Bene Israel Issue S olved in Israel; Indi an Community Is Recognized as Jews (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — A delegation representing the Bene Israel com- munity of Indian Jews informed Prime Minister Levi Eshkol Tues- day of their decision to immedi- ately end their sit-down strike in protest against special chief rab- binate directives concerning mar- riages between Bene Israel mem- bers and other Jews. The end of the sit-down strike followed a special session of the Knesset Monday night in which the house adopted a resolution de- claring that members of the Bene Israel community are to be con- sidered Jews in every respect and endorsed the government position calling on the Chief Rabbinate to find a way to remove the discri- minatory aspect of the marriage directives. Chief Rabbi Isser Yehuda Un- terman, meanwhile, voiced confi- dence Tuesday that the Chief Council would agree to strike out specific reference to Bene Israel from the heading of its marriage directives, thus giving the directives general application and removing the cause for any feeling of discrimination. During their meeting with the Prime Minister, the members of the Bene Israel delegation, who were accompanied by Jerusalem Mayor Mordechai Ish-Shalom, thanked Eshkol for his statement in the Knesset. The Premier ex- pressed confidence that the issue would soon be settled. After an ardent plea to the Israeli Rabbinate by Prime Min- ister E s h k o 1, who requested moderation in regard to the dis- criminations against which the Bnei Israel community of Indian. Jews has been protesting, the Knesset, Israel's Parliament, to- day voted a resolution uphold- ing the government's stand. The resolution declared that the Bnei Israel Jews are to be considered Jews in every respect, including matters c' personal status; en- dorsed the Eshkol statement; and called upon the Bnei Israel to end the sitdown strike which they have been conducting in front of the Chief Rabbinate here for the last two weeks. The resolution was voted after a hot, four-hour debate by the Knesset, which had sat in special session to which it had been re- called from its summer recess to deal with the Bnei Israel con- troversy. T h e measure did not name the rabbinate specifically, but clearly urged the rabbinate to remove the feelings of discrimina- tion prevalent among the Bnei Israel. In his statement, Eshkol had called on the Chief Rabbinate to "take public opinion into consid- eration and find a way to remove the very cause or reason for the feeling of deprivation or discrimi- nation" which had led to the dem- onstrations protesting t h e mar- riage procedures decreed by the rabbinate, affecting the Bnei Is- rael. The Premier stressed that, since the problem of marriages between members of the Bnei Israel and other Jews had been solved two years ago by the Rabbinate, there has not been a single case in which such marriages have been prevented. He said it was clear, however, that the Bnei Israel com- munity and a large segment of the population does not accept the existence of instructions issued by the Chief Rabbinate Council re- garding the procedures for per- forming marriages involving mem- bers of the community. Eshkol also expressed the government's regret and con- demnation "regarding the im- proper, irresponsible and tact- less manifestation which was introduced into the street dem- onstrations." He was referring to an effigy portraying Sephar- dic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Nissim which was carried by some Bnei Israel demonstrators and burned during last week's incidents. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 20 Friday, August 21, 1964 members and other Jews. During their meeting with the Prime Minister, the members of the Bnei Israel delegation, who were accompanied by Jerusalem Mayor M o r d e chai Ish-Shalom, thanked Eshkol for his statement in the Knesset. The Premier ex- pressed confidence that the issue would soon be settled. Like BRANDY ? 9iccaddig Cocktail's got it! 42 PROOF si 4/5 QUART • 49 CODE NO . 6688 UNITED BRANDS • DETROIT • U.S.A. He indicated the issue had wider r***********************************************t ramifications in view of the hope for a greater number of immi- grants from Jewish communities of various countries, many of whom have been unable to follow strictly the percepts of Jewish re- Now accepting reservations for ligious law. He said that the im- migration and integration of such HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES communities should be facilitated, rather than obstructed. A delegation representing the in our beautiful Synagogue Bnei Israel community of Indian Jews informed Prime Minister Levi Eshkol of a decision to end immediately the sit-down strike in protest against special Chief Rabbinate directives concerning 4( marriages between Bnei Israel -1( Congregation Bnai jacob The BETH AARON SYNAGOGUE Cordially Invites the Youth of the Community TO ITS SEVENTH ANNUAL and for Auxiliary Services in TEEN-AGE HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES THE DETROIT ARTILLERY ARMORY BOTH BUILDINGS AIR CONDITIONED FOR COMFORT AT THE SEATING COMMITTEE AT SYNAGOGUE AARON DeROY THEATRE THE SYNAGOGUE OFFICE, 18000 WYOMING SUNDAY 9-12 A.M. DAILY 7-9 P.M. Morning & Evening Services Daily 20470 HUBBELL NEAR 8 MILE ROAD Other Children's Services sponsored by the Synagogue: Youth, ages 10-12; Junior, ages 7-9. Admission to these Services are free, tickets obtainable at the Synagogue by parents. NOTE: Tickets Available for Members and Non-Members at Both Locations. For Information call, 864-9896 (Meyers at Curtis) FOR YOUNG PEOPLE 13 - 18 Tickets May Be Purchased at (BETH AARON YOUTH COMMISSION) '** * ** * *** * ***** ** ********** ** **** * ****** * *** * ** * 1 FORWARD STEP IN THE FIELD OF SECULAR JEWISH EDUCATION Two long established schools with an excellent record of accomplishments have joined forces and formed The Combined Jewish Schools of the Sholem Aleichem Institute 19350 Greenfield Arbeiter Ring 18340 W. Seven Mile The only secular Jewish school system offering an integrated and comprehensive program for the educa- tion' of Jewish children, teaching Yiddish, Hebrew, History, Bible, Literature, Holidays, Israel, Singing, Dramatics, Arts. Teen Holy Day Services Offered by Beth Aaron The seventh annual teenage High Holy Day Services, sponsored by Beth Aaron Synagogue, will be held at the Aaron DeRoy Theatre of the Jewish Center. The Ser- vices are planned specifically for 13-18-year olds by Rabbi Benjamin H. Gorrelick and Tzvi Berkal, with the cooperation of Cantor David Bagley and Jonathan Baiter. The Services will be conducted by Harry Goldstein, a member of the congregation. Cantor will be Arky Berkal of Winnipeg, Canada. Adult supervision will be pro- vided by members of the Synago- gue's Men's Club and Youth Com- mission. The schedule and tickets for these services may be obtained at the Synagogue office, 18000 Wyoming, UN 1-5222. After reading the government statement, the Premier added: "The greatness of Jewish laws and judges throughout generations was that they answered the needs of historical circumstances, and we are entitled to expect solutions in the spirit of the 'Love of Israel' that would enable the ingathering of the exiles." The publishing business began to expand in this country shortly after the Revolutionary War. SECULAR BAR or BAS-MITZVAH Attendance and Instruction According to Age of Student: 5-6 — once weekly — 2 hours 6-7 — twice weekly — 4 hours 7-8 — twice weekly — 4 hours 8-13 — thrice weekly — 6 hours Aims of Combined Jewish Schools: Offer sound education Maintain high standards Provide qualified instruction ENROLL YOUR CHILDREN NOW Telephone 342 7440 - For Information Call: Bus Transportation Provided Telephone KE 7 5440 -