THE JEWISH NFWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member Ameraa, Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 48235 Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Advertising Manager Business Manager CHARLOTTE HYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath., the 12th day of Sivan, 5725, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion: Num. 4:21-7:89; prophetical portion: Judges, 13:2-25. Licht benshen, Friday, June 11, '7:49 p.m. VOL. XLVII, No. 16 Page 4 June 11, 1965 Zionism Again a Central Jewish Theme Once again, Zionism has become a sub- ject for scrutiny in Jewish ranks. At the Bnai Brith convention in Jeru- salem, David Ben-Gurion raised major ques- tions involving the movement. The Rabbini- cal Assembly judged the movement and en- tertained an idea of its own as a substitute for the World Zionist Organization. While the new "judgments" may be ascribable to a phlegmatic condition in Zion- ist ranks, there also is evidence of a measure of super-presumption on the part of those who might have been helpful in strengthen- ing the movement but who now seek satis- faction in criticism. Events in the most recent few years have proven that the Zionist movement is a more vital necessity than has been admitted. When- ever a crisis strikes at Israel or problems arise involving Diaspora activities in defense of the Jewish State, the least panicky are those in Zionist ranks. If there were no Zion- ist movement, it might have to be created anew when serious issues arise, the non-Zion- ists being among those who only too readily yield to fears and show a lack of courage in pleading for a just cause. But the Conservatives' Rabbinical Assem- bly gave ear to charges that the World Zion- ist Organization "is no longer adequate" and that there is need for a new movement, the formation of which was proposed to the Con- servative rabbis. In a sense, this spells ar- rogance in dealing with a great movement whose messianic status was primarily respon- sible for the establishment of the State of Israel. Rabbis have much to contend . with without absorbing new territory, and their congregants may have good cause for com- plaints over failures in certain spiritual spheres as long as the rabbis seek notoriety in fields that are outside their immediate domains. This certainly is the case in the in- stance of the intrusion of rabbis into organ- izational functions of the Zionist movement. Then there was the emergence of David Ben-Gurion on a platform of American Jews with proposals regarding Aliyah. We do not doubt the sincerity of "the old man" who now is causing so much commotion with his criticisms of the incumbent government of Israel. Mr. Ben-Gurion addressed the Bnai Brith convention in Jerusalem. What a cour- teous act, in view of his having refused to make an appearance on the platform of the movement that gave him world leadership —the World Zionist Congress of the World Zionist Organization, also held in Jerusalem only five months ago! And how it emphasizes the discourtesy to his own movement! At the Bnai Brith convention, Mr. Ben- Gurion advocated American Jewish contribu- tions to Israel in the form of know-how. He advocated greater participation in Israel's eco- nomic efforts by American Jews than mere tourism. What he said had been repeated by us time and again. Many of us have held the view that while American Jews can not all settle in Israel, many among us can give Israel several years' services as professionals, as ex- perts in many fields of endeavor. What Mr. Ben-Gurion said was not new: it was a repeti- tion of views held by many of us in the Dia- spora. But Mr. Ben-Gurion might have achieved his objectives very speedily had he acted in support of his ideals through the Zionist Or- ganization. Like the critical and rebellious rabbis, who are seeking platforms of their own, he acted outside Zionist ranks and there- fore failed to acquire strength for the very ideas he propagates. Thus, a lack of realism marks the views of some rabbis who have given ear to nega- tivism in this country and of Mr. Ben-Gurion who has abandoned the constructive ways of his great years of leadership in Zionism. The objectives to be attained in Israel's behalf must be centered in a strong Zionist move- ment. The contrariness of mavericks fails to support obstructive efforts. We do not doubt the sincerity of those propagating new ways outside Zionist ranks. But we consider them lacking in vision and we therefore urge re- tention of strong Zionist sentiments rather than resorting to abortive schemes that can neither help Israel nor contribute towards the elevation of idealism in Jewish ranks. Well Earned Honors for Eminent Educator The honors to be accorded next Wednes, day, at the annual dinner of the Jewish Na- tional Fund, to Bernard Isaacs, superintend- ent emeritus of the United Hebrew Schools, merit the acclaim that is being given this important event in our community. Mr. Isaacs is being honored for a life- time of labors for the Zionist cause, for his devotion to the Jewish National Fund, but more especially for his creative efforts in the field of Jewish education. For more than half a century, Mr. Isaacs has dedicated himself to learning and to teaching. He has inspired pedagogues and students, has written numerous essays and short stories to enrich Hebrew literature, and his devotion to Hebraic studies has elevated him to highest ranks among educators in Jewry. Not only in this country, but in Israel and in other lands the name Bernard Isaacs is known as representative of scholarship, dignity and the honor he has contributed to the Hebrew teaching profession. No man in America has lent so much status to He- brew teaching. As a short story writer, as an essayist, as a teacher of adult groups since his re- tirement, as a biblical and Talmudic scholar, he has been a source of inspiration for many and has earned the affections of an entire community. The event in honor of Mr. Isaacs is en- hanced by the fact that. the guest speaker at the dinner, U.S. Senator Ernest Gruening, is one of the most courageous Americans. His leadership in the battle against Nas- serism is especially noteworthy. Having studied conditions in the Middle East at first hand, he has authored lengthy reports pub- lished by the United States Senate exposing the menace stemming from Cairo. Studying conditions in Cairo at first hand two years ago, Senator Gruening has in the intervening months continually called this nation's attention, in his speeches in the Senate and in printed reports, to the abuses hurled at this country, to the threats leveled at Israel, to the hate-instigating and saber-rattling Nasser campaigns. The Alaska Senator has been among the lead- ers in Israel's defense in the Senate and has consistently pleaded for just actions and fair play for the small Jewish State that is constantly endangered by the Arab war threats. He has, at the same time, con- demned the attacks on this country by those who are continually aided by us. It is a pleasure to greet Mr. Isaacs on this important occasion and to welcome Senator Gruening in a spirit of gratitude for his fear- lessness and his daring to speak frankly on matters involving basic American ideals and the security of the American people. Usque's Portuguese Classic in JPS English Translation by Dr. Cohen An unusual work has just come off the press of the Jewish Publi- cation Society of America. Samuel Usque's "Consolation for the Tribu- lations of Israel" was written in the middle of the 16th Century. It appeared in Portuguese, and in English translation—the laborious task of Prof. Martin A. Cohen of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion—enriches Ju dai c a. (Z' In his foreword to this volume, Dr. Jacob Rader Marcus, director of American Jewish Archives, thus explains the significance of this important work: "Every persecuted, tormented. age must evoke an answer or die in despair. What the prophets and the apocalytists had attempted for their times, Samuel Usque, a Portuguese Jew, now sought to do for his people in the 16th Century. As he saw his fellow Jews beaten, dispersed and spiritually cowed, he wrote a religious tract for the times: God has not rejected his chosen people; they will stand proudly, refuting by their very existence all calumnies. A great future — a messianic millennial deliver- ance — lies in store for them. Take hope — said Usque to his brethren — the dawn of a new and better day is about to burst forth in golden light over the pale horizon. It was Usque's way of bringing Consolation for the Tribulations of Israel." This is a splendid summary. Usque's work is a history of our people, from biblical times down to the age in which Usque lived - — the era of the Inquisition and the Marranos. In every respect, throughout this work, the author offers consola- tion. There are sorrows, but the author is an inspirer of faith and hope. Because he had witnessed the events that followed the Spanish tragedies imposed upon Jews, Usque was able to write so movingly about the Marranos. Interestingly enough, scholar that he was, Usque resorted to the writings of Josippon, the pseudo-Josephus, and the reader gets an insight into the Josippon writings. Usque's is commentary on martyrdom. But it also deals with language and literature, with the historical events that required encouragement in the belief in an Almighty. ( Prof. Cohen's introduction is most illuminating. It explains the period in history in which Usque lived, the Spanish-Portuguese events as they effected the flight from Judaism to save lives and the secret observances by Jews. Prof. Cohen states, with reference to the Marranos in Portugal: "The New Christian refugees from Lusitania were not a saving remnant of the Jewish faith. Indeed, for a long time there was a question as to whether much of this remnant could itself — 1 be saved for Judaism. One of its exiles, Samuel Usque, was vinced that it could. He believed that the New Christians' sul_ ings would be the last in Jewish history. To his fellow `gentlemair- of the Diaspora of Portugal' he addressed a stirring message in which he sought to refute the Christian explanation of Jewish suffering and to prove from history that a better world was dawning for all Jews. Writing in Portugese, he entitled his work `Consolacam as tribulacoens de Israel, A Consolation for Israel's Tribulations." Dr. Cohen points out that Usque wrote in Portuguese because Hebrew was out of the question "since few New Christians now had the opportunity to learn it well." His friends attempted to persuade him to write it in Spanish. "Had he heeded this advice," Dr. Cohen writes, "Usque might have reached a larger audience and his fame would have been more widespread." The historical highlights of this work, as analyzed by Dr. Cohen, included many of Usque's personal experiences. From them it is sur- mised that Usque left Portugal after the establishment of the Inquisi- tion there in 1531. He went to other European countries, finally to Salonika. He went to the Holy Land after the publication of his book, but his burial place is unknown. Usque's work is a classic, and Jewry owes a debt to Dr. Cohen for his excellent translation and to the Jewish Publication Society for making possible its appearance in English.