Purely Commentary Dr. Blumenfield's Education Survey w omovitz Issued in Israel War on the KKK ... USSR B y Aid for Nasser . • Library , . Nazi Trials Centennial Philip Statute of Limitations: Is the New Date Acceptable? A comprehensive survey of Jew- President Johnson once again has earned the fullest confidence There will be an extension of the statute of limitations for the ish education in the United States of the people of this land by his declaration of war on the Ku Klux prosecution of Nazi criminals. But the question remains: is the new “ Hevra V e h i n u c h Beyahadut year, 1970, the proper date on which to end the prosecutions? Klan. America," ("Education in the Many of the criminals who have escaped justice will be in their The outrageous murder of the dedicated Detroit woman—Viola by Jewish Community") Gregg Liuzzo—who had gone to Alabama to join in an appeal for fifties, some in their sixties, in 1970. If they escape punishment, they American Blumenfield has been Dr. Samuel justice for downtrodden and harrassed fellow-citizens called for will be young enough to return to Germany and once again to enter published in Hebrew by M. New- immediate action—and the President provided it. into Nazi activities. man, Tel Aviv. We have faith that West Germany is determined to prevent a The President's appeal to the KKK members to abandon their Written by the director of the bigotries and to return to a decent life expresses the basic idea recurrence of Nazism. At the same time it has been established that the overwhelming majority of the Germans desire to see an end to department of education and inherent in the. American sense of justice and fair play. and cul- the the trials: they would like to have the evil past forgotten. ture of the Jewish Agency Our sympathies are with the Liuzzo family. of But if there is to be a strong deterrent to the evils of the past, former the College We take pride in the stand taken by our President. Jewish president Studies of of Chicago, the new May we see an end to the horrors that have caused a part of it can be assured only if the crimes will not be forgotten. There is book is a full length study of the j only one certain way of keeping the past within the memory of this land to be turned into a jungle. per- May May we never again be faced with the inhumane conditions which mankind that should be alerted about the horrors that were per- history, development, leading sonalities and pedagogic tech- have been imposed upon innocent people by the relic of the worst petrated by the Germans: by placing before the bars of justice the piques of the Jewish educational l arch criminals. mankind—the KKK. 1--1---- system in America. * * * The year 1970 is too early a date for the end of the trials. Published in Israel last Decem-( _____, * * * West German Gestures to Jewry and to Israel her, the book is now available in The two crises that involved Israel, Jewry and West Germany in Detroit Public Library's Centennial the United States where it is being serious disputes have resulted in interesting expressions of friendship 1 Marking its 100th birthday, the Detroit Public Library points to distributed by the publication de- on the part of the Germans. There is evidence of an earnest desire growth that is worthy of the progress attained culturally by the country partment of the Jewish Agency- American Section. On the occasion on the part of the spokesmen for the Bonn government to atone for at large. the crimes, to compensate the sufferers, to assist Israel. From its modest beginning, the Detroit Public Library has become t of its publication in Israel, the first . It is true that much of the sentimentality has resulted from the one of the great libraries in the land. Its recent expansion, its copy was presented to Israel's conflict with East Germany. If it had not been for the West German possession of more than two million books, make the library a center President, Zalman Shazar, at a reception tendered by the Jewish animosity for the East Germans it is possible that much of the love for learning, research, information. Under the direction of R. A. tilveling, the librarian since 1941, Agency's Department of Education for Jewry might not have been evidenced at all. Nevertheless, there did develop an important sentiment which Detroit's Public Library has emerged as a source of pride for all and Culture in Jerusalem in Dr. Blumenfield's honor. Detroiters. is worth noting. In the course of the disputes, a new series of fact sheets has begun to appear under the title Deutschland-Berichte—Reports from Germany. The latest of these contain a mass of material to show how Germany desires to adhere to pledges and friendships with Israel Boris Smolar's and the Jewish people. It offers background data on the accord that was reached between Ben-Gurion and Adenauer, and there is even an affectionate "Imaginary and Unwritten Letter to David Ben-Gurion" linking Germany's interests in a free world with Israel. MUNICH (JTA) — The Munich There is one portion of these Berichte that deserves particular attention. Referring to the cessation of West German aid to Egypt,' public prosecutor's office has insti- in view of the United Arab Republic's strengthened diplomatic rela- tuted proceedings against the ex- 1 (Copyright, 1965, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) tionship with East Germany, the Bonn reporter offers the following tremist right-wing newspaper, the National Zeitung Und Soldaten figures and data regarding Soviet assistance to the Arabs: PASSOVER PRESENT: No Hebrew book has been so widely and Zeitung, for incitement to race hatred against the Jewish people. I lovingly illustrated as the Hagadah . . . The most ancient text of a I should like to give another list Grenade Throwers Egypt of weapons, which shows the huge In recent weeks, the weekly, i Hagadah that is preserved today comes from the Cairo Geniza . . extent of the Soviet Union's sup- Syria which has been denounced in the And the first printed Hagadah—printed seven years after the first .plies of arms not only to Egypt, but Yemen also to Syria, Iraq, the Yemen, and Iraq 300 West German Bundestag as teem- Hebrew book was printed—apparented in 1482—in Guadalajara, Spain especially in most recent times also Algeria 300 ing with "poisonous anti-Semi- .. . But the best known Hagadahs are the hand-illuminated Sarajevo to Algeria. In this connection it Fighter Bombers and Bombers seems completely ludicrous that the Egypt 480 tism." carried lengthy articles by Hagadah, of the 14th Century, and the Kaufmann Hagadah, now in Federal Republic's arms supplies to Syria 145 officials of the American Council the Oriental Library of the Hungarian Academy of Science in Budapest Israel should be taken as an excuse Yemen 40 for closer contacts with the Soviet Iraq 125 . . . To the collection of famous hand-illuminated Hagadahs of great for Judaism. Occupied Zone of Germany and Algeria The articles were written by art, a new one has now been added . . . It is Ben Shahn's Hagadah, Herr Ulbricht. The arms supplies to Patrolboats Israel, amounting to a total of 240 Egypt 37 Rabbi Elmer Berger, the organ- published by Little, Brown and Co. . .. Designed and illuminated by million DM, are a fraction of the Syria 24 ization's executive vice-president, the famous American artist, Ben Shahn, this new, beautiful Hagadah Soviet arms supplies to the value Yemen and Bill Gottlieb, its public rela- carries the traditional text of the Hagadah in Hebrew and in English, of 8,720 million DM to all the Arab Iraq 15 States by the middle of 1964. This Algeria 9 tions director. Both articles at- with 12 pages of the Hebrew text lettered by hand by the artist ... comparison alone shows how ridicu- Minesweepers tacked American Zionist activities. The pages are richly illustrated with seven-color reproductions of lous this argument is, especially as Egypt 6 the tanks in question were supplied Syria 2 Munich Prosecutor Bernhard Shahn's art, bringing out the glory and the mystery that form the to Israel without guns, and without Yemen Bader said t h e proceedings essential meaning of Passover . . . There are also 10 pages of color range and target finders. Iraq Algeria stemmed from a number of suits drawings by the artist, illustrating the popular Passover song "Had 9 During talks with the American Destroyers Ambassador at Large, Mr. Harri- filed against the weekly by private Gadyo" (The Only Kid) . • . This exquisite edition is the artist's Egypt 4 man, in Israel, the Israeli govern- individuals. Since January, the labor of love, reflecting his memories of Passover in his father's (Skory Class. 3.100 tons). ment gave Mr. Harriman, who was The Soviet arms aid up to the apparently mainly concerned with weekly has been attacking West home in Lithuania . . . He started working on illustrating the middle of 1964 in terms of dollars: the military status quo in the Near German officials who favored the Hagadah more than 30 years ago . . . In 1933, Mrs. Frieda Schiff Egypt 1,300 million dollars East. a list of the Soviet arms sup- Syria 350 million dollars plies to the UAR. It is particularly extension of the statute of limita- Warburg acquired the illustrated pages from Shahn, and turned Yemen 90 million dollars interesting to study the details in tions for prosecution of Nazi crim- them over to her son, Edward M. M. Warburg, who presented them Iraq 400 million dollars the following list: Algeria 40 million dollars inals. in 1947 as a gift to the Jewish Museum in New York . . . The Arms Supplies from the Eastern Bloc to the Arab States Between The publication has been using originals, prized possessions of the Museum, attracted the attention 2,180 million dollars 1955 and the Middle of 1964. Increased Aid for Algeria in the language strongly reminiscent of of the Trianon Press, of Paris, which decided to publish the Ben Tanks and Armoured Trucks Second Half of 1964: anti-Semitic Nazi publications in Shahan Hagadah in a facsimile edition . . . The plates were taken Egypt 2,300 The Soviet Union increased its Syria 1.100 charging an alleged "plot of inter- to France, where the entire volume was printed by Little, Brown and military aid to Algeria by a large Yemen 360 extent in the second half of 1964. national Jewry to poison German Co. one of the largest publishing firms, in association with the Trianon Iraq 800 In this period Algeria received: Algeria 420 relations with the Arab world." 660 artillery guns Press . . . The English text in the volume is based on the translation 440 tanks Type T 54 and heavy Guns of Various Calibres of Dr. Cecil Roth, noted British-Jewish historian . .. The book is a tanks T 10 Egypt 1.600 Syria 1.000 troop transport trucks 550 Cardinal Spellman Cited magnificent contribution to Jewish art, and belongs to the category Yemen 2 coastal patrol boats 160 of Hagadahs which art lovers seek to collect . . . It will make the Iraq 150 jet fighters and fighter-bomb- 580 by Reform Jews; Hails Algeria 570 ers of the Types MIG 17 and MIG best Passover present for any Jewish family this year, and in the Anti-Aircraft Weapons 19 Vatican Action on Jews years to come. Egypt 550 24 bombers IL 28 NEW YORK (JTA) — Francis * * * Yemen 300 2 submarines Cardinal Spellman, Roman Catho- Iraq 300 In this connection it may be men- COMMUNAL AFFAIRS: The manner in which transfer of pro- Algeria tioned that a submarine school has lic archbishop of New York, ex- fessional leadership of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of Submarines been set up in the UAR with Soviet pressed "satisfaction" here Sun- New York would take with the appointment of Dr. David G. Salten Egypt 12 aid. and it is indubitably also used Eight of these being the Soviet W to train submarine and rocket per- day night with the Ecumenical to the newly created post of executive director of the Federation hr-'— Class (1,600 tons) with six torpedo sonnel for naval units in the other Council's preliminary adoption of now been clarified . .. Dr. Salten is scheduled to assume his pf tubes, and underwater speed of 15 Arab States. So far 4,000 men have knots. These boats have a range passed through this school. a church declaration absolving on Oct. 1, and it is contemplated that he will succeed Dr. Maurice which would permit action in At- The total number of Soviet tech- the Jewish people of the ancient B. Hexter and Joseph Willen on Jan. 1, 1967 . . Until that time, lantic waters. nicians and military instructors at Algeria 1 present in Egypt is roughly 7,000. charge of deicide and condemning Dr. Hexter and Willen, long-time executive vice-presidents of the anti-Semitism. Federation, will remain in their positions as executive vice-presidents Without granting the German report a holier-than-thou status, Cardinal Spellman made that the facts offered reveal that there is a danger, that Russian aid to statement while accepting an . . . It is anticipated that, on Jan. 1, 1967, Dr. Salten will be elected by the Federation board of trustees as executive vice-president, with the Arabs is mounting and dangers increase with it. award at a dinner given in his That should have encouraged continued military assistance for honor by the Reform Jewish Ap- Hexter and Willen becoming executive consultants . . . The interim Israel from Germany. The cessation of arms shipments was to Ger- peal, a campaign for the support 15-month period will be one of training and study for Dr. Salten, many's discredit. Perhaps the wrong will be corrected, now that of American Reform Judaism's under the leadership and direction of the president of the Federation, Irving Mitchel Felt, and the two executive vice-presidents Israel and Bonn will exchange envoys. two principal organizations — the currently * * During this time, Dr. Salten will become familiar with the . . Hebrew Union College—Jewish In- methods, programs, operations, administration and needs of the A Writer Soldier Who Was Motivated by Bias stitute of Religion and the Union Federation, which annually raises about $20,000,000 for normal main- Hoffman Nickerson, soldier-politician-sportsman-writer, who died of American Hebrew Congrega- tenance needs, and is currently engaged in a $180,000,000 Building last week at the age of 76. was notorious in his day. All-but-forgotten, tions. during the fall and winter, there are some who recall when he was branded as a man of bias, At the dinner, attended by 600, Fund campaign . .. It is expected that, when he said some nasty things about Jews. Rabbi Maurice N. Eisendrath, Dr. Salten will work more closely with the fund-raising staff of It was natural for him to write a book on "The Inquisition" and president of the Union of Ameri- Federation, while the maintenance fund-raising campaign is in the to have the notorious Catholic anti-Semite Hilaire Belloc write the can Hebrew Congregations, hailed progress . . He will work more closely with the functional staff, introduction. the Ecumenical Council's action during the spring, when the distribution committee meets with the He was a descendant of the early settlers in New Amsterdam, in in regard to Christian-Jewish rela- affiliated agencies to determine the budgetary allocations for the 1637, and one would have thought that with such a background he had tions as representing "the most ensuing fiscal year . . . In this transition period, Dr. Hexter and sufficient time to acquire love and a measure of tolerance. He didn't. powerful blow ever struck by Mr. Willen and their associates, as well as the professionals and lay Now very few in our own midst even know the name of the Christianity against the mortal sin leaders of the affiliated agencies, will work with Dr. Salten to trans- mit to him their knowledge and experience in such diverse fields man once notorious or his background. Only historians like Bernard of anti-Semitism." as fund-raising, communal planning, fund distribution, medical serv- G. Richards (head of the Jewish Information Bureau in New York) ices, social and group work, recreational services and the full gamut are able to recall the sad experiences with a well known figure in his THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS of activities performed under the Federation banner. 2 — Friday, April 2, 1965 day who did not - hesitate to be antagonistic to Jews. The War on the Ku Klux Klan Proceedings Begun Against Extremist I German Paper . - 'Between You ... and Me'