-W - --•411.1.111111111111=0” ------- -1 4111111111111111---- America, Babylonia: a Comparison By JACOB NEUSNER Professor of Semitics Dartmouth College It has become stylish among American Jewish ideologists to compare our community to that of Babylonia. For example, Oscar Janowsky states (in "The American Jew: A Reappraisal"), "Tse great centers of Jewish population of the past did not blossom into cul- tural communities in a few gen- erations. The Jews were in Baby- lonia in the sixth century B.C.E. but they did not achieve cultural leadership until 800 years later. In Spain and in Western Germany, Jews lived in considerable num- bers for at least 600 years before cultural life assumed significant proportions in the tenth century C,E.." The comparison between American and Babylonian Jewry seems appropriate because, in both cases, these communities flourish- ed alongside that in the land of Israel, in antiquity as in our own time. Yet it is important to emphasize, if comparisons must be made, what sep- arates American Jewry now from Babylonian Jewry in the second cen- tury. The Jews in Babylonia, unlike those in America, never divorced themselves from their tradition, either through apathy or through lack of education. It is simply incorrect to say that they existed without sub- stantial cultural and religious re- sources for 800 years, or to believe that they only began much later to achieve "cultural leadership" (wha- ever one means by that, for Baby- lonian Jewry did not "lead" Palestin- ian Judaism at any point before the fifth century, if then!). Babylonian Jewry always cultivated indigenous traditions. When new and challenging viewpoints were brought there from Palestine, it was the meeting be- tween the old. needing revivification and the new, requiring a new and vigorous host-culture, which produced the impressive outburst of legal, theological, and educational crea- tivity characteristic of the third and fourth century Babylonian Judaism. Without an antecedent tradition, and without a large and cultured population, Babylonian Jewry could never have responded crea- tively to the challenges of early Sasanian times, both the inner challenges represented by Ray's coming and the advent of the Mishnah. and the external ones embodied in the great mixing of cultures and religions in the time of Shalipur I. Ray did not have to teach the Bible, or the centrality of law and theological concern for the community life. These he found. He had to reorient the com- munity, and when he did so, it was with the cooperation of resi- dent authorities of great prestige, wide influence, and prof o u n d learning. A second striking difference is that of leadership. Babylonian Jewry possessed in the exilarchate a highly developed political au- thority. It also accepted the leader- ship of the Tannaim of both Baby- lonian and Palestinian origin. The extent of their actual authority was probably limited. But their in- fluence and prestige were not. These men were substantial, for they possessed both learning and material wealth. Babylonian Jew- ish leaders led in meaningful ways. They led the formation of culture and the application of religion. When they stood apart, as they did, from the common culture, they did so in the cause of an un- common demand upon the lives of their community, and not merely because they possessed greater material wealth than the masses, is ONLY! FRI. - SAT. - SUNDAY Sat.: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sun.: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. JUST ARRIVED A SPECIAL GROUP OF ALL NEW SPRING SHADES FINE IMPORTED SHARKSKIN $6950 $95 to $115 Value HARRY THOMAS Fine Clothes For Over 30 Years 15200 W. Seven Mile corner Sussex 3 blocks E. of Greenfield though they mostly seem to have been wealthy. American Jewry has no exilarch, nor is it clear to me that it needs one. But it also does not have many leaders who are both rich and learned, and it is difficult to conceive of an effec- tive communal (as opposed to spiri- tual) leader who cannot give some material support to his plans. The "Torah" and Greatness" in a single person which were the attri- butes not only of R. Judah the Prince, but also of Samuel's Father, Samuel and many others, are not common- place in American Jewry, where im- portant Jews are generally important by reason of wealth alone. The Jews have never taken seriously the leader- ship of men whose qualifications did not include spiritual gifts and also great learning, who did not partic- ipate sincerely and personally in the Life of the community and in the activities of religion and piety which the community stood for, and it is not surprising that American Jewry today ignores, or apathetically toler- ates, the pretentions of its current generation of "leaders." With rare and noteworthy exceptions, these leaders have nothing at all in corn- mon with the kind of men who ex- erted profound influence in ancient Babylonia. Furthermore, Babylonian Jewry saw itself in a very different per- spective from that which charac- terizes our community. It regard- ed itself as the bearer of impor- tant truths. It believed that Jewry existed for universally significant reasons. In the economy of the uni- verse, the Jew bore a very special place. Through the Jewish com- munity, men were brought nearer to their father in heaven. Through Jewish laws, men were made bet- ter human beings. Through Jewish theology men understood better than they could in any other way what reality was about. Babylonian Jews in the third century lived in one of the world's centers of cul- ture in their day. In Babylonia, moreover, Chris- tianity made numerous converts (toward the end of the third cen- tury). There also flourished the cults of many gods, believed by men to be of some value in attain- ing desired ends. In this cosmo- politan, sophisticated, and rela- tivistic universe, not terribly dif- ferent from ours in the plurality of options available to men and in the richness and vitality of its cultural potentialities, the Jews did not respond as they do today. They did not turn away from their own tradition out of embarrass- ment, out of fear that it could not contribute to the great conversa- tion among many kinds of men which flourished in their day. They did not treat their tradition with indifference, either because of the attractions of other cultures or because of inability to relate their own to affairs of the day, or surely because they would not de- vote the time and effort needed to achieve significant mastery of their ancient heritage. On the con- trary, they took great pride in their own traditions. They admired what was good, ac- quired what was true, including medicine and astronomy, and most- ly rejected was was of no conse- quence, no matter how much stock others put in it, such as astrology and the various forms of magic and superstition. Above all, they acquired from the interesting world in which they lived a deeper sense of who they themselves were, what they represented in the scheme of things. For our part, American Jews do not yet have a vivid awareness of how much effort is required to master their own tradition; nor do they have enough respect for them- selves and their tradition to de- vote the necessary effort. They are captivated by the attractions of their cosmopolitan, sophisti- cated, and relativistic situation, but are unable to find the equili- brium necessary to cope with it with dignity and with a keen sense for what is valuable, and what is nat. The world of the Babylonian pagan, whether Iranian or Greek, did not reaffirm the teachings of Judaism, but on the contrary, chal- lenged them—even within their own terms—by asserting that the way to health, prosperity, and re- demption lay through the service of this cult, or that cult, or many cults, each Of which offered its own very attractive rites for re- demption. Up the river about 150 miles from the center of Jewish settlement in Babylonia lay a fron- tier trading and garrison town call- ed Dura-Europos. In Dura was set- tled a relatively small and unim- portant Jewish community, whose synagogue nestled far away from the great courts and marketplaces of the city, against the outer wall. In Dura, the Roman soldiers held that Mithra was God. The cults of every pagan Semitic deity flourished there. Iranian cults and Greek cults flourished side by side, and doubtless many felt that the truth was one, only seen through a many-faceted prism. On the walls of their synagogue, the Jews wrote an immortal comment on the religions and high cultures they observed round about them. As interrupted by Prof. Erwin Goodenough in Jewish Symbols in Greco-Roman Times (N. Y. 1963, vols. IX-XI), the walls of the syna- gogue indicate that the Jews had a rich appreciation for the spiri- tual blessings of each cult, and an- nounced to the world that what- ever was good in any of them was to be found first and best in the synagogue, and in the Torah which was at the center of its design. The west wall presented, for exam- ple, the scene of the destruction of the gods of the Philistines, be- fore the ark of the Holy One of Israel. These gods were drawn precisely according to the artistic conventions widely familiar to those who frequented pagan shrines. No one could have missed the point. March Renting ski equipment this week- end? The Greater Detroit Safety Council stresses the importance of using release bindings and safety With no divide, between heaven and straps.° Bindings are designed for earth, A vast outspreading space, protection in the event of a spill. What added to this spaciousness, Safety straps protect fellow skiers Was a sky of white face. from the hazards of runaway skis. Marcia is here with its howling wind, It entered like a lion. The snow, it covered all the land, The sun above didn't shine. Winter blew with all its strength, Carrying its weight on wing, To leave its burden entirely, Along with its last fling. Apocalypse The expression "Apocalypse" is a transliteration of the Greek term "Apokalypsis" which means "unveiling" or "uncovering" or "revealing." It would thus refer to the revelation or disclosure of some hidden truth. It is used with reference to the Jewish literature of the Hellenistic period as refer- ring to those parts or books in that literature which describe a vision of the Almighty or the Di- vine Purpose. This literary out- put, called the Apocalyptic Liter- ature, somehow claims to possess secret knowledge of the future and particularly the End of Time, etc. One would therefore find men- tion of such literature of the Messiah, the last Judgment and a general eschatological outlook. Such visions are found to some extent in the canonical writings of the Bible, as for example in the Book of Daniel. They are mostly found however in the extra- canonical books known as the Psuedepigrapha. Among other things, it can be said that these visionary writings served a pur- pose in helping the martyred vic- tims of Jewish history find some measure of hope and faith in the future at a time when the present looked bleak and discouraging to say the least. Some of these visions found their way into later estoeric writings. Harvard swimming captain David Abramson, who won three gold medals in the 1961 Maccabiah Games, is an outstanding candi- date for a berth on the 1965 U. S. Maccabiah Team. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 19, 1965-15 The simple man trusts every- thing; But the sensible man pays heed to his steps. —Proverbs Spring too was here, the seasons were Together in a row, The trees rebuffed the snow that fell, And shook it from branch and bough. Like GIN Now consequently, what will be? Who from this row will gain? A lone bird soloed from a barren branch, "The spring, it will remain!" From Mrs. Shames' book, "The Pulse of the Mortal Clock" • Reccada# Cocktail's got it! Want ads get quick results! UNITED BRANDS • DETROIT • U.S.A. 42 PROOF CODE NO. 4/5 QUART 1.49 6688 GAM'S CARPET & Expert cleaning wall to wall carpets & furniture in your home or pick up carpeting & relay elsewhere. Free Estimates Reasonable Prices 10% Discount 'Ill April 1st IUMNI 46203 .. .. .................... I(OPECKY MATTRESS COMPANY Greater Savings & Better Values ORTHOPEDIC TYPE INNERSPRING As Goodenough states, "The theme of the synagogue as a whole might be called the celebration of the glory and power of Judaism and its God." The artist of the synagogue did so by copying the "inner shrine of a pagan temple and filling it with images of human beings and Greek and Iranian divinities." And the point of it all was to respond with tenacious and unfailing pride to the challenges of the pagan environment with the ever-new assertion that the Lord the God of Israel is the one God, and there is none else. Until any Jewish community, anywhere and at any age in his- tory, can respond to the challenge of its age by affirming as a com- munity and through the lives of its individual members that the gods of the age are no-gods, but that the Lord, God of Israel, rules and that his dominion is supreme over all, it cannot begin to com- pare itself to Babylonian Jewry in the Tannaitic age, nor begin to hope to achieve what Babylonian Jewry in the Amoraic age created and left as a legacy for all time. STRAPS FOR SKIING SAFETY By Rhoda Zahavie Shames MATTRESS S WITH OR WITHOUT BUTTONS Made with our company tradition of fine quality in mind. It can be modified in accordance to individual desires. 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