$1,537,741 Allocated by Federation Israeli Youth Join 'Soul-Searching' as Borui Aide Awaited JERUSALEM (JTA) — Several hundred students met on the cam- pus of the Hebrew University in a silent demonstration of "spirit- ual stock-taking" in anticipation of the arrival of the first West German ambassador to Israel. The participants each wore a pin depicting six burning candles in memory of the 6.000,000 Euro- pean Jews murdered by the Nazis with an inscription "We shall re- member forever." University Rector elect Na- - than ..------, , At the Federation allocations session are (from left), standing, Mandell Berman, Max M. Fisher and Jacob Citrin; seated, Stanley ---i Winkelman, Allan Schwartz and Hyman Safran. * # * (Continued from Page 1) cent sharp increase in applications for residential treatment for dis- turbed youngsters at Bellefaire in Cleveland, as well as in The Or- chards and other local institutions. The recommendations furnish funds for continuation in 1965-66 of the existing level of Resettle- ment Service activity. During the middle of last year it was neces- sary for Federation to almost double the budget of this agency because of an unanticipated influx of new refugee families into De- troit. This higher rate of resettle- ment of new units from Eastern Europe and other areas of the world is expected to continue dur- ing the current year. The board of governors received detailed reports describing the needs of each of the local agencies. The recommendations of the bud- -get and planning divisions were presented during the meeting by division chairmen Stanley J. Win- kelman, community relations; Man- dell L. Berman, education, and Alan E. Schwartz, health and wel- fare. 1965 requirements for central services in the Federation budget were based on study and recom- mendations by Federation's finance committee, headed by Jacob A. Citrin, treasurer. Some beneficiaries will require somewhat reduced sums as cora- pared to 1964, due to minor budget- ary savings, but in no case is a reduction expected in service ren- dered to the community. Approved 1965-66 allocations for local agencies total $58,000 more than last year. While the Allied Jewish Campaign pro- d-uced 1965 pledges of nearly $500,000 in excess of the 1964 campaign, the pre-campaign formula calls for the distribu- tion of the bulk of the increase to be made among the United Jewish Appeal and other over- seas and Israel agencies. Capi- tal fund requirements of local agencies will also benefit from the increase in fund-raising re- sults. The formula provides $264,270 for this purpose, $7,000 more than 1964. Safran stated that in 1965 the United Community Services pro- vided about 5870,000 of funds secured by the United Foundation to the Fresh Air Society, Jewish Community Center, Jewish Family and Children's Service and Shift- man Clinic, in addition to Federa- tion allocations. The budgets of the local agencies total some 510 : 000,000. Major sources of income beyond Federation and the UCS are pub- lic funds and private payments for tuition, fees and other charges for service. Rejected Plan on Arab Refugees Not Dead, State Dept. Official Says WASHLNGTON (JTA) — The plan offering Palestine Arab refu- gees a choice of repatriation to Israel or resettlement in other lands with compensation by Israel —submitted to the United Nations some time ago Dr. Joseph John- son of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace—is not nec- essarily permanently dead and could be revived. Assistant Sec- retary of State Philips Talbot has informed Congress. The plan had been rejected be- fore it was even presented for discussion at the United Nations. However, in testimony given to /----- ,Pay Issue Cleaned Up; 7`.— Israeli Garbagemen Back (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) TEL AVIV — A wildcat strike by sanitation workers in Tel Aviv. ended Monday night when the striking workers won a monthly pay boost of 50 pounds ($17), and an increased annual vacation. The strike, which lasted 36 hours, was denounced by the Tel Aviv Labor Council. A volunteer corps of street cleaners and gar- bage collectors helped to mitigate the effects of the walkout. Many of the city's housewives began emptying their own garbage cans into trucks supplied by indi- vidual owners in the special clean- up effort. The Labor Council threatened to bring the leaders of the strike before a Histadrut tri- bunal in an effort to expel them unless they called off the strike. the House Appropriations Com- mittee and made public now, Tal- bot is quoted as declaring: "I personally do not believe that just because the Joseph Johnson plan was not acceptable to the parties when he offered it, it is necessarily permanently dead. I personally believe that some day the Joseph Johnson plan could be- come a yardstick as indeed the Eric Johnston plan for the Jordan waters has become a yardstick." He defined the Joseph Johnson plan as providing the Arab refu- gees "a clear opportunity to make a realistic choice" be- tween repatriation and resettle- ment. He said that initiative to push the plan in the immediate future "would seem particularly difficult because of the current high level of tension in the area generally, arising out of the water question and other ques- tions." In testimony which sought to advance both the Johnson and Johnston plans, in a sense link- ing them as a constructive plan for the future. Talbot said if regional countries "all followed the Johnston plan the waters of the Jordan Valley would be used most efficiently and equitably as compared to any other plan we have seen. We have been urging the 1955 Johnston plan. We regard that plan as the best and, indeed, the only framework for equitable division of the waters of the Jor- dan Valley in the absence of any other framework or any agree- ment at all." fication had yet been received have the issue referred to the from Bonn on the name of its nom- foreign affairs committee. inee. It has been widely rumored that West Germany has chosen Dr. Rolf Pauls, a career diplomat Choose art C.) and former Wehrmacht officer during the Hitler regime, as its nominee. Israel Barzilai, a leader of Map- - am, declared that West Germany was "exploiting" the establishment of diplomatic relations by the nom- ination of Dr. Pauls. He contended that the nomination was designed to "rehabilitate" all Germans who OMEGA and you niay never need another watch. 865 to $1000 GEORGE OHRENSTEIN Rottenstreich told the gathering that West Germany's had served in World War II and move to establish diplomatic he urged the Government to with- relations with Israel had been , hold approval. prompted by political and not Mrs. Meir opposed debate on the ethical reasons. issue but expressed readiness to He urged his auditors not to forget the Nazi past, declaring that "it is easier to forget than to remember." He said that while Jews must not drown themselves in memories with- out looking to the future, "we must be rooted in the past to which the six million belonged." The issue of the projected ap- pointment of a former German army officer as West Germany's first ambassador to Israel was We Kid You Not .. NOBODY UNDERSELLS raised in the Knesset and was re- ferred to a parliamentary commit- WOODY PONTIAC tee after a sharp debate. Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's for- eign minister, insisted that no noti- "AND DON'T EVER -FORGET IT!" TWINBROOK 1 1600 12140 JOS. CAMPAU at CARPENTER UJA Reports 7.4 Pct. Rise in Campaign Collections - NEW YORK (JTA) — Jewish community central fund - raising campaigns in 1965 in support of Half Mile South of Davison both local and overseas needs are running at 7.4 per cent increase over last year's campaigns and al- ready have remitted S32,100,000 in cash to the United Je-,sish Appeal for its 1965 aid programs. WOOL PLUSH That was the current picture re- ported to 150 key community lead- ers attending the meeting of the UJA. National Campaign Cabinet at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, last week, by Edward Ginsberg of Cleveland, cabinet c h a i r m a n. Speakers at the all-day sessions in- cluded Av-raham Harman, Israel's ambassador to the United States; Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, exe- cutive vice chairman; and Philip Zinrnan, a LJA national chairman I who heads the national cash com- mittee. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 2, 1965-5 III (H A I Certified Master Watch Maker and Jeweler 18963 LIVERNOIS UN 1-8184 Open Thurs. 'till 9 Authorized Omega Agency ONLY $995 Sq. Yd. Luxurious Hi-Pile Woven with the Finest Wool Yarn. A Fine Selection of Newest Decorator Shades Available. riall New York Carpet Co. 7324 W. 7 Mile Rd. nr. Livernois Open 'HI 9 Mon., Thurs., Fri. UN 1-7980 CHAT MANS LIFE CHAI MEANS EIGHTEEN BY POPULAR DEMAND, WE REPEAT IN HONOR OF THE 18th ANNIVERSARY RECORD & BOOK SPECIALS! at 99 Reg. Up To $5.00 FIDDLER ON THE ROOF . . . 994 BOREIN1STEIN'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE SERVING DETROIT & SUBURBIA 13535 W. 7 MILE at Schaefer DI 1-0569 — DI 1-3268