THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 5, 1965-19 Womens alith activities SHAAREY Z ED E K SISTER- HOOD will meet 12:30 p.m. Mon- day in the social hall. Hamentas- chen and coffee will be served before the meeting, and Purim and Passover table settings will be on display, according to Mrs. Ivan Meisner, program chairman. Mrs. Irwin Groner will give background information for the traditional preparation of Purim and Pass- over dishes, and describe the meanings behind holiday objects on display. Traditional holiday cooking will be demonstrated by Mrs. Norman Naimark. Cantor Jacob Sonenklar will render Purim and Passover music. Print- ed recipes will be distributed and prizes offered. Mrs. Alvin Robin- son is chairman of the day. Mrs. Dan Mendelsohn and Mrs. Meyer Silverman are co-chairmen of the gift shop, where all items on dis- play will be available. * * * FRIENDS OF HILLEL DAY SCHOOL will hold an open board meeting 10 a.m. ThurSday in the home of Mrs. Benjamin Gorrelick, 17175 Indiana. Guests are invited to learn of this new organization. For reservations, call Mrs. Gor- relick, UN 3-3775, or Mrs. Alfred Helfgott, LI 6-5499. * * * BUSINESS AND PROFESSION- AL GROUP. Hadassah, will hold a Purim party 2 p.m. March 14 at Hadassah House. Elaine Eichel and Sophie Rogin, program chair- men, announce, there will be games, prizes and refreshments. Members are asked to bring their Eye-Banks. Guests invited. * * * CONG. GEMILUTH CHASSO- DIM SISTERHOOD will hold a tea-symposium 8:30 p.m. Wednes- day in the synagogue. Participat- ing in the symposium, "Are We Doing Enough for Our Youth?," will be Rabbi and Mrs. Joel Litke and Mike Traison. Guests invited. * * * BNAI MOSHE SISTERHOOD will hold a general membership meeting 12:30 p.m. Monday in the social hall. Seymour Kaplan, the congregation's youth director, will speak on "Why Is Jewish Identifi- cation Necessary for Our Youth?" Reports will be given on the con- gregation's youth groups. Mrs. Jerome Lechner is program chair- man. A dessert luncheon will be served. * * * GOOD FELLOWSHIP WOM- EN'S AUXILIARY will hold its annual Purim party 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Lutzker Hall. Re- freshments and prizes will be of- fered. * * * AVODAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will meet 11:15 a.m. Tues- day at the Detroit Art Institute for a guided tour and lunch. Mrs. Oscar Lerchin is program chair- man. I t WHY WORRY I I Leave Everything to Us WYN and HAROLD LANDIS HOME CATERING Phone EL 6-8411 STYLE • ELEGANCE • BEAUTY WYN-HAROLD CATERING • Adas Shalom Sisterhood will SHERUTH LEAGUE will hold hear Rabbi Jacob E. Segal at an its board meeting noon Tuesday in open meeting 12:30 p.m. Monday the home of Mrs. Sidney Locke, in the social hall. The rabbi will 10784 Lincoln, Huntington Woods. present an infor- Co-hostesses will be Mrs. David mal account of Goldstein and Mrs. Arthur Froh- h i s experiences lich. The board will discuss plans in "An After- for the spring bazaar, to be held noon With the April 27 at Sholem Aleichem Ins- Rabbi." Mrs. Jo- titute. Luncheon will be served. seph Katchke, * * program vice DETROIT CANCER FIGHT- Rabbi Segal president, is ERS, City of Hope, will hold an chairman of the day, and Mrs open board meeting noon Monday Samuel Simmer plans to re- at Imperial Caterers. A report on view aims and goals of the an- the progress of the souvenir jour- nual drive for Torah Fund and nal will be given by Mrs. Em- the Matilda Schechter Residence anuel Schwartz, vice-president of Hall of the Jewish Theological the Journal. All pledges and con- Seminary. The National Anthem t ibutions may be turned in by will be sung by Mrs. Saul King, journal kit holders at this meet- accompanied by Mrs. Jack Mash, ing. Hostesses are Mesdames Har- sisterhood choral director. Mrs. old Burnstein, Louis Hyman, Al- Isadore Goren will deliver the in- lan Kaplan, Leonard Schlafer, vocation. Guests invited. Dessert Mrs. Rose Simon, Charles Starr, luncheon will be served. Louis Stoller and Charles Tarno- * * * pol. Tickets are now available for TEMPLE ISRAEL SISTER- the "American Yiddish Musical HOOD has planned an afternoon Revue" that will be presented by devoted to the life and works of the Cancer Fighters' dramatic Jewish artist Marc Chagall noon group April 7 at Cong. Shaarey Monday in the social hall. With Zedek. The show is produced and a display of examples of many of directed by Mrs. Charles Young, Chagall's works, Mrs. Morris and the orchestra is directed by Hal Bachman, who holds a master's Gordon. For information call Mrs. degree in art, will review the David Schwartz, UN 4-2920. * * * book "Marc Chagall" written by his son-in-law. In addition, Mrs. WOMEN'S ORTHODOX LEA- Max Klarin, chairman of the day, GUE will hold its next class on said slides of other Chagall works "Family Purity" 9 p.m. Tuesday will be shown. Among his paint- in the home of Mrs. Erica Gross- ings with Jewish themes are bard, 17330 Kentucky. Mrs. Esther "Rabbi," "Over the Town," "The Bakst will be guest speaker. Green Jew," etchings for the * * * Book of Genesis and his world- AESCULAPIAN LADIES AUX- famous windows for the synagogue ILIARY will hold its next regular of the Hadassah-Hebrew Univer- meeting 12:30 p.m. Wednesday in sity Hospital. The program will the home of Mrs. Meyer Gold- begin with luncheon. The public stein, 3870 W. Outer Dr. Lunch is invited. will be served. * * * * * * YESHIVATH BETH YEHUDAH KINNERET CHAPTER, Pioneer LADIES and WOMEN'S SAB- Women, will hold a business meet- BATH LEAGUE will hold a pre- ing and book review noon Wed- Purim luncheon noon Tuesday at nesday at the Labor Zionist Insti- Beth Tefilo Emanuel Tikvah. Rab- tute, announces Mrs. Sophia Ta- bi Jack Goldman will be guest telman, president. Eda Plotnick and speaker, and a Purim program will Lottie Weisman will host a des- be presented by students of the sert luncheon following the meet- Beth Yehudah schools. Mrs. Mil- ing. Francis Driker will review ton Winston will be chairman of Bernard Malamud's "Idiots First." the day. Social chairmen Mrs. The chapter will also hold a Pur- Walter Epstein and Mrs. Leo Lau- im dinner with games 6 p.m. fer will be assisted by Mesdames March 14 at the Sholem Aleichem Rose Bielewich, Bertha Faigen- Institute. Proceeds will go toward baum, Kate Rubin, Esther Sachs the spiritual adoption of a child and Julius Spielberg. Guests in- in conjunction with the program vited. Bus transportation will be launched recently by Pioneer provided from the old Yeshiva Women. Reservations are being building, Dexter and Cortland, at taken by Frances Shayne, KE 3- 11:30 a.m. 7290. * * * * * * MISHKAN ISRAEL NUSACH INFANT'S SERVICE GROUP HARI LUBAVITCHER CENTER will hold a board meeting 8:30 SISTERHOOD will hold its games p.m. Monday at the Sholem Aleic- night 8:30 p.m. Thursday in the hem Institute. A report will be social hall. Prizes and refresh- given on the "Cherub Ball" fund- ments will highlight the evening. raising affair. Refreshments will For information. call Mrs. Nathan be served. Strickstein, LI 8-8252, * * * * * * CAROLINE FRIENDSHIP NORTHWEST NSHEI CHABAD CLUB will hold a luncheon 12:30 STUDY GROUP will meet 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Labor Zion- p.m. Saturday in the home of Mrs. ist Institute. Proceeds will go to Jack Goldman, 18244 Cherrylawn. charity. For information, call Mrs. Guest speaker will be Rabbi Gold- Rose Fredson, KE 2-5010. man, announces Mrs. Tzippora * * * Baiter ; chairman. AHAVAS ACHIM SISTERHOOD * * * will meet 8:30 p.m. Monday at the OAK PARK NSHEI CHABAD synagogue. The movie "Leonard STUDY GROUP will meet 2:30 Bernstein in Israel" will be fea- p.m. Saturday in the home of Mrs. tured at March 18, 12:30 p.m. Wolf Marasow, 14030 W. 10 Mile the sisterhood study group will Rd. Guest speaker will be Rabbi meet at the home of Sonia Baskin, Chaim Schloss, announce Mes- 20413 Appoline. Their topic of the dames Freida Polter and Leah day will be Isaac Abravanel, philo- Silver, chairmen. sopher and Bible commentator. * * * TEMPLE BETH AM SISTER- NEW STUDY CLUB will hold a HOOD will meet 8:45 p.m. Monday Purim party and luncheon noon in the Cohn Building, Livonia. Wednesday at the Labor Zionist In- Guest speaker will be a Far East- stitute. Hostesses will be Bess ern foreign exchange student at Stone, Goldie Schwartz and Tessie Wayne State University. Kominars. * * * * * * NORTH WOODWARD BRANCH, LIVONIA GROUP, Hadassah, will hold its annual games night Jewish Women European Welfare 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at Roma Organization, will meet noon Mon- Hill. Gifts will be awarded, and day at Jericho Temple. Plans will there will be refreshments. For be made for the annual spring ticket information, call Mrs. Don- luncheon. Refreshments will be ald Schwartz, GA 7-7465. served. 11 I , k CONG. BETH SHALOM SIS- TERHOOD will present a panel discussion. "Today's Woman — 1965," 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in the synagogue. Narrator will be Mrs. Albert Rosenblum and pane- lists will be Mrs. Martha Cohen, Phillip Bernstein, volunteer com- munity worker, and Lee Shulman, psychologist. The public is invit- ed. Refreshments will be served. (More Clubs, Page 25) CORSETS BY EVA Free Custom Fitting by Experienced Corsetieres 15842 W. 7 MILE ROAD 3 Blks. W. of Greenfield Open Thurs. to 9 p.m. BR 3-2509 or VE 7-9783 A FREE PARKING IN REAR IN THE MARKET FOR A DIAMOND RING? Save BIG $$$ BUY DIRECT FROM THE IMPORTER SEYMOUR KAPLAN IMPORTERS AND CUTTERS OF FINE DIAMONDS 1 573 8 LIVERNOIS DI 1-5 51 5 OPEN THURSDAY 'TILL 9 P.M. alien's salon oak park center Ii 2-1398 Wouseo XivingtRooms Complete homes done by competent interior decorators We have the largest selection of Italian Provincial furniture in the 11/Iiddle West. We do complete jobs in- cluding carpeting — drap- Irving Rosen, N.S.1.D. eries — bedrooms and (National Society of family rooms. Interior Designers) 1400 S. WOODWARD, ROYAL OAK l ofBrOckMit JO 4-6 0 9 0 LI 7-9 40 0 Ow Store that Was Sverytkin g Mertz Bake Shoppe 24770 Coolidge Oak Park 37, Mich. LI. 8-4835