Purely Commentary The Provocative Toronto Riot Toronto leaders, Christians and Jews, view the recent riot in that community's Allan Gardens as a regrettable incident. But many in the community are learning to understand that those who had gathered to prevent Nazis from propagating their venomous program were people who had themselves suffered from Hitlerism and are determined never again to permit anything akin to the Nazi ideology to recur. Why was it necessary for such an unfortunate incident to occur in a free, democratic community? Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut of the Holy Blossom Temple of Toronto, in a thought-provoking article evaluating the causes of the riot, in the Toronto Globe and Mail, makes some very important observations. He refutes the argumentation that what had happened in Toronto could be applicable to American Southern racists, that Klansmen will react as the anti-Nazis did by turning rioters against the Easterners who come into Southern communities to advocate civil rights. "There are significant differences and they are deep-seated," he declares, and he adds: The similarity has to do with the inherent danger of all mob scenes. If public safety is at stake, if persons cannot be guaran- teed security of life and limb, and if the available police . force feels incapable of handling a potentially explosive situation, then both in North and South the freedom of assembly has to wait temporarily until the freedom of life is secured for all. But . here the comparison ends. Southern racists want to pre- serve illegal privilege, the protesters in Allan Gardens - wanted to preserve their lives. Ku Kluxers come with pm-planned violence in. order to meet non-violent demonstrators. The vast majority of the Allan Gardens crowd came for a non-violent pretest against men who had themselves announced that their program was violence. Dr. Plaut's analyses are especially valuable in their rebuke of too much pubicity being given Nazi propagandists. Anti-Nazis are advised to give the bigots the silent treatment, but in the process the aims of the advocates of hate, of those who openly call for the extermination of the Jewish people, are getting undue publicity. Is it because the press has so much to learn to stear clear of sensationalism? The New York Times is the symbol of the best in journalism, but its cautiousness is not emulated. Crime news is over- rated. Treatment of sex is over-sensationalized. Debutantes are more important than Nobel Prize Winners -. There- is a worshipping of the Golden Calf that Supersedes all rhyme or reason. An opera is an event for the New York Times to be covered by critics of the art; for many of the newspapers as we know them, outside of New York, it is an occasion to portray the mink. The more dignified newspapers will report facts—we could list the news media that judge properly—but sensation-seeking media emphasize the negative, the destructive, the hate-inspired. They don't do it maliciously: they believe that the readers crave for their approach. But the reader also needs to be guided, to be taught, to be led along the highest standards. And so—Dr. Plaut wrote in his comment on the over-publicized aspect of the Toronto occurrence: "The fact that Nazis had announced a public meeting and that apparently the newspapers and the radio and TV media were ready to give the Nazis a great deal of publicity, conjured up_ within the _minds of many people the most unbearable and horrible memories. To them a public .Nazi rally meant the post sibility of a repetition of what they had barely lived through: gassings, inhuman treatment, murder and rapine mutilation, starvation and torture." How about free speech? What should have been done to prevent the Toronto incident? Dr. Plaut's views have relevance to the issues that often face us on the score of civil liberties. He warns of license as against the issue of free speech. Let us quote him: "Of course, the issue of free speech is involved to some degree.. I believe in free speech and I believe strongly in it. However detestable a philosophy may be to me, I will not inter- fere with its advocacy. But I also believe that the advocacy of mass violence is license and . not deserving of the protection of free speech. . . "What should have been done? I think that our police (who acted with discretion and dispatch on the spot) should have recognized. the potentially volatile character of the situation and should have made it clear that in the circumstances no Nazi meeting could have been held at Allan Gardens that afternoon. I think on such assurance the crowd would have gone home. The police could have based itself on Section 64 of the Criminal Code which states that .a public meeting becomes an unlawful assembly when those taking part "needlessly and without reasonable cause provoke other persons to disturb the peace tumultuously". This :section can also be used as a guide in the future. "I also think that some of our news media have in this instance shown poor judgment. They have touted the small Nazi :group until they have built it up to proportions far exceeding its .actual size and power. They have helped to create the news by making newsworthy people out of the Nazis. Why should a radio station have carried hourly bulletins plugging the Nazi meeting? Why should another station solicit the long-distance comment of American Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell and let it stand in judgment of the Allan Gardens happenings as if it were the Delphic Oracle? "It will take a little time to live down the occurrences of last Sunday: They have reopened old wounds barely healed. The victims of yesteryear's atrocities will have to be reassured by their leadership that Canada is not Europe, and that here they will continue to enjoy the full protection of the law—a law that they cannot and must not take into their hands. And as the Canadian government deals forthrightly with hate and murder literature, as it becomes clear to everyone that the climate of Canada will not permit the spread of violence in any form, the likelihood of the repetitions of the Allan Gardens incident will disappear." What Rabbi Plaut wrote applies to Washington, D. C. It revives the challenge to authorities in our nation's capital in the manner in which the Rockwell gang has been permitted to advocate murder of Jews over loud speakers in the squares that have been chosen for monuments to Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln. Without sacrificing free speech, there should be a way of dealing with people who shout fire in a crowded theater, who call for murder, who advocate genocide. Perhaps the lesson of Toronto will be utilized by us in many American communities, leading to an end to murderous aspirations by small groups of demented fellow-citizens. 2—Friday, June 18, 1965 The Russian Policies and the Jewish Attitudes .. . The Incidents in Toronto By Philip Slomovitz Martin Buber: A Name That Will Live in Our History Martin Buber is destined to be among the immortals. His name will live in our literature and in the realm of mysticism; few other great names will rank above his. He will be among the great creators of the "I-Thou" idea. Few have been as eminent in the interpretive field of Hassidism. No one has matched him in the recitation of the tales of the Baal Shem and the other eminent personalities among the Hassidim. There were times when many of us differed with him. When he advocated the Ihud movement with Henrietta Szold and Dr. Judah . L. Magnes, urging a bi-national state of Jews and Arabs, we thought he was unrealistic. The agony that pursued Jews in Palestine as a result of the horrors imposed upon them by unreconcilable Arab nationals proved that he was too optimistic. Yet his interpretation of Israel's role was: "Israel was and is a people and a religious community in Tiny Community of Indonesia Jews Faces Dim Future NEW YORK (JTA)—An uncer- tain future in a Moslem country growing steadily hostile to the West is causing concern among the handful of Jews" leftin the In- donesian city of Surabaya where, before the Second World War, a Jew ish community numbering about 1,000 once flourished, it was reported Tuesday in the New York Times. Comprising only 13 families to- day, with some 60 men, women and children, the Surabaya Jew- ish community, the report says, one, and it is this unity which enabled it to survive in an exile maintains a single synagogue used no other nation had to suffer, an exile which lasted much longer on major Jewish holy days with than the period of its independence. He who severs this bond Friday evening services held at severs the life of Israel." the home of the president of the There were many who disagreed with his opposition to capital community, Charles Mussry, a 4` punishment in the instance of Adolf Eichmann, but even in the case year-old Jew of Iraqi descent. of the most cruel of all Nazis he adhered to a principle: he opposed The community, comprising the death penalty regardless of the condition involved. virtually the only Jews left in There is so much to be said when referring to Prof. Buber. History Indonesia, has not had the already has judged him as being among the very great. The future services of a rabbi since the es- will -multiply the veneration for the man whose memory will remain tablishment of the Malaysian blessed for all time. Federation two years ago. Before Dr. Nahum Goldmann's Inconsistency Many will share the view that Dr. Nahum Goldmann has blundered in the advice he has passed on as to how the Russian prejudices are to be treated by critics. It is our opinion that he displayed an inconsist- ency that calls for better correction than he has offered thus far. Dr. Goldmann has been among those who exposed the anti-Semitic evidences than continually emanate from the USSR. He has exagger- ated the application of the Nazi term to the Russians and he could have gone to greater length in indicating how serious the situation is in the Soviet Union and how drastic has been the repetition of the most inhuman charges against Jewry and Israel. When people can be responsible for charges like ritual murder against another people, when Russians can resort to some of the wildest accusations leveled against Jewry and Israel, as the Kremlin has done or has permitted, that people deserves the severest criticisms. Even though he has not whitewashed the USSR, Dr. Goldmann has blundered by going to the extent he has in his criticism of those who criticize and condemn Russian anti-Semitism. How Far Do We Go in Criticizing USSR? Dr. Nahum Goldmann has warned that in criticizing the Soviet prejudices against Jews we should not liken them to the Nazis. Morris Abram, who heads the American Jewish Committee, concedes to it. Both, however, concur that there should be protests against the un- questionable spread of bias against Jews in the USSR. There is no reason for any one to compare the Communists with the Nazis. Yet, when there emanate from Russia outrageous charges like- the ritual murder libel, the Jews are condemned as the worst of speculators, we often wonder whether USSR persecution hasn't as- sumed the vilest forms. There was an interesting reaction last week to the letter that was addressed to the New York Times by two Jewish scientists who resented the protests against what they termed were untrue charges of prejudice by their government against their Jewish kinsmen. Reply- ing to the two Russian Jews (Lev Landau and Yevsei Liberman), in a communication, also to the New York Times, written from Dallas on June 4, Prof. Felix Bloch, a Nobel Prize winner, and S. Chan- drasekhar, Freeman J. Dyson, Yuval Ne'eman, Ivor Robinson, Edwin E. Salpeter, Alfred Schild and E. L. Schucking, all eminent physicists, stated: that, a Singapore rabbi would be flown to Surabaya for major events. Although the Jews of Surabaya are free to practice their religion and although their community is officially recognized by the In- donesian government, they are be- coming increasingly uncomfortable in a-n Asian society that is reject- ing western influence. In addition to anxiety over their future eco- nomic status, the Surabayan Jews are concerned about the education of their children. About half of the Jews who Ieft the community after the Second World War went to Israel with the remainder scattered in the United States. England and Australia. Humphrey Shuns Club Barring Jews PORTLAND, Ore. (JTA) — A luncheon at which Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey addressed a group of Portland business leaders last weekend was shifted at the last minute from the fashionable Waverly Country Club here to a private home after he learned that the club barred Jews and Ne g roes. After the vice president's office in Washington was informed by a phone call from Portland that the club barred Jews and Negroes, an aide of Humphrey called the or- ganizers of the luncheon, who Prof. Lev Landau is one of the most eminent and respected switched the event to the home scientists in the Soviet Union. We were amazed to see his name of one of the businessmen. attached to a crudely propagandist letter (Times, June 2) deny- ing the existence of official anti-Semitism in the USSR and sternly forbidding Americans to take any interest in the con- dition of Jews under Soviet rule. We doubt that Prof. Laudau willingly and wittingly took part in writing this letter. The use of Landau's name in this connection would have been more convincing if the Soviet gov- ernment had permitted him to attend a single one of the innumerable scientific meetings outside the USSR to which he has been invited in the past quarter of a century. This comment applies to many other aspects of Russian life. If the Russians were to permit their citizens to participate in world functions of varying natures, it would indicate a readiness to permit free action, to encourage democratic relationships with the rest of the world. But this does not exist. Russia's doors are closed—to those who could share in the world's free exchange of ideas, to those desiring to emigrate. Therefore Russia cannot properly defend the position that was expressed in the Landau-Liberman letter. We share the Goldmann view that you can't all be anti-Se-mites. That does not reduce the crime of anti-Semitism. And condemnation of bigotry, whatever form it may take, wherever it may occur, must never be curtailed. But Jewish leaders should get together on policy. We can't have promiscuous complaints one day and criticism of the approach by Dr. Nahum Goldmann the next day. Responsibility demands that there should be concord in Jewish matters, dictated by honor, dignity, truth and sound pragmatism. Without them we are on unsafe ground and all purposes of our public actions will become ineffective and useless. * * * Rabbi Elmer Berger in the Limelight Again Elmer Berger, former Pontiac and Flint rabbi, the mastermind of the American Council for Judaism, is a restless man. He can't for- give Israel her successes, he can't tolerate the good relations between Israel and the United States, he sees visions of Jews undermining we don't know what with nationalism. And so he wrote another letter to the New York Times, again seeing ghosts, once again imagining that with statehood acclaimed by Jews outside Israel something is being undermined. He fears for his rights. No nation on earth shares his fears, and there is a natural acceptance of the Jewish right to live, and the right of Israel to offer asylum, politically protected, to the dispossessed and the downtrodden. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS But Elmer has fears. Poor Elmer: he can't even whistle in the dark! Police Probe Bombing of Official's Home PHILADELPHIA (JTA) — Po- lice here were investigating this week an incendiary bomb attack on the home of Bernard Liebowitz, assistant director of the Hospital and Home for the Jewish Aged. The incident, which resulted in minor damage to the house, be- fore the blaze was extinguished, came in the wake of a heated labor dispute at the institution in which one woman had already beenarrested for throwing a rcK, Arthur Waldman, director the home, who announced a $2,000 reward for the apprehension of the bomb thrower, said that during the picketing by the Building Service Employes Union, 'era• ployes have been punched enter' ing the grounds, nails have been thrown on the highway and (Myers intimidated." U.S. Has TOO Maccabiah Javelin, 5,000-Meter Hopes Stu Levitt and Bill Morgan have emerged as the United States' leading prospects in the javelin and 5,000-meters at the seventh World Maccabiah Games in Israel in August. Levitt tossed the javelin 244'4" and Morgan ran his species ty in 14:03.8 at the Compton Ins vitational. Both performances Far. pass those of the Maccabiah Games and of entrants from other countries. J