Glubb's 'Great Arab Conquests' Delineates Muhammad's Legacy from Judaism, Massacres of Jewish Settlements For an understanding of the Arab position, it certainly is valuable to know the back- ground of events in the Middle East, the emergence of the newly developing nations and the strength they have acquired. In "The Great Arab Con- quests," published by Prentice- Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Gen. John Bagot Glubb, who was the head of Jordan's Arab Legion which offered the stiffest resistance to the Israeli military forces during Israel's War of Independence and the battle for Jerusalem, the events that marked the rise of Muham- mad as the Moslem leader and the historic events of the 7th century, are thoroughly review- end and analyzed. Gen. Glubb, who became known as "Glubb Pasha," makes this concluding statement to his account of the Arab wars and conquests: "The Arabic-speak- ing world, after four centuries of obscurity, is once again play- ing its part in history. It is both our duty and our interest to study more thoroughly the his- tory and mentality of this group of races, which have to their credit so long and illustrious an historical record." This will be generally con- ceded, and the many references to Jews in the era of Muham- mad—their sufferings, the mas- sacres that marked the destruc- tion of Jewish communities— have special interest for Jews and for Israel. * * • Glubb describes the existence in the 6th century of many Jew- ish colonies in Arabia, in addi- tion to those of the Christians. He relates: "In the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates, the Jewish communities, dating doubtless from the Babylonian captivity, enjoyed religious tol- eration under the Persian king. .. . . The considerable Jewish community in the Yemen has only been reduced in number since 1948, the majority having now migrated to Israel. In addi- tion, however, there were many Jewish colonies in the North- ern Hejas, notably in Teima, Fadak, Khaibar and Yathrib (after Islam to be named Med- ina). No definite information is available as to where these Jews came from, or whether they were Jews by race from Judaea or Arabs converted to Judaism. When we make their acquaintance during the time of Muhammad's ministry, their language appears to be Arabic and they are organized as tribes precisely like the Arabs around them." Of particular interest, in ref- erence to the then spreading Judaism and Christianity, is this account of a convert to Juda- ism: "Nejran in South Arabia sup- ported a flourishing Christian population, with a cathedral and a bishop. Early in the 6th century A.D., tradition relates that the Himyar ruler, Dhu Nuwas of Sanaa, was converted to Judaism. With the fanaticism of the proselyte, he carried out a massacre of the Christian of Nejran . . ." Glubb adds that "in the field of religion, both Christianity and Judaism were well known and a great number of Arabs, including even Bedouin tribes, were at least nominally Chris- tian." In the year 610, when Mu- hammad was 40, "his mind dwelt on the eschatalogy of which he had gathered frag- ments from the Jews and the Christians, on a single, vast, almighty, spiritual Deity, on the bliss of eternal happiness for the faithful, or on the agonies of unending tortures in hell fire . . ." * * S Muhammad has greater con- nections with Jews, and the in- fluence exerted upon him by what became his Jewish heri- tage is described as follows: "The basis of the new Apos- tle's teaching was what he him- self called the religion of Abra- ham. The pure revelation made to Abraham, he alleged, had been subsequently distorted by the Israelites. Eventually Jesus had been sent to bring religion back from Judaistic heresies to the true faith. Muhammad be- lieved in the Virgin Birth and stated that Jesus had been the Spirit of God, and had once again preached the pure faith of Abraham. Subsequently, how- ever, the Christians also had adulterated the true faith, as the Jews had done before them. Now he, Muhammad, had been sent by God, in order that once more mankind be recalled to the purity of the original true religion. "The Prophet, therefore, did not claim to be the propounder of a new religion. His was iden- tical with the faith preached by Abraham, Moses and Jesus. It was the Jews and the Christians, the self-styled disciples of Moses and of Jesus, who had deviated from the true faith preached by Muhammad and all the proph- ets who had preceded him. In the early stages of his ministry, he seems to have hoped that the Jews and the Christians would recognize the errors which (as he claimed) had crept into their beliefs and would rally to him to form one true, all - embracing, religious community. "In general, the Prophet seems to have had more con- nection with Jews than with Christians. He makes gener- ous use of Old Testament stories, though his versions are not always the same as the originals, at least in de- tails. As it seems probable that he himself could not read, he may have heard these stories and repeated them from memory. In • gen- eral, his preaching carried rather an Old Testament flavor. Passages in the Bo- ran ordering the faithful to fight against the unbelievers can be matched by many pass- ages in the Old Testament where, for example, Jehovah is represented as ordering the extermination of the Amalekites. He appears to have been less well informed on the subject of Christi- anity. He believed, for ex- ample, that the Holy Trinity consisted of Jesus, the Virgin Mary and God." Another commen t, which serves as an interesting adden- dum to the explanation of the Islamic religious viewpoints, is Glubb's explanation: "The rela- tions between Christianity and Judaism today justify a brief comment. As Muhammad him- self declared, Judaism, Christi- anity and Islam are three re- lated religions. If we consider them alone, their differences may appear profound, but when we compare them to Hinduism, Buddhism or communist athe- ism, they appear, by contrast, closely connected with one an- other. Yet many people regard Christianity and Islam as the great rival religions. This illu- sion takes its origin, I believe, from political rather than reli- gious causes." Then he declares that "Mus- lims have scarcely ever been involved in hostilities against Jews except in the last 40 years in Palestine." This sounds in- credulous upon reading Glubb's own accounts of the massacres in which entire Jewish com- munities were the victims. * k * Glubb traces the Jewish rela- tionships with Muhammad by pointing out that "the Jewish tribes were at first not openly hostile to the Prophet who had pronounced his doctrines to be those of the original religion of Abraham. The Muslims at this time faced the tern le in Jerus- alem when praying and in every way the Prophet seemed anx- ious to win the friendship of the Jews, with whom he con- cluded an agreement providing for muti. .,^_ooperation." There w Jetx7-1.1 settle- ad ment in Mel yude adopted a ct _ed an toward them an agreement with them. "Before he had been a year in Medina, however, friction arose. The Jews rejected the Prophet's mission and, in some cases, even expressed contempt and deri- sion. After the battle of Bedr, a brawl between a Jew and a Muslim having occurred, Mu- hammad besieged the Jewish tribe of Beni Quainuqa in their settlement, until they surren- dered. It appeared as if the Apostle were about to order their wholesale massacre. Ab- dullah ibn Obay, the paramount chief of the Aus and Khazraj tribes, pleaded so forcibly for their lives that Muhammad re- lented. They were ordered to migrate from Medina to Syria, and their houses and property were divided among the Mus- lims." This was the beginning of the period of massacres. Before very long there was an advance "on the settlement of Beni Quraidha, the last Jewish tribe in the Medina Oasis . . . The sudden withdrawal of the Mec- cans had left the Jews to face the indignant Muslims unsup- ported." Glubb describes the horrible event as follows: "The siege of their settlement lasted for 25 days. Eventually they surrendered uncondition- ally. The Jews had long been resident in Medina, the friends and allies of the local Arabs. Muhammad agreed to refer the decision regarding their fate to Saad ibn Muadh of the Aus tribe, formerly their ally. Saad had been one of the earliest Medina converts to Islam and had carried the banner of his tribe at Bedr. He was now dying from an arrow wound, received during the siege. A former friend of the Jews, he had per- haps become embittered by his wound. He announced his deci- sion that every man of Beni Quraidha should be put to death, the women and children sold as slaves and their posses- sions taken as plunder. The Apostle welcomed the verdict as just and ordered its execu- tion. Trenches were dug during the night and on the following day the Jews were led out in small parties, their hands tied, and made to sit down beside the trench. They were then be- headed, their bodies pushed into the trench and another batch called up. Some 700 men were dispatched in this man- ner. Before execution they were offered the alternative of Islam. By the repetition of a single sentence, they could have been transformed from condemned criminals to the equals of their conquerors, but few took advan- tage of the offer." Soon thereafter, a defeat by Muhammad's forces at Uhud "was atoned for by the plunder of the Beni Nadheer Jews," and six weeks after that, "Muham- mad restored the morale of his followers by leading them in June 628 to the attack of Khei- bar, a Jewish settlement 80 miles north of Medina. There was some resistance and the various settlements in the oasis were attacked one by one and taken by storm. This time the Jewish cultivators were not ex- iled, for the Apostle wished to keep his followers round him at Medina in readiness for ac- tion. He therefore did not wish them to acquire land and houses at Kheibar. As a result, the land was left to the Jews to cultivate on the condition of their agreeing to pay half the annual produce as tribute to the Muslims. The movable prop- erty, money and jewels, camels and sheep and stores of dates, oil and grain, were carried off as plunder." * * * The Muslim interest in Jerus- alem may be gleaned from Mu- hammad's rule that his follow- ers face the Holy City in their prayers. We are told by Glubb: "Jerusalem was, and still is, deeply venerated by Muslims. Muhammad had first taught his followers to face towards Jerus- alem when praying, and it was from the site of the temple in Jerusalem that he had flown up to the heavens on his night journey." Glubb's "The Great Arab Con- quests" does, indeed, add to an understanding of the Arab mind. It enlightens us on the early history of the conquests, on the Judaic legacy in Moham- eddanism — and also on the crimes that were perpetrated against the Jewish settlements. ---P.S. New Spanish Magazine Praises Hitler Regime LONDON (JTA) — A new Span• ish magazine which lauds Hitler as a leader who was "humane and sentimental," declares that the murder of 6,000,000 Jews by the Nazi regime is "a fable" and blames World War II on "the Jews and the democracies," has ap- peared in Spain, according to dis- patches received here from Madrid. The magazine, called Juanperez, carries a photograph of Hitler on its front cover and strongly de- fends Nazism as well as Hitler in its current issue, declaring there "were some good things in his re- gime." The Madrid reports indicate that foreign diplomats there are puzzled by the appearance of Juanperez, since all publications in Spain, ex- cept those issued by the Roman Catholic Church, are subject to state control, and no publication that fails to obtain government ap- • proval can be printed or circulated. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 48 Friday, August 21, 1964 Hebrew Corner Dental Congress Closes in Israel The Skeletons of Massada JERUSALEM (JTA) — Profes- sional and technical questions of special concern to dentists through- out the world were discussed at the International Dental Congress, in session here. Dr. James Hollers, president of the American Dental Association, speaking art the Congress, hailed the establishment of the new He- brew University-Hadassah School of Dentistry. A posthumous hon- orary fellowship was conferred by the Hebrew University, honor- ing the late Prof. Isaac Schour of the University of Illinois. T h e award was accepted by Prof. Schour's widow. Senate Resolution Would Commemorate Uprising in Ghetto WASHINGTON (JTA) — Sena- tor Kenneth B. Keating, New York Republican, introduced a resolu- tion in the Senate to commemor- ate the Warsaw Geetto Uprising of April 1943. O Massada is high up above cliffs over- looking the Dead Sea. For generations this place was a symbol of Jewish hero- ism in the eyes of Israel and the nations. In the times of the Romans Massada was a walled stronghold into which retreated the zealots that fought against the Romans for Judean inde- pendence. In Massada there are ruins of a castle built by King Herod. The zealots that withdrew to Massada held out for 3 years in their war against the Roman army that beleaguered them. It was only in the year 75 that the Romans were successful in breaking into the fortress. The fighters of Massada were decisive in not falling into the hands of the Romans, so they killed each other. Since then the hill of Massada stands desolate overlooking the Dead Sea. It is only youth groups that come here and gather in memory of the heroes that fell. Many archaeologists dreamt about digging at Massada. It is only now that Prof. Yigal Yadia is at the head of a group numbering 200 volunteers that are out to uncover the secrets that lie here. The group includes not only Jews, but also young people from all part of the globe. Already in the first weeks of the excavations many important objects were found. Amongst these were 15 skeletotns in a cave. Do these belong to the last defenders of Massada? This we as yet do not know. Coins of different periods were found and also a large quantity of br 'nue ornaments. —Translation of Hebrew Column Published by Brith Ivrith Olamith, Jerusalem 1 3 Ilq 7 PAtti t 4 1 (tru) riptv145 5tir t (sr 9) ris 1717 mtp; slm .1-05 ix rryln '7V Inp nip 15 rr,s5 zuPrIty! 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