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November 06, 1964 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1964-11-06

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

News Brevities

HOTEL of Fallsbure, N.Y., has
been named the recipient of a spe-
cial community service award by
the Union of Orthodox Jewish Con-
gregations of America. it was an-
nounced by Moses I. Feuerstein,
national president of the organiza-
tion, and Nathan K. Gross, national
vice president and chairman of the
UOJC A Joint Commission for
Kosher Certification. The award,
the first ever made by the UOJCA
to a resort hotel. will be presented
at the organization's 66th anniver-
sary national biennial convention
to be held Nov. 25-29 at the Shore-
ham Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Some 1.800 delegates are expected
to attend the five-day -conclave of
the national organization serving
3.100 Jewish congregations through-
out the United States and Canada.
* * *
International Economics at Bran-
deis University was dedicated
Saturday during ceremonies on the
Waltham, Mass. campus.
senting an exhibition of photo-
graphs 2:30 to 6 p.m. Sundays
through Nov. 29.
* . *
New York City Opera's new pro-
duction of Johann Strauss' "DIE
FLEDER NIA US" comes to Masonic
Auditorium Nov. 21.
* * *
"This is a show that is fun for
the actors as well as the audience."
said Michael Bates. "Sir Joseph" in
Tyrone Guthrie's production of
"H.M.S. PINAFORE." coming to
Detroit's Masonic Auditorium. Sat-
urday, Nov. 14. "Tyrone Guthrie's
staging is so imaginative and
fresh." said Bates, "that ou feel
you are in a lively musical comedy
instead of the usual, staid period
* * •
be presented 8:15 p.m. Nov. 14 at
the Serbian-American Memorial
Hall by the Balalaika Orchestra of
De1roit. Among the concert mem-
bers are Marvin Brode, Loretta
Jacobs, Orville B. Lefko and Har-
riet Lefko.
* * *
A refreshing view of modern
woman's place in religion is ad-
vanced by Margaret Brackenbury
ION, to be published by Beacon
Press. Attempting to fathom the
mystery of woman's loss of status
and function 14 Judaism. Christian-
ity, and Islam, Miss Rook analyzes
the stories and people of the Old

Testaments to show the causes be-
hind male domination of religion.
• * *
nent correspondent to the United
States and United Nations for 10
daily Dutch newspapers, will talk
about "Trouble Spots in Focus,"
at his Detroit Town Hall appear-
ance Wednesday, 11 a.m., in Fish-
er Theater. Oltmans is just back
from a Life Magazine assignment
to Viet Nam. Via his Dutch pass-
port he has been able to visit areas
normally out of bounds to Ameri-
can reporters.

• *

ZENITH ROOKS, a new series
from Doubleday, will be launched
in January, with the publication of
two volumes. These books supple-
ment present knowledge of this
history of the United States with
reliable and readable accounts of
the origins of American minority
groups, and of their significant
contributions to the ,growth and de
velopment yof this country.
* •
Livernois. announces the opening
of a new exhibition of graphics.
The theme of the show is "The
Figure," aS interpreted by Leonard
Baskin, Jack Levine and Raphael
* * •
The Stagecrafters community
theater will present "COME BLOW
YOUR HORN" 8:30 p.m. today, Sat-
urday and Nov. 14 at Lamphere Jr.
High School, Madison Heights.
Tickets will be available at the
door; or for reservations, call Dick
Mosner. 546-6679.
* * *
WHAT NOW?" is the title of a con-
ference for women to be held 9
a.m. Nov. 14 in the Rackham Edu-
cational Memorial Building. Co-
sponsors are the Women of Wayne
State Alumni and the University
Center for Adult Education. For
information, call WSU Alumni
House, TE 3-1400.

DETROIT USO requests young
women age 18-24 to volunter for the
dance program at the agency for
servicemen. There is also a need
for young women over age 25 to
serve as chaperones. For applica-
tions, call the USO. 962-5044.

* * *

Charles Grosberg Presents $175,000
in Bonds for WSU Religious Center

Charles Grosberg (left), businessman and philanthropist, pre-
sents Dr. Clarence B. Hilberry, president of Wayne State University,
a $175,000 Israel Bond certificate to be used toward the construction
of a religious center at WSU. Walker L. Osier, chairman of the
board of the Detroit Edison Co.. is at the right_ The structure will be

known as The Charles Grosberg Religious Center.

Charles Grosberg, Detroit busi- Co.: the Kresge Foundation; and
nessman and philanthropist, this William Slaughter, vice president
week presented a gift of $175,000 of the Marathon Oil Co.
in State of Israel Bonds to Wayne
Grosberg is a member of the
State University, to be used toward national board of the Joint Distri-
the construction of a religious bution Committee; Israel Bond
center at WSU. The presentation trustee chairman and a double
was made to Dr. Clarence B. Hil- Israel Bond golden trustee, by
berry, president of the university. virtue of his purchase of $100,000
The center, to be located at in Israel Bonds in 1964.
Second Ave. and Kirby, will be , -
known as the Charles Grosberg
Religious Center. Fourteen campus
. religious groups, embracing all
faiths. are giving $1,005,200 for,
space in the university center. All
construction and maintenance costs
are being financed by private
Dr. Hilberry declared:

at Special Reception

Volunteers and friends of Hista-
, were honored at a special re-
?eption Thursday
evening at t h e
Tabor Zionist In-
;titute of. which
Zeheskel Barnea,
'srael consul for
;nformation serv-

ices and press,
Cantor Simon
Bermanis of
,ong. Ah avas
Achim was guest
performer; a n d
Israel Stolarsky,
associate national
director of the

Nation al Com-
mittee for Labor Israel, spoke.

Want Ads Bring Results!


for strengthening

of Torah



"This gift brings to fruition a
project that the University has
been working on for many years.
This will put 14 religious groups
in one home. Our gratitude goes
out to Mr. Grosberg for his mu-
nificent gift."

The new religious center will
serve as headquarters for all uni-
versity religious groups, now meet-
ing in houses and centers on the
Target date for completion of
the new University Center Build-
ing and the Charles Grosberg Re-
ligious Center is the spring of
1966. It will include offices, a
library and reading lounge. sem-
inar classrooms and a meditation
Other gifts have been received
from Walker Cisler. chairman of
the board of The Detroit Edison

chairman, community business, for
the Central Wayne Unit- of the 1964 Defendent in Libel Suit
Torch Drive, reported an the busi-
ness canvas at the Community Reverses Charge, Hits
Campaigns Day luncheon in the Anti-Semitic Publication
Statler Hilton Hotel. The unit
reached 81.1 per cent of its as- Angeles haberdasher, suing an of-
signed quota ; of $257,968.
ficial of the Bnai Brith Anti-De-
famation League here for $10,-
000.000 for "libel," was in turn
accused here of using the suit as
a pretext for republication of
"scurrilous anti-Jewish canards."
The suit had been filed by James
The annual banquet of the Mid Tradition Magazine.
West P'Eylim Group will be held ;
Proceeds of this event will go to Oviatt against Milton A. Senn, the ,
in the form of amelava malka the support of P'Eylim activities in ADL's director for the Pacific
7:30 p.m. Nov. 28 at Cong. Shaarey Marseilles and Toulouse, France. Southwest Region. According to
There, a young Jewish "peace Senn, Oviatt has now published
Rabbi Walter S. Wurzburger of corps" with the thousands of again "notorious anti-Semitic fab-
ll'oronto will be guest speaker, French Jewish refugees from Mor- rications and forgeries" for which
the ADL denounced him earlier
he':id of the Canadian region of roco and Algeria.
this year.
the Rabbinical Council of America,
P'Eylim volunteers teach in
tahbi Wurzburger is editor of
Among his publications, said
the Jewish school which their or-
Senn, is the notorious anti-Semitic
ganizatidn has set up in various
the "Protocols of the Eld-
communities, perform social ser-
Savannah Jewish Council
ers of Zion."
vice and try to offset Christian
to Survey Jewish Youth
missionary activities among the
refugees. Day schools are now
London Hillel Celebrates
for a survey of the Jewish youth
being organized in both these
LONDON (JTA)—The work of
of Savannah were announced by
French communities by P'Eyl-
the Hillel Foundation for Jewish
Sol B. Minkovitz, president of the
im, the original Jewish com-
students in Britain was lauded
Savannah Jewish Council.
munities in these French cities
here by Chief Rabbi Israel Brodie
He said he hoped the survey
have inadequate funds to pro-
at a dinner celebrating the 10th
would be completed during the
vide facilities for the children's
anniversary of the foundation,
ensuing year to provide basic in-
which is sponsored by Bnai Brith.
formation for synagogues, national
P'Eylim is a nonpolitical, vol-
youth groups and the Council's unteer organization of American
social service committee.
Jewish college students, who work Zalman Shazar Turns 75
(Direct JTA Teletype Wire
He reported also that the Coun- in Israeli and European communi-
to The Jewish News)
cil was studying means of creating ties.
JERUSALEM — President Zal-
a leadership development program
Monday received con-
Dr. Charles Levi is chairman of
for the entire community. He the annual banquet. Heading the gratulatory messages from Israelis
noted that the present leaders ticket committee is Ada Sandweiss, of all walks of life and from prom-
would "continue to give yeoman LI 8-1595.
inent personalities abroad on the
service to the Council but they are
occasion of his 75th birthday. He
eager to make room for new lead- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS
celebrated the event with mem-
bers of his family and friends.
16—Friday, November 6, 1964

P'Eylim Gathering to Raise Funfls
for Jewish Refugee s in France

Histadrut Volunteers



November 15


November 22


1,000 titles and varieties
of books published in Israel
representing almost every Israeli publisher
in Hebrew, Yiddish and English.

The Exhibit is Sponsored by Jewish National Fund and Kvutza
brit in Cooperation with Sifrei Israel, Inc., New York, and
Borenstein's Book Store.

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