Pa Mixed Horseradish for Pesach Best Wishes on the Passover HAPPY PASSOVER ties, a third a set of very valuable (Copyright, 1965, JTA, Inc.) books. But always—at the second In our household in Rochester, Seder — the presentation of the no holiday touched the large fam- birthday gift to Pa was a highlight ily more closely than Passover. Not of the night's ceremonies. only because Passover is one of the There are many other memo- three greatest holidays of the year. ries. One recalls the first seder But also because Passover was cel- we held in the United States. A ebrated as Pa's birthday; and be- Hassid, a Chabadnik, and an "en- cause of the special significance lightened one," a Maskih, Pa of moror, the bitter herbs—horse- never feared • to improvise his radish—in our family. Throughout own interpolations into the Haga- his life, no one in the family—not dah. That time, after the door Ma, nor the daughters nor the had been opened for the first numerous daughters-in-law w h o time, and the invitation had been had ultimately joined to swell the extended tc the wayfarer to enter clan, could grate the horseradish. and partake of the bread of af- Only Pa. That was his prerog- fliction, Pa delivered a speech. ative—and he insisted on retaining He spoke of Liberty. He com- that privilege until a year before pared the life in our old Rus- his death. sian home, where we were op- There are many memories con- pressed and where we feared, to nected with our family's observ- the liberation of the Hebrews ance of Passover. Because the holi- from Egyptian bondage, right day coincided with Pa's birthday, down, to the feeling of freedom we had to think hard each year we had here, in America. It was about what to get as the family's the greatest American patriotic birthday present. One year it might speech I have ever heard. Pa be a suit, another a pair of neck- could get a medal for that speech from the American Legion today. BY SAUL CARSON U. T. Garden 7105 W. McNichols UN 3-1454 Holiday Greetings BEULAH STARR 908 Mutual Bldg. WO 2-2789 Passover Greetings SPECIFICATIONS SERVICE CO. 14877 WYOMING WE 3-9070 Happy Passover Holiday Good Cheer Smith - Nager Glass Corp. STEPHEN WROBEL 3129 Coniff 568-1550 121 Leib .2.A.SULLSLQS-SULR-L2-9-3W-W-1 HOLIDAY GREETINGS SKY DIRT TW 3-3493 Passover Greetings WITTSTOCK BROS. SOIL for Every Need 5560 Mt. Elliott 15450 Schaefer, N. of Fenkell VE 7-9380 WA 1-5840 ■ •■••• ■■••■■ •••••w..0Y%./ Happy Passover SEASON GREETINGS Wayne .Standard Service SAM'S FRUIT MARKET 20141 W. 8 Mile Rd. 13510 W. 7 Mile UN 4-9793 Detroit, Michigan KE 8-9875 •1 ■ ••••...1•0.0.111•1•041M•11 ■ 11M0 ■ 11111111M 11 ■ 11 ■ 11411■ 11■ 1 GREETINGS Passover Best Wishes ROYAL SHOE SERVICE WAYNE PACKING CO. 13619 W. 7 Mile Rd. UN 4-7997 2516 ORLEANS WO 1-5060 [1,4=11111141 ■ 11 ■ MEMIA ■0■ 0■ 0 ■ 41.1■ 0•1•NN/1/1.■1' Holiday Greetings from SEASON'S GREETINGS ROBIN HOOD'S WARREN-WELLS Where Only the Finest and Best Foods Are Served 14288 Meyers 20176 Livernois 11/2 blocks south of 8 Mile Road UN 2-9762 Open 24 Hours SZAMSLkStst.SUSUW.Siz-strnf, Passover Greetings Pollak Printing Co. Complete Printing Service 2420 Grand River WO 3-0895 -61 TE 4-4390 1141011.11•11•114.1•••11 ■0■11■0■0■ 11000 ■ 011.01111 ■ 04•1•1. Holiday Good Wishes VETERAN Food Products Co. 13231 Conant TW 3-4393 0.111M.1.11 ■ 1141i11 ■0■ 0•111M1.1411•0•01•1•• ■ 14•11111 ■ 01•011110.1 Holiday Greetings R. G. DUN CIGARS ENJOY THE LIGHTNESS OF TOBACCO LIGERO (Means Light Tobacco) 1.1101•0.1M13 ■ 11).111 ■ 011 ■ 0111•1111.111 ■ 13 ■ 1111 ■ 11 ■ 1 111=1. 1 .111 D 0 ■ 11 ■ 041 •1111 . 111■ 11.1■11■0•111■11•11/1•00■111011•Mi11AMIr Happy Passover to Our Relatives and Friends Midwest Waste Material Co. Wool and Cotton Rags 1947 E. Kirby WA 3-6400 IIMPUMMIDANUMID,) ■ 0411=.1.1MIL11•1=1"1,11/1M.1111,11M11 ■0■1 111. 0■ 1111 ■ .1.1111. 1.11111.1111-0 .11110 ■ 13 .1= 0 .0. 1 ••■••0•1■0.11,04=11117.1i Something else happened that night. A lad of 16, living in the fiat above ours, was a guest at that Seder. Although he was Jewish, his mother (his father was dead) did not conduct a Seder. Ma had invited him to partake of ours. Pa treated him as an honored guest. the next night—when Pa got his birthday present, which hap- pened to be a suit—Pa gave the suit to that boy. "He needs it," Pa said simply. That was another les- son. Perhaps the most poignant of the Sedorim was the one conducted by Pa a year before he died. He had been blind for a number of years. He joked about his lack of sight. 'The One Above," he would say, "knows what He is doing. I have probably read too much in my life that isn't holy, so He took my eyes; and left them to Label—who never read a book in his life." Label was a favorite friend at Pa's shul. "La- bel does need eyes; he couldn't play pinochle without them," said Pa. MORRIS KOSHER POULTRY 601 E. 8 Mile Rd. Hazel Pork, Michigan 19971 JAS. COUZENS 342-4300 Happy Holiday To All Friends and Patrons Red-Way Cartage Co. MIDWEST FIRE ADJUSTERS, INC. 5100 E. Nevada FO 6-6000 Consolidation of the MACKEY CO. and JACOBSON—LEVIN CO. 14744 FENKELL BRoadway 3-9450 Happy Holiday STEVE PETIX For Men Who Demand the Finest Custom Tailoring Detroit - Birmingham Passover Greetings Modern Bakery 13735 W. 9 Mile Rd., Oak Pk. and 24977 W. 7 Mile Rd., Livonia Passover Best Wishes Pollak's Custom Dress Making 19490 Livernois - 1411•11. ••••.. ■ ••• 0. ■ 01111M 11 ■ 10 0 .1 ■ 01 ■4 1.11•11.1 ■0■ 17 Passover Greetings Quality Awning Co. Everything in Aluminum Canvas, Fiberglass Awnings 7937 Schaefer at Tireman TI 6-5735 0■ 111.11•11 ■ 414MIN..1•• ■0■010■0■ 11.11•1111.! 0 •1011111110 864 7766 - PASSOVER GREETINGS Oakland Waste Material Co. Buyers of Waste Paper-Scrap Metal-Rags . . . . .,_. . . . . . . . . . . „_., 1534 Gillet TR 3-2575 r 1 PASSOVER GREETINGS Michigan Bag & I Barrel Co., Inc. Established 1914 J. Berkowitz and Family TE 1 - 3755 4825 Russell HOLIDAY GOOD CHEER PASSOVER GREETINGS PERMALASTIC PRODUCTS PIEDMONT AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 15800 Tireman TI 6-7009 Motor Tune-Up Specialists Trucks and Passenger Cars E. E. Harrison BR 2-1600 19215 Plymouth fore the Seder started, Pa called me aside and asked me to follow the Hagadah carefully as he would recite it from memory— in case he might skip a line or a word. I w a tc he d. He never skipped a syllable. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 16, 1965-431 Pastor Company "Michigan's Most Complete Cleaners"—Free Estimates Happy Passover to Our But what touched 2.15 all that night was the fact that, just be- The next year—on the night of the first Seder — he died — just short of the age of 90. But he had waited until midnight — adjuring us, earlier, to make sure that we conduct our Seder, even without him. We did. The horse-radish that year was ground and mixed by the eldest of the seven sons. But until that year, that had always been Pa's job. No matter how busy he might be with his various affairs — in the printing shop or in communal af- fairs—the afternoon preceding the first Seder was spent by Pa at home —mostly in the kitchen. He would mix the charoseth too. But the bit- ter herbs made up his chief inter- est. He would grind—wipe tears— go on with the job, mix, add the best juice for the coloring—shed more tears—laugh—and we kids stood by and marveled, and listened to his yearly speech on why we must have the bitter herbs to re- mind us of the bitterness of the lot of the Jews—not only in ancient days, but now—and why, from that bitterness, we must take heart and fight on for the liberty, which Pass- over symbolized. Now we buy the horseradish in glass jars. I have tried to tell the story of Pa's preparation of the Passover horse-radish to my grand- children. They're bored. The fault, I am sure, is mine. I can only tell them about Pa—I cannot live his life. But forever, at Passover, I think first of Pa — then of his horseradish. It was good too. Much better than the stuff in the jars. GREETINGS Holiday Good Cheer GREETINGS Mike's 9 Mile- Majestic Service MOTOR CITY PAPER TUBE CO. 10200 W. 9 Mile Rd. Makers of round containers for over 50 years. Paper cans and tubes LI 7-9170 2456 Hubbard 4 825-0345 HAPPY HOLIDAY POWELL PRINTING CO. Letterpress - Offset 2545 Waverly TO 6-8130 Happy Passover To All MEYER AND MORRIS LEVIN AND FAMILY Passover Greetings Passover Greetings Famous Plumbing & Heating Supply Dante's Barber Shop LO 7-6950 2237-43 Gratiot 22108 Coolidge LI 5-9327 DETROIT INSTITUTE OF MUSICAL ART Instruction in All Instruments and Voice Speech and Theatre Arts - Ballet - String Ensemble Certificate and Degree Courses Piano Classes for Children 4 to 6 Years 5330-50 JOHN R (Art Centre) — TEmple 1-2870 Branches: Birmingham, Dearborn, East Side Member of the National Association of Schools of Music Holiday Greetings to Our Friends and Customers HERZBERG & KEYSTONE Manufacturers of Fine Furs 19179 Livernois UN 1-5441