Who Sank the °Strumit' and the llifeihnre'.? Shocking revelations made in Germany . . For details read Commentary, Page 2 Brith. Ivrith Olamit Story of the 'Struma'—in Hebrew and in English . . • Page 2 HE JEWISH NEWS Menacing John Birch Movement Changing Neighborhoods: Equality Basis Editorials Page 4 CD -r- c) - T- A Weekly Review NA c }—i G,... f\ N4 Community Faces Crisis in Hebrew Education of Jewish Events Story on Page 40 Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper —Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOLUME XLVII— No. 14 Printed in a 100% Union Shop 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit 35 — VE 8-9364 — May 28, 1965 $6.00 Per Year; This Issue 20c Joint Israeli, Western Jewish Tasks Proposed at Bnai Brith Parley to Meet Jewry's Issues Conservative • Rabbi Criticizes Zionist Organization, Proposes World Assembly as Substitute KIAMESHA LAKE, N.Y. (JTA) — The Rabbinical Assembly, the organization of the American Conservative rabbinate, was urged to summon a World Jewish Assembly for the purpose of forming a new, worldwide, Jewish organization based on the proposition that the World Zionist Organization "is no longer adequate. - The proposal was made at the Rabbinical Assembly's annual con- vention which is taking place here, with 500 rabbis in attendance. It was contained in a report entitled "Israel, Judaism, the Jewish people and Zionism," which stated that the purpose of the World Jewish Assembly would be: "To provide a structure which the majority of Jews would recog- nize as their spokesman in international. bodies such as the United Nations; to mobilize world opinion to protect the physical and economic security of Jewish communities whose rights are threatened; to foster those institutions which teach and preserve Jewish values, while recognizing that diversity precludes coercion on behalf of or exclusion of any legitimate Jewish group; and to inculcate a sense of ahavat Israel (love for Israel) in all who recognized the authority of the Assembly." Rabbi Joseph P. Sternstein, of New York, who presented the report, made clear to the convention the Conservative rabbinate's "unfaltering support, politically and economically," for the State of Israel, and said that it is only the World Zionist Organization "that is found wanting!' The proposed World Jewish Assembly, as envisaged in the report, would be composed of: "1. Representatives of all national rabbinic and synagogal groups accepting the legitimacy of Jewish religious groups which differ from them in ideology and practice but have reverence for the integrity and sanctity of each other's religious leadership and institutions. "2. Representatives of other national and international Jewish organizations with substantial constituencies which accept the first principle and recognize the worldwide fellowship of the Jewish people, our responsibility for the physical security, political freedom and spiri- tual survival of the Jewish tradition and people wherever they dwell." There is a new era in the relationships with the Christian world and the Jews must be prepared for it, Rabbi Max J. Routtenberg, president of the Rabbinical Assembly told the convention of Conserva- tive rabbis. He criticized denigrators of inter-religious dialogue. (Continued on Page 5) Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News JERUSALEM — Rabbi Morris Adler of Detroit, chairman of the Bnai Brith adult education commission, told the Bnai Brith convention meeting here that several problems shared jointly by Israeli and Western Jews deserved a joint effort in solv- ing them. He said one was the retention of the ethnical sensivity of the oppressed Jew, historically a dissenter, now that Jews live in freedom and equality. Others, he said, were how to preserve a sense of personal commitment in an age of impersonal cor- porateness and how to maintain Jewish continuity in an age which isolates the mod- ern Jew from his antecedents. A call for continued, organized protests against the fate of the Jewish minority in the Soviet Union was issued by Label A. Katz, national president of Bnai Brith, as the fraternal organization opened its triennial convention in Jerusalem's Convention Hall. Two thousand persons attended the opening session, which was greeted by Israel's two chief rabbis, Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Nissim and Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Isser Yehudah Untermann. Deploring sharply "the cruel impeachment of Jewish life in the Soviet Union," Katz told the convention: "The status and future of Soviet Jewry has become the crucial test, not only of Soviet Jewry but of the Jew- ish communities." Prior to the convention opening, delegates and officers of Bnai Brith participat- ed in ceremonies at the dedication of an addition to the Bnai Brith Martyrs Forest, near this city. Katz announced that Bnai Brith has pledged an additional $1,000,000 to the project, bringing the organization's total for that purpose to $2,000,000. Over the weekend, the Bnai Brith leaders and delegates participated in two other ceremonies. Near Kibbutz Sde Boker, home of former Premier David Ben- Gurion, they dedicated a $250,000 Library of Midrasha College. Ben-Gurion was one of the participants in that ceremony. At Tel Aviv, the Bnai Brith officials dedicated the Eddie Jacobson Auditorium of the Bnai Brith Building. The auditorium is named after the late, former business partner of President Harry S. Truman. A letter was read from Truman, revealing that the late Mr. Jacobson played an important role in gain- ing Truman's support of Israel's statehood in 1948. Rabbi Jay Kaufman, the Bnai Brith executive vice president, envisaged a budget increase of about 50 per cent for the expanded programs of Bnai Brith. The recent proposals voiced by Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba for Arab- Israel peace talks indicate an emerging realism in the Arab world toward recognition of Israel, Deputy Premier Abba Eban told the convention Monday night. He said that the doctrine of President Nasser of Egypt that Israel would dis- appear under unrelenting Arab pressures was being questioned by "new voices" in the Arab wold—voices which were likely to grow. Linking the survival of Jews outside of Israel with Israeli Jewry, he said that the (Continued on Page 6) Biblical Authenticity Affirmed in Research by Dr. Ginsberg; -Isaiah Passages Used to Confirm 'Prophecies for Our Age' Current biblical criticism, while adding immeasurably to our understanding of the Bible and its period, can really be charac- terized as "increasingly conservative," ac- cording to Dr. H. L. Ginsberg, Sabato Morais Professor of Biblical History and Literature at the Jewish Theological Semi- nary of America, New York, in results of his biblical research made known this week. Dr. Ginsberg explained, "Frequently the application of the best tools of modern re- search. results in heightened respect for the accuracy of the biblical picture of a particular age, and for the validity of a particular biblical lesson." "Modern scholarship, while aware that the Bible employs legendary as well as his- torical materials to bring home its lessons, is constantly surprising itself by discover- ing fresh evidence of the historical re- liability of the Bible, and of an authenticity which adds depth and luster to its spiritual teachings," Dr. .Ginsberg continued. "Fifty years ago," he said, "scholars tended to assume that any passage which seemed too 'modern' for its ostensible era, was a later addition to the biblical text. They considered this approach 'enlighten- ed' and 'modern'. Today, as new archaeolo- gical discoveries help us to date passages formerly in question as definitely contem- porary, there is marked hesitancy to make such attributions. Thus we have gradually become convinced that, apart from a few brief, legend-tinged narratives which do not purport to be by Isaiah himself (since they speak of him in the third person), nearly every word in 'First Isaiah' actually stems from the famous seer of the 8th Century. Again we can now follow and ap- preciate as never before the argument of the Book of Job, thanks to careful exegesis and philosophical research." Prof. Ginsberg drew examples to sup- port his thesis of biblical authenticity from his own current research, on the Books of Job and Isaiah, which he is presently pre- paring for publication. The Book of Job, he explained, is part of the wisdom litera• tore of the Bible, as opposed to the coven- ant literature, of which Isaiah is perhaps the finest example. The classification of biblical texts into these two categories, is very helpful in gaining a better under- standing of the hooks. The covenant litera- ture, which deals with the agreement es- tablished between the Lord and the people of Israel through the mediation of Moses, is likely to be susceptible to external veri- fication, since it deals with the materials of history. The wisdom literature, on the other hand, relates to the universal ethical principles which were assumed to be bind- ing on all individuals. . Antedating by many generations the covenant literature, for which it is a pre- condition, it lends itself to internal analy- sis to determine its consistency, its signi- ficance to us, and its meaning in the period in which it was recorded. Wisdom litera- ture is addressed mainly to the individual reader, and its precepts are considered valid for people in general, without re- gard to religious or national loyalty. It is addressed to the people of Israel, and therefore shows a disproportionately small concern both for the individual, and for the salvation and welfare of other indivi- duals. The Book of Job is the most complete, and the longest study of the problem of retribution to be found in the Bible. Its apparent contradictions disappear, accord- ing to Prof. Ginsberg, if we apply to it modern philology, technique of exegesis, and those other tools of modern scholar- ship which are applicable to a work of wisdom literature. Here, the test of validity must be internal consistency rather than external verification. First, Dr. Ginsberg divides the story of Job into two parts — the legend of the patient Job, and, superimposed upon it, the story of Job the impatient. Thus chap- ters 1 and 2, part of 27 and 28, and the final verses of chapter 42 deal with the patient Job, but, in the remainder of the book, the roles are reversed. This section begins at the point where Job's fortunes have reached their lowest ebb. Job is now the protestant, and his friends the chain- pions of orthodoxy. This much is widely (Continued on Page 40)