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November 06, 1964 - Image 21

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1964-11-06

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Roberta Peters Toledo Orchestra
Fournier Acclaimed at Bel four Fete;
Add to Grandeur of ZOD Event


Already established as one of the
major social events on Detroit's
community calendar, the 32nd an-1
nual Balfour Concert of the Zion-
ist Organization of Detroit, held
Saturday evening at Ford Audi-
torium, under sponsorship of the
Zionist Organization of Detroit,.
added glanior to, the yearly func-
tion and affirmed the wide interest
perennially shown in Zionism here
through this function.
The new triumph scored at the
current function results from the
excellence of a program that fea-
tured Roberta Peters, . coloratura
soprano of the Metropolitan Opera,
and the skilful conducting by Serge
Fournier of well-chosen selections
played by the Toledo Symphony
The entire program was espe-
cially well arranged to comply
with the spirit of the evening
and to suit the abilities of the
Fournier's first number, an
Israeli compo.it . on. at once in-
troduced a good mood. The French
conductor who had worked with
Leonard Bernstein before assum-
ing his Toledo post a month ago,
was himself thrilled with the Hora
spirit of Ben Haim's "Dance and
Invocation," and he said prior to
the concert that he and the or-
chestra took great delight in be-
coming acquainted with the works
of an able Israeli musician. He
took equal delight in opening the
program with the national anthem.
Later in the program, when she
offered two encores, Miss Peters
added to the delights of an enter-
taining evening by singing another
Israeli selection, Miron's "Agga-
dah." Her other encore, "I Love
You Kate," was sung by her in
tribute to the memory of Cole
Miss Peters': selections from
Verdi, Rossini. Donizelli, Mayer-
beer, Bernstein a n d Strauss
formed a combined effort of
great merit. She sang with the
orchestra and her flawless voice
gained for her a most admiring
audience. It was evident that the
nearly full house, the orchestra
and conductor shared in admira-
tion for her magnificent per-.
At the same time, the young i


conductor at once won the hearts.
of the thousands in the audience.
His complete control of a note-
worthy orchestra during its presen-
tation of Ravel's La Valse which
concluded the first half of the pro-
gram called attention to the skill
of a director who is certain to rise
among the most noted musical
leaders. Then came the concluding
selection, Beethoven's Symphony
No. in A Major, and the labors of
the musicians during the 40 min-
utes of this number's presentation
-were rewarded with standing ova-
tions from an audience that was
completely captured by musical

The audience was equally re-
sponsive to the warm message
on behalf of the local Zionist
movement delivered by Judge
Ira G. Kaufman, president of
the Zionist Organization of De-
troit, and Dr. Alex S. Fried-
Wender, chairman of this year's
Balfour concert. Both called at-
tention to the ideology of Zion-
ism and the urgent need for con-
tinued strengthening of the
movement. They expressed the
ZOD's thanks to their co-workers
who helped make the event a
success and to the .cooperative
community that assists in ZOD's
annual events.
Judge Kaufman read the text of
a proclamation issued by Mayor
Jerome Cavanagh setting Oct. 31
as Annual Balfour Day in Detroit,
urging community-wide interest in
and suppoit of the Zionist move-
ment. •
Proceeds from the concert go
towards assisting the work of the
Kfar Silver agriculture settlenient
in Israel and for the upkeep of
national and local efforts for Zion-
ism and declared cultural activi-

Troth Revealed Here

Bnai Moshe Women Ready Donor Luncheon

The annual donor luncheon of Weiss, Benjamin Levenson, Leon
the Sisterhood of Cong Bnai Moshe Sears, Abraham Milgrom, Seymour
will be held noon Nov. 16 in the Owens, Marvin Bookstein, Marcel
social hall. Thirman, Bernard Hirsch and Nor-
Mrs. Karl Greenberg, chairman, bert Reinstein.
Director . is Mrs. Earl Friedman.
announces a cocktail hour and
For reservations call ticket chair-
lunch will be followed by a pro-
man Mrs. Hy Weinstein, LI 1-4010,
gram and prizes.
According to Mrs. Jerome Lech- or LI 8-4178. Guests invited.
ner, program chairman, a musical
"Sisterhood Town" will be pre-
The cast includes Mesdames
Eliot Raskin, Leon Moskovitz, Law-
rence Sklar, Benjamin Kahn, Hen-
ry Tobet; Jonnard Greenberg, Al-
bert Migdal, Morris Rubin, Fred




Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cohen of
San Juan Dr. announce the en-
gagement of their daughter Marsha
Elson to Harry Katkowsky, son of
Mr. - and Mrs. Isadore Katkowsky
of Belle Rd., Southfield. Miss
Elspn is the daughter of the late
Mr"-Bernard Elson.
Miss Elson is presently attending
Wayne State University. Mr. Kat-
kowsky attended . Wayne State Un-
ivergilty and Detroit Institute of
Technology, where he was affili-
ated with Phi Beta Tau Fraternity.
A May wedding is planned.

black, otter




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studio of photociraphy


Radomer Groups to Meet

UN 2-0660

1.111=1. ■

Radomer Aid and Ladies Soci-
ety will meet 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at
the Workmen's Circle Center. The
discussion will center on the an-
nual Purim party. Mr. and Mrs. Sol 1
Ager will be host and hostesses.

Are Coming!


You Are Cordially Invited to

Enjoy Absolutely the Finest Music‘d Entertainment

Mack Pitt and His Orchestra

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Open Mon., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 'Til 9 P.M. Tues., Wed. 'Til 6 P.M.

RICAN by Drexel

the most trusted name in furniture

Jeraldine Salmon
Engaged to _lir. Litt

Arm Chairs, each $59


Mr. and Mrs. Fred Salmon of
Benton Harbor announce the en-
gagement of their daughter Jerald-
ine to Robert Lawrence Litt, son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Litt of
Burton Ave., Oak Park.
Miss Salmon is a senior at the
University of Michigan, majoring
in speech correction and element-
ary education. Her fiance is a
senior in pre-law at the Uni-
versity of Michigan.

An early summer wedding is

Friday, November 6, 1964-21

Side Chairs, each $49

Refectory Ext. Table, $209

Credenza, $289

Decorator Service Available!

Put American Review by Drexel on your menu. Every chair, every table

is history, interpreted in fine cherry and finished with an heirloom look.

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