Two Jews Who Provide Comfort for Nasser: Three Books With Extreme Anti-Israel Angles When Israel is attacked by an- tagonists, it can be viewed as an understandable part of political developments. But when Jews at- tack Israel and utilize their hatred also to attack Jewish leadership and Jewish aspirations that are based on prophecy, one begins to wonder how far people can go in giving comfort to Nasserism and the attempts that are being made to destroy Israel and with it the Israelis. Three books indicate the extent to which some writers will go in misinterpreting the Zionist idea and in lending encouragement to those who would undermine Is- rael's existence. One is by a non-Jewish writer. "The Road to Beersheba," a novel by Ethel Mannin, published by Henry Regnery, Chicago, is filled with venom and misrepresenta- tions. At the outset, the novelist states: "This is a story of a small part of the exodus of a million Palestinians during the Arab- Israeli war of 1948 . . Even the extremest of Israel's critics con- ceded that only 600,000 Arabs left Israel under pressure not from Jews but from their leaders. That the novel was motivated by prejudice is indicated in the frontispiece inscription: "To and for the. Palestinian refugees who, in all the Arab host-countries, said to me, 'Why don't you write our story—the story of the other exodus—our exodus?' " Which is perfectly legitimate, even if mis- representative, except for the venomous descriptions of cruelty supposedly inflicted upon Arabs by Jews—cruelty that cannot be proven and that smacks, in the Mannin novel, of shocking exag- gerations. The novel clearly ap- peals for the creation of a move- ment to end Israel's existence. It is a venomous and destructive novel. * * * More shocking, however, are the two books by Jews who are pour- ing out so much hatred against Is- rael, are so inflamed with dislike for Jewish leaders, are definitely propagating for Nasser and his co- horts, that even in Cairo they must marvel over such an occurrence among Jews. One of the haters is Moshe Menuhin, father of the world fani- ous violinist, Yehudi Menuhin, whose "The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time," is published by Exposition Press. The other is Alfred M. Lilien- thal, one of the few Jews who has visited and cohorted with Nasser and other enemies of Israel, who began his anti-Jewish career as a member of the Council for Juda- ism and who has for several years conducted a one-man campaign against Israel, Zionism and Jewish aspirations based on historic rights. His "The Other Side of the Coin" has been published by the Devin-Adair Co. It is amazing how both authors managed to delve into every avail- able anti-Israel text, to resort to invectives that have not been heard even on Cairo Radio, to ab- sorb every conceivable bit of propaganda against the Zionist idea and against Jews who support Israel's upbuilding. * * * Menuhin, for example, begins by berating Theodor Herzl who, he charges, "like the Jesuits of old, must have concluded that the end justifies the means." He uti- lizes every word uttered by Herzl, and later by other leaders, to build up a mirage based on the object of his attack, " 'Jewish' political nationalism." Even the jacket of the book at once suggests an effort CASH FOR ISRAEL BONDS and SECURITIES "NON DUE" Phone 341-7998 to create suspicion, to arouse sen- timent against Israel and Zionism, to portray Jewish leadership as being un-American. He insists that while it will outrage Jews and non- Jews, this question is "valid and pertinent": "Are Americans of the Jewish faith truly Americans? Or are they Americans by conven- ience only, temporarily in exile from the Israeli 'homeland'?" • This is such an outrageous in- troduction to a very evil book that one wonders how a legitimate pub- lishing house could have permit- ted such a hate-inspiring thought to serve as an introduction to one of its publications. The audacity of a man to charge Jews with dis- loyalty--isn't this what the ques- tion implies since it speaks of Jewish Americans as being such only "temporarily" and for "con- venience"? — places him in the ranks of the fomenters of bigotry. Moshe Menuhin's book was writ- ten against Israel and Zionism, but it reacts against American Jews as a whole. * * * Every "argument" uttered against Israel and Zionism by Arabs has been introduced in the Menuhin book. There is a total lack of respect for men like Chaim Weizmann, whom he accuses of using "the methods of bluff and ostentation" and of resorting to "horse-trading, haggling and pledging . . ." There is an entirely different approach when he deals with the anti-Israel and anti-Zionist Coun- cil for -Judaism and he uses much of the material that was spread in the Judaism Council's campaign by the late William Zuckerman and his "Newsletter." He glories in the investigations that were conducted by Senator- Fulbright, he attacks the JTA, makes accusa- tions against the Jewish Agency and his attack on the UJA is based in large measure on Zuck- erman's diatribes. Criticisms of Israel's capture of Adolf Eichmann are unearthed as another means of attacking Israel. Moshe Menuhin becomes the self-styled defender of "the noble heritage of universal Judaism," and he speaks of a conscience that bothered him about a "gang" which is indoctrinating and brain- washing Jews. He goes so far as to say that "the Jewish 'national- ists' now want us, American and English and other Western Jews to became 'refugees,' manpower in a greater 'Jewish homeland'." There is a redeeming feature in Menuhin's book: he writes in his preface: "Please remember this: my son Yehudi Menuhin is in no way responsible for any opinion expressed here on Jewish life. In fact, he knows nothing about this spiritual adventure of mine. He has not read my manuscript. At this stage of our lives we are two wholly independent persons, fully emancipated from each other, in- tellectually and spiritually. Neither of us in answerable for the other. If the 'father has eaten sour grapes .. . the son shall not bear the sin of the father . . " * * * Like Menuhin, Alfred M. Lilien- thal resorts to Council for Juda- ism and William Zuckerman prop- aganda motivated by misunder- standings and by building up a case against American Jews who are engaged in pro-Israel affairs. He is plagued by a fear for "al- leged nationality unity between Israel and non-Israeli Jews" and some statements by Zionist lead- ers, taken out of context actually sound as if there was a conspiracy among Zionists to build up a Jew- ish nationality here in contraven- tion to basic American Jewish loyalties. Thus, in essence, this work is an accusation against American Jews, questioning their loyalties. There- in lies the gravest injustice per- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 10—Friday, April 30, 1965 petrated against Jewry. Chronicl- ing the many events that have transpired in the last decade and more—listing the anti-Nazi • plays and commentaries, the Eichmann trial, the staging of "The Deputy" —Lilienthal's comment is: "The press and television never stepped the process of pricking the Chris- tian conscience." The implied fin- ger of guilt pointed at Jewry is obvious. There are accusations against the New York Times as being a party to building up false claims for UJA, Zionism, Israel, the mi- grations to Israel. Every available bit of anti-Israeli propaganda is utilized in the attack. Nasserism is defended. The entire American press is accused of collaborating with the Jewish conspirators: "Na- tional magazines and periodicals have also played a major role in bringing but one side of the story to the public." And the author of "The Other Side of the Coin" goes to great length to charge that the Arab refugee issue is clouded by Jewish propaganda. * * * It is truly amazing to what ex- tent the haters of Israel and Zion- ism can go. Toynbee's anti-Jewish sentiments are utilized, the Anti- Defamation League as well as other Jewish movements are con- demned. President Franklin D. Roosevelt is portrayed as having tried "to safeguard the national interest and to avoid the total support de- manded for Jewish national aspira- tions." And President Truman is accused of having thrown away "caution with precipitate recogni- tion of Israel as he reached for what he believed to be vital votes." The humanitarian factor never counts! Justice to the Jew does not exist! Fault-finding is the major objective of this book which seeks to besmirch a movement, to attack personalities, to accuse the author's own kinsmen of being motivated by a double allegiance that does not exist. Lilienthal makes sure to point to the "staggering" sums received Congressmen Want End to Arab Appeasement, Say Zionist-RevisionistS by Israel from philanthropic funds, from U.S. loans and investments, from German reparations. What.a contrast would become evident if he were to provide the parallelism of Arab incomes from large U.S. allocations, from oil incomes and other available funds! But he de- terminedly attacks Zionism, warns of growing Arab power, raises the issue of "Zionist expansionism," maintains that if that were re- m o v e d, "Arab eliminationism would disappear." What proof is there that Zionists seek expansion- ism, and doesn't everything point to Nasser's one aim: to destroy Israel and to make no concessions? * * * Lilienthal s solution is that there be a "de-Zionization" of Israel— an emigration of 850,000 Israelis, a return of Moslem Jews to the countries they came from, the re- turn of 850,000 Arabs to Israel. He speaks of a bi-national, non-sec- tarian state. It is interesting to note that Norman Thomas, who has always attacked Zionism and could not be counted as a friend of Israel; Prof. Arnold Toynbee, whose antagon- isms to Jewry are well known; Dr. John H. David, former -director general of the UN Relief Works Agency, whose reports have not been friendly to Israel, and Sen- ator Ralph Flanders have com- mended Lilienthal's book. What a pity that a note of com- passion could not creep into an otherwise able man's views on Is- rael, Zionism and Jewry. NEW YORK (JTA) — A large number of United States Senators and Representatives are dissatis- fied with the Middle East policies of the administration, Beinesh Ep- stein, executive vice-chairman of the United Zionists-Revisionists of America, reported to the organiza- tion's national council. He noted that, in communica- tions received from more than 80 members of both houses, the over- whelming majority expressed a desire to see an end to Arab ap- peasement and a halt to the aid given to Nasser. Among the legislators who were outspoken in their views urging a firmer U.S. policy toward Nasser were Sens. William Proxmire, ,of Wisconsin, Harrison A. Williams, Jr., of New Jersey, Paul Do of Illinois, Paul J. Fanin of ona, Joseph S. Clark of Penn vania, Herman E. Talmadge of Georgia, and Thomas H. Kuchel of California. Wants ads get quick results! ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING of YESHIVATH BETH YEHUDAH Wednesday, May 5, 1965 — 8:30 p.m. Beth Jacob Building 13735 W. Seven Mile Road at Lesure N ADAS SHALOM CONGREGATION Presents its Thirteenth Annual GALA Joann Freeman Julius Chajes Conductor Piano Soloist FESTIVAL OF JEWISH MUSIC Directed by CANTOR NICHOLAS FENAKEL Thursday Evening, May 20th, 8:00 p.m. Introduction by Rabbi Jacob E. Segal Featuring • Joann Freeman, Concert Pianist • Juliu; Chajes, Conducting The Adas Shalom Chamber Orchestra • Sisterhood Choir Rose Mash, Conductor • The Adas Shalom Synagogue Choir • The Golden Age Club Choir of the Jewish Community Center Conducted by Cantor Nicholas Fenakel ADAS SHALOM SYNAGOGUE 7045 Curtis—UN 4-7474 Donation $1.00