(14127' 712121 ZI 7.7 HE JEWISH NE S The Jewish News joins with the entire community, and with Jewish communities throughout the land, in saluting Israel on the Jewish. State's Seventeenth Anniversary . . . May the eighteenth year bring Israel and the entire world closer to peace, and may the scattered remnants of Israel that are seeking refuge from. oppression find permanent haven under the free banner of Israel. Israel's Seventeenth Birthday Bourguiba as Peacemaker Twentieth Anniversary of Nazi Defeat C. ~ 1.:. TROI T A Weekly Review Editorials Page 4 Expose of a Recalcitrant Anti-Semite r\A t CH1 GAI`•i of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOLUME XLVI I — No. 11 Printed in a 100 ,7c Union Shop 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd. — VE 8-9364 — Detroit 35, May 7, 1965 Commentary Page 2 56.00 Per Year; This Issue 20c Movement egun to Counteract Arab Boycott; Justice Goldberg Joins in Urging Arms for Israel Jernegan Tells Jewish News Editor Israel Fully Able to Defend Herself ( By MILTON FRIEDMAN JTA•ewish News Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON (JTA)—There has not been, and there is not today, a major threat of military action against Israel, John D. Jernegan, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, said Monday, address- ing the National Policy Conference of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee. He also commented on Israel's growing enonomic strength. American diplomatic efforts, he stated, are concentrated on encourag- ing restraint on Israel and the Arabs in connection with the Jordan River water issue. He reported that the likelihood of an early outbreak of serious fighting over the water dispute seems to have receded. Reviewing the water pr o b l e m at length, Jernegan reiterated American opposition to the use of force, including the use of military measures by Israel to prevent Arab blockage of the waters flowing into Israel. Citing the dangers of an Arab-Israel arms race, especially pertaining to escalation of weapons to more sophisticated types, Jernegan described U. S. opposition to any idea that missiles or nuclear weapons should be introduced into the area. He said this was American policy not only in the Near East but in all parts of the world where such weapons are not already in the hands of local governments. He voiced hope that Near Eastern states with nuclear capabilities would extend the area of their agreement to international atomic energy control procedures. Jernegan said there had been no basic change in U. S. approach to the Near Eastern situation. He said American policy remained one of balance and even-handedness, aimed at preventing Communist penetration, maintenance of peace, continued flow of Arab oil to the free world, free communications through the area, and promotion of U. S. commerce with all countries of the area. In a letter to Philip Slom3vitz, editor and publisher of the Jewish News in Detroit, Jernegan said that Israel has adequate arms sources, is *luny capable" of defending itself despite the "very substantial" Soviet shipments to the Arabs, and that "there is no cause for Israeli alarm at the present time." Jernegan commented on figures published by The Jewish News enumerating categories of Soviet arms arriving in Egypt. He said "there Is no doubt that the flow of Communist arms to the Near East has been very substantial." But he did not think this demonstrated "the existence of an imbalance as between the Arab states and Israel." The State Department official insisted that "it must be borne in mind that Israel has its own sources of supply in the West and has been able to maintain an armed force which impartial observers, as well as Arab lead- ers, consider to be fully capable of defending the country against any Arab attack which might be mounted against it." WASHINGTON, D.C. — A statement of policy adopted by the sixth annual Policy Conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, held Sunday and Monday at International Inn here, appealed to the United States for a direct supply of arms to Israel as a deterrence to Arab aggression. The conference adopted a policy statement which endorsed the Williams- Jav- its bill pending in the U.S. Senate which aims to protect American businessmen against boycott by Arabs of firms that do business with Israel. The conference policy statement declared that the recruiting of Arab ref- ugees for the Palestine Liberation Organization is a threat to peace. Urging the American government to make clear to Arab states that unlawful and spiteful diversion of water, in the Jordan R,iver areas, is an act of aggression, the conference applauded this government's joint efforts with Israel to perfect de- salination of seawater. Commencing an all-out campaign against the Arab boycott and the black- listing of firms that do business with Israel, a special survey, "The Arab Boycott Involves Americans," was presented to conferenceparticipants. The survey shows: That the American government has not defended American businessmen against the boycott, and as a result, some have surrendered to it; that many busi- nessmen, on the other hand, have defied the Arab states without loss; that firms which have overtly capitulated have suffered a net loss of business; that Arabs themselves have collaborated with Americans to evade the boycott when it has suited their economic or political purposes; how Arab states pit Americans not only against Israel but against fellow Americans; how the American-Arab Association for Commerce and Industry has been used to publicize the boycott; how some local chambers of commerce in the United States have helped the boycott along by validating "negative certificates of origin,"; how, essentially, the businessman who gives in to the boycott to save his business with Syria or Lebanon is "really knuckling under to Nasser and no one else." The survey cites the case of Hilton Hotels International, which is completing in Tel Aviv another of its chain of hotels, as having defied the threat of boycott against the company's hotels in the Arab states. Conrad Hilton had pointed out that there was no threat from Israel when he opened a hotel in Egypt andthat boycott and blacklists are against "the principles we live by and hold dear." The survey tells how motion picture stars have been threatened with boycott because of their activities on behalf of Israel, even though their pictures are still popular in the Arab states. Edward G. Robinson was quoted that when he arrived in Egypt, he was ushered into the immigration office "in grand style" and "while everyone eagerly asked for my autograph, I was told that I could not enter the land." Others on the boycott list are: Elizabeth Taylor as a "sinister purveyor of international Zionism"; Sophia Loren, for making a film in Israel; Paul Newman, Sal Mine° and Otto Preminger for "Exodus"; Danny Kaye and others. The conference delegates urged continued U.S. economic aid to Israel and said that, although AIPAC has always favored such aid to the Arab states as well as to Israel, it urged caution against misuse of the assistance. It cited the United Arab Bourguilla Stand Viewed as 'Breakthrough' by Eshkol: India Backs Move for M.L. Peace - TEL AVIV (JTA)—The call for Arab-Israeli peace negotiations, issued by Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba, was "a breakthrough, through the walls of hatred" surrounding' Israel, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol declared Sunday. He spoke at a May First rally, as Israel celebrated the international Socialist holiday. Eshkol spoke at a rally at Petach Tikvah, where he declared that Israel's real solution to the dangers facing her lies not in proposals coming from outside but in doubling the country's population and rehabilitation of the country's wastelands with scores of new settlements. He called on the labor parties and their settlement movements to make utmost efforts to help achieve such solutions. He also expressed the hope that Mapai's alignment with Ahdut Avodah would "soon become genuine unification." Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin, in a May Day article in the military organ. Bamachaneh, stated that Israel has the power to upset any time-table for conflict by the Arab states in general, and Continued on Page 5 Continued on Page 13 Allied Jewish Campaign Exceeds '64 Total ; Aim for New '65 Goal at Drive's Closing On Wednesday Last year's total of $4.500.000 has already been exceeded, and the army of 2,700 volunteer workers is determined to reach a new high in excess of 85,100,000, it was announced this week by Allied Jewish Campaign leaders. The campaign will conclude officially at the victory dinner next 'Wednesday at the Jewish Center. To attain the higher goal —the largest sum to be reached since 1959—it will be necessary to reach 8,000 more potential contributors, and the army of workers is setting out during the final days of the drive to reach Detailed story on Page 7 the unsolicited.