This sum, assured in the current Allied Jewish Campaign, marks a new high in fund raising for the major causes in Detroit's communal activities since 1959. The oversubscription of the goal aspired to for 1965 was an- nounced at the victory dinner Wednesday evening at the Jew- ish Center. Detailed story on Page 6 MICHIGAN EK THE JEWISH NE MAY 16-21 ..). -r F c)i A Weekly Review MICSIGAN... Dyncrotir Hebrew Redivivus: Compilation of Poems Acclaimed as Noteworthy Attainment t C 1-11 GA IN f Jewish Events Commentary Page 2 Lo World hogross Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper —Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle "fOLUME XLVI I — No. 12 Printed in a 100% Union Shop 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit 35 — VE 8-9364 — May 14, 1965 $6.00 Per Year; This Issue 20c Danger of Extinction of Jewry in USSR Told in Plea to House Arab States Demand Death for Three Branded as Spies The death penalty loomed this week for accused spies in Syria and Egypt who were being tried as agents of Israel. Elie Cohen, a wealthy Syrian Jew was convicted and sentenced to death, according to a report Monday from Damascus, where the trial went on for 40 days. Others of the "spy" ring were given prison sentences; 33 were acquitted. In Cairo, the Egyptian state prosecutor's of f i c e Monday demanded the death penalty for a West German couple who allegedly spied for Israel and, it said, attempted to murder German scientists at work there. Wolfgang Lotz and his wife, Waldrud Martha •Lotz, were handed the indictments in their prison cells outside Cairo, where they have been since their arrest Feb. 22. The Supreme State Security Court is expected to set a date for the trial at which nine witnesses will appear, including the secretary of Wolfgang Pilz, German rocket expert. The secretary had been seriously injured when she opened a booby-trapped letter sent to Pilz. The Lotzes were accused of other attempts on the lives of Germans working in Egypt. The Lotzes, according to the 10-count indictment had "de- livered and divulged to Israeli agents abroad information con- cerning the UAR armed forces and their disposition, movements of equipment, positions of arms and extent of military production plus other military data." Egyptian authorities described Lotz as a former Nazi officer posing as a horse fancier. They said he had received orders from a Paris-based Israeli intelligence network. JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewish News WASHINGTON--Experts on the Soviet Union Tuesday told members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee that if Russia's current program of cultural and religious geno- cide continues. Jewish life in that country will soon be extinct. Testimony was delivered on the second day of hearings of the subcommittee on Europe by witnesses familar with the problems of Jewish life in the Soviet Union. They included representatives of the American Jewish Conference on Soviet Jewry, a cooperative body of 24 major national Jewish religious, civic and Zionist groups united to combat Soviet treatment of its Jewish population. Rabbi Joachim Prinz, representing the American Jewish Conference, introduced into the record a number of photographs, pamphlets cartoons and other graphic material de- picting the -Soviet Union's religious and cultural persecutions during the past years. Dr. Prinz old the members of the House committee: "In one sense — in terms of ultimate purpose—may it be said that the policies of Hitlerism and of the Soviet govern- ment towards Jews are alike. Both have sought the elimination of the Jewish presence in history, - both have sought to remove Jews as a distinctive entity among the diversity of mankind, both have sought in our lifetimes to bring to a close the long Jewish experience and the stream of Jewish religious and cultural expression." Dr. Prinz expressed "deep regret" that both the executive branch of our government and the State Department have been reluctant to press forward on "this humane ques- tion." He said that the State Department "until now has been so strangely reticent and re- luctant on the matter of Soviet Jewry. Despite mounting public opinion, unfortunately the voice that could have proved the most telling was absent from the chorus of con- demnation — the official voice of the government of the United States. To be sure, there have been expressions of sympathy by the State Department, but they have been couched in terms so vague and hesitant as to be virtually inaudible." Dr. Prinz noted that the State Department's reasons for not pressing the Soviet authorities on this problem was that "official action would not ameliorate but exacerbate Large-Scale Economic Plan Unhesitant Arms Supply to 11.E. Urged by Foreign Policy Assn. , NEW YORK (JTA)—"The United States should shed its hesitation about becoming an arms supplier to the Middle East," a report an Israel, issued by the Foreign Policy Association, recommends. The report was written by Dr. Nadav Safran, IJ l associate professor of government at Harvard University and a member of the staff of the Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Declaring that war between the Arabs and Israel is "unlikely," the report said that the prospects of resolving the problems of Arab-Israeli hostility seem at the moment to be worse than they were 16 years ago. However, it adds, "the chances of checking dangerous manifestations of that hostility seem to be brighter now." Emphasizing that the borders between the Arab states and Israel "have been relatively quiet since 1957" and that, with few exceptions, shooting incidents have been successfully localized, the report points out that the Arab boycott of foreign firms doing business with Israel "has been slowly losing its effectiveness." L -\_, "But," the report continues, "there are problems to be watched. In 1964, the second Arab summit conference made plans to go ahead with the diversion of the Jordan's tributaries, the conference of non-aligned nations in Cairo adopted a reso- i-ition supporting the Arab cause in Palestine, and plans were started for an Egyptian- 4 .1.4aqi union. Israel's reaction to these plans will depend a great deal on the position taken by the United States and other Western powers." i The report proposes some "careful, limited measures" that the U.S. might adopt to reduce tensions in the Arab-Israel conflict. One recommendation is to promote a large-scale economic development program for Jordan, providing opportunities for jobs and self-advancement which may alleviate the refugee problem by inducing the refugees to leave their camps and try to rebuild thir lives. "In another 16 years the refugee problem might be on its way to solution instead of becoming more aggravated than it is," Dr. Safran predicts. Dr. Safran feels it is important that the United States continue aid to Egypt in its economic and social development programs. By encouraging the Egyptian govern- ment to concentrate on internal improvements, Dr. Safran stated, the Egyptians may increase the responsiveness to "United States counsels of restraint." His report warns, however, that there be no implication of a cooling-off toward Israel, nor should the United States feel bound to refrain from taking exception to Egyptian foreign policy when it feels such criticism is warranted. In his comments on the vitally important Jordan River irrigation project, Dr. Safran notes that the United States has consistently supported Israel's right to pro- ceed with the plan. The author strongly submits that, if the Arab states go ahead with their plans to divert the river's tribuaries, "there should be no doubt of United States determination to help protect Israel's legitimate rights." U.S. policy toward Israel, according to the author, is based on a firm foundation of mutual sympathy between the two countries. Continued on Page 14 Rome Talks Resumed on Deicide Issue ROME (JTA) A week's plenary session of the Secretariat for the Promotion of Christian Unity, headed by Augustin Cardinal Bea, got under way here Monday to Study 242 amendments proposed before the Ecumenical Council, last November, in connection with the proposed Catholic Church Declaration which would repudiate the. ancient charges of deicide against the Jewish people. On the session's agenda is the proposed schema on religious liberty, which would concede to all peoples their right to practice whatever faith they chose. The latter- draft had not even come to a vote at the last session of the Ecumenical Council, while the Declaration dealing•with Jews and other non-Christians had been preliminarily adopted by an overwhelming vote of 1,992 to 99. Both drafts are on the agenda for the Council's fourth session, due to convene at the Vatican next September. (From London, it was reported that John Cardinal Heenan, archbishop of West- minister, vice president of the Bea Secretariat, will attend the plenary session and will report on the "disquiet felt in certain Jewish quarters" about reports that the declaration on Jews may be revised drastically. Reports that such revision had been sought by some conservative bishops and Catholic prelates in Arab lands had reached London from Rome). Meanwhile, Pope Paul VI created, for the first time, a special Department for Relations Between Moslems and Christians, to be conducted by the Rev. Joseph Cuoq, a French-born priest attached to the White Fathers Missionaries in Africa. With the title of undersecretary, he will function under the Secretariat for non-Christians, headed by Paolo Cardinal Marella. There was no word from the Vatican _ as to whether another department, for relations with Jews, may be established. Moslems, as well as Jews and Buddhists, are mentioned in the Declaration on Relations With Non-Christians adopted last November by the Ecumenical Council. It was believed here that, if a separate department is to be formed on relations with Jews, such a step would not be taken until after the next session of the Ecumenical Council makes a final decision on the "Jewish issue." Cardinal Marella's secretariat is not a counciliary body as is the Secretariat for the Promotion of Christian Unity, headed by Cardinal Bea, the principal Vatican proponent of the repudiation once and for all the Jewish responsibility for the killing of Jesus. Evidently referring to the fact that prelates from Arab countries have been opposing the declaration dealing with the Jewish people, a Catholic newspaper here, Avvenira d'Italia, stated: "The institution of the Islamic department will dissipate incomprehension manifested in some Islamic environments toward the content of the Declaration on the Jews. Quite to the contrary, there is a unitary and equally fraternal spirit in this new attention which the Church is at present addressing to non- Christians, aiming at a dialogue which would find particularly near to the church the spiritual families descending from Abraham, Jacob and Israel, that is Israel's family from whom the Moslems have descended." —