Detroit Educator Warns U.S. Jewry to Maintain Vigil on Education Act in NCRAC Parley Address ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (JTA)- The National - Community Rela- tions Advisory Council—coordin- athig body of eight national Jew- ish organizations and 76 local community relation agencies — completed its annual plenary ses- sion here Sunday with a warning to the American Jewish commun- ity that it must exercise unre- mitting. vigilance to insure that the . principle of separation of church and state is not breached in the implementing of the fed- eral aid to educatiOn program and the war on poverty. Aaron _Goldman of Washington was reelected . NCRAC chairman. Walter Klein,. executive director of Detroit's Jewish Commun- ity Council, was elected to the ex- ecutive commit- tee. Dr. Norman Drachler, repre- senting Detroit's Jewish Comunity Council, told the delegates, "I strongly u r g e that the imple- Goldman mentation of the (Federal Educa- tion) Act calls for the involve- ment of men and women repre- senting the total community — and not be left mere ly to the parties most directly in- terested, school Drachler officials of pub- lie and private agencies. . "Let us keep in mind that those who expressed concern about church and state are not anti-religious, that the propo- nents of equal educational op- portunities do not represent vested interests, and that the ex- ponents - of local school control are not enemies of better edu- cation. The cooperative endeav- ors of all are needed to accom- plish the primary objectives of the Federal Education Act of 1965." Delegates adopted a resolution appealing to all federal, state and local officials involved in expendi- ture of federal funds for element- ary and secondary school educa- tion ' under the new federal aid program to take adequate meas- ures to assure that state consti- tutional prohibitions against aid to religious institutions are not violated." American Jewry was reminded that its entire community relations program for the coming year must be envisioned within the frame- work of the struggle for racial equality. Deliberations at the con- ference reflected the shift in em- phasis from the struggle for civil rights to the broader arena of equality of opportunity. The NCRAC plenum called for "strenuous" opposition against any state legislation which would nul- lify fair housing legislation. Leaders adopted a set of rec- ommendations to see that "Jewish community relations agencies ad- here scrupulously, and take initia- tive in pressing for adherence by other Jewish agencies, institu- tions, and organizations, to racially non-discriminatory practices in their own operations." Particular em ph a s i s was placed on meetings that the Jewish leaders could hold with employers, realtors, trade and industry associations, to make certain that these organizations conformed their business stand- ards in accord with those areas outlined for the Jewish agencies themselves and under the cur- rent civil rights law. President Johnson, in a mes- sage to the conference, said "America is today meeting a chal- lenge much broader than that of the civil rights of man. Citizens are striving - to eliminate the curse of poverty to improve edu- cational possibilities for youth and to reduce unemployment." He praised the NCRAC for its role in this activity and appealed "to all of you to sustain and deepen your commitment as we work to- gether in this great task." Bayard Rustin, Negro civil rights leader, addressing the con- ference, appealed to the Jewish community to take the lead in creating a wide coalition of all liberal forces to wage bhe war for economic equality. He deplored the fact that many Negroes were unaware of the rale of the Jews in the Negro struggle and proposed that the story of the late Julius Rosenwald and his con- tributions to Negro education be written for young Negroes. After protracted discussion of the condition of Soviet Jewry, the conference adopted a reso- lution calling on "men of good faith in all lands to join with us in a concerted demand upon the Soviet government to put an end to its religious and cultural per- secution of Soviet Jewry." The resolution urged the United Stites government to "pursue this matter vigorously through various diplomatic channels and within the United Nations." The resolution cited recent de- velopments in the Soviet Union which it said suggested an amel- ioration of the situation of Soviet Jewry. It concluded, however, that "these changes have not effected any fundamental changes in the tragic situation of Soviet Jewry nor do they in and of themselves justify the hope that the new So- viet leadership are removing the barriers of discrimination that apply to Jews." In this connection, leaders asked Jewish community councils to send large delegations to a three-faith Eternal Light Vigil in Washington, D.C., beginning the week of Sept. 19 in which nation- al clergymen and laymen from all parts of the country will demon- strate the need "to keep the flame of protest alive•" The Vigil is sponsored by the American Jewish Conference on Soviet Jewry, a. cooperative body of 24 major national Jewish reli- gious, civic and Zionist agencies. a resolution calling on Congress to "complete the unfinished business it began in 1949" and ratify the United Nations Geno- cide Convention. It urged Presi- dent Johnson and the U.S. State Department "to express more affirmative leadership" in press- ing the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee to schedule early hearings on the human rights treaties on forced labor, slavery and the political rights of women and to report the gen- ocide convention out of commit- tee ithout delay. The conference urged the 89th Congress to "play the historic roll of eliminating the shameful na- tional origins quota system" by passage of the administration- sponsored Hart-Geller immigra- tion bill. In a resolution on the Middle East adopted with little discussion and virtual unanimity, the confer- ence declared that Egyptian Presi- dent Nasser's campaign for hegem- ony in the Arab world and his hos- tility. to Israel as well as Arab water diversion activities threat- ened the peace of the world. After describing the Arab ac- tivities, the resolution affirmed that "under these circumstances it is clear that Israel must be provided the necessary military strength to effectively deter ag- gression by the Arab states." It therefore called on the United States government to extend di- rect arms aid to Israel instead of through other countries "to as- sure Israel of the capacity to main- tain a convincing and effective de- terrent to Arab aggression and thus to reinforce America's com- mitment to Israel's security." The resolution endorsed an amendment of the Export Con- trol Act of 1949 to strengthen resistance to the Arab boycott and urged the administration to issue regulations to curb and eliminate boycott procedures. It concluded by proposing that "bringing the Arab states to the peace table with Israel be the The conference also adopted THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 32—Friday, July 2, 1965 He urged immediate initiation of American-Soviet negotiations- including other nations with pres- ent nuclear capability or poten- tial — to formulate a non-prolifer- ation treaty. The Senator also urged creation of nuclear-free zones. He said: "If these efforts are succesful, we should call on Israel and the neighboring states of the Middle East, which might not be covered,. to make the same commitment." An article published. in the new issue of "Foreign Affairs" by Fas- ter was obviously cleared by the Administration before publication. It warned against proliferation of atomic weapons and pinpointed Israel and India as the two coun- tries of the greatest immediate concern to the United States in 1 this connection. Foster said Israel and India were "almost certainly the most immediate cases in point." He stressed that one side in disputes like the Israel-Arab situation could not be expected to forego acquisition of nuclear weapons if the other side obtains such arms. He hoped this point would be ap- preciated "by all elements" in Is- rael and Egypt "whenever the question of acquiring nuclear weapons arises•" The -White House press office said it was glad Sen. Kennedy shared the President's concern on the proliferation issue. It was in- dicated that the President him- self will speak out on this ques- tion in the near future. - As the Cartoonist Sees It Bravo! a bit out of tune but still music. With permission of "Maariv," and the "Jerusalem Post." A..Tarbuth Foundation..Feature Hebrew Corner Cloak of Happiness There was a rich man in the country. The man had a beautiful house, silver and gold, fine clothes, servants and horses. But the man was not happy. One day he met our friend, a wise old man. He asked him: "Perhaps you know how I can find happiness?" Said the old man; "My son, happiness is very diicult to find. But if you travel a lot, pass through distant and strange countries, you will perhaps find- a man who lives in happiness. Ask him for the cloak he is wearing. Wear the cloak of the happy man. Then you will also be happy and joyful." The man embraced the old man and quickly went his way. The way was long. Many times our friend met people whom he thought happy: princes and kings, rulers and wealthy men, but not one of them was happy. Months passed, years also passed. Our friend had already ceased to believe that he would find the cloak of happiness. He decided to return home. Near his home he suddenly heard the sound of song: a young man was plough. ing and singing. The man approached the youth and asked: "Are you happy?" "Yes" — answered the youth, "I am happy"—"And you are sure of this?" —he asked again. "Why not?" — replied the youth — ".1 Iack nothing. You see in the valley, I have a small house. In the house are my charming wife and my two sons. For them I work." Our friend said: "Hurry and go home and bring me your cloak. I shall pay a lot of money for it."—"Sell you my cloak?" asked the youth — "I haven't got a cloak at all .. ." (Translation of Hebrew column, pub- lished by Brith Ivrith Olamith, Jerusalem) r / IPPr: Israel's Atomic Role Stressed by Two Officials WASHINGTON (JTA) — Israel and India haVe been singled out by both William Faster, director of the Arms Control and Disarm- ament Agency, and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, New York Democrat, as the two nations of greatest im- mediate concern to American au- thorities in the proliferation of nuclear weapons issues. Sen.• Kennedy charged in a Sen- ate speech that Israel and India already possess "weapons - grade fissionable ma- terial, and could fabricate an atomic device within - a f e w months." He said "there could be no stability any- where in the world when nu- c l e a r weapons might be used . . . between Arabs and Is- raelis over the Gaza Strip." According t S e n. Kennedy, "Israel and Egypt each have been deeply sus- picious of the other for many years, and further Israeli prog- ress would certainly impel the Egyptians to intensify their pres- ent efforts." He flatly asserted that Israel "can make nuclear de- vices within a couple of months, and weapons shortly thereafter." He said, "that is the kind of dan- ger that confronts us." unequivocal policy goal of our government." Jewish civic and religious or- ganizations were called upon to join with like-minded community groups in a campaign of exposure and counteraction to offset mo•nt- ing and increasingly successful radical right activities during the past year in smaller American cities. The report from 18 communities and 14 states showed that "radi- cal right forces probably some- what stronger today than they were a year ago, with a particu- larly noticeable in c r e as e in strength evident in the east•" The report called upon local and national Jewish organizations to set up new machinery to watch the activities of the John Birch Society and other right-wing groups; prepare materials to coun- ter attacks by these groups; and seek broader cooperation with other community agencies to carry out this work; and to increase ed- ucational programs to 'convince the Jewish community and others of the threat posed directly to Jews by extremists." ;7 h in 7R1. n t;! , r1P: rrn 7171 77 ')K1 r1i)7 xt7 ,tp ;.kv? 1 74$ x rpIo, wrIttp? ,n ,p: rqm_titt :inix L 21q.,:.n? -i) nits 11-T ? -itgiv) t xisr?'? 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