Charles Raddock's Unique Three-Volume Work `Portrait of a People' Evaluates Positive Judaism Charles Raddock, a United Na- tions correspondent who formerly edited the Jewish Forum, resent- ing the failure of UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific and Cul- tural Organization) to include the "full" Jewish history on its "History of Man- kind," proceeded to perform the task on his own. It was his feeling that UNESCO had left inad- vertently "a 2,- 000 year gap in the un'iversal Raddock saga." He thereupon produced the three-volume "Portrait of a Peo- ple" which has been issued by Ju- daica Press (520 5th, N. Y. 36). Aiming his work to coincide with the 17th anniversary of the recog- nition of Israel by the United States, Raddock's interesting prod- uct coincides almost to the date with President Truman's prompt recognition of the Jewish State when it was proclaimed on May 14, 1948. Raddock's history is unique in many respects. It is more commentary than running story, but in the course of his evalua- tion efforts he does offer the major facts about Jewry, com- mencing with Ancestry — with Abraham of Ur, " the first Jew," carrying it down to most recent occurrances, the debate over "deicide" at the Vatican Ecu- menical Council. It is primarily an interpretive work. Yet it is replete with infor- mation that needs to be passed on to an inquiring audience, and Rad- Educators Seminar to Be Held at Cornell ITHACA, N.Y. — Ten leading authorities in the field of Jewish education and Hebrew literature will comprise the facuty of the 14th annual educators seminar to be held on the campus of Cornell University, July 4-25, under the auspices of the department. of edu- cation and culture of the Jewish Agency-American Section. Co-sponsors of the seminar, which will be devoted to the study of the Hebrew language, Biblical literature, Israel and pedagogy, will be the Hebrew Teachers Col- lege of Boston, the Baltimore He- brew College of Baltimore; and the Gratz College of Philadelphia. Almost 100 American Jewish edu- cators are expected to attend. They will live on the Cornell campus at the Young Israel House. Israel Negotiating Loan From Bank WASHINGTON (JTA) — Nego- tiations for a loan of between $40- and $50,000,000 from the World Bank to Israel Industrial Develop- ment Bank have been opened here, it was learned Monday. An Israeli delegation, headed by David Horowitz, governor of the Bank of Israel, is now in Wash- ington. Horowitz is also expected to dis- cuss with the governors of the World Bank the so-called "Horo- witz Plan" to finance $3,000,000,- 000 in aid in a five-year period to developing nations. The plan was first submitted about two years ago at a world development conference held in Geneva. Toronto Tops '64 Total TORONTO (JTA) — The 1965 campaign of Toronto's United Jew- ish Appeal, the central fund-rais- ing organ, was closed here with the total reaching $2,750,000, an increase of $200,000 over last year. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 26—Friday, June 25, 1965 dock's work is sufficiently all-in- clusive to make it very valuable for the study of the story of the Jew. Thoroughly and well illustrated, excellently annotated, this trilogy emerges as a positive work, writ- ten by one who is steeped in Jew- ish knowledge and who speaks au- thoritatively on Jewish traditional values. The trilogy is devoted to "The Story of the Jews from Ancient to Modern Times." The first volume covers events from Abraham to the rise of Mohammedanism and the Middle Ages; the second goes on through the era of the false messiahs and the Hassidic period; the third commences with the mod- ern era, with the salons and the Mendelsohnian times, leading up to the present. Raddock admonishes the read- er at the outset that his narra- tive strips the Jewish story "of the miraculous so as not to strain the credulity of the modern reader." But he does not strip it of the religious aspects. He asks the Christian's indul- gence for the candor with which he treats the role played by the Church, and he acknowledges the steps to correct the wrongs taken by Christian councils in recent years. But he expresses regret that Islam has not taken similar steps to disavow its old-time zealotry. Raddock's la years of labor to produce the three-volume "Portrait of a People" justify the results. Ordained for the rabbinate, the author, having devoted himself to journalism, has produced a work that reflects his research, his ac- quisition of data that analyzes and interprets 38 centuries of Jewish history. Many of his comments could well serve as guides for Jewish discussion groups. His analysis of Hassidism is among the im- pressive portions of his extensive work. His suggestion that the Jews might be considered "The Fifth Estate" is of special inter- est. Recalling that Edmund Murke, pointing to the press rep- resentatives, had said in the Brit- ish Parliament, "Yonder sits the Fourth Estate!", Raddock com- ments: "But Burke was not quite correct. For before newspapers had come upon the scene, Jews constituted what he might have more fittingly called the Fourth Estate. Or, perhaps, he might have called the Jews the Fifth Estate." Reviewing the more modern events, the author comments: "The modern era for the Jews of the world played its new theme out in the salon as in the syna- gogue, on the bourse as in the. In no era was the 'Jewish question' so completely played on every socio-economic string as in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, when the common man finally took his place in the sun. "That theology, moreover, should still have played its part in an era hardly theological is one of the unique aspects of Jewish history. And that every modern theme should have been played out in Jewish history is, equally, one of the unique aspects of World his- tory: "The two are inseparable, evi- dently. As the modern record shows, at any rate, the 'Jews were already a global people because of their theology and their social mobility." Raddock makes no apologies for Jews or Jewish history. His is the proud interpretation, the positive p o r t r a yal. He ex- presses pride in Israel's status by assertnig that "this unique people which Mohammed angrily dubbed 'People of the Book' has endured because of it. East of the Mediterranean to north and south of the Atlantic, this 'na- tion' might have perished en route had Hillel and Akiba and Rashi and Maimuni and Bonas French Parliament Told Ties to Israel 'Excellent' PARIS (JTA) — Relations be- amentary mission' which visited tween France and Israel were de- Israel in 1964 at the invitation of scribed as "excellent and cordial" Israel's partliament. in a report submitted to the The 100-page report described truc de Porta and Karu not spell- French National Assembly by Israel's political, economic and three members of a French parli- ed out that 'book' generation social situation with special atten- after generation." tion to Israel's relations with Raddock's work demolishes Toyn- Histadrut to Build Clinic France. The report said that beeism, refutes defeatism, glories "though Franco-Israeli close mili- in Jewry's adherence to faith, in- Named for Boston Leader tary cooperation and 'brotherhood BOSTON (JTA) — Alexander in arms' which reigned during terprets anti-Semitism, makes im- portant comments on Israel and Shapiro, chairman of the Greater the Sinai campaign" of 1956 "now Boston Israel Histadrut campaign, has been conluded, relations be- Israelis. It is an excellent addendum to announced that a $100,000 Kupat tween the two countries remain the major Jewish histories and en- Holim medical center will be es- cordial and excellent." One of the cyclopedias and will serve the read- tablished in Haifa in honor of three signatories was Gaullist er well in his search for Jewish John E. Powers, clerk of the Su- Deputy Robert Vendroux, Presi- preme Court of Suffolk County dent de Gaulle's brother-in-law. historical facts. and former president of the Mas- Charles Helou, president of Leb- sachusetts State Legislature. Funds for the project were anon, was in Paris last week for raised at the "Freedom Award" three days of talks with President de Gaulle which included the con- dinner attended by 2,000 promi- troversy over Arab plans to divert nent New Englanders, including the headwaters of the Jordan Massachusetts Governor John Prof. Wallace Mendelson of the Volpe. Dr. Sol Stein, executive River to deny its waters - to Israel Uriiversity of Texas has enriched director of the National Commit- for irrigation purposes. Lebanon the judicial library with his new- tee for Labor Israel, who made is one of the riparian countries in est edited work, "Felix Frankfur- the "Freedom Award" presenta- which the diversion project is ter, The Judge," published by tion, hailed the contribution made underway. Reynall & Co. and distributed by by Powers to the cause of Israel. Wm. Morrow & Co. (425 Park, S., NY 16). It is a noteworthy addi- One of the largest lake trout tion to his earlier work, which ever caught anywhere was landed contained tributes to Frankfurther at Grand Haven in 1864. It weigh- by a number of distinguished ed 88 pounds. authors. Orchestra and Entertainment In his newest collection of SHERIDAN GLAMOUR Featuring: essays, Mendelson has incorpor- AND HEALTH SPA ated essays by Judge Henry J. Outstanding Yiddish Only Women's Reduc- Friendly, Profs. Louis Henkin, ing Resort in the and Popular Vocalist Arthur E. Sutherland, Sanford H. Midwest Summer Pool- Kadish and Louis J. Jaffe and by Open Year Round Andrew L. Kaufman. 821 LAKE SHORE DR. Frankfurter views on exist- Michigan City, Indiana TR 2-8595 ing statute s, separation of power, law and labor and other issues on which he had expres- sed himself in his opinions and verdicts and in his lectures are included in these discussions. LI 8-1116 Photographers — Specializing in Frankfurter's forceful reason- Color Candids and Movies LI 8-2266 ing, his human qualities, are em- phasized by Judge Friendly. Prof. Henkin reviews Frankfur- ter's stand on federalism and fed- eral jurisdiction. In his treatment of aspects of MUSKIN DOUGHBOY the civil rights issues, according "24 FOOT 15-Foot $57 18-Foot $97 to Prof. Sutherland, Frankfurter Filter, Skimmer, showed an "awareness of the mul- Ladder, Vacuum 21-Foot $127 tiple relevances which should bear on decision of an important All Aluminum Pool $150 $225 public question, and scrupulous attention to the precise question 6 SLATE presented by the complex of fact POOL TABLES $ ea. and law." 14044 Telegraph 2 BRUNSWICK $ 1 University of Michigan Profes- SLATE TABLES I / as/ ea. SUN. 12-5 DAILY 11-9 sor Kadish reviews at length Frankfurter's attitude on labor matters and declares that his dis- senting opinions performed the "classic function of disinterring from the soothing verbiage of the majority the real issues on which choice must turn." Kaufman's "The Justice and His Law Clerks" is a moving tri- bute to the late Supreme Court justice. He states that the justice loved them and that his friend- ship for them was deep-rooted. The Mendelson volume will be cherished by judges and lawyers and will provide instructive read- ing for laymen. Frankfurter Role as Judge Praised in New Volume Larry Freedman 647-2367 SWIMMING POOLS DISCOUNTED 'I 5 0 CADILLAC POOL Montreal Jew Testifies Before Visiting Germans MONTREAL (JTA)—A closed hearing was held at the West Ger- man consulate here to secure testi- mony from a survivor of the Nazi concentration camp at Treblinka. Sigmund Strawczynsky was the only witness heard by a commis- sion of inquiry set up in the trial of 10 former Treblinka officers and guards. The trial is taking place in Dusseldorf, West Germany. Strawczynski, a Polish Jew, is a former prisoner in the Treblinka camp where an estimated 700,000 Jews were massacred during World War II. The visiting commission in- cludes Dr. Hubert Bach, chairman of the Dusseldorf tribunal; Hans Gnichwitz, an attorney, and seven defense lawyers representing the accused. A representative of the West German government is ac- companying the commission. Michigan has more varieties of trees than' are found in all of Eu- rope, at least 85. '1 1 1 1( f) PUT YOURSELF IN A BEAUTY SPOT! Spread new beauty underfoot in every room in your home ... with lovely area rugs from the DAVIS FLOOR COVER- ING CO. They can be delightfully-fringed .. and we'll make them to order in any size you may desire. Stop in this week! RUGS MAKE WONDERFUL WEDDING GIFTS! FLOOR 18245 W. 8 MILE (Just W. of Southfield) KE 5 1000 OPEN MON., THURS., and FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. -