Senator Barry GOdwaler's Identification as Half- Jewish Protested by Anti-Israel Judaism Council NEW YORK (JTA)—The anti-Israel American Council for Judaism has pro- tested to Rep. William Miller, the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate, about a recent statement in which he called Sen. Barry Goldwater "half-Jewish." Miller made the statement last week when remarking about the anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish bias of the Ku Klux Klan. He pointed out that he was not "interested Educational in the posture of the KKK as he is wholly Catholic and Sen. Goldwater is half-Jewish." The Council contended that "Jew carries a religious connotation in the public law and social patterns of American life." It pointed out that "while it is quite true that one of Sen. Goldwater's parents was of Jewish faith, the Senator elected the Christian faith. The integrity of that election should not be questioned." NEWS Approaches: Major Item on Agenda for 5725 A Weekly Review Editorial Page 4 of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle XLV, No. 25 Printed in a 100% Union Shop End of an Era of Yiddish Culture Tribute to Rufus Learsi Nasser and His Hitler Methods Commentary Page 2 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit 48235—VE 8-9364 August 14, 1964—$6.00 Per Year; Single Copy 20c Nasser Believed to Be 'Playing Off' Peiping Against Moscow by Providing N. Viet Nam with Tor edo Boats Arab Influence Delays Action by Senate Body on Ribicoff's Resolution on USSR Prejudices 2 (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) WASHINGTON (JTA)—The possibility was considered here that the North Viet Nam torpedo boats which attacked the American destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin were supplied by Egypt. It has been definitely established that Egypt sold Russian military equipment—including Soviet torpe do boats — to Red China after Moscow ceased slipping arms to the Peiping regime because of ideological differences. Infomation received in Washington indicated that Egypt recently obtained newer types of naval craft such as the Soviet-built motor torpedo boats, including the WASHINGTON (JTA) — An attempt to water down the Ribicoff missile-firing "Komar" boats and has a surplus of motor torpedo boats previously resolution condemning anti-Semitism by broadening it to include dis- received from the Soviet Union. At the same time it is known here that the Egyptian crimination against Moslems and Christians was made in testimony by government, friendly to both Red China and N o r t h Viet Nam, has sold various a pro-Arab group before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and categories of surplus Soviet arms in the Far East. appeared to be well received by the acting chairman, Sen. Bourke B. One of the opinions prevailing here "playing off" Peiping against Moscow, to Hickenlooper, Iowa Republican. is that President Nasser of Egypt is now extract maximum advantage from both, As hearings opened Monday on the Ribicoff measure, it was learned just as he has successfully played off the East against the West. Leading Red Chinese from well-informed Senate sources that the State Department has voiced reservations to committee members and Chairman J. W. Fulbright on military authorities have been state guests in Cairo. Nasser recognized North Viet the wisdom of the Ribicoff resolution. The committee adjourned, after Nam, backed the Viet Cong forces as "freedom fighter's," and lauded Ho Chi Minh. hearing testimony, because of the ab- Although Egypt needs arms for sence of a quorum. No final action was its continuing military intervention Encyclical of Pope Paul 'VI Invites Jewish taken. in Yemen, it is nevertheless known Senator Hickenlooper, ranking Re- that Nasser has not only resold sur- Participation in Common Ideals Dialogue publican who acted as chairman when plus Soviet weapons but that he Sen. Fulbright had to leave the meeting, ROME (JTA)—Pope Paul VI invited the "Jewish people, faithful to the also sells weapons of his own manu- voiced reservations about the limited religion which we call that of the Old Testament," to join the Catholic Church- in facture, made with the help of Ger- scope of the resolution pertaining only discussing "common ideals." to Jews. He said that Christians and man technicians now working in In the first encyclical he has issued since he ascended to the Pontificate 13 Moslems were also "badly treated" in Egypt on military establishments. months ago, Pope Paul extended a similar invitation to Moslems the USSR. The resolution, he felt, should Among arms sold by Egypt, have and to "followers of the great Afro-Asian religions." But he made be broadened to include other victimized been military aircraft, torpedo a point of highlighting his appeal for "promoting and defending groups as well as the Jews. boats, tanks, mortars and rifles. common ideals" as directed to the Jews. Senator Kenneth B. Keating, New Since Cairo desired to keep se- Addressing the bishops of the Catholic Church, to whom the York Republican, who was giving testi- cret its arms manipulations with encyclical was directed primarily, the Pope stated: "I think that, mony favoring the Ribicoff resolution by opening our heart to you (the bishops), we are opening it not countries out of favor with Mos- when Sen. Hickenlooper made his com- only to all the faithful of the Church of God but, especially, to cow, like Red China, it is consid- ments, said he had no objection to those whom our voice can reach beyond the limits of the flock including other religions. But he pointed ered here possible that neither of Christ." He underscored the need to discuss relations between out that "most recently, persecution in American nor Soviet intelligence the Catholic Church and the non-Christian religions in the fourth the Soviet Union has turned mainly evaluated the extent of the clandes- and last chapter of the 15,000-word document. Here he noted that, against the Jews" while there was some tine sales and shipments. Torpedo around the Catholic Church, there is a circle, vast in extent, yet not Pope Paul relaxation of pressures on others. Sen. boats, moving under their own far away from the Catholics. Keating mentioned the ban on matzoh power, could be accompanied by This circle, he stated, "is made up of the men who above all adore the One baking and other evidence of "concen- a refuelling ship and easily move Supreme God Whom we too adore. We refer to the children, worthy of our tration" on Jews. from Suez to the Far East. affectionate respect, of the Jewish people, faithful to the religion which we call Garland Evans Hopkins, testifying for Continued on Page 10 Continued on Page 12 Continued on Page 13 Failure of American Jewish Leaders to Encourage Youth to Settle in Israel Is Rebuked by Golda Meir (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Minister, chided American Jewish leaders Monday night for propagating among the Jewish youth the idea that American Jews will not emigrate to Israel. "By preaching that American Jews will not come," she said, addressing the annual America-Israel "Dialogue" conducted here by the American Jewish Congress, "you are educating the young generation to believe it." More than 700 persons attended the opening meeting of the "Dialogue," held in the Hebrew University audi- torium. In her principal address, Mrs. Meir referred to a statement made previously by Dr. Joachim Prinz, presi- dent of the Congress, who had reiterated his opinion that there would be little emigration from the United States to Israel. "One of the greatest tragedies of present Jewish life," she said, "is that Israel has failed to attract any considerable number of Jews from the free world." Noting that Dr. Prinz had said "we must face reality that there will be no transfer of American Jewry to Israel," the Foreign Minister said she realized that American Jews were not coming here in masses, but she affirmed she could not understand "the instinctive recoil whenever aliyah is mentioned." "When you tell me of Jewish education in America," she told Dr. Prinz, "I always ask how many months does Jewish education continue after the Bar Mitzvah." Dr. Prinz told Mrs. Meir that her words "left me in a state of depression because I fully agree with criticism regarding American Jewry. It is the greatest tragedy in my life that I did not come to Israel" (instead of to the U.S.). But taking the floor again, Mrs. Meir declared: "I cannot accept this surrender. Zionism was born as a revolt against reality." She also took exception to another statement made by Dr. Prinz, who had juxtaposed the state of religious Rift Over Religious Policies in Israel Develops at 'Dialogue' . .. Suplementary Story on Page 3 affairs in Israel with the Jewish religious "harmony" existing in the United States. "Would the Lubavitcher Rebbe," she asked Dr. Prinz, "recognize a marriage not performed by a rabbi?" Dr. Prinz, in his address opening the four-day "Dia- logue," warned Israel's religious authorities that they cannot disregard the variety of Jewish religious life that has developed outside Israel. He cautioned that the idea of immigration to Israel would be "meaningless, unless the teachings of the rabbis outside Israel" were respected. "Since aliyah also means the transfer of families in a Jewish context," he said, "the authenticity of their Jewish way of life must be accepted." Dr. Prinz, who is a rabbi in Newark, N.J., stressed the "mutual recognition and respect" accorded one another by the American orthodox, conservative and reform branches of Judaism. "Even the most orthodox circles in the United States," he declared, "understand now that ritual observ- ance alone cannot define Judaism."