THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 48235 Mich., YE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK Business Manager Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE HYAMS Cif,/ Editor This Sabbath. the 27th day of Iyar. 5725, the following scriptural selections will be -read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion: Letit. 26:3-27:34. Prophetical portion: Jer. 16:19-17:14. Licht benshen, Friday, May 28, 7:39 p.m. VOL. XLVII, No. 14 Page 4 May 28, 1965 Changing Neighborhood: Equality Basis Changing neighborhoods are not new phenomena. But when the problems relating to them involve safety and security, when discipline becomes a major issue in our schools, the changes that occur invite more than a passing interest. They do, indeed, call for joint efforts on the part of those who are making the changes, the newcomers into areas that are being evacuated, the commun- ity at large. It is most unfortunate that in viewing existing situations those involved more often than not speak of property value. What is involved for the city, for the citizens, are the moral values—the fact that American citizens must live together in peace and in harmony. The issue has become especially distress- ing by the involvement of our school system, the emergence of issues related to quality education, the fear that has arisen over a de- cline of educational standards because of the fusion of new elements who are coming into integrating neighborhoods with those that had been more firmly established in areas that seem to be changing, perhaps too rapidly. What is involved here, if the situation is to be viewed realistically, is a responsibility that devolves upon the larger community, upon the City itself and its administrators, upon the school authorities who may be held responsible for introducing policies that may create havoc—policies that call for pupils to be transported from schools near their homes to others that will require transportation— travel that can become difficult for children unaccustomed to it, travel that may prove unduly expensive for some parents. There is a threat in the developing changes to our school system, and if a vast system of private schools should emerge as a result of it, it will not be creditable to a great com- munity. Then there is the question of safety. The mere injection of a need to assure safety is in itself an indication that there is fear of a lack of it. This can become panic-inspiring, and it is something to be considered most seriously. Panic must be avoided at all costs, and all precautions should be taken that wholesome integration should be attained peacefully, honorably, in a spirit of American tolerance. What is happening is some areas now may happen in others tomorrow. This calls for proper evaluation of the basic needs of a city like ours. If integration means panic, there should be a cure. If there is panic, it must be averted. Whatever changes take place in a community must be accomplished peace- fully. This calls for an understanding of prob- lems. of inevitable conditions, of the needs of all elements of our community who must be educated to acquire or to build their homes peacefully. If there are dangers to safety, they chal- lenge leadership, spiritual and temporal, re- ligious and secular—all the authorities of the state as well as of the citizen's movements —to educate the folk involved to refrain from inhuman acts which threaten the security of their fellow men, regardless of their religion or race. * * * There is a dire need to educate all of the people, to uplift those who have been or still are among the less fortunate and the less skilled. so that there can be established a basis for true equality. When we have learned to live together, Americans all, in harmony, with a true spirit of understanding each other's needs, we shall have a stronger America internally. Otherwise, if we are weak at home, we shall be vulnerable to attack from the outside. A strong America must be democratic and wholesome within. Then we shall have un- challenged claim to moral leadership among the free nations of the world. The Menace of the Rightist Movement In his warning of the menacing growth pecially menacing in view of the possibility of the John Birch Society from a member- of the formation of a single united rightists' ship of 40,000 to 80,000 in two years, Dr. force that may cause anything like the Know- John Slawson, executive vice president of the Nothing and similar groups of the past to American Jewish Committee, explains that fade into insignificance. the Birchers' claim that they are "saving". Once again, the responsibility of Ameri- America in reality means that they are "de- cans who are concerned over what is tran- stroying public confidence in the nation's spicing is to resort to "eternal viligance." highest officials, in its institutions, in the This calls for a vast educational movement— leadership of its civic groups and organiza- NOW. tions, and in democracy itself." Dr. Slawson pointed out that the Birch Society is pursuing its objectives "with more substantial backing and manpower than ever Detroit's interest in higher education is before, and with the evident intention of annually highlighted by the generous re- shaping the society into a national extremist sponse to the appeal of Yeshiva University, right-wing political force." whose progress has won the respect of educa- In more than 20 leading American news- tors from many areas. papers, including one in Detroit; special ad- Once again, this community will offer vertising sections have been purchased by assistance to Yeshiva University, through the the Birchers, and it appears inevitable that proceeds of the annual dinner to be held on their society's membership should grow even June 2. Primarily, the local fund-raising suc- faster. The fact that annual income of the cesses are due to the activities of the David society has risen from $130,000 in 1959 to Goldbergs, who currently are subsidizing the $3,200,000 in 1964 is another indication of affair to assure the continuation of efforts in growth and expansion and of enrollment of behalf of the institution to which they are many who may be among the country's wealth- devoting their major interest. iest people who are bent upon supporting Detroiters have responded to appeals from the right wingers and their menacing pro- the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the grams. Technion, Weizmann Institute and Bar-Han Sponsoring 70 to 100 meetings nightly, University, and Tel Aviv University will not having sent propagandists into 25 states dur- be ignored here. ing April alone, securing an income of ap- Similarly, the Jewish Theological Semi- proximately $50,000 a week from the sale nary and Hebrew Union College - Jewish of books and pamphlets, the Birch Society's Institute of Religion are aided here. Yeshiva University has not only gotten status can no longer be laughed at, and the warnings of the American Jewish Committee a good response, but its backers here include come at a time when it is necessary to mo- a number of rabbis who were ordained at bilize all the democratic forces to strengthen the Yeshiva and a growing number here who the democratic principles as a defense have become linked in their interests with against the impending dangers from the re- the university. These are devotions that attest to a recognition that education must actionaries. - - The grave clanger:frOin the right is es- get priority in communal planning. Aid for Yeshiva U. Hapgood's 'Spirit of Ghetto' Recreates East Side of 1901 In 1901, Hutchins Hapgood wrote an exciting collection of articles about the East Side of New York, its people, its pushcarts, even its anarchists and atheists. Funk and Wagnalls published "The Spirit of the Ghetto" in 1902. Now, 63 years later, Funk and Wagnalls (360 Lexington, NY16) has reissued the volume, in elegant and more stylized form, and it emerges as a revived classic. While it was originally a sympathetic approach by a friendly non-Jew to delineate Jewish life. it has become a valuable portion of the social studies related to Jews. Enhancing the revised edition is an impressive preface by Harry Golden, who has made an additional contribution to the volume: the insertion of his appended notes which bring the book up to date and explain some of its contents by the injection of the tone appropriate to the '60s and suitable as an addendum of modern history to the tales of the past. At the same time, the drawings from life by Jacob Epstein which illustrate every chapter in the book provide the reader with superb art by one of the world's greatest creative artists. Golden does, indeed, add spirit to the volume with his inserted current details about the East Side, its changes, its past, its famous characters. The character delineations by Epstein bring to life the men and events of six decades ago. Hapgood ]mew how to find his famous men. He wrote a chapter about Naphtali Herz Imber, author of "Hatikvah." He perpetuated stories about the actors and actresses at the begin- ning of this century. He knew and understood, and therefore was able to write, authori- tatively about the Yiddish press of his day. The teachers, the rabbis, the students of the time, their houses of learning, are evaluated here, and Israel Zangwill's "Children of the Ghetto" are drawn upon for comparison. These are the "prophets without honor" who are depicted in a deeply moving chapter in which Hapgood pays honor to the Orthodox rabbis. Then there is the description of the Jewish woman, her devotion to her home and family. The affectionate, the eternally serious, the lovers of learning — these are the heroines of an appreciative Chris- tian author. There is a tribute in "The Spirit of the Ghetto" to "the wedding bard," to Eliakum Zunser, the printer who became a great poet and whose name has gone down among the great in Yiddish literature. And Hapgood does not overlook Menahem Dolitzki, :Morris Rosenfeld, S. Libin, Masliansky and others. The socialist influences are not overlooked, Zionist pioneers are under consideration, and Golden does his bit to fuse the past with the present by adding information that makes the past more real. "The Spirit of the Ghetto" is unusual in many respects—in its sympathy and understanding, in its affectionate approach to Jewish issues and to Jewish characters, many of whom emerge as heroes in a volume that is, indeed, the recollection of both the spirit, the— idealism. the heroism and the creativity of the East Side—the ghetto-:, with pride and dignity. ' Legal Aspects of Civil Rights' "Legal Aspects of the Civil Rights Movement," published by Wayne State University Press, is an impressive collection of essays devoted to. a study of the legal aspects of the civil rights struggle for human rights. Edited by Prof. Donald B. King of St. Louis University Law School and Prof. Charles W. W. Quick of Wayne . State University College of Law, this voluminous work deals with problems involving education, housing, justice, civil disobedi- ence. transportation. It includes a review, "Progress in Civil Rights to 1964," by Harry Fleischman, co-ordinator of race relations activities for the American Jewish Com- mittee. This essay offers a .nationwide review of civil rights activities and describes the work of Jewish groups as part of the National Conference on Religion and Race. Harold Norris, who teaches constitutional and criminal law at Detroit College of Law. is the au- thor of the report "The Civil Rights Act of 1964." He describes the work of various commissions, re- views federally assisted programs, outlines voting statistics, efforts for equal employment opportuni: Norris ties and other aspects of civil rights legislation.