THE JEWISH NEWS incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 48235 Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK Business Manager Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE RYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 13th day of Iyar, 5725, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion: Le-vit. 21:1-24:23; prophetical portion: Ezek. 44:15-31. Licht benshen, -Friday, May 14, 7:26 p.m. VOL. XLVII, No. 12 Page 4 May 14, 1965 Begging the Issue on the Crucifixion What could have developed into a great gesture of good will was marred by a blun- dering statement by the Bishop of Rome. It was an unfortunate error which might have been corrected, except that the Vatican apparently is not prepared completely to wipe out the sin against Israel inherent in the deicide charge. And it is apparent that the Catholic laity still labors under the mis- apprehensions related to the crucifixion which we reject as being contrary to historic facts. Thus, writing under the heading "The Pope and the Jews," in Commonweal, the progressive and liberal Catholic weekly, Michael D. Zeik, conceding that the Pope "slipped," adding that "in an unguarded moment, a careless phrase stirred up a hor- net's nest of rebuke and recrimination," en- tered into a discussion of the issue that be- come more philosophical than theological or historical. The Commonweal analyst stated in his article that Pope Paul's help was "in a highly delicate area of human relations, where pre- cision, justice and charity are called for. Was there, perhaps, a reason why this and many similar embarrasing incidents have occurred in Christian-Jewish relations? I think such a reason exists." He then proceeds to give "the reason" and declares: There are several Sundays throughout the liturgical year when good prists everywhere find themselves ill-at-ease with present translations of the Gospel—particularly the Gospel of St. John. When the Gospel speaks of "the Jews" doing this, and "the Jews" doing that, educated Catholics are aware that the term, "the Jews," is being used in an editorial, collective sense. Educated people understand that when our news- papers say, "the Russians" did this, and "the Chinese" did that, they really mean that Brezh- nev, Mao Tse-tung, together with the ruling party members, did this and did that. The trouble is that not all people are sufficiently educated— particularly with regard to the Jews. If the priest does not laboriously explain the usage of words on these occasions, a distinct impression of anti- Semitism can be picked up. Beyond any question, it is the consensus of Scripture scholars today that when the Evange- lists used the word "Jews" in the Gospel, they meant a particular sect, a ruling clique, or an assembled crowd. Indeed, they could hardly have meant otherwise. The best historical sources available indicate that, at the time of Our Lord, the population of Jerusalem numbered about 100,000 people, as compared with a world Jewish population of about 8,000,000. Supposing every citizen of Jerusalem to have been involved in the tragic events of Holy Week (an absurdity in it- self), it would follow even then that but a tiny fraction of the Jews (one-eightieth) bore any responsibility. As a matter of fact, since roughly six of those eight million Jews already lived outside of Pales- tine, in the diaspora, it can now be historically ascertained that about three-fourths of the Jews living at that time never even heard of Christ until sometime after His death and resurrection. It is also clear that when the Evangelists use the term, "Jews," they refer neither to the Jewess who bore Christ, the carpenter who raised him, the Apostles who followed him, nor the five thou- sand who joined themselves to him shortly after Pentecost. In short, the Church at its origin was so entirely Jewish that Peter needed a revelation from heaven before he would admit Gentiles to it. As noted above, Scripture scholars and edu- cated Catholics know these facts. Do the mass of the faithful? The Church is already engaged in the praise- worthy effort of expunging from the textbooks and her official prayers all remarks which could foster anti-Semitism. Why not go to the root of the problem? Do not the Gospels themselves stand in need of more careful translation? It may be objected that the "editorial-collec- tive noun" has gained common acceptance in modern times. Under ordinary circumstances it is probably true that it can be used without fear of deception or injustice. But the treatment of the Jews by Christendom in past centuries, and by the racists in the present century, does not argue the existence of "ordinary circumstances." Com- petent scripture scholars, therefore, should be given the task of preparing a translation of the Gospels more faithful to the real mind of the Apostles, more faithful to the mind of David's Son. At a time when the vernacular is replacing the more obscure Latin texts, this is more im- portant than ever. From a Catholic point of view, this is a most honorable approach to an issue that re- mains aggravated, to a charge that has been followed by bloodshed during the centuries when the crucifixion libel branded Jews as "Christ-killers." There is no doubt that Mr. Zeik's sentiments are based on a desire to see the enactment of new scholarly approaches to the Jesus subject. But it cannot be tackled in the form suggested. He is begging the issue and is per- petuating the confusion. We reject any effort to ascribe the crucifixion to a sect or a clique that could have been considered acceptably Jewish in the traditional sense of Jewish ob- servers or legalists. If there was a gangster or gangsters who were Jewish, they were not a sect that approved capital punishment or murder in the name of Jewry in any sense whatever. Crucifixion was a Roman method of pun- ishment, not a Jewish one, and as long as there are Christians who adhere to the charge that Jews as Jews, as an established sect — apply to them the misnomer clique, if you will, the principle remains the same — there is the perpetuation of the sin against Jewry. The slip was a blunder. How long does one condone blunders, even when the blun- derer was the high authority of the church? There is no doubt, as Dore Schary, nation- al chairman of the Bnai Brith Anti-Defama- tion League, has stated, that it would have been impossible to reach the stage of the "pace and spirit" of present-day Catholic- Jewish discussions 20 years ago. Leadership in the movement toward liberalism had been taken by American bishops. We thoroughly agree with Mr. Schary in his acknowledge- ment of the activities of our Catholic. fellow- Americans in the task of removing the deicide charge from theological teachings, and it is our conviction that the negative steps now in evidence are more a rebuke to them than to anyone else. Perhaps it is not yet too late to correct all errors of the past. But all actions must be by and on behalf of the Vatican. The sin of anti-Semitism is not ours. Let the sinners act. Fiction or Fact? Allegro Revives 'Shapira Affair,' Denies Documents Were Forged The sensations created by the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls also aroused renewed interest in a famous claim dating back to 1883 which is now described in "The Shapira Affair," by John Marco Allegro, published by Doubleday. Moses Wilhelm Shapira was a collector of books and manuscripts. His shop was in Jerusalem and from there he brought parchment strips which he claimed to have been ancient versions of the Book of Deuteronomy. Shapira had offered his 15 strips of parchment to the British Museum for a million pounds. A study was then made of the offered scrolls and they were declared to be a forgery. The verdict of Charles Clermont-Ganneau, French archaeologist, was that the strips were from a lower margin of a modern scroll only 200 or 300 years old. Shapira also was exposed by David Ginsburg, a convert to Christianity. Soon after the ensuing scandal, Shapira committed suicide in Rotterdam, having left England during the furor. Allegro, who has written several books on archaeology of the Middle East and on the Dead Sea Scrolls, revives the case with the intention of giving the Shapira parchments credence toward lending them respectability. He definitely believes that they may have been ancient discoveries and that they should be recognized as genuine. But he had not seen the originals, and the mystery remains. However, Allegro makes much of the stories told him by Shapira's surviving daughter, My-rian Harry, who had written a fictional account of her father's parchments. He goes into detail in describing the incidents relating to the alleged discoveries and to the exposes. "The Shapira Affair" is in itself a charming story. It is like a detective tale. Allegro quotes at length, in parallel columns, from the Shapira manuscripts and the Authorized 1611 Version of the Bible. Because of the Dead Sea Scrolls discoveries, Allegro attaches reality to the Shapira scrolls. * * Allegro contends there is evidence that "the east side of the Dead Sea was inhabited by Jews in the first Christian centuries"; that "the Shapira Deuteronomy could have been part of a Jewish sectarian work, composed perhaps for some catechetic purpose in a religious community," and adds: "That it should have been written on strips of parchment cut from the bottom of an older manuscript need occasion us no surprise, if its owners were refugees without ready access to fresh supplies of writing material . . . It was not Citizens in all walks of life are partic- necessary with such religious documents that each should be in the `1 ipating in the sponsorship of 1965 Michigan nature of a complete scroll." Errors in grammar are not taken seriously by Allegro who Week. Having for its slogan "Michigan—Dyna- contends that in a forgery the forgers would have corrected errors. —\ r - 1965 Michigan Week mic in World Progress," the objectives of this year's observance are to draw attention to the state's industries, to promote the cul- tural and higher educational efforts, to en- courage interest in art, science and literature and to enroll the population's concern in the health of our people and in the advancement of efforts in behalf of the less fortunate and the mentally afflicted. To raise the standards of living, to as- sure concern over the welfare of all citizens, it is necessary that every aspect of life should be drawn into the blueprint that may be planned for progress. When we speak of Michigan's dynamism in world progress, we cannot think merely of machines—of indus- tries and factories. Into account must be taken the high values inherent in culture and in the need to aid the less affluent and the weaker in our midst. With this in view, the slogan "Michigan —Dynamic in World Progress" can be made an inspiration for much good for all of our citizens. Allegro goes to great length to prove his point and he makes these claims in support of his argument that the Shapira scrolls c genuine: "To believe that a work of forgery was perpetrated by another, virtually unrewarded hand, is even more difficult to believe. To have composed such a work of genuis only to release it to the world clothed in such an unlikely form through the hands of at least two semi-literate scribal accomplices and an antiquities dealer blackened in reputation already through association with forgers, is the action of a madman. The author of the Shapira Deuteronomy was never that. "Treated seriously, I believe that the Shapira Deuteronomy opens a window on sectarian Judaism and early Christianity that the 19th- century critics all too precipitantly slammed shut again. And at the same time, we should perhaps beware of too easily judging the actions of motives of those scholars. It is more rewarding that we should / learn from their mistakes and keep our minds open to possibilities c and ideas that our present imperfect understanding cannot yet encompass . . . "If a consideration of the whole tragic affair of Shapira's manu- script has induced us to examine afresh the motives underlying our own scholarship, and thrown even a little light on our own cultural heritage, Moses Wilhelm Shapira will not have died in vain." Thus, a great effort is made to give credence to a repudiated document. But the facts dating back to the 1880s and the exposure hardly uphold Allegro's hands. At best, he has treated us to a good archaeological- detective story. : -