca to Alan Lee Roth- PEAN WELFARE ORGANIZA- as one of Israel's major institu- enberg. The bride-elect was gra- TION will hold its closing meeting tions of higher learning will be duated with honors from the Uni- noon Monday at Jericho Temple. given at the semi-annual meeting , Plans for the president's annual of Detroit Chapter of American versity of Maryland where she ma- I luncheon will be made. Women for Bar-Ilan, at a des- jored in mathematics. She was a * * * sert luncheon at the Jewish Cen- member of Phi Sigma Sigma Sor- NORTHWEST NSHEI CHABAD ter, 12:30 p.m. Monday, by ority and Pi Mu Epsilon honorary STUDY GROUP will meet 3 p.m. Mrs. Max Stollman, national presi- society. She is currently studying Saturday at the home of Mrs. Eli under a grant from the Friends of Friedman, 17390 Indiana. Guest dent of Bar-Ilan Women. Prof. Marvin Fox of Ohio State Psychiatric Research. Her fiance speaker will be Rabbi Friedman. University will address the gather- was graduated from the University * * * ing on the subject "Faith and of Maryland where he was presi- OAK PARK NSHEI CHABAD dent of Sigma Alpha Mu Fratern- Learning." STUDY GROUP will meet 3 p.m. The musical program will fea- ity and a member of Kalegathos Saturday at the home of Mrs. ture Cantor and Mrs.. Reuven Honor Society. He now attends law Louis Wieder, 13901 W. 10 Mile school at the University of Mary- Frankel. Rd., Oak Park. The guest speaker Admission will be free and there land. An August wedding is plan- will be Yudi Gellman. ned. will be no solicitation of funds. * C * * * * GOLDA MEIR CHAPTER, Pio- Marilyn Adele Rothschild, neer Women, will hold its annual daughter of Faye Rothschild of E. Israeli Cash Shower noon Tuesday, Rue Versailles, Oak Park, and the at the Labor Zionist Institute. late Ameroll F. Rothschild, is en- Luncheon will be followed by an gaged to Carl Fischer, son of Mr. afternoon of games. Guests invited. AUXILIARY 510 will meet 8 and MTS. Max Fischer of S. Tele- p.m. Thursday at the home of Mrs. graph Rd., Bloomfield Hills. The Henry Glass, 13020 Rosemary, Oak bride-elect is a graduate of the Park. Plans for the July 31 swim University of Michigan, and her party will be discussed. In a pre- fiance is a graduate of Eastern KAGAN - GOLDBERG: Sharon vious announcement of officers, Michigan University. They plan an Lynn Goldberg, daughter of Mr. Aug. 26 wedding. the name of Mrs. Loretta Gold, and Mrs. Louis Goldberg of treasurer, was inadvertently left Strathcona Dr., and Jerald Melvin out. Kagan, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Kagan of Toronto, were married Lay not up for yourselves treas- By Mildred Grosberg Bellin recently in a ceremony solmnized ures upon earth; where moth and (Copyright, 1965, JTA, Inc.) by Rabble Benjamin Gorrelick at PACIFIC SALAD rust doth corrupt, and where the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel. The 2 cups cooked, diced meat, poultry, or thieves break through and steal. , - bride wore an Empire gown of fish — Matthew VI:19. 2 cups cooked rice peau de soie and a heirloom man- 11/4 cups thoroughly drained pineapple tilla of Alencon lace. She carried tidbits 1/2 cup salted Virginia peanut halves gardenias and Stephanotis on her 1/2 cup diced green pepper confirmation Bible. Mrs. Harry 114 cup lime juice 1 2'3 cup honey Goldberg Jr. was her sister's 1 tablespoon grated onion matron of honor, and Barry Kagan 2 teaspoons prepared mustard 1 teaspoon soy sauce was best man for his brother. Mayonnaise to taste After a honeymoon in Bermuda, Salt and pepper to taste Lettuce leaves the newlyweds will live in New Yopr fashion jewelry store Put the meat, poultry, or fish, and Haven, Conn. where you can always find a CORSETS BY EVA Free Custom Fitting by Experienced Corsetieres 15842 W. 7 MILE ROAD 3 Blks. W. of Greenfield Open Thurs. to 9 p.m. BR 3-2509 or VE 7-9783 FREE PARKING IN REAR Call 15738 Diamonds Livernois 1-5515 .11/2 blocks North of, Lodge Expressway Open Thursday 9 p.m. L;))ar Han Report at Semi-Annual Meeting July 12 JWV Activities Every type of fashion you can imagine; sportswear, beachwear, slacks, bathing suits, long gowns, cocktail dresses, summer dresses, raincoats, knit dresses. What you can't see on the racks, ask arrta/es for, Jewish Meals beautiful selection of antique reproductions. Shown: CIRCLE PIN with Pearls wired by hand 9 See this and many more Pins, Earrings, and $ Bracelets, from up East Side West Side Eastland Northland Center Center • • Livonia Mall Macomb Mall the rice, pineapple, peanuts and green pepper in a mixing bowl. Combine the lime juice, honey, grated onion, mus- tard, and soy sauce, and pour over them. Toss lightly to mix, then re- frigerate, covered, for several hours. At serving time, add mayonnaise, a rounded teaspoonful at a time, until the salad is as moist as you desire. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve in one large, or 4 individual salad bowls lined with lettuce leaves. This amount makes 4 portions. CANTALOUPE LUNCHEON SALAD BOWL 1 medium-sized cantaloupe Mixed salad greens 2 7-oz. cans meat tuna fish 1 cup diced celery 20 narrow strips Swiss type cheese 313 cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon strained lemon juice About 1/2. teaspoon ground ginger to taste Have all ingredients very cold. Select a firm, but fully ripe canteloupe, re- move the seeds, peel, and cut the flesh into 1/2-inch cubes or balls. Fill 5 in- dividual salad bowls 2/3 full of salad greens cut into bite-sized pieces. Drain the tuna and break into fairly large flakes. Arrange tile tuna and celery evenly over the greens. Cover with the melon balls or cubes. Arrange 4 strips of the Swiss type cheese, like the spokes of a wheel, over the tops. Com- bine the mayonnaise, lemon juice, and ginger, and place a spoonful in the center of each salad. Pass the remain- ing mayonnaise separately. Serve the salad as soon as it is combined. This amount makes 5 portions. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 9, 1965-15 GIFT SHOP Clearance Sale Save 20°10 to 50°10 All Sales Final Lamps, Tables, Pictures, Wall Plaques, TV Snack Tables, Stack Tables, im- ported Vases, Bowls, Candy Dishes, Cigarette Sets, Also Costume Jewelry, all 14K Gold Jewelry, Rings, Watches, Charms and many other gift items. JOE NEWMAN, SOLE OWNER 6321 WEST 7 MILE ROAD The Second Door From Livernois OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 UN 2-1285