Israel Welcomed as Member of UN Commission on Human Rights; Soviet Bigotry Is Outlined 2,500 Jews Living in Cuba, Govt. Says; No Havana Rabbis Some 17,000 students attend in- stitutions of higher education_ in Israel. A GOOD MAN TO KNOW ! NEW YORK (JTA)—A Zionist GENEVA (JTA) — With con- stand a rational test and that the World Council of Baptists and For Some of the European Baptist Federa- youth group held a Purim celebra- sideration of a draft convention on the word "anti-Semitism" was tion," he declared. tion in the Jewish Community Cen- the elimination of all forms of re- a label, not an explanation. of the Focusing on the situation in the ligious intolerance the main item He said Russian Muslims were ter in Havana Sunday, according best buys on an 18-point agenda, the United Soviet Union, he said that whereas permitted to send and receive over- to a report from Havana to the Nations Commission on Human other religious communities there seas delegations and to undertake New York Times. on new The report stated the Castro Rights convened its 21st annual were allowed to some extent to the traditional pilgrimage to Pontiacs session here Sunday — with Israel observe and propagate their re- Mecca. He asked why only Russian government permits Cuban Jews represented as a member of the ligions, such facilities which were Jews were totally isolated from to pursue cultural, religious and and at some time or other granted to Jewish communities the world Zionist activities, having recently body. Tempests allowed three Cuban Zionists to at- Jewish religious communities were over and from all religious life. The Israeli representative is Dr. tend a conference in Israel. Haim Cohen, a member of Israel's being for the greater part gradu- The jurist said he was apologiz- Cuba's Jewish population, which Supreme Court and Israel's former ally and systematically withdrawn. ing for taking so much time but attorney general. Ambassador Sal- Justice Cohen said he was that he was doing so "not only to numbered about 10,000 in pre- vador de Lopez, of the Philippines, "happy to report and acknowledge" draw the attention of our dis- Castro days, has now been reduced AT Chairman of this year's session, that the Russian Orthodox version tinguished colleague from the to about 2,500, most of the Jews formally welcomed Israel as a new of the Bible had been reprinted in USSR and his government to this having emigrated to the United member of the commission, along 1957 in an edition of 50,000 copies deplorable state of affairs but also States, the report said. It added 18650 LIVERNOIS 'with two other new members, Iraq and that the Protestant version had to show that both religious belief that Jews in Havana still maintain 1 mock South of 7 five synagogues, but have no rabbi. UN 3-9300 been reprinted in 1958 in 10,000 and irreligious belief have in com- and Jamaica. They receive kosher meat and Prof. Rene Cassin, of France, volumes. mon that they are potential breed- poultry from the government president of Affiance Israelite He noted also that in UFA and ing places of religious intolerance. slaughterhouses and matzo from Francaise, is also a member of the Tashkent the Muslim directorates The lesson of history is that true were allowed to produce three religious freedom needs protection Canada. Commission. "Judaism and the Hebrew and In addition to consideration of editions of the Arabic Koran be- from both." Yiddish languages are still being tween 1959 and 1962. But he said the religious freedom item, after regular classes in Ha- no such permission had ever been Mexican, Argentine Jews taught which has been pending before vana's Albert Einstein School. This one UN body or another for sev- given for reprinting of the Hebrew to Link Education Activity institution has been nationalized, eral years, the session agenda Bible. MEXICO CITY (JTA) — A de- like all other private schools, and He added that he was glad to has an item, inscribed by Po- cision to coordinate the Jewish ed- only 60 of its 400 pupils are Jew- land, forbidding the termination say that Muslims were allowed to ucation activities in Mexico with ish," the report stated. of prosecution of Nazi war crimi- use Arabic as their holy language Per Year nals in all countries in the world. in print, but that there were no those of Argentina was adopted (to qualified applicants) Want ads get quick results! by the board of education of Nid- similar facilities in the Soviet A number of international and See Mr. Mosher other Jewish organizations are rep- Union for Hebrew. He said that for che Israel, the organization of Ash- IF YOU TURN THE Open Mon. thru Sat. Till 4:30 resented at the session as non- 40,000,000 Russian Orthodox wor- kenazic Jews in this country. It 17 E40 governmental participants, with,the shippers, there were, according to followed a proposal made to Nid- NATIONAL BANK che Israel recently by Marc Tur- press reports, 20,000 churches, right of speaking but not the right UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T kow, general secretary of the Lat- 35,000 priests and sixty-nine mon- OF SOUTHFIELD to vote. Among the organizations FIND A FINER WINE THAN 17000 W. 8 MILE RD. and their representatives are the asteries and convents — one place in American executive of the World EL 7-1300 American Jewish Committee, Co- of worship for each 2,000 believers Jewish Congress. Under the plan, ordinating Board of Jewish Organ- and one priest for each 1,100 be- the schools in Mexico teaching NEAR NORTHLAND izations, Consultative Council of lievers. For Russia's 10,000,000 both Hebrew and Yiddish will work Baptists there were roughly 6,000 closely with similar institutions in Jewish Organizations, World Jew- kilket Me& 1r ANC Wirt Wad. NQ 1, Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. j ish Congress, and International parishes and pastors—one place of Argentina. Council of Jewish Women. The worship and one minister for each sessions will continue until April 500 believers. Justice Cohen then contrasted 15. these data with the remaining The draft convention dealing 90 synagogues and about that with religious freedoms would call number of rabbis for nearly upon all governments, including 1,000,000 Jewish believers — one the Soviet Union but not mention- synagogue and one rabbi for ing the USSR specifically, to per- 15,000 to 16,000. He said the ec- mit full freedom of religious prac- clesiastical bodies of other re- tice to all believers. Under the ligions in Russia were permitted document. teaching of Hebrew to produce a variety of ritual would be permitted, as well as objects and that mass sales of the right of religious Jews to visit such objects, particularly can- Israel. dies, was an important source Justice Cohen outlined at of income for the church. How- length at the commission's meet- ever, he pointed out that the ing Wednesday the discrimina- production of Jewish religious tions being practiced by Soviet objects, such as prayer shawls or authorities against Russian Jews. phylacteries, was prohibited. Justice Cohen, speaking on the He told the commission that still draft before the commission, said less understandable than this dis- the greatest achievement embodied crimination was the fact that mat- in the draft was that it covered ters had gone from bad to worse theistic, non-theistic and atheistic since the repudiation of the Stalin beliefs to ensure that disregard of era. In 1962, the jurist noted, the freedom of religion should authorities announced publicly for never again be allowed to bring the first time that Jews could no longer bake matzo for Passover. suffering to mankind.. Declaring that the Catholic He said that the feast of Passover, church had stopped persecuting a remembrance of delivery from members of other religions, he said bondage, had been branded in that the highest councils of the Soviet propaganda as "subversive" church, a reference to the Ecu- and as "killing love for the Soviet menical Council, was now formu- motherland," though in fact its lating principles of tolerance to observance was quite compatible guide the Catholic church in the with love of motherlands. He said that in all fairness he should add future. Justice Cohen insisted that the that very limited amounts of matzo intolerance inherent in any re- were being baked this year within 7 PIECE SEDER DISH, with vividly colored hand decorated scenes of the 10 ligion was also inherent in the the precinct of a few synagogues, plagues, with the order of the Passover Seder service in Hebrew and English. belief that no religion can be true. and he expressed the hope that this was a step in • the right di- LARGE DISH: 161/2" diameter. INDIVIDUAL DISHES: 4" diameter. quoted the Marxist dogma that He "Religion is the opium of the rection. As Other observers have re- masses." Asserting that the suffer- ing once caused by monopolistic ported, Justice Cohen noted also religions was now being caused by that the Jewish religion was dis- reliance on atheistic doctrine, the criminated against in Russia by a BOOK and MUSIC STORE Jurist said that the motivation for ban on organizations on a national intolerance was the same in both basis and a ban on contact with co- 13535 W. 7 MILE RD. at SCHAEFER eases. He said that it stemmed religionists abroad, even in other DI 1-0569 or DI 1-3268 from the conviction of infallibility Communist countries. By contrast, in one's views as distinguished he stated, the Baptists had a nation- OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT AND ALL DAY SUNDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. from those of the next man. If the wide federation in Russia. "This All-Union Council of Evangelical "next man" is a member of a small minority, the jurist added, he and Christian Baptists is a member of his views are doomed. viminmem ■ mmimmme, It was a matter of "bitter and Linda EISENBERG-APTEKAR, Pianist fateful tragedy," Pustice Cohen APRIL 4, Sunday 8:00 P.M. Don Frohman's "Sabbath Morning continued, that the Jewish peo- 1965 Festival Cong. Ahavas Achim ple and the Jewish religion were and Festival Service" the main and "quite hopeless" 19190 Schaefer (World Premiere) of victims of fanatical religious persecution. He said no explana- Tickets at The Synagogue, Cantors Simon Bermanis, Jacob Sonenklar, tion of this persecution could Jewish Music Marwil Book Store (Northland), Louis Klein. SAU L BEECH Packer Pontiac AUTO LOANS PER HUNDRED .1 P************************************ 1 BORENSTEINS For All Your Passover Needs 4( ********** * BORENSTE1N'S 4( 4( * ************************************i Grinnell's downtown. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 26, 1965-9 Sisterhood Singers & Bel Canto Choral Society.