Arlazaroff Meeting Set Lefcourt-Winograd Engfigement Told A meeting of Arlazaroff Branch, Farband Labor Zionist Order. will take place 8 p.m. Wednesday, at omen's Class MISS PHYLLIS LEFCOURT Sheruth League will hold its Spring Bazaar 12:30-4 p.m. April 27 at Sholem Aleichem Institute. Coffee and will be served to guests t h r out t h e after- . noon. Mrs. Ber- nard Cohen chairman, has obtained a vari- ety of booths from antique jew- elry and furni-i ture to gloves, Mrs. Cohen boutique items, candy, aprons, cos- metics, art and baked goods. A hand-knitted afghan made by mem- bers of Sheruth will be awarded, along with a variety of prizes. Proceeds will benefit needy chil- dren of the community. For tickets and information, call Mrs. Bernard Becker, 356-9097, or Mrs. Bert Swarts, UN 4-8831. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Marshall N. Lef- court of Cloverlawn Ave., Oak Park, announce the engagement of their daughter Phyllis to Jack Winograd of Windsor. The bride-elect is a senior in Wayne State University's college of education, and is affiliated with KL\TNERET CHAPTER, Pioneer Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority. Her fiance attends Wayne State's col- Women. will hold a membership tea and Passover program 12:30 lege of business administration. p.m. Tuesday at the Labor Zionist A Dec. 26 wedding is planned. Institute. A short meeting will pre- cede the program, arranged by Pre-Donor Program membership chairman Rebecca Cohen. Guest speaker will be Mil- Set by Detroit League dred Weiss. Co-hostesses will be A donor luncheon kick-off pro- Frances Shayne, Tania Berman and gram is scheduled by Detroit Sophie Tatelman. Members are League, Children's Asthma Re- asked to bring new members. search Institute and Hospital, for Guests invited. 12:30 p.m. April 28 at the home * * * of Mrs. Irving Goldberg, 19457 NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Gloucester. Dr. Bruce Danto, psychiatrist Women, will hold a social meeting and research psychologist with Re- noon Wednesday at the Leonard ceiving Hospital, will speak on emo- Kromirs home, 18400 I 1 e n e. The tional problems of college students. group has started a fund for a scholarship in memory of Michael Luncheon will be served. Proceeds from the donor event, Blumenstein, son of member Mrs. to be held May 12 at the Rooster- Sonia Blumenstein. Contributions tail Restaurant, will go toward the may be sent to Mrs. Sol Schwartz, children's home in Denver. For 22121 Harding, Oak Park. • * * tickets, call Mrs. Joshua Karbal, MUSIC STUDY CLUB will pre- UN 2-5607. sent an all-student program at the next general meeting 12:30 p.m. New Look in Tempo Tuesday at the Jewish Center. Tempo has a new tobacco blend Among the selections to be per- for more tobacco taste — old - formed are a Mozart Quintet and fashioned flavor in a charcoal-tip Duo No. 3 for Clarinet and Cello cigarette. Tempo's filter has a sec- by Beethoven. Chairman of the day tion of charcoal granules bound to- will be Mrs. Ezra Lipkin. Guests gether plus a white fiber outer invited. * * * section. CLUE TWO, Pioneer Women, will meet noon April 28 at the Labor Zionist Institute. A musical program will be presented by Muni Mark, and an Israeli film will be Dry Cleaned shown. Guests invited. Refresh- ments will be served. and * * * Finished GOLDA MEIR CHAPTER, Pio- neer Women, will hold a business- with decorator fold. social meeting 8:30 p.m. Wednes- Removed, measured and day in the home of Mrs. Irving rehung to your satisfaction. Stepek, 18287 Santa Rosa. Guests Commercial — Residential invited. * * * Phone for free estimates DETROIT LINK, Order of the Golden Chain, installed Mrs. Marvin R. Wolf as matron and Mr. Wolf patron at recent ceremonies. Other officers are Mrs. Abraham Waron- off, associate matron; Mr. Waron- 8914 W. 7 Mile Rd., off, associate patron; Mrs. Sam UN 1-6688 Goldstein, associate conductress; and Mrs. Sidney Gorosh, secretary. DRAPERIES YOUNG'S DRAPERY CLEANERS Diana and Helen PURITY CHAPTER, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold its "Friends Night" 7:45 p.m. Mon- day in Eureka Temple. Ionic Chap- ter will exemplify the degrees. Esther Tenzer. Harold Helper and Sylvia Harvith will be honored. Refreshments will be served after the initiation. * * * SHARONA CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold its Passover meeting 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in the home of Edith Katz, 21801 Hard- ing, Oak Park. Members are asked to bring their own Passover reci- pes and. if possible, a sample. The chapter will hold its annual Moth- ers and Daughters installation din- ner May 11 at Imperial Caterers. For reservations, call Molly Sil- berschein, LI 5-1953, or Adele Oz- rovitz, LI 5-6163. * * Jewish Women European Wel- fare Organization will hold a board meeting noon Monday in the home of Mrs. Sadie Bolokof- sky, 3378 Rich- ton. Plans will . be made for the 'group's annual p donor luncheon, to be held May the Labor Zionist Institute. HOME RELIEF SOCIETY will Irene .Schumer will be guest hold a regular and board meeting speaker, and Bella Goldberg will 12:30 p.m. April 26 in the Metro- present a musical program. Re- politan Federal Savings Bank, 14 freshments will be served. Guests invited. Mile Rd. and Southfield. Mrs. Vir- ginia Richards will speak on "Dec- orating With Color and Light." Mesdames Harry Weiner and Mur- ray Adelson will give a compre- hensive case report. Guests invited. * * * ELEANOR ROOSEVELT GROUP, Hadassah, will present an original skit entitled "Quota Capers" 8 p.m. April 27 in Ha- IN THE MARKET FOR dassah House. Husbands and guests invited. Refreshments will be served. CORSETS BY EVA Free Custom Fitting by Experienced Corsetieres A DIAMOND RING? Save BIG $$&:" BUY DIRECT FROM THE IMPORTER SEYMOUR KAPLAN IMPORTERS AND CUTTERS OF FINE DIAMONDS 15842 W. 7 MILE ROAD 3 Wks. W. of Greenfield 15738 LIVERNOIS DI 1-5515 FREE PARKING IN REAR OPEN THURSDAY 'TILL 9 P.M. Open Thurs. to 9 p.m. BR 3.2509 or VE 7-9783 1 , - , tv 5 at Imperial Caterers. Chair- man is Mrs. Otto J- Louseo Kavief, assisted by Mrs. Jack Se- der and Mrs. Ida Complete homes clone by competent interior decorators Mrs. Kavief Goldsmith. * * * MISHKAN ISRAEL SISTER- HOOD will meet 9 p.m. April 26 in the social hall. Allan Gould, a teacher in the center's religious school, will speak on "Mississippi as Seen Through the Eyes of a Jew." Refreshments will be served. Guests invite-d. * * * -- CLUB ONE, Pioneer Women, will hold a Passover meeting 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Labor Zionist In- stitute. Michael Michlin, Detroit educator and principal of the Beth Abraham Branch of the United Hebrew Schools, will speak on "Passover, the Holiday of Spring and Liberation." Mrs. Sarah Freed- man will recite from Yiddish litera- ture, and holiday refreshments will be served. Guests invited. * * BNAI DAVID SISTERHOOD wil hold a meeting of its study group 10 a.m. Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Emil Spilman, 18248 Stratford, Southfield. Mrs. Ernest Slobin will review "The Life of Solomon Schechter." * * * GERTRUDE VIEDRAH CLUB, cancer philanthropy, will hold its annual games party 8:30 p.m. April 27 at Oak Manor. This is a change from the original date of April 26. For information, call Molly Starman, UN 3-5796. Baltimore Sinai Gets $125,000 for Training BALTIMORE (JTA) — A grant totaling $125,000 to be used over a five-year period for the training of residents and interns in the various aspects of psychiatry that would be most helpful in their specialties has been awarded Sinai Hospital's Department of Psychi- atry. i We have the largest selection of Italian Provincial furniture in the Middle West. We do complete jobs in- cluding carpeting — drap- Irving Rosen, N.S.I.D. eries — bedrooms and (National Society of family rooms. Interior Designers) 1400 S. WOODWARD, ROYAL OAK o 1 fB1`,`, • LI 7-9400 JO 4-6090 The only thing we can do for you this week is wish you a joyous and healthy Passover Formerly Associated with the Selma Bonheim Shop Cordially Extend Happy Passover Greetings To Their Many Friends and Customers From Their New jhf2. Ilaatiquz LINGERIE and CORSETS 21184 GREENFIELD ROAD LI 1-1220 IN THE GREEN - 8 SHOPPING CENTER Kosher Zion Offers Meats Approved for Passover Local delicatessen and super- markets now have available a full line of Kosher Zion foods marked "kosher for Passover." These include frankfurters, pas- trami, peppered beef, liver sausage, corned beef, knackwurst, salami and bologna. Kosher Zion's pure beef delicatessen products are government inspected and under strict orthodox rabbinical supervi- sion. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 16, 1965-27 Mertz Bake Shoppe 24770 Coolidge Oak Park 37, Mich. LI. 8-4835