Australian Jews Face Dilemma `Emmanuel', Powerful Novel by Nicole Vidal, By MAX AWNER wedge between themselves and their Gentile neighbors. Deals With Messianic Aspects in All Humans SYDNEY, Australia—Few coun- The rabbis and other Jewish (Copyright, 1965, JTA, Inc.) tries are as free of overt anti-Semi- tism as Australia. Yet almost half of Australia's 70,000 or so JeWs- the 30,000 living in its most pop- ulous state, New South Wales — confront a government decree that stabs to the very marrow of Jew- ish community integrity. The Australian constitution is somewhat vague on the subject of separation of church and state; it forbids an "establishment" of reli- gion but apparently does not bar religious instruction in the public schools. In 1880, a law was passed opening the way for secular in- struction in the schools. For many years, the implementa- tion of the law was mild and seemed to offend few, if any. This law consists of two parts. One part is the so-called "right of entry," giving representatives of all faiths the right to go into a school and give a lesson in Scripture to those children who are of their faith. Jewish representatives participated in that practice for the Jewish children. But the difficulty has arisen in regard to the second part, the general religious instruction, given by the teacher. In this re- gard, there has been a change. The New South Wales Minister of Education promulgated a law, last December, setting a new syl- labus, the first part of which is based upon the teaching of the Old Testament and the New Testament. It was felt that the prescribed texts and the whole organization of the program were now emphatically Christ- ian. Children were still free, of course, to refrain from partici- pating. The Jewish community was al- most alone in trying to block this new syllabus; no other major reli- gious or civic group came to its assistance. It did succeed in get- ting the plan modified somewhat, but only in degree, not in kind. Jewish community leaders faced a dilemma. If they accepted the new program it meant exposing their children, day in and day out, to indoctrination in the Christian faith. If they kept their children out, en masse, they feared that the old spectre of Jewish separatism would be raised against them, and they would in effect be driving a leaders, after much soul-searching, finally decided to urge parents to keep their children out of the pro- gram, and a letter to this effect went out to all parents of primary- grade Jewish children. Yet no one has any illusions that this will solve the problem. One of the leading rabbis of Sydney voiced downright pessimism. "The best I dare hope for," he said, "is that perhaps one-third of the Jew- ish parents will withdraw their children from the program. The rest will not be willing to incur the disabilities that they see as a consequence of withdrawal. Above all, they want to retain the good will of their Gentile neigh- bors; they don't want to be os- tracized." There is some feeling, among Jews and perhaps a few others, that the new syllabus may vio- late the Australian constitution, vague as it is. But the Jews shudder at the thought of them- selves bringing a test case with all that it would entail in buck- ing mass • community sentiment. And nobody else apparently is concerned enough to bother. And so the 30,000 Jews of New South Wales — which . means pri- marily Sydney where the vast maj- ority of them live—are being sliced to pieces by a two-edged sword. On the one hand the new religious education program will inevitably dilute Jewish cultural identifica- tion and Jewish spiritual values among at least a certain propor- tion of the rising generation. On the other hand, it is splitting the Jewish community between those who prize most the Jewish public "image," and those who stake their faith and their future on Jewish religious and • cultural integrity. Already there have been some bit- ter recriminations. And all this under a government and in a political climate noted the world over for libertarian prin- ciples and democratic practices. Prized Pine The handsome Idaho white pine grows in extremely moun- tainous terrain. The exquisite lumber it yields—a silver-white in color — makes it a prized wood for room interiors. A boy's vision and delusion, his belief implanted in him by his mother that he was the Messiah, and his eventual realization that the messianic idea may be in any man, is the basic idea in "Emmanuel," a powerful novel by Nicole Vidal, issued by Viking Press in a very good translation by Eric Earnshaw Smith. The author who was born in Ton- kin, Indochina, where her father was an engineer, was forced by the Japanese invasion to take flight with her family, traveled through Hong Kong and Beirut, spent four years in Egypt with her mother and in 1953 went to Tahiti with her father. Since then she has lived in France. Her novel is about Emmanuel ben Daoud, whose mother con- ceived the idea, even before his birth, in Cairo, that her son would be the Messiah. She injected the idea in him and the life he led, the great ideals he imbibed, the influence he exterted upon his fel- low humans, contribute to a canvas that makes the Vidal novel an out- standing narrative. * * * Many emotional elements enter into this story. Emmanuel's older brother Issac had left for Palestine, there to fight for a Jewish State. In the interim Emmanuel befriend- ed an Indian sage, Ahmed, and from this Moslem he acquired much wis- dom. In fact, it is Ahmed who ex- erts the greatest influence upon Emmanuel. Ahmed encourages Emmanuel to proceed with his studies, to be linked with his family. But when Emmanuel is about to recite the blessings and the prophetic portion at his Bar Mitzvah, he becomes panicky, his mental paralysis im- pels him to run from the syna- gogue. He runs to Ahmed who deals with him calmly and convin- ces him to regain his composure, eventually to recite the prayers and the assigned selections. * * * Then Isaac returned from Pales- tine with a friend, Jonathan. They ridicule Emmanuel when he re- veals his belief in being the Mes- siah, and his brother concocts a scheme: if Emmanuel believes in the Messiah, let him accompany the two back to Palestine, there to join in the struggle for the re- birth of Jewish nationhood. To the consternation of his moth- er, Emmanuel yields. Jonathan and Isaac hate him, assign him to a kib- butz without making known the boy's "delusion." But while in the kibbutz, Emmanuel makes some friends, resorts to philosophizing about life, about Jewish and human values — all, quite evidently, the results of his friendship with Ahmed who had begun to think of him and deal with him as with a son, and to teach him along eth- ical paths. * * * Emmanuel's stay in the kibbutz is described along with the author's references to the developing strug- gle between Jews and Arabs, be- tween the future Israelis and the British. Emmanuel readily joins in defense, in constructive work. In the course of Kibbutz life, Jon- athan's girl Deborah falls in love with him. It is the cause of an in- ternecine fight that leads to Em- manuel's assertion that he does not believe he is the Messiah, but that as he tells Jonathan, to assu- age the latter's hate and suspic- ions: Geneva Paper Urges Syria Grant Rights to Jew Accused as Spy GENEVA (JTA) — The daily newspaper, Tribune of Geneva, called on Syrian President Hafez Monday to restore legal guaran- tees recognized throughout the world in the case of Elsie Coheh. the Syrian Jew who has been charged with spying for Israel. The paper said that two French lawyers were not permitted to see the accused during the trial. Asserting that President Hafez had promised to grant the law- yers an audience, the paper de- dared: "Now the Syrian head of state can decide if the case against Elsie Cohen will develop according to internationally honored rules ensuring that justice will not be made a mockery. The rules de- mand that any accused, whatever his crime, may benefit from legal advice, and that freedom of law- yers be respected by any tribunal, ordinary or extraordinary." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 16—Friday, Apri 16, 1965 "It is painful for any Jew to think that he has only two hands to help his brethren, and only one heart. The thought makes him dream desperately of being the Messiah, in order to gratify his urgent longing to put things right. The fact is, Jonathan, that every Jew dreams- of being able to alleviate the suffering of his fellow Jews, and restore the reign of justice." During an eventual truce, after Israel's emergence into statehood, Emmanuel asks for a four-day leave and goes to Cairo. Again he t, goes to Ahmed. The Indian Mos- lem sage urges him to go back to Palestine (then already Israel), admonishing him: "I want you to live your human life without for- getting your divine future . . " Ahmend reminds the would-be Messiah that he had told him that the Messiah could be in every man. He tells him: "The Messiah is not a man, it is an era that will soon come to pass, an era in which man will no longer be content with the status of a humble believer in a power that punishes or rewards him. The day is approaching when he will realize that he is himself God, that power and strength dwell within him, that he metes out his own justice and reaps what he has sown . . . " "Emmanuel" is a well written story, with an exciting theme, good descriptions of an era in pre-Is- rael Palestine, factual references that are properly interpreted by the translator. Nicole Vidal's is an effective novel and it ably inter- prets and portrays the sentiments of Egyptian Jews, the hopes of a pious family, the struggle for free- dom by modern youths. REILLY'S HURON HAVEN COTTAGES On Lake Huron 450 feet of Private Beath 2 & 3 Bedroom Cottages *85 1140 week PHONE 362-2626 Tawas City Box 303 Mich. 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