ew ussie Sy a us Emphasizes No Single Religion or Dogma y W e o to the Synagogue By ABRAHAM J. HESCHEL What does a person expect to MELBOURNE — The Depart- attain when entering a synagogue? merit of Education of New South In the pursuit of learning one goes Wales issued a new primary school to a library; for aesthetic enrich- syllabus which emphasized no ment . . . to the art museum; for single religion and teaches "the pure music to the concert hall. good life" rather than religious What then is the purpose of going dogma. The new syllabus replaces to the synagogue? a 1959 revision of the social studies curriculum which had in- cluded Scripture with the ex- the eternal wisdom of compassion? pressed aim of underlining Chris- . . . the danger of being callous? tianity to give meaning and pur- . . . Where should one learn that pose "to our Australian way of the greatest truth is in contrition? life." The cultivation of a sensitive The change comes into effect im- conscience is indispensable. We mediately and is expected to cause are all in danger of sinking into controversy among some parents the darkness of vanity; we are all and church leaders. Members of involved in worshiping our own the Jewish community and the egos. Humanist Society had opposed the old syllabus. We are in need of experiencing "Public education can no longer moments in which the spiritual is emphasize a single system of relig- as relevant and concrete, for ex- ion as the basis of ethical instruc- ample, as the aesthetic . . . It is in tion," the new syllabus declares, the synagogue where we must try Christianity or Judaism or about to acquire such inwardness, such the religious systems to which our sensitivity. adding that the curriculum "is not To attain a degree of spiritual concerned with teaching Chris- security one cannot rely upon one's tianity or Judaism, but may often own resources. One needs an atmo- be concerned with teaching about sphere, where the concern for the Asian neighbors adhere. It will spirit is shared by a community. bring out worthy ethical principles We are in need of students and shared by all men. It will develop scholars, masters and specialists. tolerance of all religions." But we need also the company of Many are the facilities which witnesses, of human beings who are help us to acquire the important engaged in worship, who for a mo- worldly virtues, skills and tech- ment sense the truth that life is niques. But where should one learn meaningless without attachment to about the insights of the spirit? ... God. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The JeWish News) CONG. BNAI ZION 3841 Humphrey, corner Holmur invites you to attend HIGH HOLIDAY SERVICES and Daily and Sat. Services in our comfortable synagogue Tickets Are Sold Reasonably Daily 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. Thru Sept. 6 YOUNG ISRAEL OF NORTHWEST DETROIT 17376 WYOMING AVENUE foIrNviT lIEGFIRIEEIN011oNAD NEIGHBORS IN ITS ATTRACTIVE, AIR-CONDITIONED SYNAGOGUE TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW EVENINGS, 7 :00 TO 9 :00 P.M. SUNDAY MORNING, 9:00 TO 1 1 :00 UN 1-7691 UN 4-9776 If you have no Synagogue Affiliation TEMPLE BETH AM offers to the families of Northwest Wayne County the opportunity for a meaningful* affiliation in the living traditions of Liberal Reform Judaism. A HOUSE OF WORSHIP Service conducted by Rabbi David Jessel in the Irwin and Maly Cohen Building on West Seven Mile Road in Livonia. A HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Sisterhood — Men's Club — Youth Group A HOUSE OF STUDY RELIGIOUS SCHOOL — Pre-Kindergarten through Con- firmation — Classes begin September 13. HEBREW SCHOOL — Affiliated with the United Hebrew Schools, under the supervision of Rabbi Jessel. FOR HIGH HOLY DAY TICKETS Please Direct Inquires to: TEMPLE BETH AM 474-4319 • 425-3099 • 476-2011 a s I mica! Group Urges Higher Pay for Our Teachers MONTICELLO, N.Y. (JTA) —Hebrew teaching profession. They Rabbi Abraham B. Hecht, newly will follow the pattern of giving elected president of the Rabbini- their best talents to other pursuits cal Alliance of America, called on and professions." the American Jewish community Among the resolutions adopted to "make a genuine and sincere at the confernce was one calling effort" to improve employment upon the Jewish community and conditions for Jewish educators. lay leadership to increase the sal- Rabbi Hecht is spiritual leader of ary scale of Hebrew teachers and the Sephardic Shaare Zion Congre- gation in Brooklyn. Addressing the midsummer con- ference of the Orthodox rabbinical group, Rabbi Hecht deplored the lack of trained teachers in Hebrew day schools and afternoon schools. Unless efforts are made to provide decent salaries and fringe benefits to Jewish educators, he declared, "the finest and most talented young men will just not enter the Weekly Quiz By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, 1964, JTA, Inc.) What is the meaning of the names of the Hebrew vowels? It is claimed that the names of the respective Hebrew vowels generally indicate either the na- ture of the sound or the movement of the organ of speech employed to produce it. Thus the "Patach" (broad "A") means open and indi- cates the vowel produced by the open mouth (A1). The "Segol" rep- resents the form of the sign which represents the sound. Since it is made of three dots forming a rec- tangle, it looks like a bunch of grapes and thus the expression "bunch of grapes" is used to name the sound. The "tzere" (eh) means "dividing" and thus indicates a sound made by a wide parting of the lips. The "shuruk" (oo) is made with the lips which look like they are going to whistle and thus is named "whistling" whcih is indi- cated by the word "shuruk." The "Cholem" is called such (meaning fullness or closing) because it is formed by a fullness or closing of the mouth. The "Chirek" (ee) rep- resents a word meaning narrow opening "gnashing" since in pro- ducing this sound the mouth is nar- rowly opened and one's face looks as if one was gnashing his teeth. * * * Why do some letters in the Sefer Torah have little crowns and ornaments on them? These are called "Taggin" which means "crowns." They are also called "zayinin" either because they represent reproductions of the Hebrew letter "Zayin" or because they look like little daggers and any implement of attack for pro- tection is an object of fortification "zayyin." They are also called "Tziyyunim" which means "marks"1 or "symbols." Modern research is of the opin- ion that these marks were perhaps the earliest symbols for vowels and accents and even perhaps the melody with which the Torah is chanted. Mystics attach a deep mys- tical meaning to these symbols im- plying that they represent symbolic interpretations of the text. Others claim that these symbols are used as a key of knowing or proving that the text was authentically copied by a reverent scribe. The sages of Israel found meaning in every iota of the scripts. principals. The conference also urged the American Jewish com- munity to return from vacation resorts to the synagogues in their local neighborhoods, to spend the High Holy Days "in an atmosphere of sanctity and religious warmth which is generated in the syna- gogue edifice." CONGREGATION GEMILUTH CHASSODIM 1 93 7 1 GREENFIELD at Vassar Drive Invites Friends and Neighbors For Dignified High Holiday Services In Its Beautiful and Air-Conditioned Sanctuary TICKETS AVAILABLE Sundays 1 1:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Evenings 7:3 0 - 9:00 p.m. PHONE: BR 3-0570 or 3 4 2-81 26 Registration for Religious School leading to Bar Mitzvah and Graduation are being accepted now. TEMPLE BETH JACOB OF PONTIAC OAKLAND COUNTY'S PIONEER LIBERAL CONGREGATION 79 Elizabeth Lake Road Pontiac, Mich. Invites residents of Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Clarkston, Rochester, Royal Oak and surrounding areas to become affiliated with our most progressive congre- gation. Beautiful Contemporary Sanctuary and Modern School Facilities Religious Services on Sabbath and Holidays Full Program of Hebrew and Religious Education Active Sisterhood, Brotherhood and Youth Group Adult Education For Further 332-3212 information 332-6921 Phone 332-0692 ERNST CONRAD Rabbi Congregation B'nai Moshe Ten Mile at Kenosha, Oak Park Announces REGISTRATION FOR ITS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL CLASSES ARE HELD ON SUNDAY MORNINGS PRE-KDG. (age 4) THROUGH GRADE 10 . Registrations Accepted at Synagogue Office 9-5 Daily Lubavitch Youth Program Acquires British Mansion LONDON—Lubavitch House in London has announced its acquisi- tion of a large mansion, formerly known as Mill House, in R•mstage, England, which it will utilize to provide various Jewish education- al programs. Mill House is part of the estate of Sir Moses Montefiore. The Luba v i t c h organization here will use these facilities for summer camps and weekend semi- nars, and will sponsor other edu- ational and recreational activities geared to attract the Jewish youth of the smaller outlying communi- ties. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 21, 1964 23 FINAL SUNDAY REGISTRATION Sunday, Aug. 30 - Sept. 6 — 9:30 - 12:30 Classes begin Sunday, September 13 We suggest you register your child TODAY. Call Synagogue office for registration and membership information, LI 8 9000. - A limited number of seats are available for THE HIGH HOLIDAY SERVICES Worship in the beautiful Air-Conditioned Sanctuary 1%IEMBER.SHIP ROLLS OPEN Full Program of Spiritual and Cultural Enrichment Including Professional Youth Guidance FIRST SELICHOTH MIDNIGHT SAT., AUG. 29 Hazzan Louis Klein and Choir—Public Invited —