Adherence to Johnston Jordan Water Plan Is Reaffirmed by U • S •, • Arms Supplies Delayed 2 By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ WASHINGTON, D.C. — Official sources here reaffirined the United States government's strong adher- ence to the Johnston Plan which proposed the utilization of the Jor- dan Rivers waters for the benefit of both Israel and the Arabs. "But there is not much disposi- tion on the part of the Arabs to adhere to it," the responsible gov- ernment spokesman declared. The U.S. still would like the Johnston Plan to be the frame- work in solving the water prob. lem, but Arab opposition makes the problem over Israel's water project and the Arab threat to divert the head sources a major issue, it was emphasized here. In the course of deliberations at the annual State Department Foreign Policy Conference attend- ed by more than 500 editors and broadcasters numerous problems involving the Middle East and Arab-Israel relations were aired and it became known that there will be a measure of military aid to four Arab states and to Israel but that there will be a delay in implementing definite decisions. The U.S., it was emphasized, takes a strong stand that neither Israel nor the Arab states is justi- fied in resorting to aggressive military action, and that while the U.S. is committed to keeping and encouraging the peace there is no way of judging in advance what action would be taken by our gov- ernment in the event of Arab attacks on Israel. On the question of Arab refu- gees, it was admitted by a U.S. spokesman that ration cards of de- ceased refugees still are being used—that "it is a continuing prob- lem we are trying to correct by bringing about a rectification of the refugee rolls. We are especially trying to correct the matter in cases of people who bought such cards to make profit for them- selves." A prominent government official admitted that the Arabs—especially Jordan—aim to retain the refugee problem as a "Palestinian prob- lem" and they want the refugees to stay in the camps as a means of emphasizing that the Palestine problem still exists. The Middle East arms race re- mains "a dilemma" for the U.S. government, it was emphasized, and it was indicated that Israel can still secure weapons from several sources, but on "harder terms." "The U.S..," the spokesman said," "still refrains from being a major provider of arms." Accused of "placating the Arabs and Nasser," the U.S. official said it was an "oversimplification." Asserting that the U.S. opposes the Arab boycott of Jewish firms, the official said the State Depart- ment opposes the Williams-Javits bill which would outlaw Arab boycott activities, but he added that Israel gains from the boycott because it spurs her on to greater activity — such as the establish- ment of her merchant marine and other achievements. Conceding a desire to retain an arms balance, the spokesman re- called that Israel two years ago did receive from the U.S. $25,- 000,000 worth of missiles. Relative Thievery The Emperor said to Rabban Gamliel: "Your God is a thief, for did He not cause Adam to fall asleep and then steal one of his Interesting facts were revealed here on the Middle East water question. It was established that under the Johnston Plan Israel would have received 40 per cent of the water and the Arabs 60 per cent. The, present cost is 27 cents per thousand gallons. But a State Department official said that within 10 years desalination will provide water at the rate of 12 Ml ata, THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS cents per thousand gallons and Israel then will be able to use water from the Mediterranean. Meanwhile Arab diversion of Jordan headwaters threatens par- tial salination of presently secured waters, and that is delaying Israel's heavier flow of water via the new water system to the Negev. It was revealed that the Arabs so far have done very little to implement their diversion threat. ' 6' 1 Michigan's Newest & Most Luxurious Motel A HOME AWAY FROM HOME FOR YOUR BAR MITZVAH & WEDDING GUESTS . . . EMBASSY MOTEL 14380 WEST 8 MILE ROAD Bet. Schaefer and Northwestern Hwy. Conference Room • Suites • Banquet Room JO II-5450 LI 8-1822 HARVEST' HOUSE RESTAURANT ON PREMISES // ilea-JO& TWO FREE ROSE BUSHES and your home this summer with dozens of lovely, fragrant roses. They're ready for planting and waiting for you now at Metropolitan Federal Savings. 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