Ellis Rivkin First in Midrasha Series on the 'Crises in Jewish History' American Zionist Council 'Speak Out for Beliefs,' Relations Leader Urges WASHINGTON—American Jews would give aid to church schools. Calls for Unified Action "Over the past 15 years," he NEW YORK, (JTA) — The con- vening of an all-day National Zion- ist Planning Conference May 6, with the participation of delegates from all Zionist organizations in this country to formulate a pro- gram of unified action to strength- en Zionism's role in the future of the American Jewish community was announced in a joint state- ment by Dr. Max Nussbaum, chairman, and Nathaniel S. Roth- enberg, chairman of the adminis- trative committee of the American Zionist Council. "The issues which will be de- bated and acted upon at this na- tional Zionist planning conference will encompass such major items as plans for intensified participa- tion of the Zionist movement in Jewish communal affairs, the deepening of Jewish consciousness and the harnessing within the or- ganized Zionist orbit of forces for strengthening the emotional and practical attachment of the Ameri- can Jews to Israel," the announce- ment said. were urged Tuesday to "speak out for what we believe" without fear of antagonizing other groups or aggravating "anti-Jewish feeling." The biennial convention of the American Jewish Congress Na- tional Women's Division, meeting at the Shoreham Hotel here, was told in a keynote address by Aaron Goldman of Washington. Goldman, who is chairman of the National Community Relations Advisory Council, a coordinating body of local and national Jewish groups, noted that within recent weeks leading Jewish organizations —including the American Jewish Congress — had publicly opposed provisions of the administration's Federal aid-to-education bill that said, "we have often been in the minority in our insistence that The 16th annual Midrasha Insti- ship to Europe and upon his re- religion must be kept separate tute will begin 8:30 p.m. Wednes- turn was visiting professor in re- from public education. day with a lecture by Ellis Rivkin, ligion and philosophy at Antioch "Yet we have achieved not only professor of Jewish history at He- College. He also has been chair- vindication in the courts but, in brew Union College—Jewish In- man of the Jewish history commit- time, a considerable measure of stitute of Religion. It will mark tee for the Central Conference of support from the religious groups," the first of the Bargman Memorial American Rabbis. Dr. Rivkin received his bachel- series lectures at the Esther Ber- or's and PhD degrees from Johns man building. IF YOU TURN THE wykr •gzi.ri Named for the late Theodore Hopkins University; his bachelor of Hebrew letters from the Balti- I and Mina Bargman, the institute more Hebrew College. UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T this year will fo- He has contributed to encyclo- FIND A FINER WINE THAN cus on "Crises pedias and is a member of the -----) in Jewish His- publication committee, J e wish tory." Dr. Riv- Publication Society, besides be- [----/ kin's topic is longing to a number of historical "Judaism En- Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. associations. counters Hellen- The Phar- ism: isaic Response." Dr. Rivkin is currently p r e- By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX Rivkin (Copyright, 1965, ,ITA, Inc.) paring a volume Question: Why is it forbidden on "The Hidden Revolution: An by Jewish law to wear clothes Analysis of Pharisaism as an His- torical Phenomenon." He has au- which are made of a mixture of wool and linen (flax)? thorized numerous articles on Answer: This prohibition is ex- Jewish history, and his reviews have been carried in many schol- pressly mentioned in the Bible. In one place the Bible writes: ". . . a Yeshiva U. to Relocate arly journals. garment of mixture of species shall Rivkin has 47-year-old The not come upon thee" (Leviticus 2 Graduate Schools taught at Hebrew Union College, 19:19). This is further explained NEW YORK — Yeshiva Univer- the Reform rabbinical seminary, in another part of the Bible where since 1949. Prior to that, he was it is written: "Thou shalt not wear sity will relocate its g r a d u a to PURE BEEF Cyrus Adler post-doctoral research a mixture of wool and flax togeth- schools of education and social fellow at Dropsie College for He- er" (Deuteronomy 22:11). Some work to larger quarters at 55 Fifth Ave. for the fall semester, to ac- brew and Cognate Learning and Kash r u t h Supervision by instructor of Jewish history at moralists have read a most in- commodate the schools' increasing, teresting interpretation into this enrollments and research activi- prominent Orthodox Rabbi: Gratz College. L----- prohibition. Wool and linen repre- ties, it was announced by Dr. ) Rabbi Ben Zion Rosenthal Two years ago he was awarded sent two different aspects of exis- Samuel Belkin, president. ,-,__ and two steady Mashgichim. the Simon Guggenheim Fellow- tence. The linen, coming as it does The new facility, a $4,000,000, from a plant (flax) represents the 19-story structure with 300,000 U. S. Gov't. Inspected vegetative aspect of life which square feet of space, will enable Plan Betar History GENERAL OFFICESt The world headquarters of Brit involves nutrition and reproduc- the university to provide additional WILNO KOSHER CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 601307 tion. The wool coming from an Trumpeldor (Betar) Zionist Youth classrooms, laboratory facilities and FRANKFURTERS • CORNED BEEF • BOLOGNA SALAMI • organization has announced plans animal (sheep) represents percep- library space for the growing Fer- Distributed in Detroit and Michigan by: to publish a history of the Betar tion and motion. Among animals, kauf Graduate School of Education Tel.: UN 2-5820 movement throughout the world, perception and motion are used and Wurzweiler School of Social JULIUS POLLAK, 7522 Fenkell, Detroit to be edited by Y. Merhavia, a entirely towards the goal of nu- Work, he explained. noted Israeli educator and his- trition and reproduction. In man Ili I'li'i +;III I MEM torian. Parallel committees for perception and motion are not to be bound by purely vegetative in- this project have been established in Israel, the United States and stincts; but are to rise higher and stay above these considerations. elsewhere. Thus man is asked to be able to I separate his vegetative instincts from his animal powers and thus use his perception and motion for high things in life, making them the master of his vegetative in- stincts rather than their slaves. Wearing clothes or making clothes of linen and flax used together would be symbols of tying down one with the other. Some have also said that Man must follow God's pattern and what God has chosen to keep apart in his crea- tive process man must not mix together. Question: Why does Jewish tradition require the reading of a portion from the prophetic writings on Saturday morning, in addition to the reading from the Five Books of Moses? sauce s Paghett" ti .......1....mia Answer: Some medieval authori- ties claim that Ezra, the scribe, ordained this so that the people would be acquainted with all por- tions of the Bible. Others say it is I because originally the people > I would stay in the synagogue every day after the services and read portions from the prophets and rJ later writings. When it became impractical for most to do so be- cause of the necessity to make a living, the Rabbis ordained that at least on the Sabbath and holidays, where work is not permitted, and there is more time to spend in the synagogue, a portion from the prophets should be read publicly so as to keep in mind the lofty Whether you describe it in Italian messages of the prophets. Still or Jewish, this great sauce is the others claim that this reading came Do you enjoy the velvety smoothness and richness of cream cheese? tastiest—the recipe of seafaring about during a period of persecu- tion when the people were forbid- Now have it with Borden's new Eagle Brand Neufchatel Cheese. It looks, Italian folk. Now, Chef-Boy-Ar- den by the tyrannical government tastes just like rich, velvety smooth cream cheese. Yet it has spreads, Ves gives you an authentic ver- to read from the Five Books of less fat than cream cheese—in thrifty 3 oz. and generous 8 oz. sizes. 30% on of Sauce Marinara—with big Moses in the Synagogue. • Since the prophetic writings were not in- !pieces of Italian-style plum tome.- *Borden's Eagle Brand Neufchatel is not a diet food. cluded in the prohibition, the Jews Sces, rich and zesty with onions, substituted the prophetic portions Lerbs, spices and olive oil. For so as to remind later generations Spaghetti, noodles and rice, of the incident, so that they can BORDEN'S FINE CHEESES VERY BIG ON FLAVOR emulate the devotion of our fore- taeats, fish and egg dishes—it's fathers to the holy scriptures. Weekly Quiz wilno kosher zt2rmi -tt°f/Afat ju a;26. 9vi'wh CORNED BEEF "MD ` 30% LESS FAT THAN CREAM CHEESE COMPLETELY NEW AND SUPERIOR • MARINARA • • •• •“- • Buono?...it's Gesh makste I teshmakste wand meatless! VIEW 1 LB. GLASS JAR THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 19, 1965-9 11111111IMIIIMMEM11111111111111111MMUMIMIMMEIMMIMMOIMIM IMIMIENIIMNIMMIIMIIIIIIMIMMIIMIIIMINIMMIIIIIM I