Anti-Israel Pro-Arab Group, Council for Judaism Rebuked at Dem Platform Hearings (Continued from Page 1) the majority party, reflecting the present Administration." In his testimony, Kenen said it was necessary ot reaffirm and strengthen the Democratic Party's 1960 platform because of the grow- ing danger of Arab aggression. He told the committee that President Nasser of Egypt had recently threatened war against Israel, and is continuing ot receive Soviet weapons. He praised the 1960 Democratic plank on the Near East and said the Administration had taken concrete measures to im- plement it. "The Administration," he said, "has acted to deter aggression in the Near East. It has stimulated development to raise living stand- ards; it has helped to maintain the arms balance; it has worked to end boycotts and blockades. The United States has made gains in the Near East in the effort to win the friendship and understanding of the various peoples of the reg- ion. The relationship between the United States and Israel has been further consolidated and has reach- ed a new level of understanding." Kenen urged inclusion. in the platform of these points: Support for President Johnson's recent commitment to oppose aggression in the Near East; continuing eco- nomic aid to Israel and the Arab states to help raise living stand- ards; steps to prevent an arms race and to prevent a military im- balance resulting from Soviet arms shipments; support of American businessmen in their resistance to the Arab boycott; unrestricted use for the Eric Johnston plan to div- ide the waters of the Jordan-Yar- muk water system; commendation of President Johnson's plans for the joint U.S.-Israel program for 5. Individuals who per mit or ethnic grounds, were issued the desalination of water; resettle- in the course of the hearing that by the Community Relations their names to be used by can- "I am sure you will find the ment of Arab refugees in lands didates or campaign organiza- Committee of the Jewish Fed- where there is room and oppor- committee sympathetic to the eration-Council of Los Angeles. tions should insist that no men- tunities for them; and encourage- protection of a free and inde- tion should be made in election Joseph Roos, executive director ment of direct. Arab-Israel peace pendent Israel." The disorder caused in the hearing room by context of their past or present of the Community Relations negotiations. supporters of the ACJ consider- affiliations with Jewish organi- Council, issued the following A clash between an anti-Zion- zations. ed by observers to be unprece- suggestions to all Jewish or- ist witness and members of the dented in the decorum which ganizations here: Democratic Platform Committee 6. Jewish organizations and usually prevails. highlighted testimony Tuesday 1. Endorsement of individual individuals should make no as- Louis E. Shector, of Baltimore, before the committee which in- candidates by Jewish organiza- sertions that a candidate's rec- cluded discussion of proposals testified on behalf of the National tions should be avoided. • ord implying antagonism toward for an Israel-Arab plank, ratifi- Comumnity Relations Advisory 2. Presentation of awards and Jews or to issues in which Jews cation of the United Nations Council, his testimony pertaining citations by Jewish organiza- have an interest, unless such to Genocide pact ratification. Convention on Genocide, the tions to candidates or avowed assertions have been substan- situation of Soviet Jewry, and However, Shector noted the pre- candidates should be avoided. tiated by a responsible Jewish other matters of Jewish interest. ceding heated exchange, and open- 3. If a Jewish organization agency. Leonard R. Sussman, testifying ed his testimony with support of wishes to conduct a discussion for the anti-Zionist American the position of Celler and Pow- by candidates in the campaign, Council for Judaism, alleged that ers, and voiced his own repudia- equal opportunity should be the Johnson Administration had tion of the ACJ. He advocated "a given to all major candidates or Like rejected "the Jewish people con- plank urging speedy ratification of their representatives. cepeta" in domestic and foreign the Genocide Pact by the United 4. Individuals solicited for en- ,Piccerzak Cocktail's got it! affairs. He cited a State Depart- States Senate." dorsement of campaign adver- Shector said it was difficult to ment expression of last April 20 42 PROOF CODE NO. 6688 4/5 QUART in this connection, and asked that understand why the Senate tising should ascertain in ad- 0 vance the text of the proposed the platform include a plank re- Foreign Relations Committee did UNITED BRANDS • DETROIT • U.S.A. copy. affirming this alleged stand by not send the Genocide Pact to the full Senate for a vote. He said are government. Rep. Emanuel Celler, New York that "after 13 years of inexcusable Democrat, a member of the plat- delay, let us have action." He form committee, attacked the Suss- added: "If there is one misery man allegations. He cited a sub- that is gnawing at the conscience sequent State Department ex- of all men of good will, it is that pression on the same subject, the nations made it too easy and addressed to Rabbi Philip S. Bern- too cheap for the Hitler murderers stein, of Rochester, N. Y., endors- to annihilate innocent millions." ing a statement by Rabbi Max Rep. Leonard Farbstein, New Nussbaum, president of the Zion- York Democrat, testified earlier ist Organization of America. The that the platform should seek Arab. State Department had termed Israel peace, limit American as- Rabbi Nussbaum's assertion, that sistance only to peaceful nations, the ACJ had put "a straw man," support Congressional backing of as effectively resolving any possi- the Universal Declaration of Hu- PURE BEEF man Rights, and voice protest ble misunderstanding. The platform committee was against anti-Semitism. Kashruth supervision by also informed by Rep. Celler of Los Angeles Group Issues prominent Orthodox Rabbis: the "exposure" and denuncia- Guidelines for Jewish Rabbi Boruch Rabinowitz tion of the ACJ by the three Role In Election Campaign Rabbi Ben Zion Rosenthal major branches of the Jewish faith, issued by the New York LOS ANGELES (JTA)— Board of Rabbis. A heated situ- Guidelines cautioning against U. S. Gov't. Inspected ation developed in the hearing "J e w i s h involvement" in the GENSRAL OPPICESt room. Spectators in the hearing Presidential campaign of this WILNO KOSHER CHICAGO, ILLINOIS SOSO, room became disorderly and year, •in cases where appeals to BOLOGNA shouted demands to be heard by SALAMI • FRANKFURTERS • CORNED BEEF • voters may be made on religious the committee. Acting Chairman William Benton of Connecticut, Distributed in Detroit and Michigan by: called the hearing to order and Tel.: UN 2-5824 JULIUS POLLAK, 7522 Fenkell, Detroit refused to permit anyone to the Late Dr. Israel Abrahams By participate who was not a mem- Judaism as a theology stood - ber of the committee or a wit- or fell by its belief that man ness. can affect God. If, for instance, Dr. Mohammed T. Mehdi, prayer had no validity,-, then secretary-general of the Action Judaism • had no basis. Judaism Committee on American-Arab Re- did not distinguish between the lations, later told the press that objective and subjective efficacy he attended the hearing to sup- of prayer. The two went to- port the ACJ position and to as- gether. The acceptance of the sist Sussman. He charged that will of God and the inclining of Rep. Celler spoke as an "Israeli God's purpose to the desire of agent," but asserted that Suss- man were two sides of one fact. man "speaks as an American." The Rabbinic Judaism did not (Action by the U.S. immigration mechanically posit, however, the authorities for deportation of Meh- objective validity of prayer. On di was sought recently when he the contrary, the man who pray- was interviewed previously on his ed expecting an answer was re- pre - election activity, involving garded as arrogant and sinful. the New York Senate race. He is a A famous Talmudic prayer sums citizen of Iraq and an agent of up the submissive aspect of the Arab interests.) Jew in this brief petition (Bera- John E. Powers, of Massachu- choth, 29a): "Do Thy will in setts, a member of the platform heaven above, and grant con- committee, told Sussman, that "I tentment of spirit to those that am not of your faith" but felt fear Thee below; and that which Israel m e r i t e d America's full is good in Thine eyes do. Blessed support, including military back- art Thou, 0 Lord, who hearest ing. Powers said he was not con- prayer." This, be it remembered, cerned with the ACJ's ideas on was the prayer of a Pharisee. So, Zionism because the pro-Israel too, a very large portion of all plank was in America's own in- terests, and did not pertain to Jewish prayer is not petition but praise. Still, Judaism believed, Zionism. Powers charged that the not that prayer would be an- witness was anti-Israel which he swered, but that it could be an- refused to endorse a plank which swered. In modern times the Powers proposed. chief cause of the weakening of The Powers plank included a religion all round, in and out of statement that "as the only true the Jewish communion, is the democratic bastion in the Near Now, right at home, enjoy flavor thrills just like growing disbelief in the objec- East, Israel warrants and must you get at Biffs Grills! Stock your freezer with tive validity of prayer. have the continued financial, mili- these thick, juicy, ground round steak patties. tary and moral support of the With Detroit as the center, a leader of the democratic world, the United States. The Democratic circle that includes Ironwood also includes Ottawa, Canada; Party pledges that support." Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Benton expressed assurance Richmond, Virginia; Knoxville, Tennessee; St. Louis, Missouri, THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS and parts of Iowa. 8 Friday, August 21, 1964 GIN'S • sl 49 cr r,oilno trmii• kosben I iukeli • SALAMI "WM Prayer Like CHEESE KREPLACH with Grandissirno Ta'ant! Chef Boy-Ar-Dee knows what he's talking about. His Cheese Ravioli has the "grandest taste"—whether you say it in Italian or Jewish or a mixture of both. Have some for lunch or supper today. CHEF BOY-AR-DEE ® Cheese Ravioli If you like cheese kreplach, you'll love these tender little macaroni pies ...filled with tangy Italian Cheese...sim- mered with savory tomato sauce and cheese...seasoned in the real Italian way. U-m, m! Real Italian flavor created by famed Chef Boy- Ar-Dee. And thrifty. Costs only about 150 per serving! AT YOUR MARKET FROZEN GROUND BEEF PATTIES They're the THICKEST Aleallau,jusi Iteal'itseati