Lady Reading, First Woman in House of Lords, Gives Unprecedented Speech at American Bar Association women's Clubs DETROIT CANCER FIGHTERS, City of Hope, will hold a meeting of the board of executives at the home of President Mrs. Harold Kozloff, 19510 Renfrew, 11 a.m. Monday. Mrs. Earl Shipper, mem- bership chairman, reports that new memberships may be sub- mitted only until Sept. 1. For further information, call her at FL 6-1585. A "Get-Acquainted Evening" will be held Sept. 9 by invitation only. * * * SHOLEM ALEICHEM INSTI- TUTE WOMEN'S DIVISION will hold a luncheon lecture 12:30 p.m. Saturday at the Institute. Moishe Haar, director of the Institute, will speak on "William Shake- speare, the One and Only." Host- esses for the afternoon will be Mesdames Sarah Friedman and Pauline Finkelstein. For informa- tion, call Mrs. Finkelstein, 548- 6856. * * * PAULA STARK CLUB is spon- soring a theatre party 7:30 p.m. Aug. 30 at Northland Playhouse. For tickets for Rodgers and Ham- merstein's "Sound of Music," call Fay Horwitz, UN 2-1197; or Paula Stark, EL 6-0205. * * * ROSENWALD LADIES' AUXIL- ARY, American Legion, will hold an executive board meeting 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, at Cong Beth Yehuda. Plans will be made for the October installation and char- ity affairs for the coming year. All officers are asked to attend. * * ELEANOR ROSEVELT GROUP, Hadassah will hold a compli- mentary membership tea 8 p.m., Sept. 1, at Hadassah House. Mrs. Alvin Spector, programming vice chairman, and her committee will present a short skit. For informa- tion call LI 8-4751, LI 3 6870 or 342 5074. * * * LADIES OF MOSAIC will hold their first board meeting of the new administration Wednesday, 8 p.m., at the Jewish Center on 10 Mile. * * * - NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold its first meeting of the year 12:30 p.m. Wednes- day at the Labor Zionist Institute. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Bessie Berris, past council president. Newly elected president Mrs. Sol Schwartz will head Mesdames Abe Primack and Leonard Kromins, vice_ presidents; Philip Saslove, treasurer; and Morris Order, Isa- dore Becker, Fred Hayer and Al- fred Hoffer, secretaries. * * CHILDREN UNLIMITED w ill hold a board meeting 8:30 p.m. Monday at the home of Mrs. Sam Goss, 15041 Burton, Oak Park, to prepare cannisters and kits for Tag Day, Sept. 30. * ZEDAKAH CLUB will have a carnival booth Thursday for pa- tients at Ypsilanti State Hospital, according to hospital chairman Mesdames Al Blumenthal and J. Miller. All merchandise in the booth will be donated by members of the club, and the project is supervised by Rabbi Grushkin. DINETTES BY ALANCO Exclusive styles with distinction, beauty and quality. Visit our display room and pick your ideal dinette set from such famous names as: DUCHESS and Others DAYSTROM • HOLIBIRD Reg. Price $133.90 OUR PRICE $1 03 9° Please bring 1 chair for an up estimate. CHAIRS WE RE-UPHOLSTER $395 ALANCO CHROME CHAIR, Inc. 13214 FENKELL 272-3578 Bet. Meyers & Schaefer Open: Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat. to 6; Mon., Fri, to, 8 p.m. 1•11111111111011111112211. HOME RELIEF SOCIETY will hold a combination board and reg- ular meeting 12:30 p.m. Aug. 31 at the home of Mrs. Abe Sina- berg, 18000 Ilene. Mrs. Jack Ro- senberg will be hostess for the luncheonette. Plans will be com- pleted for the annual donor lunch- eon, according to Mrs. Sol A, Miller, president. * JEWISH WOMEN EUROPEAN WELFARE ORGANIZATION, North Woodward Branch, will hold its first meeting of the season noon Tuesday at Jericho Temple. Mrs. Morris Haut, president, an- nounces that refreshments will be served. Guests invited. * * * BNAI DAVID SISTERHOOD will hold a garden party and luncheon 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Julius Feigelman, 18280 Maryland, Southfield. For reser- vations, call Mrs. Ernest Slobin, garden party chairman, 547-2740; or Mrs. Emil Spilman, fund rais- ing chairman, 356-7891. Guests invited. Slides, President's Report to Highlight Detroit Hadassah Kickoff for '64-65 Detroit Chapter of Hadassah will hold its first meeting of the 1964- 65 term 12:45 p.m. Sept. 1 at the Studio-8 Theatre, Greenfield north of Eight Mile. Mrs. Joseph Hamerman, former national vice president, will speak on "Taking Stock in Hadassah," demonstrating Hadassah's various projects with slides and movies. A veteran Zionist leader, Mrs. Hamerman has held every key post in the organization. She will be introduced by Mrs. Harold Hoff- man, chapter program vice presi- dent. Chapter President Mrs. Max - DETROIT LADIES LECHEM ANEEIM will meet noon Wednes- day at Cong. Beth Yehuda. It is important that all members attend this special meeting. * a a BLOCH - ROSE AUXILIARY is sponsoring a moonlit cruise to Bob-Lo 9 p.m. Saturday. Tickets will be sold at the boat landing. Guests invited. c ORT's Michigan Region Will Open Antique Shop A unique shop called "The Switching Post" will open shortly after Labor Day, at 19163 Liver- nois, north of Seven Mile Road. Sponsored by Michigan Region of Women's American ORT, the shop will specialize in the sale of high quality antiques and gifts, accord- ing to Mrs. Edwin Rosenthal, Jr., chairman. Furniture, silver choice porcelains, art objects will be some of the items for sale to the general public. "The Den of Antiquity," located in the lower level, will feature primitives, early Americana and less expensive merchandise. There will be pick-up facilities for merchandise not hand portable. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon- day through Friday. Assisting Mrs. Rosenthal are Mrs. David Feerer, co-chairman, and the committee members Mes- dames George Blumenthal, Joseph Falk, Charles Fainberg, William Fleishman, Samuel Hamburger, Harry Jacobson, Benjamin Levin- son, Lawrence Levi, Sam Levin, Lester Morris, Morey Rosenthal, Abe Shiffman, Adolph Schloss and Sidney Weisman. The office of the Michigan Re- gion of Women's American ORT will occupy a portion of the build- ing, advises Mrs. Nathan H. Schlafer, president of the region. All proceeds from the shop will go towards the support of ORT's 600 schools located in 20 countries throughout the world. Lichter will report on the recent national convention in Los Ange- les, taking stock of Hadassah's health and welfare projects in Israel and plans for future de- velopments. This meeting will be the kick- off of Hadassah's annual honor roll campaign, directed by Mrs. Samuel Rhodes, chapter fund-rais ing vice president. Hostesses for the afternoon will be group fund-raising vice presi- dents Mesdames Morris Auerbuch, Edward Gebbs, Morris Gould, Er- vin Horvith, David Keys, Lewis Milgrom, John Mann, Samuel Mil- ler, David Pink, Richard Rosen- thal, Saul Schwartz, Aaron Zamek and Bernard Zendel. Mrs. Ben Lindenbaum will head the social committtee, and Mrs. Norman Rosenfeld will direct the creation of decorations and ex- hibits. Groups have organized car pools, and those who desire transporta- tion should call their car pool chairman. For further informa- tion, call Hadassah House, BR 3-5441. Guests are invited. NEW YORK—A lady with no She also discussed the role fear of upsetting precedent, the the House of Lords for the e9. Dowager Marchioness of Reading, sem.bled lawyers, basing her speech on her own experiences as an inr. who in 1958 became the first depent. woman to be seated in the House of Lords, last week added to her "Law is founded not on theory record by becoming apparenly the but upon nature." —Cicero first woman to address the Amer- ican Bar Association. Lady Reading, the widow of the former Lord Chief Justice of Britain, in her address drew great- ly on her knowledge of her hus- band and his backgr oun d. She pointed out that the son of a Jew- ish fruit merchant in London who became the King's viceroy in India was an excellent example of the mobility of England, which is still considered traditional and aristo- cratic. FOR EXCEPTIONAL VALUES 15738 Livernois Diamonds Cal 11/2 blocks North of. Lodge Expressway Open Thursday 9 p.m. Your Satisfaction .. Our Pleasure! - ORT Activities, President Considered for Citations Mrs. Max M. Rosenberg, Nation- al President of Women's American ORT, of Short Hills, N.J., and the organization itself have recently been named semi-finalists in the Lane Bryant Annual Awards competition and have been honor- ed with citations in cerognition of outstanding community service in 1963. These citations mean that Mrs. Rosenberg and Women's American ORT are among those being active- ly considered for the two awards of $1,000 given annually to en- courage voluntary participation in efforts designed to benefit Am- erican home and community life. Mizrachi Women's Parley "Growth in Freedom" will be the theme of the 39th annual na- tional convention of the Mizrachi Women's Organization of America, it was announced here by Mrs. Eli Resnikoff, national president of the women's religious-Zionist or- ganization. The four-day conven- tion will open in New York City Oct. 4. The New York convention will highlight Mizrachi Women's par- ticipation at the World's Fair in an officially designated "Mizrachi Women's Day" at the fairgrounds, the closing day of the convention, Oct. 7. It's very refreshing to visit Israel because everyone tells you the truth. On the way from the airport to my Tel Aviv hotel, the cabbie told me that tourism was the sec- ond largest industry in Israel. "What's the first?" I asked him "Bragging."—Art Buchwald in the TILE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 21, 1964 27 New York Herald Tribune. What's NEW for fall? Shop at Small Fry for the most exciting fashions for back to school and the holidays! For your shopping convenience . . . OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TILL 9 TO LABOR DAY St% 11 T 1 3 &km Oak Park Shopping Plaza Coolidge at 9 Mile STYLING SPEC/AL! BRING THIS AD WITH YOU AND HAVE YOUR PRESENT WIG SET and STYLED FOR $399 SAVE OVER 30% Oak Park's Largest Selection of Nationally Advertised FASHION TRESS WIGS and HAIRPIECES WIGS INTERNATIONAL 22175 Coolidge 542-1668 Glamour Wig Shop Only