THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 29, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 48235 Mich., trE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE FLYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the fifth day of Sivan, 5725, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion: Num. 1:1-4:20; prophetical portion: Hos. 2:1-22. Shavuot Scriptural Selections Pentateuchal portions: Sunday, Exod. 19:1-20:23, Num. 28:26-31; Monday, Dent. 15:19-16:17, Num. 28:26-31. Prophetical portions: Sunday, Ezek. 1:1-28; 3:12; Monday, Habak. 3:1-19. Licht benshen, Friday, June 4, 7:45 p.m. VOL. XLVII, No. 15 Page 4 June 4, 1965 Shavuot: Its Current Lesson for Our Time Shavuot is the festival of the Giving of the Law. It is therefore the festival of the Receiving of the Law. The acceptance implied by the Giving and the Receiving represents learning. It calls for teaching. Out of it develops a dedication to Torah Judaism that demands priority for the spread and acquisition of knowledge. Shavuot is one of the great festivals on our calendar. It is the link of the Jewish people with its ethical teachings, with its sacred traditions, with the Torah and the very roots of our status as a religious folk. In our own time it has a special lesson for us—one that carries with it a serious chal- lenge in an era when we speak of survival and of the retention of the interest of our youth in their sacred heritage. Book With Rare Illustrations Especially on Shavuot, it is almost sacrilegious to doubt survival. The Torah festival is a constant reminder of the indestructibility of Israel. We may lose in numbers, some in our ranks may falter, there are always spiritual casualties. But the people lives to perpetuate its teachings, to continue its moral codes, to retain an identity that cannot be defiled. Nevertheless, in our consideration of the basic needs for the perpetuation of Torah Judaism, we must think in terms of a knowledgeable Jewry, of a people that knows and understands its inherited spiritual and cultural values. It is on this score that Shavuot reminds us of our basic problems, of the major needs to create the media which will assure the continuity of Jewish dignity. Because its basic ideal is learning, which requires the best in teaching, Shavuot's chal- lenge today is on the score of the schooling we give our children, of the assurance we have that our houses of learning will be conducted according to the highest standards. We normally think of Shavuot as the festival that marks commencements and graduation from schools, consecrations and confirmations. While we inevitably also ask: what of the morrow? will our children continue their studies after confirmations and graduations?; we must face the issues more earnestly to provide answers to these questions. For positive results, we must face the existing problems frankly and we must be prepared to provide the proper means to solve problems involving education whenever they arise—and speedily. Discussions inaugurated in our columns in recent weeks regarding the status of our schools vis-a-vis the teachers have brought numerous interesting comments. Educators em- phasized the need we pointed to: that of elevating the status of our teachers, of recognizing their work with an increasing measure of respect and honor, of providing for them financially in a manner that will retain them in our school system's, thereby also encouraging our youth to enter the Jewish teaching profession. The basic reply thafis awaited to the questions that have been posed is from the ranks: from our young men and young women who could render valuable service by enrolling as teachers. Are we prepared to offer them the same status, the dignity that goes with teaching in our public schools and in our universities? Are we able to provide for them collegiate status when we ask them to become the teachers of our children in Jewish lore? 'Ben-Gurion's Israel' by Appel Enhanced by Rare Illustrations To the numerous books published about Israel has been added another—"Ben-Gurion's Israel," by Benjamin Appel, published by Grosset and Dunlap (51 Madison, NY 10). This one differs from most others in that its emphasis is on Ben-Gurion and may well be con- sidered a biography of B-G. Extensively illustrated with impressive photos, Appel's book, ap- parently intended for younger readers, will be welcomed by many young adults who are in search of information about Israel's early story, the events that preceded the establishment of the Jewish State— the pogroms in Russia, the stifling atmosphere of Europe, the holocaust —as well as the events in Palestine which forced a showdown with the British. The plight of Jews at the turn of the century, the love for and the craving to see Zion redeemed, gave impetus to Jews to seek an end to the humiliating conditions under which they lived. Ben-Gurion —born David Green—became a pioneer. Describing the pioneering spirit and those who commenced Palestine's resettlement, Appel links the future Israeli prime minister with the names of other noted men who played important roles in Israel's redemption. The great men who played important parts in Israel's establish- ment — Balfour, Brandeis, Weizmann, Jabotinsky, Ussishkin— are among the heroes of this book. It tells the story of the Jewish Legion and later on it deals with the Haganah and with Israel's successful battle for independence. The role of Ben-Gurion in all these Zionist developments is constantly emphasized. Bringing the story up to date, .Appel's account also describes the Sinai Campaign. Concluding with comments on "the future," Appel's historical account expresses the view that "perhaps new cities will flourish again" to mark the realization of many aims — peace, cooperation among nations, desalination. The author concludes his story by asserting: "Man and land, past and future — they can be summed up in one word: Redemption." - "Ben-Gurion's Israel" is beautiful printed, in large format, with rare illustrations that enhance the contents. In a sense, the community already has given the answer: the sentiments are in favor of giving priority to Jewish education and we should not doubt that there will be good response to the requests for communal support for our school systems. But there must also be wider support from individuals. In the course of time we shall have to build new schools and that will require larger sums than have been available until now. Soon the communities will be called upon to finance our day schools. Their existence is an established fact. Their need is now less debatable: from the day schools we expect the emergence of a large group of highly trained youth who, by virtue of greater emphasis on their Jewish studies, will be fortified with an acquired knowledge that should assure better informed leaders and a culturally powerful element in Jewry. The problems are not insoluble. But they must be recognized. We must acknowledge Imaginative Writing the existence of day schools and be prepared to support them. We must continually elevate the standards of our teachers and we must encourage able youth to enter the teaching pro- fession. Already reviewed in these columns by Nathan Ziprin, editor Indeed, we must give priority to our cultural and educational needs—and that must be attained with a full appreciation of the basic needs for Jewish communal functioning that is of Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, "The Book of Paradise" by Itzik published by Hill and Wang (141 5th, NY 10), deserves added rooted in knowledge and in the establishment of an intellectual aristocracy in American Manger, attention. Jewry. ' Manger's 'Book of. Paradise' * The eminent Yiddish writer had the good fortune of a splendid translation for his stories by Leonard Wolf. There are five illustrations The day schools' needs may call for major consideration in communal planning in the by Mendel Reif. The jacket design by the eminent artist, Ben Shaul, years to come, and the developing situation in this country which acknowledges the status is impressive. of private and religious schools indicate new thinking that evolves as a result of new ac- What makes this book of short stories, relating "the wonderful knowledgments of the preferences by parents. The day schools will not and can not predomi- adventures of Shmuel-Aba Abervo," is the author's ability to convey nate in American society, but they need no longer be viewed as peripheral: they are now a theme with a fine sense of humor, the splendid narrations, the ex- factual and as such are vital elements in Jewish life, just as the parochial schools of other cellent dialogues. faiths are elemental to certain forces in American life. But the day school idea involves In "At the House of the Angel Zaidl," the dialogue between greater financial responsibility, and that requires philanthropic investments on a scale much Ham and Japheth as they play a trick on their drunken father Noah, higher than those previously allocated to our educational needs. is hilarious. Thus, an expanded school system will call for greater effort to encourage young Jews All the tales in this fine collection of short stories are enter- to enter the teaching profession. Only time can tell whether that can be accomplished, but taining, and their author's dedication of them "to myself as a the needs are great, and priority will have to be given in our vocational guidance programs memento of the lonely days and nights when I wandered the streets to induce the youth to think in terms of adopting receptive attitutes in their leaning to- and boulevards of Paris"—he had been "driven from Romania," his birthplace—will find a ready response from readers who will en- wards Hebrew studies that are to lead to pedagogical pursuits. This is the lesson of the Shavuot as we see it for our time. May this great Festival of the courage him to complete his planned trilogy of short stories. "The Book of Paradise" attests to good and most imaginative Giving of the Law serve also as an Acceptance of the Law and as a reaffirmation of the writing. spiritual dignity of the People of Israel.