Israel's Humanitarian Aspects of Penology Reviewed in Prof. Eaton's 'Prisons in Israel' Brandeis Gets $250,000 Gift from Philanthropist WALTHAM, Mass. (JTA) — Joseph Kosow, a Boston financier, has contributed $250,000 to Bran- deis University toward construc- tion of a new four-story bioohem- istry building, the university an- nounced. The Kosow Biochemistry Build- ing, according to Brandeis offi- cials, will be one of two such struc- tures in the Gerstenzang Science Quadrangle, which will quadruple the university's science facilities. The National Science Founda- tion and the National Institutes of Health have provided $2,500,000 in matching funds for the overall construction of the $9,500,000 quadrangle. There are many Jewish ethical "are reflected by the existence preface is an addendum of great concepts that contribute greatly of decided preference for reforma- merit. towrds the code of justice incor- tion rather than retribution; the The Israeli justice joins with porated in our traditions. inclination of most Israeli judges Prof. Eaton in paying honor to One of them is Zedakah—justice. to adjust their sentences more to the memory of Edmond Fitzgerald, There is no equivalent for charity the nature of the criminal rather chief probation officer of Brook- PLANNING in the Hebraic vocabulary. It is than his crime; the employment of lyn, N.Y., who assisted Israel in justice that motiviates Jewish a variety of reform-oriented penal the establishment of its penal sys- A WEDDING? actions and the term for it is policies, including fines, suspended tem and in pursuing a thorough A BAR MITZVAH? zedakah. sentences, short-term imprison- study of it. Stating that there is no better REMEMBER . . . Then there is derekh eretz. It ment, and sentence remission; the means respect and must begin with encouragement of communication substitute available for prisons in self-respect. Derekh eretz is the between the inmates and their the enforcement of law, Justice Music the Stein-Way very basis for etiquette. families and friends; and the Cohn expresses the firm belief SAVES THE DAY! that "in a humane and progres- And we also have rahmanuth- granting of brief furloughs for par- DICK STEIN compassion—with which the re- ticipation in family festivals and sive community the use to be For Fine & ORCHESTRA made of this necessary evil must viewer concerns himself primarily job hunting." Color Movies Call be restricted to an absolute min- at this time in view of the Jewish "There is," Prof. Eaton writes, and Israeli humanitarian codes "only the beginning of parole imum: it should be used only as a so well delineated in a splendid services. Most prisoners are re- last resort, when no other sanction book, "Prisons in Israel," by leased without parole supervi- is in any way likely to be instru- mental in attaining one of the Joseph W. Eaton, professor of sion." legitimate purposes of punish- socal work research and sociology Prof. Eaton offers this added ment." at the University of Pittsburgh, Justice Cohn states: "The depri- published by the University of comment: "Penal reformists in Israel as elsewhere are not in vation of a man's liberty necesss- Pittsburgh Press. favor of leniency as such, but arily implies the deprivation of Prof. Eaton's study combines they are in favor of a rational ap- his usual work, his family life, and research into penology as well as proach to the control of criminal all sorts of normal and legitimate prison procedures and attitudes deviants. When leniency is pro- amenities, of which to deprive a towards prisoners in Israel. It is posed, it is based on evidence or man is quite inconsistent with any supplemented by a scholarly pre- the assumption that lengthy im- notion of his dignity as a human face by Israel Supreme Court prisonment or other forms of pun- being; and, what is worse, it in- Justice Haim H. Cohn whose com- ishment do not deter others from flicts great hardship and suffer- ments add greatly to an under- committing the same crime. Nor ing on his spouse and children standing of Israel's attitudes and do they necessarily facilitate the and parents, who must of course reforms of the criminal . . ." be presumed to be quite innocent procedures. * * * of his misdeeds. I submit that the Reviewing the events which led Tracing the history of prisons only crime situation in which no to Israel's independence and the responsibilities that emerged with in that area, Prof. Eaton points alternatitve sanction is available national sovereignty in the as- out that prior to Israel's establish- or effective, and imprisonment sumption of a prison system that ment the prisoners were mainly therefore legitimate, is where the was left by the British, Prof. political and their acts were in public must by all means be pro- Eaton pays tribute to Israel's "at- many instances those of patriotism. tected from probably recurring titude of Rahmanuth" which he Israel, he explains, "is a country acts of violence." He maintains that "society views as being "reinforced by the in which within the memory of owes a duty even to those whom reformist orientation of both soc- living men resistance to many laws the previous mandatory (Brit- it must imprison for its protect- ialism and Zionism." He asserts: of "Socialism assumes that the ills of ish) and Turkish rulers was seen tion. The duty is to reduce the evil of imprisonment to a min- the lower classes (from which as patriotism. Law enforcement . imum. most criminals are derived) can be was systematically undermined." With the emergence of Israel A highly idealistic note is struck cured by sound economic measu- there began a study in penology. in Justice Cohn's concluding state- res. Zionism views Jewish state- hood not as an end, but as a "In 1956 a United Nations survey ment: "Israel stands just at the thres- means for the attainment of a of criminological services in Israel high moral order. Israel was not resulted in the establishment of hold of the storerooms she builds established only to serve the wel- the Intstitute of Criminology at for her strength and virtues, in Open 9:30 to 5:00 Daily fare of its citizens; it was estab- the Hebrew University in Jeru- coming generations to unfold lished also to bring about the phy- salem . . . Several criminological themselves. It is because of the in- have been made that have domitable will of a long-persecut- 72nd AUGUST MINK SALE sical and spiritual redemption of studies a bearing on critical prison man- ed people to be free masters of Jewish minority groups all over the problems. An undergrad- their own destiny, and to take at world, many of whom have lived agement In accordance with their tradition, the Dittrich's have uate training program in crimin- long last their legitimate place under duress for centuries." again REDUCED prices on EVERY fur. Dittrich ele- ology has been established at Bar- among the free nations of the * gance, Dittrich quality and Dittrich craftsmanship are earth, that Israel is determined to Emphasizing the humanitarian Ilan University near Tel Aviv." now at August Savings for the 72nd year. make a success of independence These efforts are reflected also idealism of Israel, Prof. Eaton re- and sovereignty; and her govern- in the convening of the Twelfth fers to Theodor Herzl's novel "Alt- From Course in Criminol- ment and people are ambitious and Neuland" ("Old-New Land") in International ogy organized in collaboration with idealistis enough not to fail the $ 325 Natural EMBA Autumn Haze Mink Stoles which the founder of the modern the International Society of Crim- tests of civilization, and not to 395 Natural EMBA Cerulean Mink Stoles _______ political Zionist movement ex- inology, at the Hebrew University tire in their efforts to make life pressed this hope and augury for in Jerusalem, in 1962, and the better and happier." 450 Natural Letout Ranch Mink Stoles the future: Prof. Eaton's "Prisons in Israel" 450 participants from 37 countries ad- Natural EMBA Autumn Haze Mink Capes "We can truly say that our opted a resolution "that the devel- is a work that commends itself not 495 Natural EMBA Tourmaline Mink Capes system makes men again of the oping countries adopt the system, only for study by penologists but 650 Natural EMBA Lutetia Mink Stoles scum of mankind." now operating successfully in by laymen interested in social re- ... 795 Natural EMBA Arcturus Mink Stoles . Evaluating Isarel's uniqueness, Israel, for the training of per- forms and just dealings among reviewing the humanitarian ap- sonnel working in community men. It is an invaluable analysis 950 Natural Letout Demi Buff Mink Stoles of Israel's humanitarian objec- proaches which influence the soc- centers." 1095 Natural EMBA Violet Azurene Mink Stoles ial approaches to criminals, the Thus, Israel is viewed as a lab- tives. P.S. 1250 ........ Natural Black Diamond Mink Stoles author of this very valuable study oratory "available for the exam- states that while Israel's legal ination of general policy ques- Moscow Announces 795 _ Natural EMBA Lutetia Mink Jackets ___ structure is traditional, "the sys- tions that remain unanswered." 1195 Natural EMBA Autumn Haze Mink Jackets Production of Film tem's spirit reflects the ethos of Israel's penal innovations are judg- 1395 Natural EMBA Cerulean Mink Jackets the new state." He offers inter- ed as evolving from "development on USSR Jewish Life 1695 Natural EMBA Morning Light Mink Jackets esting data to show the applica- patterns of all social momevents," MOSCOW (JTA) — An agree- tion of professional standards with emphasis on the Zionist ideol- ment was signed here between 2495 Natural Blue Diamond Mink Jackets "within the framework of a sci- ogy of social idealism. Orient-Film, an Israeli film com- 1495 Natural EMBA Autumn Haze Mink Coats * * * entific ideology." pany, and the film unit of the 2150 Full Length Letout Mink Coats (5 colors) declares, "Rationality," he Prof. Eaton's study is replete Soviet Novosti News Agency for 2495 "rather than revenge is the prin- with analyses of various aspects the joint production of a film de- Natural EMBA Lutetia Mink Coats cipal method for weighing alter• of penology and prison reforms. picting the life of the Soviet Jews. 2650 Natural EMBA Cerulean Mink Coats nate prison policies. These Israel's experiences in the past 15 Work on the film, which is des- 3995 Natural Blue Diamond Mink Coats changes in emphasis are reflect- years, the Damoun prison break cribed as a "documentary," is ex- ed in the abolition of the death of April 1962, the leniency of pected to begin next February. A PRICES INCLUDE ALL TAXES penalty, except for genocide and judges, the furloughs for prisoners secretary at the Israel Embassy treason, and the abolition of that proved so workable, are was present during the signing of All Items Subject to Previous Sate among the many aspects that en- the agreement between the two flogging." He also indicates that "many rich this study. film groups. The wisdom of Israel's actions policy makers are conservatitve in A monument has been erected their advocacy of costly reform" is reflected, as Prof. Eaton points by the City Council of Pinsk for out in its penologists' comprehen- because they would require bud- the Jewish martyrs of that city, it getary increases, and he adds: sion "that prisons are a palliative, was reported here today. The "Most of their energy is expended not a cure for the control of crim- monument was dedicated on the in keeping the system stable and inals." occasion of the 20th anniversary The statistics offered add to an of the liberation of Byelorussia. It capable of housing its inmates under conditions least likely to understanding of the issue. The was also reported from Minsk that explanations of the rise in crimes the City Council there named a give rise to notoriety." * * * since the influx of new types of street for a Jewish hero of the WO 1-9100 2341 Grand River at Vernor Correctional efforts motivate immigrants from Afro-Asian lands Soviet Union named Moshkowski Customer Parking Lot Adjoining the high social aspirations of the assist in an understanding of the who fell in action in 1939. professionals who are engaged in subject as evaluated by the author Dependability by the Dittrich family since 1893 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS emphasizing t h e humanitarian of this book. Friday, August 14, 1964 31 ...Fur products Labeled to Show Country of Origin of Imported Furs Supreme Court Justice Cohn's ideals. The trends, he explains, SID SIEGEL LI 74770 DI 1-6990