People Make News Israel Bar Yehuda Is Dead at 69 • Was in Knesset Sin ce Establishment (Direct JTA Teletype Wire a leader of the Histadrut, Israel K. C. Jones, backcourt ace of for the awards, citing their con- and Eugene Ferkauf Comprehen- to The Jewish News) Labor Federation, and in the Ha- the professional basketball world tributions to community living and sive High School. JERUSALEM—Israel Bar Ye- ganah, the pre-state Jewish defense champion Boston Celtics, has been better understanding. huda, minister of transport and force. * * * named Brandeis University's var- * * * ALBERT P. SCHOOLMAN, foun- communications and a member of He was a leader of the Ahdut sity basketball BARRY M. GRANT has been der and president of Cejwin the Knesset since it was first Avoda Party at its establishment coach, it was appointed Republican director of Camps, which operates a non- established in 1949, died here in 1944, going over to the Mapam announced by the 57th Legislative District profit Jewish educational camping Tuesday night after a brief illness Party in 1948 and subsequently Brandeis Presi- which comprises the cities of Berk- program in Port Jervis, N.Y., was at age 69. He was a founder of returning to Ahdut Avoda. He dent Abram L. ley, Southfield, part of Oak Park, given a luncheon in his honor Mon- the Ahdut Avoda leftist party served as minister of interior from Sadler. Jones and Royal Oak Township. Grant, day by the board of directors of Born in Russia to Baruch and 1955 to 1959 and was named min- will play one former assistant prosecutor, now the Camps on the occasion of his more season, his has a law practice in Southfield. 70th birthday. Speakers at the Blume Idelson, Bar Yehuda settled ister of transport and communica- eighth, in the He is a trustee of the Southfield luncheon included Dr. Louis Fin- in Palestine in 1926 and became tions in 1962. NBA before join- Board of Education and was ap- kelstein, chancellor of the Jewish ing the Brandeis pointed by Governor Romney to Theological Seminary of America; physical edUca- the Governor's Traffic Safety Dr. Ira Eisenstein, president of the tional staff for Commission. His wife, Lisa, was Jewish Reconstructionist Founda- 1966 -67 season. the past vice-president of the Al- tion; Dr. Horace M. Kellen, vice- He will be a full- bert Tucker Chapter of Bnai president of the American Asso- NEW YORK (JTA) — State Su- rael Congregation during the :, time member as- Brith, and presently is a member ciation for Jewish Education; and preme Court Justice Edger J. American Revolution, Justice Na- Jones sisting in other of Southfield Hadassah. They have Dr. Elazer Goelman, president of Nathan Jr., died here at age 73. than had served as president of programs of the Department of two children. the National Council for Jewish He served as president of the Bor- Shearith Israel, the famed Span- Physical Education and Athletics. * * * Education. ough of Manhattan from 1942 to ish and Portuguese Synago An interim coach will be named 1946. Critics in the New York Times * * since 1951. for next season to succeed Irving and Herald Tribune praised the Born in New York City, Jus- A descendant of Abraham de Justice Thurgood Marshall, Olin, who returns to devoting his performance at New York Town tice Nathan was named to the United States Court of Appeals Lucena, one of the 13 Jews who efforts to his post as director of Hall by Detroit - born PAUL Judge for the Second Circuit will settled in New Amsterdam (later New York State Supreme Court physical education and intercol- SCHOENFIELD, both calling him bench in 1946. He served as sec- receive the 1965 New York) in 1654, and of Rabbi legiate athletics. Casey, as he is a young man of great promise. retary of the Jewish Family Distinguished Gershon Mendes Seixas, spiritual known to thousands of basketball Among the works he performed Service in New York from 1932 Service Award leader of New York's Shearith Is- fans across the nation, becomes was the Sonata in D Minor by his to 1946, and as a director and of the National the fifth coach in the Judges his- first teacher, JULIUS CHAJES. It member of the executive com- Federation of tory. The late Harry Stein estab- was the first New York perform- mittee of the American ORT Jewish - Men's Norman Fixler, Owner lished Brandeis as a college divi- ance for the Chajes composition. Federation. Clubs at the or- of Wyandotte Firm, Dies sion power and it ranked first in * * * He was also active on behalf of ganization's 36th Norman E. Fixler, co-founder the East in 1958. He was followed ARTHUR SLOAN, formerly of the Jewish Welfare Board, Ameri- annual national and co-owner of the King Tobacco by Rudy Finderson and later Phil convention at and Candy and Grocery Co. in can Jewish Committee, the Ameri- Philip until Olin took the assign- Detroit, was elected preSident of the Garland, Tex., Bar Associa- Kiamesiha Lake, Wyandotte, died Wednesday at age can Jewish Historical Society and ment two years ago. tion. the Jewish Theological Seminary New York, May 45. He was born in Detroit. * * * * * * 10. Justice Mar- Mr. Fixler, 24351 Dante, Oak of America. He served as chair- ROBERT M. HACK was elected DWIGHT K. HAMBORSKY, dir shall is being Park, had the firm on Biddle Rd. man of the American Jewish Ter- president of the Lorraine Civic ector of the district office of the honored for his for 17 years. He was on the board centenary Committee in 1954. Association, an organization of Federal Housing Administration, distinguished of directors of the Tobacco, Candy homeowners in Southfield between will be honored at a luncheon contribution to and Grocery Institute and belonged Harry Gore, Leader 8 and 9 Mile Roads and between Thursday at the Veterans Mem- the advancement to the Tobacco and Candy Vendors Evergreen and Southfield. Vice orial Building. He will receive an of American Association of Michigan. He was of Oddfellows, Dies president is Sam Kohen, S. Ou- award as outstanding administra- democracy a member of Cong. Bnai Moshe. * Harry Gore, past grand master - werkerk is treasurer, and Mrs. tor of the year, presented by the Justice Marshall through his Mr. Fixler leaves his wife, of the Oddfellows and charter Judy Miller, secretary. Directors Federal Business Association. U.S. achievements as both lawyer and Selma; two sons, Howard and Member of the Isaac Agree Me- include Sidney Charness, Larry Attorney Lawrence Gubow is in jurist. Richard; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. morial Society, died May 1 at age * * * Kronen, Alan Lee and William charge of tickets, and Mrs. Helen Harry Fixler; a sister, Mrs. Jack 73. Blake. Salamon, deputy collector of SAMUEL HECHTMAN, presi- Erm an. Mr. Gore was one of the orig- * * * customs, heads arrangements. dent of the board of trustees of inal founders of the Hartford, * * Park Community Hospital, 801 Rabbi MOSHE I. HECHT, head Conn. Jonathan Lodge, IOOF, one ALBERT ELOVIC has been ap- Virginia Park, has announced the Former Priest Takes of the Lubavitcher institutions in of the few Jewish chapters of the New Haven, announced that a pointed vice president and gen- appointment of MONROE M. Jewish Studies Post at Oddfellows in the country. This newly formed high school, exclu- eral manager of the Caesarea Golf TITLE as administrator of the month he was to have been hon- Oxford; Succeeds Roth hospital. Title, who resides at sively for girls, will be conse- and Beach Hotel in Caesarea, Is- ored with a veterans award for 50 crated to the memory of Rebet- rael, according to an announce- 20205 Mark Twain, was previously LONDON — Oxford University years of service to the Oddfellows zin Chana Schneerson, late moth- ment by Roger P. Sonnabend, administrator of Woodside Medi- has appointed as reader in Jew- by Jericho Lodge of Detroit. er of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, president of Hotel Corporation of cal, a convalescent home in Pon- ish studies a former Catholic Mr. Gore, 17245 Lee, Southfield, Rabbi Menaehem M. Schneerson, America. HCA recently assumed tiac, and from 1953 to 1964 was priest whose Jewish parents were is survived by his wife, Sarah; a the assistant administrator of world leader of the Lubavitcher management of the hotel which is killed by the Nazis. son, Howard S.; and two daugh- movement. Dr. Geza Vermes, senior lectur- ters, Mrs. Joe (Annette) Devitz, one of Israel's newest and most Brent General Hospital in Detroit. He continues to serve as consult- er in divinity at Newcastle Univer- and Mrs. Jack (Adele) Shubow, * * * luxurious resort properties. Mg administrator to Burton Mercy sity, succeeds Dr. Cecil Roth, who and five grandchildren.. Max Stern, prominent New * * * Hospital and Dearborn Medical is now at Bar-Ilan University, York industrialist and communal ANNE and LARRY PERNICK, Israel. leader, has been named the re- Oakland County Democratic mem- Center Hospital. Dr. Vermes, who considers him- cipient of the 1965 Kether Shem bership chairmen, announced re- Large Landowner self "someone who belongs to Tov Award of sults of the state membership drive Aaron Hart, one of the earliest the Union of for the Oak Park, Huntington Jewish pioneers in Canada, be- Judaism without practicing it and In cherished memory of our be- Orthodox Jewish Woods and Pleasant Ridge area came one of the largest landown- who has a great respect for cer- loved mother and grandmother, Congregations of were the greatest in recent history. ers in 18th century Canada after tain teachings in Christianity," Becky Caplan, who left us May America. T h e This area passed its goal, the larg- he settled in Three Rivers, Que- said he would be looking at Juda- 5, 1949. ism from the historic point of award, UOJCA's est of any in Oakland County, rep- bec. As days roll on and years pass view in his teachings at Oxford. by, in our hearts your memory is major symbol of resenting an increase from 45 in tribute for dis- kept alive. 1964 to 135 in 1965. Area chair- tinguished man is RALPH BENSIVIAN, 21621 Sadly missed by your son and achievement and daughter, Dr. B. B. Caplan and Kenosha. Assisting Bensman on service on behalf BY HENRY LEONARD Mrs. Ann Feldman, and their the local committee were Ernest of American families. Fisher, Mrs. David Brody, Mrs. Jewry, will be , Morris Weiss, Mrs. David Weine, presented to Mrs. John DeJong, as well as Mrs. Stern at the or- Bensman. In Memory of Our Beloved ganization's an- * * * nual national Husband, Father and ARTHUR J. GOLDBERG, asso- dinner Sunday ciate justice of the United States Grandfather evening at the Supreme Court, will be the prin- New York Hilton HARRY GRAD cipal speaker at a dinner in trib- Hotel, New York. Mr. Stern ute to the Founders of the Amer- Who passed away May 8, * * * ican Friends of the Hebrew Uni- 1964. Sadly missed and SAM M. COHODAS, general versity May 22 at the Waldorf- • always remembered by his manager of Cohodas Brothers Co. Astoria Hotel, New York, it was of Ispeming, and L. WILLIAM a nnounced by Dr. Harry M. Seldin, wife, children and grand- SEIDMAN, partner in the firm of c hairman of the dinner committee. children. Seidman and Seidman of Grand T he event will initiate the year- Rapids, are members of the Michi- r ound national celebration of the gan World Progress Dinner Corn- 4 0th anniversary of the Hebrew mittee making plans for the Michi- U niversity of Jerusalem. * * * gan Week event to take place 6:30 p.m., May 17, at Cobo -Hall. EUGENE FERKAUF of New In Memory of our beloved * * * York, founder of E. J. Korvette, mother and grandmother MAX M. FISHER, national head Inc., returned from Israel, where of the United Jewish Appeal and he participated in ground-breaking IDA MITZ locally president of the United ceremonies for the first compre- Foundation, received the Liberty hensive high school of the Israel who passed away May 8, Bell Award at the annual Law Day Education Fund which took place \ 1955. Sadly missed and al- luncheon at•the Sheraton-Cadillac in the development town of Or ways remembered by her Hotel, May 1. Fisher was one of Yehudah near Tel Aviv. The five leading Detroiters singled out school is being made possible children a n d grandchil- through a Ferkauf gift to cover dren. "It hurts on the Lower East Side." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS cost of construction of the facility, 38—Friday, May 7, 1965 which will be named the Estelle . NY High Court Justice Nathan Dies; Descendant of 1st Jewish Settlers . . In Memoriam I DAMN