Soviet Organ Calls Judaism 'Enemy' - THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 12—Friday, Apt :l 2, 1%5 Report No Matzo Baked inMinsk (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) LONDON — No matzo is being baked anywhere in the Bielorussian Soviet Republic, not even in the capital city of Minsk, authentic information received here from the Soviet Union revealed Wednesday. The Jewish population of Bi- elorussia is 250.000. In addi- tion to Minsk, one of the fore- most centers of Jewish reli- gion and culture in modern Russia, both under the Czarist and the Soviet regimes, an- other city with a sizable Jew- ish population in the region is Pukhovichi. The Jewish community of Riga, Latvia, part of the Soviet Union, has started baking matzo in an oven in the courtyard of the syna- gogue in that city, according to information received from the USSR. The quantities being baked at Riga, the report stated, are very limited because of technical diffi- culties and a delay in permission being granted by the authorities. Many Jews in Riga, according to the report, will be without matzo as a result of the delay. States, never to the Soviet Union and — with one exception — not even before the United Nations." The Senator charged that the gov- ernment "puts its head in the sand on the issue of human rights." * * Mass r allies throughout the country were being staged in pro- test to Soviet anti-Semitic prac- tices this week. In Philadelphia, Jews held an interfaith rally after the community relations council held its eighth picketing demon- stration outside the Russian Em- bassy in Washington. The three-faith rally to protest Soviet discriminations heard an appeal from a Jewish leader to Soviet authorities either to re- move the Soviet disabilities on Jews or to allow them to emi- grate. The appeal was voiced by Philip M. Klutznick. former U.S. am- bassador to the United Nations and former president of Bnai Brith. The Jewish Community Rela- tions Council of Greater Philadel- phia last week staged its eighth picketing demonstration before the Russian Embassy since March 2. In Cleveland a plea to Ameri- cans of all faiths to join in protest- ing the Soviet Union's treatment of its. Jews was made by former Sen. Kenneth Keating of New York, who addressed a rally of more than 2,000 persons. If YOU TURN THE • go • • w ri UPSIDE DOWN YOU WONT FIND A FINER WINE THAN . „i„,„ „ „.„, „ ,„ „ „,„,„,!„ ,„ „ „ ,„ ,„ ,„,„, „,„ „ ,„ „ , „,„:„ ,„, „ „ „ „ :„ : :,;„ ,„ „ „ „ , .:„;„,„ „ „ „ „,„,!ti,„ „ ,„ „ ,„ „ „ :„ ,„ ,„,„ „il„ ,„ „,„ „ . 3 0 % LES S FAT THAN CREAM CHEESE . , . :, _„. „. . . „,: : . .„., . : :„, : , : , : : : : ,:„ . :.,„.: : : „ , ,: : .<„,.: : :.„, „,:., , : : : :. ,. „. . ,. : : ,.:,. . , . „, _ . . ., . „.z , • um .....:: • •.::::::::::::::::::•:••••-•••• • .*.:A . 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BORDEN'S FINE CHEESES 6-- 4- • --- VERY BIG ON FLAVOR 0 THE BORDEN COHPAIN EMIIIIIEREMIE11111111111111111EIM 11111 1 I I 11111 111111 11111111111111111111 III 11111111 11111 11 11111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11111111111111111111111 1111111 11 II III 111111111 1111 1111111111111111 1111 11111111 HI 1111111111111 11111111111 I 11111111111111 1111111111 111111 1111111111111111 11 111111111111111111 - favorably to criticism by foreign government organs or official rep- resentations on matters which the Soviet government considers to be Soviet internal affairs." A recommendation was made by the State Department that private individuals and organizations dis- pleased by Soviet policies affect. ing Jews continue to voice their views in appeals to world public opinion. "We hope that world pub- lic opinion can lead the Soviet government to calculate that its interest can best be served by moderating its campaign against Judaism, MacArthur stated. The State Department official assessment of the facts pertaining to Soviet anti-Semitism said, "'While all observers agree that Soviet Jews are being placed un- der increasing restrictions with regard to religious worship, the United States government has no information indicating that Soviet Jews fear physical persecution of the type and magnitude which was directed against them during Czar- ist times or during the immediate post war period under Stalin." Sen. Scott said he disagreed "emphatically" with the govern- ment's decision to refrain from ac- tion. He said that "for the past two years, U.S. government officials have expressed their con- cern about this situation, but only before Jewish groups in the United 1111MIEHRIEMIERIMMIEMEMIME1I MITIE1IIEIMEMEEM1111EIMMEME 1 11 1 I 11111 1 1 .1 1 11111 III 111111 I I I 1 1111111111011 MIIIHEEIMIIHMEIBIEMIlifill NEW YORK (JTA) — A 1,350- word article that reviles Judaism as an enemy of the Soviet people, prominently published last month in the leading newspaper of Minsk, capital of the Bielorussian Republic, was reported Sunday by the American Jewish Conference on Soviet every, The article, which charges Judaism with being "the enemy of human culture," and "the hot- bed of a code of morality hostile to (the Soviet Union)" appeared in the Feb. 2 editions of "Zviaz- da," largest Bielorussian-language daily. It's author is listed as J. Mura- viev, a lecturer at the V. I. Lenin Bielorussian State University. The tone of the article is similar to other anti-Jewish material pub- lished in the Soviet Union and bearing official Soviet imprima- turs, which Jewish organizations here have exposed. The Muraviev article, entitled "The Shadow of the Synagogue," conjures up crude and medieval distortions of Jewish ritual and practices and condemns Ju- daism as not only an out-moded religion but one that "defends what is dead and rotten," and denies"man's right to struggle for a better world." It calls the United States "the center of contemporary Judaism" and declares that American Jew- ish organizations are headed by "such leaders of big business as Guggenheim a n d Morgenthau, Harriman and Rockefeller." The contents, together with photo copies of the original article, were made public by Label A. Katz, president of Bnai Brith and chairman of the steering commit- tee of the American Jewish Con- ference on Soviet Jewry, a coor- dinating body of 24 national Jew- ish organizations. Katz described the "Zviazda" article as "hysterical anti-Semi- tism," declaring that "its abusive character is obviously intended to promote the policy of suppression of Soviet Jewish life by intimidat- ing the Jews of Minsk." The city's population of 500,000 includes some 30,000 to 40,000 Jews. Meanwhile, Soviet newspapers reaching London from various sections of the Soviet Union con- tinue to carry anti-Jewish in- nuendo aimed at creating the impression that Jews are be- having in an "unsocialist man- ner." * * * Despite such evidence, the U.S. State Department does not believe the U . S . government should involve itself directly with Soviet authorities on the problem of Soviety Jewry, the department has informed Sen. Hugh Scott, Pennsylvania Re- publican. Sen. Scott responded with a charge that "our government is shirking its responsibility in this area. He criticized the State De- partment for opposing the Ribicoff Amendment, which would have condemned Soviet anti-Semitism. The White House asked the State Department to respond to Sen. Scott on the request of Philadel- phia-area citizens that the govern- ment take more overt action to help Soviet Jewry. Douglas Mac- Arthur II, assistant secretary of state for congressional relations, wrote Sen. Scott about the govern- ment's latest assessment of the situation of Russian Jews. This assessment concluded that no U.S. government action was indicated. "As stated in this assessment," MacArthur said, "the department does not believe that formal, gov- ernment to government protests over the situation of the Soviet Jewish community are in the best interests of Soviet Jews." He pointed out that "in the past, Soviet officials have reacted un- WIMIll. i: mill il it ill 11111 i. 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